Path of Exile 2 Early Access |OT| An Exile like ARPG.


Gold Member
Yeah not many then

I only played poe 1 as a filthy cajul. Do I need to know my ascendancy now or can I just play and decide on a whim as i go through
Ascendancies come into play in Act 2 and you decide then. But there are trials to complete to get them and level them up


Still haven't found the answer to this.

If I purchase the $30 key for Xbox right now, can I use the same key/character/unlockables and transfer to Steam later without having to rebuy and restart everything?


Still haven't found the answer to this.

If I purchase the $30 key for Xbox right now, can I use the same key/character/unlockables and transfer to Steam later without having to rebuy and restart everything?

Yea this is worded so weird.
  • After linking my Xbox and PC accounts, can I use microtransactions that were purchased on my Xbox account on my PC account and vice versa?
    • Yes, but by default the microtransactions on the two accounts will be in separate sub accounts. You can freely choose which sub-account you would like to use on either platform and the microtransactions originally purchased on that sub-account will be available for use on either platform.
    • You can also contact support if you would like to move the microtransactions onto the same sub account as a one time action, but note that we can not currently move your characters from one sub-account to the other, so you should only do this if you do not intend to use the moved microtransactions on that sub-account any more.


Rodent Whores
Great OT!

Like clarky clarky said, I'll be making the NeoGAF guild. It already exists, if the PoE 1 guilds carry over to PoE2. If they don't, then I'll remake it. We'll see in a few hours.

I will repost this handy basic tips post I made in the other thread. If you're new to the game, you'll find it useful.

edit: I added a few more things.

Here are a few general tips for new players based on public information and also how things work in PoE1. It's nothing that I would consider spoilers, since it's very basic information. This will be helpful to save some headache early on especially if you're used to the way Diablo 4 works.

Each level up grants you one skill point on your passive tree. These can be allocated to attribute nodes (also known as travel nodes) or other nodes in clusters that boost particular other stats. You might be tempted to go straight for the +10% damage nodes from the start, but generally speaking, most players will eventually end up respeccing it to take more attribute (travel) nodes so that they can path to more substantial passive nodes that are further up the tree. This is the decision making gameplay loop - Do you take more attribute nodes to get to high level passive nodes earlier, or do you take the low level passive nodes now and wait until you have enough money to respec later?

Strength grants you life, Dexterity grants you accuracy, and Intelligence grants you mana. There are also attribute requirements on gear. High armor gear requires high STR. High evade gear requires high DEX. High energy shield gear requires high INT.

You gain different skills by consuming something called an uncut skill gem. Then you can choose any skill from any class to use. Some are restricted by weapon type. Generally, you want to stick to your own class' skill set in the beginning, but feel free to experiment if you're feeling adventurous. Each skill can be modified two times with a support skill gem that you can obtain by consuming uncut support skill gems. You can only use one support gem on one skill at a time, so it's not like you can put the same strong support gem into every skill that you use. You will have to think hard about which characteristics about each support gem fit the skill it's matched to as well as your playstyle. Support skills work sort of like how legendary powers work in Diablo 4.

Some skills are better suited for single target DPS and some skills are better suited for AoE DPS. This can also be modified with the right support skills. Keep in mind what is the right skill for the right job if you're fighting a boss or trash mobs.

Some skills have cool interactions with each other. For example if you fire projectiles through a flame wall, your projectiles will get bonus fire damage. This is cool in party play. Experiment to find more cool combos :)

The NPCs in this game are actually worth a damn and carry good gear. Check back periodically to see if they have anything new because they can randomly have godlike rare items in the shop. For weapons, keep an eye out for +damage or +skills. Like in most ARPGs, keeping your weapon updated is very important in early game progression.

Crafting is a little complicated, but don't worry about that in the beginning. Just know that you can use consumables to turn normal items into magic, and magic into rares, so if you see a good quality normal item or magic item drop or in the shop, it's still valuable to you.

Wudijo made a crafting guide.

edit: more stuff

If you die, you respawn at a checkpoint and all other mobs respawn too. This is the penalty for death. It's actually not that bad because if you died you might be underleveled, and clearing the instance again will get you more EXP. If you die on a boss, you will have to restart the boss fight. You can't portal out during a boss encounter. If you want to manually reset an instance for farming purposes, ctrl+click on a waypoint.

Due to server limitations, if you are idle in town for too long and the dungeon you are in has no active players inside of it for 8 to 15 minutes, the server will close that instance.

If you want to link an item in chat, ctrl+alt+click.

There is a weapon swap feature in the game where you can swap between two different sets of weapons. If this is too complicated, don't bother with it. If you want to min/max, this will be useful. As you progress in the game, you will acquire the ability to split up your skill tree with weapon set passive points that only apply for when you are using a particular set of weapons. For example, if you want to be a mage with both fire and ice, you can have a staff with fire buffs and a staff with ice buffs and swap between them, and assign your fire skills and fire passives to the fire staff and the ice skills and the ice passives to the ice staff. Or, if you want two different weapon sets for single target DPS and AoE DPS, that is possible too.

edit: more basic tips that I think are useful.

