Path of Exile 2 Early Access |OT| An Exile like ARPG.


Question: I see PC players with really nice individual highlighting of drops that make the sea of junk easier to parse - is that a mod or an in-game option I can't find?

Damn, waystone sustain around Tier 4 is kicking my ass. Is it worth burning exalteds to trade for good ones?
I stalled out twice around there. Thanks to the waystones in the stash I could keep it going at the 3rd attempt, crafting some 5s with 4s and 4s from 3s then doing orbs on them to juice them up. Now in tier 6 it's not nearly the same issue and the rarity, frequency and level dropping is way better. Maybe it's the Atlas stuff, but I've only got a few more unlocks that don't really affect waystones anyway.

Got a stash of 1-4s as a backup if it all goes pear shaped again, but if it keeps going I'll add these when needed to the guild stash. It doesn't feel good though, not being able to get your own when they say stuff like 120% more waystone drops and you come out with zero.
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Thanks a ton for typing this out. This is super helpful!

You're welcome.

Also, some corrections after playing more:
  • Delirium: go through the delirium mirror (there usually should be one not too far from the entry portal) and kill as many mobs asap, within the delirium zone. You gain 'delirium levels' (shown bottom left) as you kill delirium mobs (sunken/cthulhu-ish) -> actually not just the delirium mobs, but any mob, so best to start right off the bat! and grab mirror shards, which extend the delirium timer. Based on your performance you gain 'distilled emotions'. Specific combinations of distilled emotions can be used to copy a big (notable) passive skill node (HUGE) to use on an amulet (shift click in the passive skill tree on a big node to see what distilled emotions are needed). Distilled emotions can also be used on waypoints (right click on the distilled emotion), which will give extra mods and make the delirium zone last longer, basically giving you a higher chance for more distilled emotion drops -> not true, as counter-productive as it sounds, distilled emotions can juice your waypoint, but transforms the map into a permanent delirium zone without a mirror, so you cannot actually gain distilled emotions (because no mirror, no gaining delirium levels)
  • Also move into which direction the fog is moving, that will usually lead you to more mirror shards
  • From tier 10 onwards, simulacrum splinters can drop needed the delirium pinnacle encounter
Also, waypoints can drop from any mob. So if you're doing a map with a decent waypoint drop %, I'd clear the whole map.
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Rodent Whores
My HP is t3h 1337


Now my energy shield is l33t too

Herbspiceguy Herbspiceguy Sabejita Sabejita panda-zebra panda-zebra Are any of you guys using lightning in your builds?

I'm currently trying out this armor

Basically, everything in my presence has -58 lightning resistance because I also have -58% lightning resistance lol. It's pretty cool. I think it might be useful in party play. Let's try it sometime.
I have a lightning mod, but my I mainly do flat phys, and some fire (ignite).

I'm wondering if party play might be the way to go since we only use one waystone but get enough drops for everyone in the party.
My PC is chugging when mobs explode all over my screen. Might be worse with a party, but I'm willing to try.


Gold Member
Is anyone playing ranger? When I put the plant down and can poison it, what activates the buff? The arrows go through the plant itself and I can't tell if shooting enemies feeds the plant poison?


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
All tiers of mapping done. Only found one citadel but beat that boss. Screwed out of ascendancy 4 boss multiple times even with 7000 ES…

Not much to do here without giga grinds.

Maybe time to do a pure bossing character?


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I fought the act 2 boss. Which is cool and all but no new mechanics. Just a bigger health pool.
Shiet that's underwhelming, hope they get to inprove in that.

My fav part of the game was probably a mix of how cool the bossfights are and how well paced the campaign is so you feel like those bosses come often enough. Lack of bossfights on endgame was a bummer imo.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Shiet that's underwhelming, hope they get to inprove in that.

My fav part of the game was probably a mix of how cool the bossfights are and how well paced the campaign is so you feel like those bosses come often enough. Lack of bossfights on endgame was a bummer imo.
Currently end game is all stick and tiny bits of carrot.

I would put a boss at every map tier threshold. 1-5 complete? Ok to do 6+ beat this boss. Possibly force the citadel boss here.

