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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman

Sorry if this has already been asked, but why wouldn't ancient hunter gatherer's have eaten grains or legumes? Seems like they would have considering they were gathering whatever they could find to eat? Or do people just gloss over this for the diet?
Sorry if this has already been asked, but why wouldn't ancient hunter gatherer's have eaten grains or legumes? Seems like they would have considering they were gathering whatever they could find to eat? Or do people just gloss over this for the diet?

They did, but you do have to understand the way they has to go about looking and eating for food. It's not a 1:1 with modern humans.

Fruits, roots, legumes, nuts, and other non-cereals provided
65±70% of the average forager subsistence base (Eaton &
Konner, 1985). They were generally consumed within
hours of being gathered, typically with minimal or no
processing (Schroeder, 1971) and often uncooked.
Paleolithic nutrition revisited: A twelve-year retrospective on its
nature and implications


Here's yesterday for me, any suggestions? I assume the fat is fine being that it mostly came from almonds. Some of the carbs were probably offset by fiber too. Crazy how many carbs you eat without realizing though. I didn't think I got anywhere near 37.

Note: This is with a workout factored in, I was actually over calorie count a bit without one.

Looks like you need more good fat in there to me, especially if you're going that low in carbs.

I'm having some bad headaches today. How long will this last?

They recommend more fat and more water from what I've read. You can read the comments here for people who experienced this:


I havent had the headaches but I'm not going very low carb either.


We follow a more primal version (Mark's Daily Apple) where we eat bacon, sausage, and some dairy. I've found I have no dairy intolerance, and I enjoy bacon/sausage but try not to eat it every morning.

I am very overweight so I focus on low carb, < 30g a day, as well as restricting total calories so I can maximize weight loss as much as possible.

I read Cordain's Paleo book a few years ago and it really converted me on paleo. Though reading about it online initially sold me on paleo, the book solidified my belief that paleo is just right.

Though, adding in Good Calories, Bad Calories, I found that lean meats aren't the only option and that fat consumption in general isn't as bad as it is made out to be. For all intents and purposes, that holds true.

In fact after 3 months of paleo (a few years ago) when I got a full blood workup at the doctors, they found I had exceptional levels of cholesterol as well as a great fasted blood sugar level. Before that, I was eating fast food every day, sometimes $20-30 of food one to two meals a day.

So to see such great results only after 3 months was awesome. Though sadly I didn't have a test done before so I couldn't directly compare.


Looks like you need more good fat in there to me,[/url]

This is what i was going to post. Nuts should not be ypur prime source of fat because they are generally high in omega6. To keep your ratio as close to 1:1 you want to limit omega 6 and add a ton of omega 3.

You need to add in more calories from fats like grassfed butter, coconut oil (should be going through this fast Im about to start buying gallons), olive oil (just drizzle on all food ya can) and avacados.

The essence of primal eatin is replacing your normal sugar/carb energy supply with one that instead burns fat for long term energy and sugar/carbs for when you need it most.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
This is what i was going to post. Nuts should not be ypur prime source of fat because they are generally high in omega6. To keep your ratio as close to 1:1 you want to limit omega 6 and add a ton of omega 3.

You need to add in more calories from fats like grassfed butter, coconut oil (should be going through this fast Im about to start buying gallons), olive oil (just drizzle on all food ya can) and avacados.

The essence of primal eatin is replacing your normal sugar/carb energy supply with one that instead burns fat for long term energy and sugar/carbs for when you need it most.

Thanks. Maybe I'll ad avocado to salads and cook some veggies in coconut oil for them too. During the week I'm a very "scheduled" eater so I like to buy food I can prepare on Sunday night to eat for breakfast/lunch all week (10 meals) and buy some meat and veggies for dinner or make something.


I have the day off today so I treated myself to a steak dinner. I wanted to try grass fed because I hear it talked up for taste and nutrition so I thought I'd give it a shot. I have to say it was AMAZING. I dont know if it was the cut, the grass fed, the way I cooked it... but highly recommended. I used this method to cook it:


Price. This was expensive, 15 bucks for a steak, and a couple of bucks more for the spinach/mozarella/tomatoes. But it was one of the best steak dinners I've eaten and at a restaurant I'd pay a lot more than that. Very worth it:





Any good alternatives to almonds? I find that these are a bit harsh on my stomach from time to time.

Are walnuts okay in moderation?


