Path of Exile 2 Early Access |OT| An Exile like ARPG.

yeah, the game felled off hard after the campaign. They have a monumental task to make this work, and with how long its been in development im worried.

There's replacing cruel mode with acts 4-6, new classes+items and a new endgame coming. Cruel and the current end game were rushed in to test balance and provide temporary content.

That said, I've stopped playing it. Not coming back until they change the 1 hit kill enemies and make crafting viable without being forced to trade.
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Sabejita Sabejita
New way of generating power charges.

Haven't finished the video but Blink is tough (133 intel).

edit: ok Blink not required, chaos innoculation is, never tried it.

I like how he says "he thinks it's intended" in the beginning of the video: the lingering illusion copy is considered a minion, so minion gem (sacrifice minion for damage boost) works on it but only if it has at least 100% of your life, tho it only gets 20% from the lingering illusion skill, so you put your life to 1 and then you can sacrifice your copy to get a charge (lingering illusion gives you a charge if your copy is killed). :messenger_grinning_sweat:

For him it's the Lingering Illusion copy being considered a minion that may not be intended but bringing your life to 1 to trick percentages is?

That's clever but I looked at his skill tree and it's impressive he goes almost half circle on the outer ring, I'm not ready to change gameplay that much yet, but it's interesting for flicker strike with charged staff as both use power charges.
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Weekend Stash Tab Sale

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I have 300 hours logged and killed all major end game bosses except arbiter of ash beside I refuse to keep farming endless maps to find an iron citadel which never had spawned.

I’ve also in 300 hours with juiced t17 maps, breach, rarity in gear, tablets from towers, etc never got one single divine orb to drop.

I’ve only got divine orbs via selling the item from copper citadel for 1 div each. That’s it.

I’ve seen the guides- doesn’t matter. My game is either 100% bugged or I’m just that unlucky.

Either way the game can go fuck itself. It’s just made to bleed hours not create engagement or fun. The most fun I have with poe2 is firing up a new character up to about level 50. After that it’s just a chore.
How much rarity find did you have on cause that matters alot in this game.

I dont think its going take much personally to fix end game.

Fix armor…make better visuals for instant death drop on death mechanics. Make fighting in towers worth a fuck.


Hadn't used distilled emotions on a waystone before, just my amulet, mainly because I didn't know why I'd want to like so much of this end game you're offloaded into after the amazing campaign and it's reprise. Thought a tower would be the ideal neutral place to see the effects. Big guy called Kosis showed up and gave me a divine orb as he expired, which was nice. Tower was still boring but I'd play these and nothing else if it meant I never had to play another impossible-to-parse tangled vines map that looks nice graphically but does not read well in terms of where it's obvious I can and cannot go. Sholdn't have to look at the minimap to see which plants I can magically walk through and which not.

Tried the first game yesterday, there was a ps5 build I didn't know about so gave it a look. I'd played a single character to early 20s, got bored and dropped it when it came out on ps4, but made a new character 'cause I could not remember a thing. It was a bit shit using different buttons to what I'd just got used to. Some of their choices are up there with the worst gacha crap for having the feel of a game designed by people who have never even laid hands on a game pad. It ran pretty poorly for a native ps5 game on a pro (maybe because I was downloading other stuff in the background, the current beta goes to shit if I do this as well). No way I could last through the whole campaign, it felt bad in too many ways... but kinda wishing I'd stuck with the game years ago so I'd at least have the beginnings of a clue what I should be doing and what half the shit does in this beta.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
How much rarity find did you have on cause that matters alot in this game.

I dont think its going take much personally to fix end game.

Fix armor…make better visuals for instant death drop on death mechanics. Make fighting in towers worth a fuck.
I’d have to look but every piece of gear that could have it had a minimum of 27%+.

Plus tablets off towers, plus t15-t17 maps juiced with item quantity and rarity. Plus the Atlus everyone recommends.

Plenty of other stuff dropping but no divs.

Also, if the end game is this current loop but with your fixes it would be terrible. I’m speaking from the perspective of poe1.

The original promise was poe2 would have every league mechanic from poe1 in poe2 if I recall from a dev interview. The issue is a lot of these mechanics were designed for a game that just fundamentally functions differently. If the end game is this but improved it’s still always a shittier version of poe1. Ideally they need to create activities and encounters that are like act 1-3 in tempo and difficulty.

