Oh yeah, I saw it this morning, I should report on it.
I went in only having seen one brief trailer. This film made me feel like a kid again. I thought pretty much everything was perfect. There was nothing that came in and slapped me with stupidity. No character went and did anything completely retarded.
There were a lot of cliched/archetype characters, but I honestly thought it was perfect for this movie. It felt good to root for characters without reservation. It felt great to see them fight some big fucking monsters using some big fucking mechs.
All around fantastic film and one of my favorites of the year. So glad I saw it in IMAX 3D.
I went in only having seen one brief trailer. This film made me feel like a kid again. I thought pretty much everything was perfect. There was nothing that came in and slapped me with stupidity. No character went and did anything completely retarded.
There were a lot of cliched/archetype characters, but I honestly thought it was perfect for this movie. It felt good to root for characters without reservation. It felt great to see them fight some big fucking monsters using some big fucking mechs.
All around fantastic film and one of my favorites of the year. So glad I saw it in IMAX 3D.