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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


wrap salmon in a little tin foil, put some butter and lemon slices in there, bake 15-20 min, season. enjoy the easiest and tastiest salmon ever.
What the fuck does fish have to do with a ~200 lb male gaining weight on a 2,000 kcal diet?

Yeah, fish is important and all, but I don't think it's the issue here.

It sounds like dude is woefully undereating given his lifestyle, training, etc, and his metabolism is tanking, which causes stalling or even gaining. If you add further stressors in the form of fasting and sleep disturbances, things can get pretty bad. Super low-carb or low-calorie is another stressor.

These stressors can be helpful in the right dose and context by eliciting a compensatory physiological response, like how weight lifting stresses your muscles and makes them grow back stronger than before. But if we're applying too many stressors at once, we might not recover.

What kind of training do you do? Lifting, sprinting? Both are fairly glycogen-dependent.

Do you have cold hands and feet often?


Yeah, fish is important and all, but I don't think it's the issue here.

It sounds like dude is woefully undereating given his lifestyle, training, etc, and his metabolism is tanking, which causes stalling or even gaining. If you add further stressors in the form of fasting and sleep disturbances, things can get pretty bad. Super low-carb or low-calorie is another stressor.

These stressors can be helpful in the right dose and context by eliciting a compensatory physiological response, like how weight lifting stresses your muscles and makes them grow back stronger than before. But if we're applying too many stressors at once, we might not recover.

What kind of training do you do? Lifting, sprinting? Both are fairly glycogen-dependent.

Do you have cold hands and feet often?

I'm not undereating. It's not like I'm eating 500 calories a day.

And no, my hands and feet are fine.

I do heavy compound lifting 4x a week.


I did low-carb out of high school when I put a bunch of weight on, very easy to put on weight when you do sports non-stop and segue into sitting on your ass all day.

I started off doing the old Atkins thing, then quickly abandoned that for general low carb. Main issue with these diets is to avoid the crazy, gimmicky bullshit parts of the diets and the people who parrot it to an extreme level. Going more general might be the way to go and from my experience I had zero difference. I had a guy on a board go into a nuclear meltdown because I said I liked to have an apple each day as a big part of my carbs. I'M BREAKING THE RULES, I'M DOING IT WRONG. Sometimes I had a rice cake, sometimes I had a diet soda, can't say it effected me personally, lost 40 lbs in a little over 3 months back then.

My goal was just to stay under about ~30-40 carbs and not eat anything too stupid. From my experience it was always the super hardcore who wound up snapping and eating 8 pizzas in a day.


I'm not undereating. It's not like I'm eating 500 calories a day.

And no, my hands and feet are fine.

I do heavy compound lifting 4x a week.

Not that I think I have the answers by any stretch but you do seem to be exercising a hell of a lot to be eating less than 2000 calories a day. I personally would drop one of the workout sessions per week, cut the protein down to about 100g and replace the lost calories with fat, maybe increase the carbs to 75g.

Disclaimer: above is based mostly on gut instinct.


First week results: lost 5 pounds on a low-carb version of this diet. :)

I could probably have lost more weight if I hit the gym and followed it strictly.


You know what i've been doing is this:

Cyclical Keto Diet. The premise is weight loss and muscle preservation. For 5.5 days i go on a diet very similar to Paleo, i.e. basically no carbs. During which exercise in incorporated, and in my case, P90x. After this 5.5 day period, i carb up for 1.5 days.

Monday: Chest/Back Ab ripper
Tue: Rest
Wed: Arm/Shoulder Ab ripper
Thu: Yoga
Friday: Leg/Back Ab ripper
Friday Night: Carb up
Saturday: Carb up
Sunday: Rest(resume keto)

On top of being able to scratch the typical food itch each weekend, you also have wayyyy more energy when working out. Also, its great to be able to eat out on the weekends with friends/family and not be anal about the menu :p. Been going really well for me so far.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
wrap salmon in a little tin foil, put some butter and lemon slices in there, bake 15-20 min, season. enjoy the easiest and tastiest salmon ever.
I prepare it similarly, with fresh mozzarella, basil, and grape tomatoes.