We have enough ARPGs that go zoom 300mph blasting. The more I played act 1-3 in new characters I realized this is what the genre needs and is missing. I forget the name of the game but the Ori developer new arpg is also attempting the same thing with their game, and the gaming audience wants THAT game realized. If it’s GGG or Ori dev it doesn’t matter, but another blaster isn’t what I want.


Gold Member
I forget the name of the game but the Ori developer new arpg is also attempting the same thing with their game, and the gaming audience wants THAT game realized. If it’s GGG or Ori dev it doesn’t matter, but another blaster isn’t what I want.

No Rest for the Wicked.

The visuals look amazing and It's hard as balls. People talk about isometric(ish) Souls and that game is exactly that. Very slow and methodical.
I’d have to look but every piece of gear that could have it had a minimum of 27%+.

Plus tablets off towers, plus t15-t17 maps juiced with item quantity and rarity. Plus the Atlus everyone recommends.

Plenty of other stuff dropping but no divs.

Also, if the end game is this current loop but with your fixes it would be terrible. I’m speaking from the perspective of poe1.

The original promise was poe2 would have every league mechanic from poe1 in poe2 if I recall from a dev interview. The issue is a lot of these mechanics were designed for a game that just fundamentally functions differently. If the end game is this but improved it’s still always a shittier version of poe1. Ideally they need to create activities and encounters that are like act 1-3 in tempo and difficulty.

We have enough ARPGs that go zoom 300mph blasting. The more I played act 1-3 in new characters I realized this is what the genre needs and is missing. I forget the name of the game but the Ori developer new arpg is also attempting the same thing with their game, and the gaming audience wants THAT game realized. If it’s GGG or Ori dev it doesn’t matter, but another blaster isn’t what I want.
I was destroying everything on the screen in act3:

Surprised it took you 300 hours to figure out what the end game was….

They need more bosses period and the towers should have epic boss fights not what they are now…most people also wont even fight the end game bosses the way itbis now.

They also need to tone down ascension drastically….even maybe take the way you do it out of the game…its trash.

These are all easy fixes…not 2 years to correct shit loke you say.


Quick question all, Whats best to do with unique like the below.

Just sell for 1 exalted or should i try corrupt it ? No idea as new to POE.
I have a lot of uniques im never guna use sitting in stash.


I found my first citadel last night. After how long it took to get there, I obliterated the boss in about 3 seconds.

Not really sure where to go from here, if anywhere. Everything remaining seems like it's at the mercy of a huge RNG grind and I'm not sure the boss encounters at the end will be that interesting.


Rodent Whores
One of the reasons why I went with Gemling was because it's versatility allows you to try a lot of variety of builds, and I've been trying quite a few this past week, with varying results. Spark is pretty strong, but I think I was having the most fun with Quarterstaff skills like Ice Strike and Tempest Flurry.

I must have spent a million gold in respecs and a couple of divs in gear for these experiments haha. Luckily the gear holds on to its value so I could just sell it back for the same price, if not more.
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Does the endgame stuff unlock account-wide? For example, if I start a new character and clear the campaign, will my same atlas be unlocked and will the tiers I've completed still be complete?


Went back to my lvl 75 witch after being a bit annoyed with how squishy shit got in the endgame.

Anyway, basically respecced by passives towards more ES and dropped a bunch of minion nodes, so much more sustainable now with about 3k ES.


I hope that maintenance is to kill the exploits, some are really bad, the sekhemas one was partially fixed with last hotfix but you can still do it under certain circumstances...
We have enough ARPGs that go zoom 300mph blasting. The more I played act 1-3 in new characters I realized this is what the genre needs and is missing.
Yep I'm tired of every modern ARPG wanting me to speed through pressing one button while everything blows up around me. Need to slow down and make the combat more methodical and actually have some input from the player. The new Titan Quest game is looking great for that but maybe we haven't seen endgame yet.


Guild updates - because there's a sale going on, I bought the Unique Stash tab to hold all of our uniques. That frees up the old quad tab for general use.
That all looks a lot tidier now. After seeing the unique tab I bought myself one 'cause the collect-em-up aspect of the game works for me but that junk takes up so much space.

Where should jewels go now? Still not sure what's good or worth investing currency into and only just learning about some of the affixes, but need to go through all the hoarded stuff.

EDIT: I thought this was probably the best one I had and went to buy more like it for a play around with cast-on-shock, but lol, multiple divines required for anything close. Might have to mix and match a bit with cheaper ones.
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make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Lol it took me lvl 20 to beat the first act haha. I learned some shit though and realized how much power I could've had earlier, had I crafted a bit more. Doesn't help I've been simultaneously running all the classes, since I'm trying to settle on one for the long haul.