I would also inject a new phase in all of these citadel bosses. Or add new moves.

I’d also rescale all of the game to function like act 1-3. Slower, methodical, challenging. Drops have meaning always during this time. You are leveling frequently, you’re getting new gems, etc.

The game also has the issue that Diablo 4 does where advanced gear I don’t invest currency into really. I’d rather save it for expert. Which in turns just makes the advanced gear nothing but currency generators… which I’d rather just get a regal shard or extra money in its place because that’s all it will become. I only equip advanced if it’s an upgrade after it’s identified. Exception would be weapons.

The question for GGG is what is the vision? The game in act 1-3, or the PoE1 slot machine variant in end game?

The early access made me MUCH more curious now what’s next for last epoch and titan quest 2. Plus, D4 really only needs the skill trees to become akin to last epoch level of complexity.

If D4 ditched the paragon board but took all of the best or most popular nodes from it, then injected it back into the normal skill tree that would be far more interesting to me.


Rodent Whores
If D4 ditched the paragon board but took all of the best or most popular nodes from it, then injected it back into the normal skill tree that would be far more interesting to me.

D4 needs to take a lot of the legendary powers and put them on the skill tree too, IMO.

The most powerful legendary powers are so strong you'd be stupid to not use them, and everyone ends up wearing the same gear.
What I find interesting on the warrior as I have great skills to use vs regular mobs. Sunder and leap slam are fantastic and fun. But for bosses I just use the regular melee attack and roll behind them over and over and they die. The big boss fights are nothing more than a time sink.


What I find interesting on the warrior as I have great skills to use vs regular mobs. Sunder and leap slam are fantastic and fun. But for bosses I just use the regular melee attack and roll behind them over and over and they die. The big boss fights are nothing more than a time sink.
For mine I had to optimize around bosses.
There is a skill that makes an orb appear over them and if you bonk them, they go into heavy stun.
Add a support gem that fully breaks armor on heavy stun.
Then use a skill (perfect strike I think), where if you time it correctly it gives you a lot more damage.
Then add a support gem to that to cut the timing window but do a lot more damage.
Then add a support to that to make it consume the broken armor for extra 50% damage.
Pick up a bunch of damage nodes to heavy stunned enemies.
Add some fire damage on top for good measure.

Bosses go down REALLY fast with warrior.

For mobs, I find warrior startup time for many skills too long.
I use the wall skill to protect myself, then do the infernal cry, then sunder. Have some herald of ash on top of that.
Shit melts good.

Sorry I can't remember a lot of the skill names, but you hopefully get the idea.

I actually switched to Mercenary now. Enjoying freezing everything and then just shotgun to the face. Mobs are fun to take down, but having a hard time with bosses (not hard, just time consuming). need to find the right combo for massive single target damage.


Rodent Whores
What I find interesting on the warrior as I have great skills to use vs regular mobs. Sunder and leap slam are fantastic and fun. But for bosses I just use the regular melee attack and roll behind them over and over and they die. The big boss fights are nothing more than a time sink.

Sunder is good on bosses too. Build up stun > Boneshatter heavy stun supported with Devastate to break armor > Seismic Cry to empower Sunder >Sunder for 100% guarantee critical hit and multiple aftershocks to OHKO.


Rodent Whores
For mobs, I find warrior startup time for many skills too long.
I use the wall skill to protect myself, then do the infernal cry, then sunder. Have some herald of ash on top of that.
Shit melts good.

For mobs on Warrior, use a Cultist Greathammer for AoE on your basic attack, then just blow them all up by stacking AoE size on your passive tree and Magnitude on your support.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
D4 needs to take a lot of the legendary powers and put them on the skill tree too, IMO.

The most powerful legendary powers are so strong you'd be stupid to not use them, and everyone ends up wearing the same gear.
I’ve begged since week one for that game to ass a ruthless mode where gear that drops is what it is. No breaking it down to take elements onto other gear.

This would make every drop dopamine, and building yourself via loot amazing. Crafting just needs to be similar to Diablo 2 of words to make certain pieces, or minor alterations to amplify.

Playing RNG in poe2 sucks, and d4 letting me do what you can now sucks.

Last epoch currently had a good system.