Just finished up a month on a primal diet and the weight has just been melting off without any real effort on my part. Sticking to the diet has been really easy and enjoyable, I actually don't have sugar/carb cravings any more now (I'm totally impervious to cake/cookies/bagels that are brought into my office), and I haven't been working out a whole lot (my total exercise for the month averages out to a workout every third day).

I'm going on my first business trip of the year next week. It will be interesting to see how easily I can stick to this way of eating on the road. I actually don't think it is going to be too difficult. I also actually picked up the paperback Primal Blueprint book for some airport/night time reading on this trip; I've yet to read it and I figure it will help me keep my mind on the prize during the week.


This might exist, but I would pay for a decent app that let you pick the meals out then it creates a shopping list with the ingredients in those meals.


Just finished up a month on a primal diet and the weight has just been melting off without any real effort on my part. Sticking to the diet has been really easy and enjoyable, I actually don't have sugar/carb cravings any more now (I'm totally impervious to cake/cookies/bagels that are brought into my office), and I haven't been working out a whole lot (my total exercise for the month averages out to a workout every third day).

I'm going on my first business trip of the year next week. It will be interesting to see how easily I can stick to this way of eating on the road. I actually don't think it is going to be too difficult. I also actually picked up the paperback Primal Blueprint book for some airport/night time reading on this trip; I've yet to read it and I figure it will help me keep my mind on the prize during the week.

Awesome. Welcome to Primal..ality? Been Primal for a little over a year now, best decision I've ever made! As far as eating on the road, if you're gonna eat out, it's not too tough, most places offer meat and veggies. I'd stick to grilled or baked meats to avoid veggie oils. You could always load up on primal friendly snacks to bring with you, nuts/seeds, beef jerky, hard boiled eggs, pork rinds, canned tuna/salmon, coconut flakes. Not exactly primal, but good for emergency are Quest Bars or their PB cups, still reasonably healthy without being 100% primal.
Awesome. Welcome to Primal..ality? Been Primal for a little over a year now, best decision I've ever made! As far as eating on the road, if you're gonna eat out, it's not too tough, most places offer meat and veggies. I'd stick to grilled or baked meats to avoid veggie oils. You could always load up on primal friendly snacks to bring with you, nuts/seeds, beef jerky, hard boiled eggs, pork rinds, canned tuna/salmon, coconut flakes. Not exactly primal, but good for emergency are Quest Bars or their PB cups, still reasonably healthy without being 100% primal.

How do the Quest Bars/PB cups taste? The PB cups almost sound too good to be true.


The PB Cups are pretty incredible. Better than all the bars. They really do taste like a Reeses with a thicker, crunchier layer of chocolate. The bars are good too. They're easily effected by temperature though, so if you leave them in a cold room, they'll become a little hard/chewy. I prefer the cups nutritionally too, more healthy saturated fats, less fiber.



Cool Ill probably get that.

Ugh, last night I went to my cousins to watch them for the night. Dinner was provided for me....burger and fries from a local place. First "bad" cheat I've had in a while. Got really bloated and had diarrhea later on.

But the Super Bowl today? No problem. My brother has been doing low carb for a few months now and he's hosting. Homemade meatballs with no filler, wings with sauce on the side and the best part a pig roast. Gonna get my squats in first then feast on pig.


Kobe Bryant, and the rest of the Lakers?, have gone Primal
http://www.nba.com/lakers/community/1213_fitforlife_features - last article, bottom of the page.

Part of that changed diet and those healthy eating tips come from Dr. Cate Shanahan, a team consultant who has her own practice in Napa Valley. Pasture-fed foods - pasture-grazed beef from a pasture-fed cow, eggs from a free-range chicken (not a cage chicken) - are just some of the main staples of Bryant's diet. Sugars, specifically anything with corn syrup, should be avoided, and the intake of carbohydrates has been scaled down, consumed in moderation.


