But not "mad easy" though.
Comparatively? Yeah she is.
That does not say anything at all about the people who play her or their personal level of skill.
But not "mad easy" though.
But not "mad easy" though.
Cat hero MUST happen.
Btw: You were right so far, the Mercy win streak is real!
I respect your opinion, but I disagree, things like survivability and rezz timing aren't as easy as you think it is, skills like knowing when to run, when to hide and how many people you need to rezz and how to prioritize heal and damage buff aren't as "mad easy" as you think it is. She is not as hard as someone like Ana or Zen, I'll give you that.
Gosh I dunno, as someone who plays them both a lot I think Zen is quite a bit easier to play than Mercy. His range is such that he rarely has to put himself in danger to heal, deciding when to use his ult is much simpler, and he outputs enough damage to comfortably deal with most 1v1 flanking situations. And the hitbox on his orbs is enormous, so needing to aim doesn't really make him appreciably more difficult.
I don't think Mercy is wildly difficult to play or anything, just not dramatically easier than the rest of the cast? I see more terrible Mercy players out there than just about any other member of the cast besides D.Va, which I feel wouldn't happen if she was much simpler to play than the zillions of decent Roadhogs and Pharahs littering every game.
YupAre you guys having a lot of success with Mercy this season? I saw on the last page someone had a 70% win rate with her and so do I. I think she is really good in the current comp meta because players aren't good enough at killing her early in fights before she racks up high levels of healing and gets rez;s off. I'm curious if everyone is having pretty high levels of success with her.
We've had a few takes to the poll only about 6 people have said which days are best for them to play. Keep an open mind for days tho so we can get this to happen. Once we get enough votes for a day I'll start putting together a possible roster of players and we can have GAF vs GAF on PS4!
The poll is below.
When you reach double digits with 'Enemies Slept' stat.
Sooooo good.
I just want to get back to plat. At this rate I'll be down to bronze
All I can do is farm point for a gold weapon I guess lmao
I voted Sunday earlier - it's the day I'd be able to make most reliably. More iffy on other days.
Cool cool. The weekend seems to be winning so far! Some more people dropped in to vote after I posted so hopefully we get this thing going!
In other news I had an awesome match earlier with some randoms that I decided to group up with. In our first game I thought we were just going to lose so badly... but we pulled a point out of our asses in the last seconds in the first round.
We went on to win. Check the vid! Sorry for the Japanese pop like music... kind of obsessed with this song right now. Also shows off some of spectacular Mercy play.
Also first time I got this too. Pretty stoke about it... all from randoms!
Even the opposite team paid respect haha.
Also first time I got this too. Pretty stoke about it... all from randoms!
Even the opposite team paid respect haha.
First of all, awesome Mercy work. Makes me feel better about all those times I pull my pistol and my team is surely thinking "why isn't she just blue beaming?"
Second, never apologize for the music you love. I think this is my best uncut gameplay matched to music:
I need to kill the Reinhardt protecting the Bastion to kill the Bastion protecting the Mercy to kill the Mercy and crack this Numbani defense that had been holding us off hard.
It starts off boring, I agree - but I like to think it builds tension. Then Bastion moves to the point, Rein and I are alone, and we can start to really dance.
Oh shits.
Is everyone on PS4 GAF masters yet?
i think Jam is the only one?
Have you all broke diamond yet? Not having internet is really lame, out of the loop.
I don't understand people that spend time in this game to intentionally throw
So frustrating. Look at me telling the soldier what to do above. This is usually the kind of randoms I get.
Ouch, just stick with LiK, or any of the numerous DPSes of PS4 GAF?
Have you been just SQing?
So frustrating. Look at me telling the soldier what to do above. This is usually the kind of randoms I get.
At least he's trying to listen to you mate. Could be far, far worse. Looks to me like he just panicked a bit; happens to the best of us.
Check out Newton's portrait
Is that the last level group? I know it's the level portraits they had in the Apex gamesCheck out Newton's portrait