Regarding extra loot you find - you have 3 options. Keep it, sell it for gold, or disenchant (salvage) at one of the NPCs in town for crafting mats. You'll know if you want to keep it to use now or later. Selling it is one of the main ways to get gold. Gold is useful to buy new items at the NPC or respec your passive skill tree. Disenchanting magic items will give you mats that will help you to craft more magic items from normal items. Disenchanting rare items will give you mats that will help you to craft more rare items from magic items.

Regarding skill selection. Let me reiterate that any class can choose any skill from any other class. The only restrictions are if it's tied to a particular weapon, and level and stat restrictions. When you go to pick an active skill you can click on the other classes to see what skills they have and pick one of those if you feel like it. For support skills, you will be presented with 3 recommended choices, but there is also a box you can check to show you all the gems that you could possibly choose from.

READ the tooltips! They are actually really good and contain relevant information. Press alt to be able to move your mouse into the tooltip to get even more tooltips about the underlined terms. If you don't read the tooltips on skills, especially things like spirit gems, you might miss the fact they take up more spirit and that you won't be able to use them if you don't have enough spirit.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Does POE 2 have that weird economy thing the first game had? Where you don't have any currency but instead just barter/trade with merchants?


Gold Member
Great OT!

Like clarky clarky said, I'll be making the NeoGAF. It already exists, if the PoE 1 guilds carry over to PoE2. If they don't, then I'll remake it. We'll see in a few hours.

I will repost this handy basic tips post I made in the other thread. If you're new to the game, you'll find it useful.
I'll add that post up top mate. Good stuff :)


Loves his juicy stink trail scent

Welcome to the Neogaf OT for the eagerly awaited early access period of Path of Exile 2. There is an absolute ton of information for this game so we'll just cover the basics here and any questions (which I'm sure there will be many) can be answered in the thread.

Please go easy on me, this is only my second OT and I'm drinking Jonny Walker Black, writing this and trying to close out a project before the game launches. Excuse the roughness I will be adding to it and polishing it up a bit over the coming weeks.

Lets get on with it, after all we've only been waiting 5 years.

First up a legendary quote from a legend in the hype thread:



  • PST: 11am, Friday, December 6, 2024
  • EST: 2pm, Friday, December 6, 2024
  • GMT: 7pm, Friday, December 6, 2024

How much?

POE 2 will be free to play when it releases 1.0 but for now you need a supporters pack to get in. Not a bad deal because as well as the goodies in which ever pack you choose you also get the same value in coins to spend in the in game shop.


What do I get in these packs I hear you ask?







Note some of the packs contain more than the description in the pictures for full details go here:


3 Acts will be available for the early access period and 6 in total for the full release. For now you'll be required to repeat acts 1-3 on a harder difficulty to ready your character for the end game. Can be played solo, online upto 6 players, and even couch co-op across all formats, yes including PC.




At the start of Early Access in Path of Exile 2 each of the 6 Character Classes will have 2 Ascendancy Classes available. Ascendancy is like a sub class and becomes available through trails starting during act 2 but you'll have to work for them.

6 more Classes will be available at or before launch of 1.0 and there will be a total of 3 ascendancies for each class in the finished game. I don't know about everyone else but I can't decide on which to play, they all look sick AF.








Passive Skill Tree:


Check this out, it may look daunting at first but its not that difficult to figure out once you get your head around it.


Interactive version and source from the above:



Completing the campaign is just the beginning. The endgame in Path of Exile 2 includes countless areas in different biomes, powerful crafting, challenging bosses, unique encounters and much more. Unlock new paths and explore further into the world. There are huge numbers of things to find.

As you progress through the endgame, you will gain access to special passive trees that can boost the rewards of your maps and change the way the various endgame mechanics work. These trees will make your maps more rewarding but also more difficult




I strongly recommend you check out this video by the CEO of GGG giving an overview of the content available during early access and the insane looking end game:

Regarding a NEOGAF guild i think Rentahamster Rentahamster has kindly thrown his hat in the ring to take the reigns on this. More information to follow once we know exactly how this will work.

I think that should do it for now. There's an insane amount of content and systems even in this early access stage and I'm by no mean a POE expert so if I've missed anything anyone thinks is essential the give me a nudge and I'll stick it in the OP.

Happy Slaying everyone.


*WARNING* There is a very strong chance it completely shits the bed tonight due to the frankly insane numbers the packs/preorders seem to be doing. So probably best to go do something else tonight if the worst happens rather than giving yourself an aneurysm. There's always Indiana Jones special early access edition to tide you over as an option while things calms down. Check out this message just posted from the CEO, you can almost see the terror in his face. God bless him and all those at GGG. We are with you tonight whatever may happen, don't work too hard, there's always tomorrow.

Most blessed OT of all time.

Hype train at maximum.

Let’s gooooooooo!!!


Please excuse my ignorance, I've only started to look into POE2 in the last couple of days and I've never played POE.

