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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


Obesity did exist, especially in monarchies and the like that had access to sugar and abundance. The question of sedentary lifestyles I think is a bit of a wash. Sure the fact that people are more sedentary today doesn't help, but doesn't totally account for the epidemic. Especially in countries that are only starting to industrialise that don't have sedentary populations and are still suffering from the epidemic. (China, Malaysia)

Sure it's not the only reason, but people who are more active will have an increased need for glucose in their bloodstream, so they'll likely do just fine (or at least not as bad) with a slightly elevated dietary carb intake than someone who sits all day and uses his car for every trip no matter how short the distance is.

Passive people on an elevated carb diet will most probably get fat due to the glucose not being burned and thus stored in liver and/or fat cells.
More active people on the other hand won't store as much fat since more glucose will be needed to fuel their muscles. The glucose will replenish in their muscles instead.

As for the epidemic in Malaysia, the Malaysian health minister did in fact mention sedentary lifestyles as one of the reasons for the epidemic.

Malaysian Society of Hypertension
Deciding to give this a try since:
1. I'd like to lose some weight without giving up everything.
2. I learned about it last semester in Environmental History.
3. Saw a section on CBS This Morning on the addictivness of grains.

Been trying since yesterday. Grains are really tempting but I've managed to hold off. This morning I'm eating eggs and breadfruit. Pretty good so far.
Deciding to give this a try since:
1. I'd like to lose some weight without giving up everything.
2. I learned about it last semester in Environmental History.
3. Saw a section on CBS This Morning on the addictivness of grains.

Been trying since yesterday. Grains are really tempting but I've managed to hold off. This morning I'm eating eggs and breadfruit. Pretty good so far.

Do you know many people throughout the world eat "grain" and aren't overweight?

My problem with this "diet" is that that's all it is...I normally cut using a carb free diet for when I need to quickly lose weight for a holiday or something but it's not viable to continue this over multiple years

What people need to concentrate on is managing sources of food: carbs, protein, fats and of course exercise.

We all try and look for some random scientific new "thing" when really and truly we can keep things simple


Not eating grains is for health reasons, not necessarily for weight loss, just like not eating the veggie oils. Paleo is not a weight loss diet, it's about eating healthy, weight loss is just a nice bonus.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm doing lower carb again (under 20 during the week, a bit higher on weekend) Will this help? Or do you need to go ultra low?

Also, what are some good snacks for work? I do almonds a lot, but they still have like 5g of carbs per serving. Anything else?


Under 20 grams? That seems drastically low. iirc Primal recommends 100-150 or so. Someone can correct me if I'm off on that.

Work is always trying to sabotage me. One guy brings in bagels for everyone and now they brought in pizza. I'm less tempted than I used to be though and I brought my own lunch so it's all good.
Been toying with the idea of this and am gonna finally try it as I've been wanting to cut out processed foods and grains out of my diet.

I'm debating on picking up the kindle versions of the books suggested or if I should bother with the full color versions just to see the pictures.

Not too sure if I should start it now as I have a 5k to do on the 19th and it sounds like the 'carb flu' would probably kick my ass but I definitely want to do this.


You can typically beat the carb flu by increasing fat, especially from coconut. The fat in coconut is ketogenic, it's a great way to help your body transition to burning fat for fuel. Coconut is just really healthy in general. Salt! Eat more salt and other electrolytes, you're gonna lose water weight pretty quickly, that means you'll lose electrolytes too. Or you could just eat carbs, from good sources of course. Bananas, sweet potatoes, squash, fruit.
OP, how much is your grocery bill? I am curious because I would like to start this.

Edit: Also, I have a lot of questions pertaining to eating without bread and pasta. My wife loves pasta. What I would like to do is eat paleo 5 days out of the week and on the weekends eat whatever. How would that work? Or does that still defeat the purpose, considering you said 80% participation is still good?


So no credible source then?
Not all are the same and not all trigger an insulin spike (acesulfame-K does) or else my dad, who suffers from diabetes, would be dead already.
Psychologically, there has been some studies that do link the use of artificial sweeteners to the normal reaction of craving more sweets and lead to overeating but nothing that says it is worse than sugar.

Actually its pretty hit ore miss.


There have been objections to its approval and a bunch of other things that imo you'd be much better off eating something a bit more natural like raw honey or coconut nectar.

"In August 1974, Olney and Turner filed the first formal objections to the approval of aspartame. Their petition prompted the FDA to initiate investigations into Searle’s lab practices."
Actually its pretty hit ore miss.


There have been objections to its approval and a bunch of other things that imo you'd be much better off eating something a bit more natural like raw honey or coconut nectar.