"The current science reverses the pyramid," Vitti said. "The base of the pyramid is on the top. We're not telling them to just eat fat - it has to be the right kind of fat. Pasture-grazed beef and products from that; you can eat butter, but it has to be pasture-fed. Not pasteurized, pasture-fed. There's a big difference. Milk from a pasture-fed cow, cheese from a pasture-fed cow."


Kobe Bryant, and the rest of the Lakers?, have gone Primal
http://www.nba.com/lakers/community/1213_fitforlife_features - last article, bottom of the page.

Part of that changed diet and those healthy eating tips come from Dr. Cate Shanahan, a team consultant who has her own practice in Napa Valley. Pasture-fed foods - pasture-grazed beef from a pasture-fed cow, eggs from a free-range chicken (not a cage chicken) - are just some of the main staples of Bryant's diet. Sugars, specifically anything with corn syrup, should be avoided, and the intake of carbohydrates has been scaled down, consumed in moderation.


"The current science reverses the pyramid," Vitti said. "The base of the pyramid is on the top. We're not telling them to just eat fat - it has to be the right kind of fat. Pasture-grazed beef and products from that; you can eat butter, but it has to be pasture-fed. Not pasteurized, pasture-fed. There's a big difference. Milk from a pasture-fed cow, cheese from a pasture-fed cow."

Nice. When you're that rich why not eat the most nutritious food?

Cool Ill probably get that.

Ugh, last night I went to my cousins to watch them for the night. Dinner was provided for me....burger and fries from a local place. First "bad" cheat I've had in a while. Got really bloated and had diarrhea later on.

But the Super Bowl today? No problem. My brother has been doing low carb for a few months now and he's hosting. Homemade meatballs with no filler, wings with sauce on the side and the best part a pig roast. Gonna get my squats in first then feast on pig.
I know how you feel. The bad thing is you'll feel excluded if you don't eat.


Yeah my tolerance has gotten really bad for foods like that. I can easily do good carbs though. Chipotle bowl is my go to for a cheat meal. Mmmm.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Kobe Bryant, and the rest of the Lakers?, have gone Primal
http://www.nba.com/lakers/community/1213_fitforlife_features - last article, bottom of the page.

Part of that changed diet and those healthy eating tips come from Dr. Cate Shanahan, a team consultant who has her own practice in Napa Valley. Pasture-fed foods - pasture-grazed beef from a pasture-fed cow, eggs from a free-range chicken (not a cage chicken) - are just some of the main staples of Bryant's diet. Sugars, specifically anything with corn syrup, should be avoided, and the intake of carbohydrates has been scaled down, consumed in moderation.


"The current science reverses the pyramid," Vitti said. "The base of the pyramid is on the top. We're not telling them to just eat fat - it has to be the right kind of fat. Pasture-grazed beef and products from that; you can eat butter, but it has to be pasture-fed. Not pasteurized, pasture-fed. There's a big difference. Milk from a pasture-fed cow, cheese from a pasture-fed cow."

Well, nutrition isn't the reason they suck so much this year.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
So far my only cheat has been that one 5 Guys day. Although, I am counting the wings I am going to eat later as cheating


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah my one coworker has out of control cheat days. Candy, bagel sandwiches, pizza, lots of alcohol...the list goes on.

That's not sustainable. It's like they're in denial about the problem. All it takes is one day to cave and stop eating a nutritious diet and they'll balloon right up. I'm not knocking cheat days, but the magnitude of that cheat day. They're clearly strongly addicted to foods that cause obesity. For people like that, you cannot eat those foods anymore. For life. Or you'll be obese...it's the same choice smokers make when they decide between abstaining from smoking and improving health in several ways or continue smoking and be at risk.