I see the game supports co-op, but are there any mechanics that revolve around the co-op, such as tanking/aggro, healing partner, support boost skills that kind of thing?
I've played other co-op ARPGs before and where there is no difference between co-op and solo gameplay mechanics I tend to feel like we're getting in each other's way or competing for kills. I love playing co-op but in these cases I probably prefer solo.



Great OT!

Like clarky clarky said, I'll be making the NeoGAF. It already exists, if the PoE 1 guilds carry over to PoE2. If they don't, then I'll remake it. We'll see in a few hours.

I will repost this handy basic tips post I made in the other thread. If you're new to the game, you'll find it useful.
The guilds are not ported. Jonathan talked about it and said they wanted to port them but didn't found a technical solution. Unfortunately, the guild MTX will not be cross-games and will remain only in PoE1


Rodent Whores
Please excuse my ignorance, I've only started to look into POE2 in the last couple of days and I've never played POE.

I see the game supports co-op, but are there any mechanics that revolve around the co-op, such as tanking/aggro, healing partner, support boost skills that kind of thing?
I've played other co-op ARPGs before and where there is no difference between co-op and solo gameplay mechanics I tend to feel like we're getting in each other's way or competing for kills. I love playing co-op but in these cases I probably prefer solo.


Party play mechanics are a lot more involved in this game than most other ARPGs to date. For example, you can cast firewall and any subsequent projectiles you or your allies shoot that passes through that firewall will be enchanted with fire damage. It's not necessary, but the holy trinity (tank DPS support) party is going to be a lot more capable working together than a party of randoms. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Of course, this game is also perfectly fine to play all by yourself if you choose.
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Please excuse my ignorance, I've only started to look into POE2 in the last couple of days and I've never played POE.

I see the game supports co-op, but are there any mechanics that revolve around the co-op, such as tanking/aggro, healing partner, support boost skills that kind of thing?
I've played other co-op ARPGs before and where there is no difference between co-op and solo gameplay mechanics I tend to feel like we're getting in each other's way or competing for kills. I love playing co-op but in these cases I probably prefer solo.


Someone can definitely play a support. They can be a buff machine and boost other party members.


Rodent Whores
If you want to start theorycrafting your build while you wait for the game to come online, you can see all the skill gems in this game at this link. I don't consider it to be too spoilery because you can see all of this info in the game yourself at level 1 in the first 2 minutes when you choose your first skill. If you'd rather go into the game 100% blind and rather look at this info in game than on this website, that is fine too, since the other pages on the website do get into spoilery stuff like the content in the acts.



Party play mechanics are a lot more involved in this game than most other ARPGs to date. For example, you can cast firewall and any subsequent projectiles you or your allies shoot that passes through that firewall will be enchanted with fire damage. It's not necessary, but the holy trinity (tank DPS support) party is going to be a lot more capable working together than a party of randoms. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.

Of course, this game is also perfectly fine to play all by yourself if you choose.

Someone can definitely play a support. They can be a buff machine and boost other party members.

Oh that's great news. Definitely more hyped for this now! Thanks for the info.


Really wanted the $160 supporter pack, but it’s not listed on the PS Store. What a weird move. I liked the cosmetics on that one alone and wanted to hand a key out to my brother. Now, I’m unsure on which one to get.
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Launching this right before the weekend and in EU prime time was not the smartest thing to do
They have been doing league launches on US Fridays for years now. Not saying the servers won't go to shit on start just due to numbers. But this release time is normal for them.


Rodent Whores
So i got the 30 bucks founder edition and never played the first one. Hope i will like it. I heard the first one is crazy complex and never bothered but I wanna give it a chance.

This game's design was crafted to have similar depth as the first game, but be much more approachable and accessible for new players so that you will gradually learn organically as you progress.


Gold Member
Just hope I can play a little bit tonight and the servers won't explode!
This is me also, hoping for not a total wipe out.

I'm just about done for the weekend, work project all but wrapped up, OT done. Just going to feed myself and take a dump then I'm ready. Lets do this.

Aces High

Okay, I'll go with Mercenary.

Merc gameplay reminds me a lot of Helldivers 1. This is going to be epic in a dark fantasy setting.



Only played a few hours of PoE but I'm going to give this a proper shot, especially with support for WASD movement. That skill tree would usually turn me off but I'm going to embrace it.



Only played a few hours of PoE but I'm going to give this a proper shot, especially with support for WASD movement. That skill tree would usually turn me off but I'm going to embrace it.
Same, I have played about 26 hours in Path of Exile 1 over the years but i'm giving PoE2 a fair chance and trying it out.
Anyways, the hype for this game is unreal and it's only EA. Lets hope the waiting line won't be too long and the content is plenty.
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Gold Member
Someone wrote that they could queue up already. On what platform is that, because steam sure as hell can’t.

Probably console cause you could even queue up yesterday. Many of us, including me, were able to make a character and play yesterday. I got about 10 min of bliss before getting kicked.

Anyway, I saw a post saying that queueing won't matter because right before the game launches, there will be a last minute patch that will force everyone to have to re queue up. But idk if that's true.
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