Path of Exile 2 Early Access |OT| An Exile like ARPG.


Just a Question.
Will there be a Warehouse in the game like in the early days of Diablo 3?
I hope not cause i wanna find my gear and not buy it from a Warehouse because it's easier/more effective that way.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent


Rodent Whores
Just a Question.
Will there be a Warehouse in the game like in the early days of Diablo 3?
I hope not cause i wanna find my gear and not buy it from a Warehouse because it's easier/more effective that way.

You mean an auction house? There's no real money auction house. You can trade items freely though.


Gold Member
So, since even though I merged my accounts, they are still separate. I wonder if this means both can be logged in, in game at the same time.


Gold Member
Just a Question.
Will there be a Warehouse in the game like in the early days of Diablo 3?
I hope not cause i wanna find my gear and not buy it from a Warehouse because it's easier/more effective that way.

Hahah well you are in luck.
GGG have always been dead-set against an in-game WoW style Auction house.

You can trade with players but it's more like Warframe: You need to somehow communicate interest in buying selling by using a website (or spamming a trade chat I guess), then you have to physically meet in one of your hideouts and do the trade directly. Lots of people hate it but it's never going to change so it's just part of the charm of the game now (there are external websites that make it a bit easier)

As for Finding Your Own Stuff, there is Solo-Self-Found mode which locks out Party play and trade. Doesn't really provide any advantages over just - you know - not trading, but some folks like it as a bragging right to achieve good progress with that limitation (like playing HC mode) "SSF btw"


Gold Member
I just bought it but I work tomorrow early so I have to go to bed early. Enjoy the game guys, will read your impressions tomorrow or lack of them depending of how the servers work


Hahah well you are in luck.
GGG have always been dead-set against an in-game WoW style Auction house.

You can trade with players but it's more like Warframe: You need to somehow communicate interest in buying selling by using a website (or spamming a trade chat I guess), then you have to physically meet in one of your hideouts and do the trade directly. Lots of people hate it but it's never going to change so it's just part of the charm of the game now (there are external websites that make it a bit easier)

As for Finding Your Own Stuff, there is Solo-Self-Found mode which locks out Party play and trade. Doesn't really provide any advantages over just - you know - not trading, but some folks like it as a bragging right to achieve good progress with that limitation (like playing HC mode) "SSF btw"
Cool, nice to hear.thx


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I wonder, if I already played POE, I guess I have to use the same account since that's the one that's linked to my Steam account, right?

Wanted to check but their web is down lol.


If anyone can actually log in today, let me know if you can purchase the Thaumaturge of the Vaal Supporter Pack on PlayStation somehow.

Xbox has that option I see. Leave it to Sony to fuck this up.


Never really played PoE1 as I'm very much a filthy casual, so I'm not sure yet about jumping on board with this one...but man, all the hype has me hyped. I'm very much looking forward to hearing impressions and watching some streams.


He measures in centimeters
Hammer of the Gods Ignite Titan it is.

I'm hyped to play a melee class as POE wasn't super melee friendly - hoping things are different here! Honestly all the classes look fun (although I've played Deadeye to death and it looks pretty much the same as poe).
re: console sharing

I'm guessing that you cannot console share early access on PS5 like you can other purchases due to being tied to a GGG/PoE account right? Also how about playing couch co-op with two accounts on the one console? Do both need to purchase a supporter pack or only one?


Gold Member
re: console sharing

I'm guessing that you cannot console share early access on PS5 like you can other purchases due to being tied to a GGG/PoE account right? Also how about playing couch co-op with two accounts on the one console? Do both need to purchase a supporter pack or only one?

So far, in EA, there is no way to log in two accounts on one platform, so you'll both be on the same account.
So far, in EA, there is no way to log in two accounts on one platform, so you'll both be on the same account.
Wow, that is quite the oversight. Are they planning to allow two accounts to play together for full release? Would be huge disappointment if you can't group up for some co-op, then go back to your own accounts when not able to play co-op.


Gold Member
In Steam menu, it doesn't immediately reject my log in request(Texas server)like it does in console. And Omg, the background looks soooo much better on my fatty PC over the Series S lol
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
For the upscaling, should I go DLSS or NIS? I don't have a clue of what NIS is. :goog_relieved:


For the upscaling, should I go DLSS or NIS? I don't have a clue of what NIS is. :goog_relieved:
Nah NIS looks like ass. Go DLSS quality or DLAA if you have the horsepower.

PS: my 4090 is at 80+% GPU load and 320W power draw in the menu with everything maxed at 1440P (144Hz) and DLAA... ooook

EDIT: seems like DLAA is worse for me (older drivers maybe?) than quality DLSS, have some shimmering with it on at the tower on the left and the house in the middle of the background, also kinda mushy textures there... it's sharp and stable with quality though
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Anyone else considering trying out controller on PC? Could be the comfiest shit to play this on the couch.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Controller gameplay works well on both PC and console.
Yep, I'm going to be switching from WASD+ mouse and controller frequently.
Controller all the way. Maybe some management on m+k
Great! Good to know, might move this party from the desk to the couch.

Yo, you put out the weed already :messenger_winking: ?
Is it that obvious? :lollipop_content:

Nah not yet lol. I want to have a good luck at the character skills and pasives tree before doing that. :goog_relieved:
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