"In August 1974, Olney and Turner filed the first formal objections to the approval of aspartame. Their petition prompted the FDA to initiate investigations into Searle’s lab practices."

Mercola? Seriously off in quack territory.


Lost 100 pounds when I transitioned to a paleo diet 2 years ago. I still eat "paleo" to this day. I just feel better. I got off 3 blood pressure and cholesterol medicines at the same time.

One "negative" I now have is that cheat meals really make me sick. My body is very intolerant of gluten and dairy anymore and stuff like pizza and ice cream can give me bad stomach ache and instantly clog my nasal passages.

I went low carb for about 2 months at first but then switched to moderate carb, mostly sweet potatoes and fruit which is how I eat daily now. I probably average around 100g of carbs a day. For maximum weight loss I would go under 30g/day for about a month and then 50g/day the next month.


Been toying with the idea of this and am gonna finally try it as I've been wanting to cut out processed foods and grains out of my diet.

I'm debating on picking up the kindle versions of the books suggested or if I should bother with the full color versions just to see the pictures.

Not too sure if I should start it now as I have a 5k to do on the 19th and it sounds like the 'carb flu' would probably kick my ass but I definitely want to do this.

The Primal Blueprint paperback only has 16 colored glossy pages, 14 of them being real life stories with before/after pics and the remaining two being pictures of the author doing push-ups, pull-ups and squats.

All the other charts and illustrations are b/w.


Been toying with the idea of this and am gonna finally try it as I've been wanting to cut out processed foods and grains out of my diet.

I'm debating on picking up the kindle versions of the books suggested or if I should bother with the full color versions just to see the pictures.

Not too sure if I should start it now as I have a 5k to do on the 19th and it sounds like the 'carb flu' would probably kick my ass but I definitely want to do this.

Primal Blueprint is very good, and Kindle would be fine for that one I think because it's mostly text. The Practical Paleo I personally would buy the book only because I'm very visual and the pictures inspire me to eat right. She also includes a lot of charts and tables in it. Not sure how that would translate on Kindle. The book is large and moderately thick, Primal is fairly small.


From my textbook on Evolutionary Medicine


I think im getting the "Paleo carb flu" I feel like shit, my head hurts and my body aches. But im going to power through. Im only doing this for the month, then switching to a very low carb diet.


OP, how much is your grocery bill? I am curious because I would like to start this.

Edit: Also, I have a lot of questions pertaining to eating without bread and pasta. My wife loves pasta. What I would like to do is eat paleo 5 days out of the week and on the weekends eat whatever. How would that work? Or does that still defeat the purpose, considering you said 80% participation is still good?

Grocery bill isn't very much if I go to Costco and buy in bulk. But honestly grains are cheap, so my bill is relatively high compared to how it used to be. Ground beef isnt very costly, or chicken. Steaks, fish, seafood is pricey though. Buying fresh food means I have to go shopping more often too, or freeze stuff.

As for pasta, I think it's in the Primal book that he mentions to think of it as a continuum. It's not all or nothing. 5 of 7 days is better than 4, or 3 or none. I would say though that for me I want to try to be strict for 30 days to see how I feel. After that you can reintroduce and see how it goes.

Whatever works for you though.


look how far we've come

I don't have a problem with eating healthier, but these fads are based on some sketchy stuff. "Well you never saw a fat cave man." Yeah, cuz the fat ones got eaten first.... Don't confuse correlation with causation. It was an entirely different kind of life, altogether.

I can't really base this on anything, but I'm pretty sure they did have a high body-fat %. Maybe not, like, American style triple XL size, but I would imagine they had a bulky/muscular body type as opposed to a more lean build. In a prehistoric hunter-gatherer society, having energy reserves (fat) actually meant something. And post-Ice Age Europe still used to be rather, well, cold.


Check the flowchart in the OP.

Does/did it have a face? If yes, then it's paleo.

Ask yourself, is it a domesticated animal or plant (in some cases domesticated within the past two hundred years)? Is it the product of relatively recent civilization. If yes, then it is "paleo."
As for pasta, I think it's in the Primal book that he mentions to think of it as a continuum. It's not all or nothing.

Ok, its just hard to choose stuff when I am eating out. I usually eat out on the weekends. As for our grocer bill, its usually about $150 every two weeks. I am hoping it won't be too much more.


I'm doing lower carb again (under 20 during the week, a bit higher on weekend) Will this help? Or do you need to go ultra low?

Also, what are some good snacks for work? I do almonds a lot, but they still have like 5g of carbs per serving. Anything else?

You don't count the fiber as carbs just FYI. You want as much of it as you can get. 28g of almonds without sugar or some crap on them should be 5g total carbs - 3g Fiber = 2g net.

