Nintendo was bodied so hard by sony they decided to avoid all competition in the console space, now after MS practically gave up, sony is seemingly taunting them with this announcement and their Music Division investment into palworld. Good. Get fucked nintendo.
I don't understand this obsession with who outsold whom bc at the end of the day Sony is still making tons of money and producing consoles, setting trends in the industry, and creating lots of innovation. This is why I find Nintendo fans so obnoxious and insecure. Nintendo doesn't innovate anything. Wiimote was wasted potential where only a few games made good use of it, and then waggle got put in the backburner with Wii U and Switch. The best selling Nintedo games are just cookie cutters of previous versions with a fresh slap of paint. Smash Ultimate is hardly any different from Smash Brawl. All the Zeldas follow the same tired formula of exploring, solving puzzles, hack/slash enemies. Mario is just jump, collect coins, stomp on enemies. Where's the innovation in those games if Nintendo's so innovative? I've played almost every major Nintendo release and I constantly fail to see this innovation which is highly overrated anyways. It's quality that trumps innovation.