How do you build your Reaper alt without killing people? It takes me forever to get his ult.
Well most of the time you're not fighting at your range so you aren't getting any ult charge or any kills. Thats why he sucks atm.
How do you build your Reaper alt without killing people? It takes me forever to get his ult.
Soloq is always bad. Had a good defense on hanamura point a, but of course our team chooses a garbage comp for our attack and we can't get 30%.
I think it was genji, zen, widow, Rein, Zarya so I went Lucio and did nothing. The defense wasn't even cheese, as straightforward as possible we just constantly did nothing.
Anyone want to play HoTS for the Overwatch items? I don't have any friends that have any interest in playing HoTS. :|
Soloq is always bad. Had a good defense on hanamura point a, but of course our team chooses a garbage comp for our attack and we can't get 30%.
I think it was genji, zen, widow, Rein, Zarya so I went Lucio and did nothing. The defense wasn't even cheese, as straightforward as possible we just constantly did nothing.
Overwatch must be destroyed.i'm down to 2279 so if we group up i can drag the opposing team SR down to the depths![]()
Anyone want to play HoTS for the Overwatch items? I don't have any friends that have any interest in playing HoTS. :|
Soloq is always bad. Had a good defense on hanamura point a, but of course our team chooses a garbage comp for our attack and we can't get 30%.
I think it was genji, zen, widow, Rein, Zarya so I went Lucio and did nothing. The defense wasn't even cheese, as straightforward as possible we just constantly did nothing.
Anyone want to play HoTS for the Overwatch items? I don't have any friends that have any interest in playing HoTS. :|
Winston with 100/100 sensitivity and 0 smoothing on ps4
Overwatch must be destroyed.
Yeah I've been playing Roadhog a lot for months and while the versatility with his accuracy buff is nice, the hook distance change and increased cooldown reduced his bullshit factor significantly. He's a much easier ult feeder for a lot of characters now.Quick play...every game.....5 dps and 1 healer. Everytime. Platinum messages me saying Roadhog is OP....yes, running out with 6 squishes without a tank makes him so OP. God I love it.
Yeah, like I said though I should probably turn smoothing up a bit because it is a bit silly how it is now, but overall Winston definitely needs to have high sens at least, low smoothing works out well with him too though because it makes it easier to control leaps. That's why I wanted to mess around with D.Va too but I'm too shitty of an aimer to turn her sens up too much or her smoothing down too low. Maybe lowish sensitivity and low smoothing for her so I can get precision aim through small adjustments but then be able to do large turns quickly? idk I'll have to ask/mess around with it.DO you do this JUST for winston? He's probably my best character if I had to pick one but I haven't messed around with the new smoothing options yet, not really sure where to start
There was no competence, like my next game where we again only needed one tic of Hollywood point a but they went dive comp, Sombra, tracer, Winston, Lucio, genji.Honestly, that comp is not the problem. Not really great, but certainly workable if the Widow has some competence.
People who say roadhog is OP are most likely lower ranks where communication is ass.
You can add me, i hate HOTS but what can we do.
Sure, add me anytime.
Soloq is always bad. Had a good defense on hanamura point a, but of course our team chooses a garbage comp for our attack and we can't get 30%.
I think it was genji, zen, widow, Rein, Zarya so I went Lucio and did nothing. The defense wasn't even cheese, as straightforward as possible we just constantly did nothing.
Sometimes I want to see the world as it is.Why are you doing solo Q? We warned you.
Sometimes I want to see the world as it is.
Soloq is always bad. Had a good defense on hanamura point a, but of course our team chooses a garbage comp for our attack and we can't get 30%.
I think it was genji, zen, widow, Rein, Zarya so I went Lucio and did nothing. The defense wasn't even cheese, as straightforward as possible we just constantly did nothing.
It isn't horrible, but it isn't interesting either. It actually inspired me to try DotA2.Played 5 games of HotS in order to get the Genji skin.
Honestly, not as bad of an experience as I was expecting. Bonus points for my 2013 MacBook Air being able to handle it.
LUL xQc!
Is there a way to avoid getting kicked for inactivity in the practice range when I'm in the menu's?
Thanks, that's pretty annoying.Just need to quickly go back and move. It's stupid how short the timer is.
Is there a way to avoid getting kicked for inactivity in the practice range when I'm in the menu's?
So the event ends on May 1st, so I have 2 more days to play for some skins.. but I might just say screw it and use the $15 I have on PSN and add $5 and buy some boxes. I did not get any good skins. Just 3 legendary Tjorb skins.
I just want Genji...and Mercy..and McCree...and Tracer..and Mercy.
I also have 6k of coins to buy stuff.
I only had a legendary torb skin too, bought 13 boxes and got jackshit
got blackwatch mccree today though from leveling
weird question but does anyone else on console rest their pointer fingers on the triggers and keep their middle fingers off completely? I realized a few weeks ago other people kept their middle fingers on the triggers and their index fingers on the shoulder buttons and that's probably easier in general, but especially in OW when playing Genji (at least with my button setup). My only issue is I've been playing since the late PS1 era and I guess have apparently always held my controllers like that because it's more comfortable for me, idk how to unlearn that or if I should even bother.
I was kind of shutting down their team but they didn't have a healer. i think is mad about the time ulted and he was the only one on point (i thought there were more people)Him: When you realize Bastion heals more than the damage for genji ult
Me: yeah its dumb
Him: broken characters for noob people
Me: lol okay
Him: pussy
Me: why were chasing me with the ult tho
lmao got my first hate mail today. Cant screenshot it but it basically went like this:
I was kind of shutting down their team but they didn't have a healer. i think is mad about the time ulted and he was the only one on point (i thought there were more people)
Do you need to play Heroes of the Storm with friends? Where is a good place to find people to play with for the Genji skin.