i recently tried rewatching the godfather, but after such highs of the last of us, the film was such a colossal let down.
How was I supposed to feel about the giant robots, man? How was I supposed to feel at all? I can't feel without QTEs, artificial tragedy, gut-wrenching contrivances, and SERIOUS APOCALYPTIC MAGNITUDE OF SERIOUS SERIOUSNESS. Sure, The Last of Us was no less ridiculous than Pacific Rim, but tragedy is FOR ADULTS and action/adventure is for fucking children. You should be ashamed of yourself if you felt any enjoyment at something so juvenile.
0/10, shit movie, would not watch again, would not compare to Citizen Kane.
i recently tried rewatching the godfather, but after such highs of the last of us, the film was such a colossal let down.
Great Scifi movies build a base in some type of reality that gets the audience to suspend belief and start believing or understanding the rules at play in that world. Not only does Pacific Rim gloss over that opportunity, but then introduces a very complex concept of connecting two brains as one to control a mech or to see the future through a Kaiju, yet doesn't even begin to explain how it works or what setbacks can come from such a setup. Therefore it is just there, and when something goes wrong or a plot point is introduced involving drifting, it holds little emotional weight with audience members and makes little sense. On top of a concept that is barely explained being a central part of the plot,the character development and plot are all over the place. Elba won't let Mako be a pilot because of her desire for "revenge" yet he hand-picked the lead character even though that character watched the Kaiju pull his brother out and eat him. A nuclear bomb has always bounced off the rift, yet they think a mech can somehow enter the rift by itself? How the hell would a newly born monster baby provide information on how the Kaiju enter and leave the rift? Lead character can safely enter a memory and talk to Mako yet Mako can't? How the fuck that mech landed safely is beyond me. And I still have no idea what was the great plan that was going to replace the Jäger movement to fight the Kaiju.
I don't know, maybe the story-related scenes were just so boring that I tuned out and that's what made plot "advances" so hard to follow.. but damn I would like it if some type of logical thinking to go into the plot (even if it is a movie about mechs beat Kaiju up).
Great Scifi movies build a base in some type of reality that gets the audience to suspend belief and start believing or understanding the rules at play in that world. Not only does Pacific Rim gloss over that opportunity, but then introduces a very complex concept of connecting two brains as one to control a mech or to see the future through a Kaiju, yet doesn't even begin to explain how it works or what setbacks can come from such a setup. Therefore it is just there, and when something goes wrong or a plot point is introduced involving drifting, it holds little emotional weight with audience members and makes little sense. On top of a concept that is barely explained being a central part of the plot,the character development and plot are all over the place. Elba won't let Mako be a pilot because of her desire for "revenge" yet he hand-picked the lead character even though that character watched the Kaiju pull his brother out and eat him. A nuclear bomb has always bounced off the rift, yet they think a mech can somehow enter the rift by itself? How the hell would a newly born monster baby provide information on how the Kaiju enter and leave the rift? Lead character can safely enter a memory and talk to Mako yet Mako can't? How the fuck that mech landed safely is beyond me. And I still have no idea what was the great plan that was going to replace the Jäger movement to fight the Kaiju.
I don't know, maybe the story-related scenes were just so boring that I tuned out and that's what made plot "advances" so hard to follow.. but damn I would like it if some type of logical thinking wentinto the plot (even if it is a movie about mechs beating Kaiju up).
Haha, that's interesting. Maybe it's because I have been playing the masterpiece that is The Last of Us for a few weeks now and am still riding the high of the incredible voice acting/story/script, but I just couldn't stand what I was watching. It was painful, especially because it crossed that border into being so stupid that it wasn't even funny.
I'll most likely end up seeing it again with a bit more rest and a better mindset, and will hopefully enjoy at least the ending action sequences everybody seems to be hyping up.
Sounds like it to me, I felt everything was explained pretty clearly.I don't know, maybe the story-related scenes were just so boring that I tuned out
How was I supposed to feel about the giant robots, man? How was I supposed to feel at all? I can't feel without QTEs, artificial tragedy, gut-wrenching contrivances, and SERIOUS APOCALYPTIC MAGNITUDE OF SERIOUS SERIOUSNESS. Sure, The Last of Us was no less ridiculous than Pacific Rim, but tragedy is FOR ADULTS and action/adventure is for fucking children. You should be ashamed of yourself if you felt any enjoyment at something so juvenile.
