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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Wait, so the hostages got released? I'm glad, but why would murderous ISIS thugs do this? Only thing I can think of is maybe they had demands that were met?


Someone posted a tweet or article earlier suggesting the BBC knows who it is but they've been asked not to say anything.
The police knows apparently (straight from the president). They don't say anything probably to make arrests easier. I'm not even sure I want them to get credit fir this anyway.

But even if they did it e. g. for ISIS, I wouldn't be surprised that noone at the head of ISIS knew there would be an attack today, on the other hand.
This makes me feel physically ill. Thinking about the police officers having to confront these people who may very well be using human shields, suicide bombs, etc. Living nightmare.


Wait, so the hostages got released? I'm glad, but why would murderous ISIS thugs do this? Only thing I can think of is maybe they had demands that were met?

Didnt you get the news? They killed over 100 people and were executing hostages. They had no intention of releasing them. Police stopped them.


You are projecting their image as moderate Muslims because they said so, it doesn't make them moderates if they say so unless you want people to think such idiots are moderates

I'm not projecting a single thing, they are. They are the ones describing themselves as moderate muslims and then explaining their beliefs.

What right do you have to tell people that they aren't moderate muslims - are you a imam?


4 police officers were killed trying to rescue the hostages according to itélé. Rest in piece to those brave men and women that knowingly went into a building where they didn't know who or where the bad guys were, yet pushed through anyway to save as many people as they could.
Without them storming the theater, there would be worse.

They take so many risks responding to these situations.

GIGN is one of the top responders in the world when it comes to counter terrorism, I'm sure they, and their families are grieving.

Police in America should be giving their prayers. Some police here don't experience these types of things in their whole duty as an officer.



Rapid Response Threadmaker
My thoughts are with the victims, families of the victims, brave service men and women, and the people of Paris.


Nice edit.


Holy shit, it was even worse before? Even after the edit he sounds like someone who needs therapy. Evaluate your thinking patterns a bit, Archer.


Wait, so the hostages got released? I'm glad, but why would murderous ISIS thugs do this? Only thing I can think of is maybe they had demands that were met?
There were not even really hostages. They fired in the hall and apparently threw grenades. The police adsaulted tbe building and killed them. Or at least the one that were still there.
War against Afghanistan was justified for going after al Qaeda only

War against Iraq was not justified

War against Isis is the most justified any community can be, this is when you actually destroy them instead of saying diplomatic solution because past wars were waged incorrectly. Destroying them is only going to bring a good outcome


Some news 5 terrorists dead in total.

And directly from the Elysée, controls are back at the borders but they are not closed.


Neo Member
Found this while looking around for statements from Swedish politicians.

Well one more stupid statement by our vice-primeminister here in Sweden.

"The very serious events in Paris can now be difficult for the climate summit in December, when over 100 heads of government are planning to participate"

That's not the thing you're supposed to say after a thing like this.

It sure was stupid but just to be fair she tweeted her condolences right before this one. She also removed it when people got upset. Awful timing though.
How do you "finish the job" exactly? Eradicate the entire region?

It's an ideology that can spread as easily as posting on social media. I know you're scared and you want to feel safe knowing there's a solution but it's very likely you will have to live with this for your entire lifetime. Would finishing the job stopped people like the Boston bombers who never went to Syria or Iraq? How about that guy in Tennessee who went on a shooting spree after being recruited online?

Ironically, stuff like the NSA spying is probably the most viable way to stop stuff like this. But is that something you're ready to accept?

The only way to prevent a power vacuum after deposing a dictator is to a) impose a friendly government or b) annex the country. Leaving people to their own devices after vaporizing their infrastructure is the perfect recipe for this kind of garbage.

Modern imperialism is too limp to prevent these sorts of rubber band effects. We now have the answer to the question of "wouldn't people be better off without Assad and Gadafi and Hussein?" We're trying our damndest to prevent this in Afghanistan, but it we honestly don't know if it's possible to salvage a smoothly running democratic state when radical extremism has taken root.

Because "ISIS" is not a fucking target you can point to on a map, you're essentially saying let's indiscriminately bomb some brown people

Surely you're not under the impression that you can go to war with a country (which ISIS has declared itself, despite not being recognized by anyone...yet) with no one but combatants dying?

The people of Iraq have suffered for a decade and more, but this isn't the sort of thing that goes away with strong words. Indiscriminate bombing is obviously jingoistic rhetoric, but it's growing increasingly obvious that they can't be allowed to proliferate unchecked.
War against Afghanistan was justified for going after al Qaeda only

War against Iraq was not justified

War against Isis is the most justified any community can be, this is when you actually destroy them instead of saying diplomatic solution because past wars were waged incorrectly. Destroying them is only going to bring a good outcome

We can attempt to destroy Isis but unless underlying issues are fixed another terrorist group will fill the void


They killed the hostages, those who escaped got lucky

Didnt you get the news? They killed over 100 people and were executing hostages. They had no intention of releasing them. Police stopped them.

There were not even really hostages. They fired in the hall and apparently threw grenades. The police adsaulted tbe building and killed them. Or at least the one that were still there.

Well, fuck. No I didn't hear that. Just turned it on and got bits and pieces. Trying to catch up.
War against Afghanistan was justified for going after al Qaeda only

War against Iraq was not justified

War against Isis is the most justified any community can be, this is when you actually destroy them instead of saying diplomatic solution because past wars were waged incorrectly. Destroying them is only going to bring a good outcome

It's almost like you've ignored every single point I made in my post in response to you. No one is arguing again destroying them. I'm asking you how in the name of god you're going to do that given the complex issues I highlighted.

Hip Hop

Itll never be over until ISIS is no longer a global threat.

Yup, things like this will just keep happening. But how exactly do you get rid of something like ISIS? And I'm sure there are countless others that would likely take their place if they ever were to fall.
I still can't understand how someone could do this.

All the love to you ParisGAF, hell... all the love to all GAF. My thoughts are with you all. <3


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?


War against Afghanistan was justified for going after al Qaeda only

War against Iraq was not justified

War against Isis is the most justified any community can be, this is when you actually destroy them instead of saying diplomatic solution because past wars were waged incorrectly. Destroying them is only going to bring a good outcome

To be honest , You cant destroy ISIS.
I'm not projecting a single thing, they are. They are the ones describing themselves as moderate muslims and then explaining their beliefs.

What right do you have to tell people that they aren't moderate muslims - are you a imam?

See let me make it simple

They use language which is far from moderate but they call themselves moderate

You agree they are moderate

You tell gaf I don't know about you but these are moderates beczuse they say they are

You are misinforming people because you fall so easily for their words as facts.

Yes they call themselves moderates you and I agree they do. But do you actually consider their words as one a moderate Muslim would use or do you think those are words a radicalist would use
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