I just added a shitload of waystones into the guild stash if anyone needs.

I'm getting loads of drops.
We're gonna need that map tab soon.
Dunno why I'm still getting level 2 waystones on level 9 maps.

I just put this into the guild stash, if any of you monks want to try it out.

I follow with a

and I raise with a
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For mine I had to optimize around bosses.
There is a skill that makes an orb appear over them and if you bonk them, they go into heavy stun.
Add a support gem that fully breaks armor on heavy stun.
Then use a skill (perfect strike I think), where if you time it correctly it gives you a lot more damage.
Then add a support gem to that to cut the timing window but do a lot more damage.
Then add a support to that to make it consume the broken armor for extra 50% damage.
Pick up a bunch of damage nodes to heavy stunned enemies.
Add some fire damage on top for good measure.

Bosses go down REALLY fast with warrior.

For mobs, I find warrior startup time for many skills too long.
I use the wall skill to protect myself, then do the infernal cry, then sunder. Have some herald of ash on top of that.
Shit melts good.

Sorry I can't remember a lot of the skill names, but you hopefully get the idea.

I actually switched to Mercenary now. Enjoying freezing everything and then just shotgun to the face. Mobs are fun to take down, but having a hard time with bosses (not hard, just time consuming). need to find the right combo for massive single target damage.
Oh I get it, I can do all that but it just doesn't seem neccesary when I can just kite and roll and kill them easy. I barely need to think.


Upgraded my 3 charm slot belt to something with stats I need that still lets me run stone/amethyst/thawing for stun/chaos/freeze, so I've put it in the guild stash level 51-60 gear tab.


How long does it take a microtransaction Premium tab to appear in my game after bought? I used the website. Is it spose to be instant? I'm at my stash and cant see anything to change one to premium.
Bought the 15 upgrade one to test if it would be available on both my # accounts but looks like a no.


had 300 breach splinters and tried to do the boss.
Didnt check how the fight goes beforehand. got him to ~60-70% before an attack i didnt knew existed one shotted me :D
Farming those takes to long to go back in blind a 2nd time.

But the fight was fun so far.


man just failed that last boss on the lvl 60 djinn barya. Absolute ass of an arena. Annoying that it takes so many rooms of anti-fun to get there, too. Barya/ultimatum stuff is just straight wank


How long does it take a microtransaction Premium tab to appear in my game after bought? I used the website. Is it spose to be instant? I'm at my stash and cant see anything to change one to premium.
Bought the 15 upgrade one to test if it would be available on both my # accounts but looks like a no.
Try going in and out of character select screen. Should sort itself out.
I love how every Trial of Sekhemas' guide tells you to focus on trials not on loot, then you go with Rentahamster Rentahamster ...
and you end up with a Divine Orb, plenty of Exalted and incidentally 2 more ascension points. :messenger_smiling_hearts:

What, another player can just boost you through Sekhema? I thought it was solo only. How does that work? (I need hulking form so bad)


What, another player can just boost you through Sekhema? I thought it was solo only. How does that work? (I need hulking form so bad)
Only the trial host can interact with trial stuff like selecting paths, sacred water, keys, urns, but the whole party gets boons and afflictions.
Other players still have to play and avoid getting hit, each one has his own honour pool and you have to be alive at the end of the last boss fight to click on an altar to get your points.

edit: and shit can still happen lol we failed on floor 3 from something that hit me from outside the screen for more than 1k honour damage (not a boss).
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Rodent Whores
What, another player can just boost you through Sekhema? I thought it was solo only. How does that work? (I need hulking form so bad)
Yup. What we didn't wasn't really "boosting" though. We were on the same power level. It's just that I had a lot more powerful relics at my disposal. Lots of honor resistance, and I have extra merchant options so I have a better chance of buying the OP boons.

edit: and shit can still happen lol we failed on floor 3 from something that hit me from outside the screen for more than 1k honour damage (not a boss).
That was a weird run, I think we just got unlucky. What fucked us is in the beginning we had -50% sacred water malus, so I couldn't buy the boons I wanted at the first merchant. As well as some other unlucky maluses that I had to take because the other ones were worse. The run after that was super easy though.
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