0/10, shit movie, would not watch again, would not compare to Citizen Kane.
i recently tried rewatching the godfather, but after such highs of the last of us, the film was such a colossal let down.
Great Scifi movies build a base in some type of reality that gets the audience to suspend belief and start believing or understanding the rules at play in that world. Not only does Pacific Rim gloss over that opportunity, but then introduces a very complex concept of connecting two brains as one to control a mech or to see the future through a Kaiju, yet doesn't even begin to explain how it works or what setbacks can come from such a setup. Therefore it is just there, and when something goes wrong or a plot point is introduced involving drifting, it holds little emotional weight with audience members and makes little sense. On top of a concept that is barely explained being a central part of the plot,the character development and plot are all over the place. Elba won't let Mako be a pilot because of her desire for "revenge" yet he hand-picked the lead character even though that character watched the Kaiju pull his brother out and eat him. A nuclear bomb has always bounced off the rift, yet they think a mech can somehow enter the rift by itself? How the hell would a newly born monster baby provide information on how the Kaiju enter and leave the rift? Lead character can safely enter a memory and talk to Mako yet Mako can't? How the fuck that mech landed safely is beyond me. And I still have no idea what was the great plan that was going to replace the Jäger movement to fight the Kaiju.
I don't know, maybe the story-related scenes were just so boring that I tuned out and that's what made plot "advances" so hard to follow.. but damn I would like it if some type of logical thinking wentinto the plot (even if it is a movie about mechs beating Kaiju up).
It's a simple concept that's also one of the key concepts of the setting. It's like the Force from Star Wars. We just get told what the Force does in a very simple way and see more of it as the trilogy progresses. Explaining it more in-depth is unnecessary, halts the pacing, and any explanation for the mechanics would just be scientific bullshit. The drift system is similar; we get told its basics and we then see more of its flaws and quirks as the film progresses. Much like Luke doesn't need to be told "It strangles people, influences their actions, pushes things, pulls things, senses the deaths of people, etc. etc.", we don't need to all the issues with the drift system at the beginning of the movie.Great Scifi movies build a base in some type of reality that gets the audience to suspend belief and start believing or understanding the rules at play in that world. Not only does Pacific Rim gloss over that opportunity, but then introduces a very complex concept of connecting two brains as one to control a mech or to see the future through a Kaiju, yet doesn't even begin to explain how it works or what setbacks can come from such a setup.
the character development and plot are all over the place. Elba won't let Mako be a pilot because of her desire for "revenge" yet he hand-picked the lead character even though that character watched the Kaiju pull his brother out and eat him.
From what I can tell,A nuclear bomb has always bounced off the rift, yet they think a mech can somehow enter the rift by itself?
They haveHow the hell would a newly born monster baby provide information on how the Kaiju enter and leave the rift?
Lead character can safely enter a memory and talk to Mako yet Mako can't?
Rule of cool+very good engineering.How the fuck that mech landed safely is beyond me.
As far as I can tell, conventional weapons supplanted by a really big wall.And I still have no idea what was the great plan that was going to replace the Jäger movement to fight the Kaiju.
I strongly disagree. Pacific Rim is very hard follow. Just because the movie was mostly shit blowing up doesn't change the fact that it throws a ton of complex ideas at you with very little explanation.
Weird casting with the Aussie pilot looking exactly like the main character.
i recently tried rewatching the godfather, but after such highs of the last of us, the film was such a colossal let down.
It is quite possible (even probable) I've overlooked posts from others, but you are quite literally the first and only person I've heard describe Pacific Rim's plot and structure, of all things, as "very hard to follow" and loaded with "complex ideas". Moreso, responses I've been exposed to have stated the exact opposite: the film is extremely simple, cohesive, and easy to follow.
Simple in plot development and structure, yes.
They just happen to gloss over the complex ideas presented within the movie in the first five minutes and then expect to audience member to somehow make a logical connection of everything going on by making their own ideas of how it all works.
Example: Government shuts down Jäger movement, starts other unknown plan to stop Kaiju, yet somehow Jäger gets nuke 6 months later and is dropping it in the rift. I know they said 8 month of funding, but that was specifically for defense in Tokyo, not an attack on on the rift.