I wish we had more automated data collection for biometrics. It'll be a huge thing in 10-20 years with very detailed automated measurements for tumors, inflammation and other markers. But I'd like a basic weight and waist circumference measurement device that sends data to a spreadsheet and updates a long term chart. If I get out of step with nutrition due to trips and holidays, I want to know and adjust based on that.


That's not sustainable. It's like they're in denial about the problem. All it takes is one day to cave and stop eating a nutritious diet and they'll balloon right up. I'm not knocking cheat days, but the magnitude of that cheat day. They're clearly strongly addicted to foods that cause obesity. For people like that, you cannot eat those foods anymore. For life. Or you'll be obese...it's the same choice smokers make when they decide between abstaining from smoking and improving health in several ways or continue smoking and be at risk.

I wish we had more automated data collection for biometrics. It'll be a huge thing in 10-20 years with very detailed automated measurements for tumors, inflammation and other markers. But I'd like a basic weight and waist circumference measurement device that sends data to a spreadsheet and updates a long term chart. If I get out of step with nutrition due to trips and holidays, I want to know and adjust based on that.
Yep, Chris Kresser mention in his podcast that is when we gain the most weight.

So far my only cheat has been that one 5 Guys day. Although, I am counting the wings I am going to eat later as cheating
Yeah I like to go to In and Out order a burger(protein style) and sometimes a order of fries.
Yeah my one coworker has out of control cheat days. Candy, bagel sandwiches, pizza, lots of alcohol...the list goes on.
That is insane.


Fish seems to be a big factor and I'm allergic to it all, I'd rather not test the dead caveman diet.

Well, you could supplement with fish oil/pills, if they don't give you any problems. And you could simply cut back on your omega-6 intake. Really though, the diet will be hugely beneficial to health even if you can't have fish.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
I cheated with an ice cream sandwich.
My only cheat of the week was tonight, a "Like It" (smallest size) of coffee ice cream with Oreo mix-in from Coldstone. I feel a bit guilty but was already down 11 for the week (starts on Mondays) so oh well.


eat coconut ice cream, same taste, no guilt, good amount of MCT's. So Delicious sells 'no added sugar' varieties, they're great for an occasional treat.


For whatever reason it seems much, much easier to avoid my usual cheats on this diet. I have a freezer with 7 out of 8 Klondike bars still there and the one I ate was before I started Paleo.

My cheats are a large cup of tea sweetened with 2 tsps of honey every day. dealwithit.gif
Now and then I'll take a couple of swallows of grape juice when I crave something sweet. I do eat cheese in moderation too and a glass of milk with whey after a workout. Other than that I'm strict.

When the weight loss plateaus I'll have to eliminate those cheats I suppose to hit my goals, but then I think I will be able to add them back and maintain 10%ish body fat.


I am interested in eating better and want to take parts of this diet, at least at first.... maybe I'll move full on Paleo at some point.

Here's my changes so far:

-I've cut out ALL drinks except for water and 1-2 coffees w/ no sugar and no milk in the morning. I'll still drink beer every weekend or so. I love milk so I'll have a little bit every now and then, but the past week has been all water/coffee.

-Nuts! My plan is to get a 1 lb bag of almonds and 1 lb bag of pistachios per week ($5.50/bag at Trader Joe's.... anywhere else I should shop for nuts? This is the best price I've seen so far for a 1 lb bag)... Are these good choices for nuts? Anything I should add to this?

-Veggies! So my plan is to get about ~$15 of fresh veggies per week and eat them through the week. I've been making this salad every night... lettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots, cucumber, parsley, cilantro

-RICE??? I love rice. I'm not really overweight (a little belly fat, could drop maybe 5-10 lbs... currently weight 185 lbs, 6'1") so I'm not super worried about carbs but I AM trying to limit them. With this in mind, is brown rice ok as a side w/ my meal most nights?


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
I am interested in eating better and want to take parts of this diet, at least at first.... maybe I'll move full on Paleo at some point.

