We follow a more primal version (Mark's Daily Apple) where we eat bacon, sausage, and some dairy. I've found I have no dairy intolerance, and I enjoy bacon/sausage but try not to eat it every morning.
I am very overweight so I focus on low carb, < 30g a day, as well as restricting total calories so I can maximize weight loss as much as possible.
I read Cordain's Paleo book a few years ago and it really converted me on paleo. Though reading about it online initially sold me on paleo, the book solidified my belief that paleo is just right.
Though, adding in Good Calories, Bad Calories, I found that lean meats aren't the only option and that fat consumption in general isn't as bad as it is made out to be. For all intents and purposes, that holds true.
In fact after 3 months of paleo (a few years ago) when I got a full blood workup at the doctors, they found I had exceptional levels of cholesterol as well as a great fasted blood sugar level. Before that, I was eating fast food every day, sometimes $20-30 of food one to two meals a day.
So to see such great results only after 3 months was awesome. Though sadly I didn't have a test done before so I couldn't directly compare.