No logical route from point A to point B. That is hard to follow if you actually give a damn to figure out how those chain of events happened. But I think that's the problem, not many other people give a damn, they just watched for the fights (correctly I might add) lol.
fuck yes. This guy gets itIt's okay for people to not like the film, but the complaints I'm hearing just don't compute. I don't think some people realized what this was going to be, a fucking Kaiju movie. I love Kaiju movies, but plot, character development, dialogue, these are generally shit in most of the Kaiju movies I've seen lol. I loved Godzilla growing up and that's the kinda feels I got from this film, just goofy stupid fun. Hopefully Godzilla 2014 will give me the gritty dark Kaiju film I've been craving though, more along the lines of Gojira or Godzilla 1984, but Pacific Rim? Reeked of Showa era Godzilla and I fucking adored it.
Edit: Lol, didn't even realize this was a "haters gon hate gif", that just makes it perfect!
So should I see this in 3D or not?
I'm only asking because I never go see movies in 3D, I feel like it's just a waste. But I'm willing if the movie is right. This looks like the kind of movie to see in 3D.
Uh,Like a character literally asks the question you ask in your spoiler tag.they say outright that the Russians can get them anything they want.
Im aware of thatbut the government doesn't try to stop them? The nation has banded together to fight against the Kaiju, yet this huge movement by the Jäger using a nuke (a program that the nation's government recently stopped) is just going to sit by and twiddle their thumbs while this is going on?
Im aware of that but the government doesn't try to stop them?
Holy fucking shit, Guillermo del Toro is the man in the kaiju suit. How the hell did they arrange that?!?Has....has this been posted?
Yes, that is Egoraptor and Jontron.
It's kind of dumb. Really dumb even. But kind of cool...
Skiesofwonder said:A nuclear bomb has always bounced off the rift, yet they think a mech can somehow enter the rift by itself?[
Maybe Russia didn't consult with the U.N. and decided to join the resistance. The countries in this film are more caricatures of themselves, and since Russia is known for their firepower, of course the country wouldn't mind giving it out to the resistance.
So should I see this in 3D or not?
I'm only asking because I never go see movies in 3D, I feel like it's just a waste. But I'm willing if the movie is right. This looks like the kind of movie to see in 3D.
All I know is that coming off of Hellboy 1 and 2, Pacific Rim is a disappointment. And let us not even mention Pans Labyrinth.
They said with the rush of monsters coming through, they believed that the portal would remain open for them to travel through.
See this is a the type of huge stretch that needs to be made to even make sense of some of the plot choices in Pacific Rim. I'm not trying to say that isn't possiblebut all that needed to be done was a simple explanation given of why the government didn't object the Jäger nuke plan, or even a mention of what the hell they were doing to stop this high threat of the Kaiju. It felt like the only ones fighting them were the Jäger. The script was just so lazily written.
Can we just agree that the plot was horrible? It's 4:00 AM here and I'm running on two Energy drinks (had a exam at 9 AM yesterday). Maybe convulted wasn't the best choice of words to describe the plot, my bad.
All I know is that coming off of Hellboy 1 and 2, Pacific Rim is a disappointment. And let us not even mention Pans Labyrinth.
I can overlook a terrible script and bad plot but not when it makes up such a huge chunk of the film. Some of the excuses for this films plot read very similar as the same excuses used for the transformers film. It's supposed to be cheesy and bad! Don't worry that it takes up the majority of the screen time.
The UN didn't know about the nuke plan. Their current plan of defense were the walls. It's literally all in the movie.
Plot was perfect for this kind of movie. I loved it.
Crabcat is the best kaiju. Its effects put Pacific Rim's monsters to shame.Holy fucking shit, Guillermo del Toro is the man in the kaiju suit. How the hell did they arrange that?!?
Just got back. Holy shit was it dumb, but HOLY SHIT was it the funnest movie I've seen in a good long while.
Fuckinghad me fucking cheering..."FOR MY FAMILY" and the goddamn giant mech sword
Just got back. Holy shit was it dumb, but HOLY SHIT was it the funnest movie I've seen in a good long while.
Fuckinghad me fucking cheering..."FOR MY FAMILY" and the goddamn giant mech sword
The script was just so lazily written.
Just got back. Holy shit was it dumb, but HOLY SHIT was it the funnest movie I've seen in a good long while.
Fuckinghad me fucking cheering..."FOR MY FAMILY" and the goddamn giant mech sword