Here's my changes so far:

-I've cut out ALL drinks except for water and 1-2 coffees w/ no sugar and no milk in the morning. I'll still drink beer every weekend or so. I love milk so I'll have a little bit every now and then, but the past week has been all water/coffee.

-Nuts! My plan is to get a 1 lb bag of almonds and 1 lb bag of pistachios per week ($5.50/bag at Trader Joe's.... anywhere else I should shop for nuts? This is the best price I've seen so far for a 1 lb bag)... Are these good choices for nuts? Anything I should add to this?

-Veggies! So my plan is to get about ~$15 of fresh veggies per week and eat them through the week. I've been making this salad every night... lettuce, tomatoes, onions, carrots, cucumber, parsley, cilantro

-RICE??? I love rice. I'm not really overweight (a little belly fat, could drop maybe 5-10 lbs... currently weight 185 lbs, 6'1") so I'm not super worried about carbs but I AM trying to limit them. With this in mind, is brown rice ok as a side w/ my meal most nights?

Add butter to you coffee.


-Nuts! My plan is to get a 1 lb bag of almonds and 1 lb bag of pistachios per week ($5.50/bag at Trader Joe's.... anywhere else I should shop for nuts? This is the best price I've seen so far for a 1 lb bag)... Are these good choices for nuts? Anything I should add to this?

Almonds are ok though they are pretty high in omega 6. Don't know about pistachios but they are almost always salted around here so perhaps not the best of options. Best nuts are AFAIK hazel nuts and macadamia nuts at least if you are thinking about the fat profile.

Anyway I would go pretty easy on the nuts. It's easy to pack a lot of calories by eating them and most have a lot of omega 6 fat. At least if you are trying to lose weight..

On a side note, I have a question. I saw coconut butter in a store today pretty cheaply. It was made from "hardened coconu oil" if I remember it right. I'm just wondering what the "hardened" part stands for? Same as hydrogenated? Good or Bad? Was thinking mainly cooking.. The product label was pretty scarce but it's a LOT cheaper than coconut oil so that's why I'm interested.


Almonds are ok though they are pretty high in omega 6. Don't know about pistachios but they are almost always salted around here so perhaps not the best of options. Best nuts are AFAIK hazel nuts and macadamia nuts at least if you are thinking about the fat profile.

Anyway I would go pretty easy on the nuts. It's easy to pack a lot of calories by eating them and most have a lot of omega 6 fat. At least if you are trying to lose weight..

the alternative in the past for me was potato chips for lunch though. So I'm guessing nuts are much better choice if it's replacing that. I'll look into hazel and macadamia next time I'm at the store... plus unsalted.


Get whichever nuts you like the most, each has its own benefits. Almonds are usually the 'go to' because they're cheap and have an all around great nutritional profile. There's nothing wrong with getting salted nuts either, some people find that if you get the roasted and salted kind, it makes them easier to overeat because of the the combination of salt and fat. I always buy pistachios roasted and salted, there's just something about the salt that really pulls the flavor out of them, all other nuts I prefer raw, especially macadamias, which I think are kinda gross when salted. What I like to do is rotate which kind of nuts I buy, first it's almonds, than walnuts, than pecans, than cashews, ect. Remember that peanuts are not nuts! I'd recommend brazil nuts every once in a while, they're very high in selenium, which is not found in a ton of foods, I usually eat 3-4 brazil nuts with my breakfast.

And honestly, I wouldn't drive yourself crazy with omega ratios, it's not worth it IMO. If you're removing the veggie oils and refined carbs and other processed foods, you're reducing your omega-6's plenty, and eating fatty fish like salmon twice a week, you'll have nothing to worry about. It's kinda silly to single out the omega content of a nut, you need to look at it them as a whole and all the nutrients they have. Plus, the omega-6 in whole foods, like nuts, are not the same as the oxidized omega-6 in veggie oils.

As far as rice, most will go with white rice, Brown rice still is still in the hull, which is where most of the anti-nutrients come from.
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