Walnuts are very good, so are Macadamia nuts but Macadamia's are expensive. Try to get them in Costco, they're less than half the price for the Mauna Loa brand.


Any good alternatives to almonds? I find that these are a bit harsh on my stomach from time to time.

Are walnuts okay in moderation?

Any tree nut should be in fine; almonds, brazil nuts, macadamia. brazil nuts have tons of selenium which is great for testerone production, which is always good for general health but also in the bedroom of course.
Price. This was expensive, 15 bucks for a steak, and a couple of bucks more for the spinach/mozarella/tomatoes. But it was one of the best steak dinners I've eaten and at a restaurant I'd pay a lot more than that. Very worth it:

Honestly I'm not sure if I can taste the difference between grass and corn fed beef.

No grain means no sushi right?

I can't do this shit.

You can probably do fine with eating Sushi. Evidence: Japan's low rate of obesity and diabetes. Also other links in this thread showing rice is acceptable, at least in moderation.

This has somewhat been covered in the thread. As far as grains go, rice isn't really that awful for you. Enjoy sushi, just dont eat it every single day.
I have the day off today so I treated myself to a steak dinner. I wanted to try grass fed because I hear it talked up for taste and nutrition so I thought I'd give it a shot. I have to say it was AMAZING. I dont know if it was the cut, the grass fed, the way I cooked it... but highly recommended. I used this method to cook it:


Price. This was expensive, 15 bucks for a steak, and a couple of bucks more for the spinach/mozarella/tomatoes. But it was one of the best steak dinners I've eaten and at a restaurant I'd pay a lot more than that. Very worth it:



That looks delicious. But that's a very low-fat meal by my standards... it's difficult to feel satiated by eating low carb AND low fat.

Also, what are those white ball-like things with the tomatoes?
You can probably do fine with eating Sushi. Evidence: Japan's low rate of obesity and diabetes. Also other links in this thread showing rice is acceptable, at least in moderation.

This has somewhat been covered in the thread. As far as grains go, rice isn't really that awful for you. Enjoy sushi, just dont eat it every single day.

Alright cool. I definitely don't eat sushi more than once a week so I should be cool. I'll give this a try.

I stopped eating big juicy burgers about 6 months ago and have felt way better. I cheated last week at a TGI Friday's and it actually grossed me out a bit and I felt so sluggish afterwards that I have no desire for burgers anymore.

My biggest problem now is I drink fairly regularly and still take in a lot of bread. Time to change that, even if gradually.
Alright cool. I definitely don't eat sushi more than once a week so I should be cool. I'll give this a try.

I stopped eating big juicy burgers about 6 months ago and have felt way better. I cheated last week at a TGI Friday's and it actually grossed me out a bit and I felt so sluggish afterwards that I have no desire for burgers anymore.

My biggest problem now is I drink fairly regularly and still take in a lot of bread. Time to change that, even if gradually.

Also don't forget the 80-20 rule people have posted. You'd probably be fine with sushi once a week.

That'll be the fat - mozzarella, I believe. But yeah, I'd have to pile a bunch of butter on that, otherwise awesome.

I'm struggling to think of something to put butter on that isn't bread. :(

Butter on steak sounds wrong. Maybe vegetables soaked in butter.
Are you doing a low carb version of paleo?

Okay I guess. It kinda sucks at the moment. The carbs I do get are from eating different nuts. The real challenge is more when I'm at work with everyone always bringing in delicious carby food for everyone. I think I'll eat a little more on weekends with moderate amounts of brown rice. Oh and I really miss popcorn.

Any tips on where to pick up reasonably priced Almond Flour?

I've given up. Shit's expensive as hell. Wondering if it's cheaper to mill up almonds yourself.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
The weekends are my weak point. I can go all week eating low carb, but weekends come and sandwiches are just so easy to make and eat or grab out at Subway.

What do you guys make for quick, easy weekend meals? Just do like brats without buns? Low carb wraps?
The weekends are my weak point. I can go all week eating low carb, but weekends come and sandwiches are just so easy to make and eat or grab out at Subway.

What do you guys make for quick, easy weekend meals? Just do like brats without buns? Low carb wraps?

Cook the burger, not the buns. Dry rub that shit. It's pretty quick, pretty easy, and delicious. You can also flip the script on what lots of people do for their lunches at work...make something and keep it in the freezer, leaving it to thaw out for the weekend. Heat that shit up and you'll be good to go.


