If Israel could use that power to force a peace treaty like in classic country vs country, army vs army, scenarios i would have agreed.
But that power is meaningless when you are fighting terrorists that don't care about their own or their citizen's lives.
OK, so we have the power to bomb them even more. So? Hamas doesn't care. No point in doing that or even threatening to do that.
What Israel is doing is investing billions of dollars in defensive tech like the iron dome so it won't have to go to war as frequently. Investing in buying and improving US fighter jets and missiles to be more precise so less collateral damage is done when targeting a specific person. Investing in developing a reactive armor for tanks (TROPHY APS) so less tanks would be needed - which will reduce the casualties on both sides.
We are doing the best we can. If it's not good enough for you. Then please help us do better or do better yourself. Last time I checked the US wasn't weaker than Israel, so you could take the responsibility from our hands.
You can't blame the palestinian civilians - they don't have much choice. But giving free reign to hamas isn't a good option either.
Defensive tech like drones and missiles for shitty pilots and soldiers to fire and cause massive civilian damage.
You have to bomb the Arab terrorists, right.
What's your basis for asking other countries to attack Hamas if you just accept war is ugly and there are limitations to consider? Only for one side I guess.
Bolivia and Venezuela consider Israel a terrorist state and many nations condemned Israel for the way they bombed so many civilians recklessly. And quite a few countries with some weight don't consider Hamas a terrorist organization including Norway, Switzerland, Russia, China.
So which group, or bunch of terrorists are really worth worrying about? How about comparing their funding support for weapons ... or the damage, including civilian, caused by the two. Or which is pummeling the other and the people they represent beyond reason. Pretty much with the same lustful vengeance as you see from their heavy right wing fans.
A lot of times I see a narrative trying to be pushed with racist language not so subtly dehumanizing large groups of Arabs as terrorists, whom Israel must bomb them to protect freedom. One guy implied it outright and got banned for it in this thread. I'm not talking about Hamas.
The same way people referred to Iraqis as terrorists after 9/11 and the illegal invasion. Suddenly their rights to defend their country, even when completely justified, are ignored because Arabs are terrorists. It's just shuffled away.
And that's what I see people often trying to do but instead of ignoring it they rely on it for their message, the Arabs are the terrorists.