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Overwatch - Review Thread





No, using words like


is an attack.

No, the first one is a joke and the second one is an observation contained within an entire paragraph explaining why it is the case. We get it, you think 'fanboys' will 'attack' anyone that doesn't like the game, but perhaps the reality is people will point out flawed arguments when they are presented, and nobody actually cares if you like or don't like the game. It's fine if you don't like it, really, but when you come and post provably ridiculous reasons to try and justify to other people why they shouldn't like it either, you're going to get push back.
The beta really surprised me. But as fun as it was, I do wonder with only a few objective based modes how long the fun will last. Will they be adding more modes later on? Or no plans for that yet? I for one would definitely not mind team DM to mix it up a bit when you just are not in the mood for objectives and simply want to blast folks.
Ars Technica has another review-in-progress with great impressions:

In a single word, "friendly" just about sums up the Overwatch experience in its early days. In the wide array of characters, the smooth sense of progression within each map and easy-to-grasp abilities, Blizzard seems poised to tap into yet another audience—curious but too intimidated by the sheer weight of established brands elsewhere in a popular genre.


Comics, serious business!
I'm disappointed in myself for not playing the beta. Will have to jump in on this sometime soon

I didn't play the beta. You have no worries. My second game I won player of the match with Reinhardt (PC here). I've only had one lopsided game where it was clear the other team was full of beta players because they were using advanced tactics with below the radar characters + map knowledge.


Is this the first tima a game beat Ocarina of Time in Metacritic? ( i know the final vote won't be this, but even if is temporaney i'm curius). :p
Amazing to see such a content-starved game get great reviews.
Hopefully most publishers will follow suit and go with the "less is more" approach.


inb4 petition to remove CG Magazine review.

The game is doing better than i thought it would. was expecting a lot of 8s and 9s and maybe a couple 5/5s

its a really fun game.
Jesus. I barely touched the beta, but now these scores are making me think I need to give this game a try, even though I never really get into these sorts of games.
The beta really surprised me. But as fun as it was, I do wonder with only a few objective based modes how long the fun will last. Will they be adding more modes later on? Or no plans for that yet? I for one would definitely not mind team DM to mix it up a bit when you just are not in the mood for objectives and simply want to blast folks.

I'm pretty sure that was already confirmed.


Scores seem alittle high and came out pretty quickly but I assume most Reviewers played the closed and open Beta.


Is this the first tima a game beat Ocarina of Time in Metacritic? ( i know the final vote won't be this, but even if is temporaney i'm curius). :p

i think GTA5 beat it for all of 30s before a few 9s

maybe undertale

but yeah, games don't really hold it like this, but then again, reviews are dripping in so this is artificial at best.


Decent game. 8/10.

Scores are so useless.

And no, I don't mind it. He could've given it a 5/10 and I'd be whatever.


Amazing to see such a content-starved game get great reviews.
Hopefully most publishers will follow suit and go with the "less is more" approach.

If they support it for ages afterwards for free? Sure, why the fuck not?

Splatoon is amazing and it took the same approach. Give me the game when it is ready to play, and continue giving me more stuff without charging down the line!


It really is damn good. As a big fan of WoW, I was somewhat depressed for a while after the initial announcement that this was no longer The Next Great MMO from Blizzard, but after playing this a bunch I think it's a great game in its own right.
CGMagazine - 8/10
I mostly enjoyed my time with Overwatch as it is very easy to pick up and play. The characters are diverse and just as colourful as the levels where battles take place. As a free-to-play title, I’d have no problems with the grinding and micro-transactions, but these mechanics in a feature-lite, full priced title, mar the overall experience for me. Maybe you’re okay with that, but I’m not. No matter how many games do it, I’ll never be okay with it.

In case you’re wondering, I think Battleborn is a better game, even though comparing the two is like comparing chess to checkers, sure they might look similar but they play quite differently.


May be the wrong place, so I apologize ahead of time, but what is the difference between opencritic and metacritic? Can anyone make a review on open?

OpenCritic: no hidden weightings, credits the authors, games-focused, data visualizations, publishes embargo times, English-only (for now), very new.

Not yet. Requirements to be a publication are on the FAQ.


Calling now that this will be one of the most overrated games ever :p

Titanfall had an 86 average review score. Overwatch will score higher for its IP and accessibility ("my first competitive shooter"). But it'll falter for the same reasons as Titanfall: insufficient depth in gameplay and progression/customization. Once the honeymoon phase wanes, I think you'll find that the games start to become repetitive and same-y. The lack of game modes really drives this feeling home: if you've played any competitive shooter, the lack of variety will get you very quickly.

Team Fortress 2 is another great comparison point. What is the killer Overwatch innovation that's going to cause it to be 10x the size of TF2? So far, seems very similar with some incremental improvements and some losses, but nothing revolutionary. Though I agree with the claim that Blizzard could add content to get it to that level. But then again... TF2 is also free to play. Overwatch is (strangely) a $40+ boxed product.

Congratz to Blizzard either way though. So happy to see a new and well-executed IP. The "best game ever" sentiment may be unwarranted but it's a great foundation for the future of the IP.

TF2 is on consoles?


TF2 is on consoles?

It was on last gen. with no support though, and not F2P because of it.

Also "TF2 is F2P" is not a plus, TF2 has an impossible amount of things to earn that are not remotely cosmetic for a new player. That's a direct result of it going F2P, prior to it going F2P it had a pretty fair unlock system with very few things to earn. But...back then it wasn't Free either.


I don't think I've seen this opinion from anyone yet:


In case you’re wondering, I think Battleborn is a better game, even though comparing the two is like comparing chess to checkers, sure they might look similar but they play quite differently.

Wish I could play Battleborn as a trial to see how it compares to Overwatch. Giant Bomb folks were very critical of Battleborn (including nearly everyone else I've read) and I didn't give it a chance due to already playing so many games.
It's fine if some reviewers feel this way, but I don't really understand the complaints about grinding for cosmetics. You're not grinding, you're just playing the game normally.


It's fine if some reviewers feel this way, but I don't really understand the complaints about grinding for cosmetics. You're not grinding, you're just playing the game normally.

Exactly, I have no idea how people look at this as "grinding".

Are people here for the skins or the actual game itself?


I don't think I've seen this opinion from anyone yet:


Wish I could play Battleborn as a trial to see how it compares to Overwatch. Giant Bomb folks were very critical of Battleborn (including nearly everyone else I've read).

Should've played the beta! :( The Chess to Checker comment is fucking ridiculous though.

Battleborn is a game that really SHOULD be good. Like, the concept is not bad. The execution is what sucks.
I am disgusted.

Even bought a strange professional kill streak version to drive the trolling home. Of course now it's splash damage was nerfed, so I've renamed it to Useless P.o.S. And some description about valve just sticking to plagiarizing Blizzard.

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