I'm struggling to think of something to put butter on that isn't bread. :(

Butter on steak sounds wrong. Maybe vegetables soaked in butter.

Salted butter on steak is glorious, as is garlic butter. Vegetables, absolutely.

Edit: come to think of it, I scoop up butter with small bars of dark chocolate. YMMV with that one, I admit.
I have a really good feeling a paleo diet would cure my blepharitis and dry eye. I feel it is either gluten (celiac's runs in the family) or sugar doing it. My only problem is cutting out dairy. A lot of my calories come from milk and I love cheese a ton.


I have the day off today so I treated myself to a steak dinner. I wanted to try grass fed because I hear it talked up for taste and nutrition so I thought I'd give it a shot. I have to say it was AMAZING. I dont know if it was the cut, the grass fed, the way I cooked it... but highly recommended. I used this method to cook it:


Price. This was expensive, 15 bucks for a steak, and a couple of bucks more for the spinach/mozarella/tomatoes. But it was one of the best steak dinners I've eaten and at a restaurant I'd pay a lot more than that. Very worth it:



That one you bought is not 100% grass fed.
Just started Paleo the other day for 2 reasons: To lose some weight, but also as an experiment to see if I have developed a slight aversion to Wheat. I have noticed over the past few months that whenever I eat a sandwich with wheat bread, I feel just awful for 1-2 hours after I am finished (just a general unwell feeling). My first Paleo meal eating the same food I would have put on the sandwich but without the bread, and I feel normal afterwards, no unwell feeling at all. I am excited to continue to see what happens!

Also, for those looking for low priced and high quality nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and flours be sure to visit:

Nuts.com (formerly NutsOnline.com)

I have ordered from them for years and have never been dissapointed. They ship lightning fast too, I ordered some stuff the other day and got shipping confirmation not 1 hour after ordering.

Almond Flours
Organic Coconut Flour
Sunflower Seeds
Chia Seeds

Organic Dried Apricots - These are the most awesome things ever!


That looks delicious. But that's a very low-fat meal by my standards... it's difficult to feel satiated by eating low carb AND low fat.

Also, what are those white ball-like things with the tomatoes?

Yeah that's fresh mozarella. I had planned to have some nice big olives with that meal but I forgot I was out of them. So I think you're right it did need a bit more fat. Although the ribeye had a decent amount of fat on it, plus the cheese. Still the olives would have topped it off nicely.

That one you bought is not 100% grass fed.

How can you tell? Has to say 100% grass fed? Not that it really matters, this cut was great.

On a prime steak that fat will melt like butter or cream in your mouth. Anything lesser I can see not tasting good.

I have to say that's true. Most steaks I cut the fat off but this one was delicious and I ate almost all the fat.
Honestly I'm not sure if I can taste the difference between grass and corn fed beef.

You can probably do fine with eating Sushi. Evidence: Japan's low rate of obesity and diabetes. Also other links in this thread showing rice is acceptable, at least in moderation.

This has somewhat been covered in the thread. As far as grains go, rice isn't really that awful for you. Enjoy sushi, just dont eat it every single day.

Additionally, sushi rice in particular is made with sugar. So, if you are avoiding sugar, avoid sushi. Get sashimi with plain steamed rice, if you must have rice with the meal.

Rice seems to be allowed in moderation on the Bulletproof Diet, which he calls "upgraded Paleo." I like how he structures it, as a continuum, rather than hard and fast rules. You just stick to the green side and avoid red foods, with things in the middle in moderation.



Any tips on where to pick up reasonably priced Almond Flour?
Trader Joes, 5 bucks a pound, definitely the cheapest I've seen it. If you have a food processor, you could just make it yourself.

Oh, it looked like some kind of vegetable to me (too smooth/glossy)... I love diary but it gives me acne, so I don't eat it :(
You know, I think I might have that problem. I noticed a tend to break out a little when I consume dairy on a regular basis. It's hard to say if it's the dairy though or other things, I'm trying to mess with my diet and see if it's the cause. I know I can handle it in moderation with no problems, I love me some feta cheese, can't give it up!
No grain means no sushi right?

I can't do this shit.
Rice isn't terrible for you. If you're going for a hardcore paleo diet, rice is a no go. I've been eating Primal for a little over a year now and I eat sushi once in a while. I avoid the rolls that are fried or 'crunchy' though.
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