Yes I know this has nothing to do with Paleo but I wanted to correct him so he's not scared to get that fiber if he's doing Keto or whatever.


I'm sure it's been addressed but can someone enlighten me as to why legumes are bad, using this method?

I know they are starchy but surely not on the same levels as processed grains...? One of the things I really liked between trying low carb years ago and 4HB more recently was the addition of some beans, makes a big difference.


I'm sure it's been addressed but can someone enlighten me as to why legumes are bad, using this method?

I know they are starchy but surely not on the same levels as processed grains...? One of the things I really liked between trying low carb years ago and 4HB more recently was the addition of some beans, makes a big difference.

Because unlike, say almonds, people have been eating legumes for thousands of years.


I'm sure it's been addressed but can someone enlighten me as to why legumes are bad, using this method?

I know they are starchy but surely not on the same levels as processed grains...? One of the things I really liked between trying low carb years ago and 4HB more recently was the addition of some beans, makes a big difference.

Legumes fall into the ok category, they have a fair amount of carbs and offer decent nutritional value. The best legumes are fresh green peas and green beans IIRC.
It's fine to eat them in moderation, but other vegetables offer more nutrients and lower carbs and are thus preferred.

Many people also have problems digesting legumes due to their elevated lectin (bad kind of protein) content and may suffer from flatulence after eating them (remember all the fart jokes about beans?).
I'm sure it's been addressed but can someone enlighten me as to why legumes are bad, using this method?

I know they are starchy but surely not on the same levels as processed grains...? One of the things I really liked between trying low carb years ago and 4HB more recently was the addition of some beans, makes a big difference.


tl;dr there is no simple answer. Read/learn the arguments, weigh the pros/risks as they apply to you, and make your own mind.


Legumes fall into the ok category, they have a fair amount of carbs and offer decent nutritional value. The best legumes are fresh green peas and green beans IIRC.
It's fine to eat them in moderation, but other vegetables offer more nutrients and lower carbs and are thus preferred.

Many people also have problems digesting legumes due to their elevated lectin (bad kind of protein) content and may suffer from flatulence after eating them (remember all the fart jokes about beans?).

Basically this. If you love legumes for some odd reason, You wont really have an issue if you eat them fairly regularly. There are simply better food out there.


For what it's worth, U.S. News did a ranking of the top diets for 2013 and paleo came out tied for last:
Experts took issue with the diet on every measure. Regardless of the goal—weight loss, heart health, or finding a diet that’s easy to follow—most experts concluded that it would be better for dieters to look elsewhere. “A true Paleo diet might be a great option: very lean, pure meats, lots of wild plants,” said one expert—quickly adding, however, that duplicating such a regimen in modern times would be difficult.


Thanks for the recipe links, OP. Since the beginning of the year I've been on Primal both to look respectable for my upcoming 10-year high school reunion and to clean up my health, which was piss poor pretty much this entire year. I'm through the initial sluggish days and already feeling much better. Getting over the mental hurdle of downing bacon and steak and eggs by the handful was the hardest part, but I'm digging it now. I guess we'll find out in a couple years whether or not that was a good idea!

I'm already down 3 pounds, though I imagine most of that is water weight.

Edit: BTW, the Italian egg things are awesome.
It's always going to be at the bottom of the pile while the mainstream is focused upon grains.
Because it is still a damn good way of getting energy. The problem is overconsumption and lack of food variety in American diets not just because they're grains.


Can you guys recommend a paleo friendly salad dressing? I looked at the one I like to use but it uses soybean oil and that's supposedly really bad for paleo.


Can you guys recommend a paleo friendly salad dressing? I looked at the one I like to use but it uses soybean oil and that's supposedly really bad for paleo.
I normally just do something basic like virgin olive oil, lemon/white vinegar and mixed herbs. Some great ideas on MDA.


Article in LA Magazine on Paleo/Primal:


“Even the most ardent anti-fat guys will admit there has never been a proven correlation between saturated fat and heart disease,” he says. That’s a controversial statement, but some researchers are coming around: A 2010 analysis of 21 studies in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that “there is no significant evidence” that eating saturated fat increases heart disease risk.

I wasn't aware of that study. I don't over do it on saturated fats but this is the one criticism I hear most about paleo/primal. I think that comes mostly from Atkins though, which didnt have enough vegetables and a lot of processed food was ok on that plan.



So that was good to read. I'm sure there are people who look at this and think the only unhealthy part is the bread though:


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Here's yesterday for me, any suggestions? I assume the fat is fine being that it mostly came from almonds. Some of the carbs were probably offset by fiber too. Crazy how many carbs you eat without realizing though. I didn't think I got anywhere near 37.

Note: This is with a workout factored in, I was actually over calorie count a bit without one.

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