yea lemme just hop into those cancerously bad arcade modes to play heroes i probably have 0 playtime on. sounds fun to me.
LOL that is actually happening in quick play. I remember someone even telling me that he was playing Ana for her gold gun. A lot of people in quick play don't care about theirs or the other team's comp; they just pick and run to the choke point to die. I am trying to be good with multiple characters, but it is hard to pick them when I run into teams where no one wants to play tank or healer.
No really. Do you want me to have competitive matches with characters that I haven't had much experience in competitive situations against proper teams? A lot of stuff in QP solo queue don't apply in comp; aim, tricks, combos and similar mechanical stuff can be learned in practice range and custom games easily.
I had to adjust some bad solo play habits when I started having serious competitive matches. I can't just try to be competent with a character without taking full advantage of a proper team that has people who don't die instantly and healers who heal EVERYONE--if there were healers to begin with.
What I am trying to say is, I am against the idea of making quick play a pick any hero and play regardless of team kind of mode. There should be at least some level of competence there. I personally find it boring to pick random heroes, or my favorite ones and just run mindlessly without switching and adjusting--it doesn't have to be serious and stressful like competitive.
I just had a guy who played Widow for 80%+ of his playtime, and he doesn't play tanks or support. How can someone like that have fun? I know people have different tastes, fetishes and weird boners, but that is some boring shit honestly. I just find some user profiles to have hilarious stats.
useless as a solo tank; needs to be in support of winston or reinhardt
good peel for your supports since DM is a powerful ability
avoid frontlining big teamfights since your bulk works against you, separate fights into several smaller skirmishes to take better advantage of your mobility and harass to pick off healers.
Yeah DM is very strong. I find some dive characters kinda hard to be effective with because of the timing. It works with aggressive teams, but not poke at the choke meta. I just had a game with Winston where I had good positioning and instigating attempts. I had to tell the time to push with me after I jump in; it took a couple of tries but it worked in solo queue QP (nice people really). I still need to play dive heroes more and learn from high level footage; timing and positioning isn't easy to get for me yet.