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Developer: Japan Studio / International Software Development, WWS America / On-Core Software
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment America
Genre: Action-Rhythm God Game
Platform: PS4
Release date: 2017-08-01
Price: 14.99$US (11.99$US for PS+ members)
You are The Almighty. Your faithful believers, the Patapon, have lost the great civilization they once had. Lead them across the world to Earthend to find "It", a sacred object that is told to grant eternal contentment and happiness. The journey will be fraught with peril, as the evil Zigoton Empire will do everything it can to prevent the Patapon from reaching their destination. Make use of the holy drums and guide your subjects to victory!
- 2160p Resolution - 4K and 1080p resolution offer the smoothest lines and textures possible for output to modern televisions.
- Rhythm and Action Collide Master up to six different drumbeats to command the Patapon troops to march, attack, defend, power up, retreat, and use magic. Combine the various chains of drumbeats to address each unique level, leading the Patapons to victory over the Zigoton enemy forces.
- Strategic Gaming Patapon delivers a strong element of strategy by requiring players to properly customize and build up the Patapon army, arm each soldier with particular weapons and armor, and position them correctly for battle.
- Mission Variety Take part in more than 30 specific missions including hunting, escort, and boss battles, and explore numerous vivid environments along the way. Players will discover and access more than 100 items and weapons throughout the adventure.
- Mini-Games Five music-based mini-games allow players to earn bonuses and upgrades to further customize the Patapon warriors.
- Music Captivating and dramatic original music builds dynamically as players march and encounter enemy battles throughout each level.
-Digital on PSN
-Physical on Play-asia
Q: I'm not familiar with rhythm games or I don't like them. Can I get into this game?
A: It's not a regular rhythm game. It is more of an action-adventure game that happens to use rhythm as a means to interface with it. The actual execution of the rhythm part is super easy! There are only a handful of commands, two of which you will disproportionally use over the others (□ □ □ ○ and ○ ○ □ ○
Q: How long is this game?
A: If you stick to the main story path, it'll take you between 10 to 15 hours. If you want to finish the sidequests as well, it'll take you between 25 to 30 hours. And if you want to grind to make your army more powerful than it ever needs to be, then the game can be as long as you want!
Q: Will the whole trilogy be remastered?
A: I thought it was the case, but apparently, only the first game was announced to be remastered. I'm sure the others will be remastered as well if this one sells enough!
Q: Does the second game allow me to import my save from the first game?
A: It sure does!! When you import your save into the second game, you retain the materials you have! This is super handy as it allows you to rebuild your army much more quickly in the beginning! So keep your save file once you're done in case Sony decides to remaster the second game!
Q: I've heard this game has input lag.
A: I personally have none, as well as many other gaffers. It's probably your TV! Be sure to set it to "game mode". If such a mode isn't available on your TV, then manually disable some of the post-processing options the TV offers, such as "cinemotion", "motion blur", or anything that modifies how an imagine would look. Regular parameters such as "colors" or "tint" do not affect input lag.