Feels good to finally beat that asshole though lol
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Rodent Whores
There are people on the youtubes that show you get diminishing returns after 100 rarity so that its not as drastic as this video makes it out and i wouldnt be surprised he doesnt make another video to correct this one because of that.

He addressed the 100% thing, and putting a cap on it doesn't take away the core fundamental issues with rarity from both a gameplay and a player psychology standpoint, so I don't think that's a solution.


Uh somehow my stash has been cleaned out of divines? Some sort of hack they haven't made public? Sucks.
WTF this seems fairly widespread now.
Was a poor choice to release the early access before the break with so little buffer to fire fight (probably need a good 2 months of buffer before they went away on vacation).

As for the game, I have been focusing on alts. I know magic find is busted.
Also there are useless stats on gear like thorns, light radius, accuracy, stun protection, reduced freeze/bleed length, etc. Seems like things that these should be for charms only.
Given how hard it is to get good affixes as it is (especially balancing resistances), there shouldn't be room for useless stats.
They will need to do some massive balance reworking. Luckily I think the tweaking can be relatively minor. For example, up the drop rates on currency so crafting is not like 50x worse than trade. Add at least 2 continues to maps (especially for co-op). Allow removal and re-socketing of runes. Get rid of useless gear stats. Remove magic find on gear entirely. Make grind to pinnacle bosses less painful (should also allow for a continue in the form of restarting the entire fight at least once, but maybe taking a loot penalty or something).


Rodent Whores
WTF this seems fairly widespread now.
Was a poor choice to release the early access before the break with so little buffer to fire fight (probably need a good 2 months of buffer before they went away on vacation).

As for the game, I have been focusing on alts. I know magic find is busted.
Also there are useless stats on gear like thorns, light radius, accuracy, stun protection, reduced freeze/bleed length, etc. Seems like things that these should be for charms only.
Given how hard it is to get good affixes as it is (especially balancing resistances), there shouldn't be room for useless stats.
They will need to do some massive balance reworking. Luckily I think the tweaking can be relatively minor. For example, up the drop rates on currency so crafting is not like 50x worse than trade. Add at least 2 continues to maps (especially for co-op). Allow removal and re-socketing of runes. Get rid of useless gear stats. Remove magic find on gear entirely. Make grind to pinnacle bosses less painful (should also allow for a continue in the form of restarting the entire fight at least once, but maybe taking a loot penalty or something).

Good points.

As for the crafting currency, I feel like one major problem is that exalts and divines are way too valuable to use at lower levels. What do you think if there were something like a "lesser exalt orb" or "lesser divine orb" that drops frequently at lower levels but only works on gear that has an item level of 40 or less?
Just got to Act 3. WOW. Some of the bosses in this game, really force you to rethink the typical bullshit. It's refreshing. I usually go, level/grind till the exp dries up, rework/rebuild on some of the mistakes on the passive board and when I emerge, again... I melt the enemies. I come to a new area, damage is tapering off, rinse and repeat. I don't mean to imply that this game is overly repetitive, like most games on the market. It has enough variety and flair that it sets itself apart from almost all ARPGs. I ended up buying a new mouse and keyboard set for this. The old ones? going toward an "old PC bundle" I plan to sell; my old, or? Current rig, lol.


Need some advice as it's too expensive to do anything to improve my sorceress and I'm bored of it.

What's the best character/build to play with a good balance between survivability, engaging gameplay and (probably most importantly over longer term) affordability of good gear in the end game?


Rodent Whores
Need some advice as it's too expensive to do anything to improve my sorceress and I'm bored of it.

What's the best character/build to play with a good balance between survivability, engaging gameplay and (probably most importantly over longer term) affordability of good gear in the end game?

Minion Witch was really high on survivability, and budget for me. Currently I repurposed my gemling to be a stat stacking quarterstaff user and that has been really fun.


Rodent Whores
This is the build I'm playing now.

If you noticed I was also leveling a Pathfinder too, and trying out this build which was pretty fun.

I found a fireflower, so I was thinking about trying this build too

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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Why is GGG pretending there isn’t a rampant account hacking issue?

Have folks figured out how they are doing it? Is it pc only console only? Is it people using standalone client or steam?

I wonder if it has something to do with doing a trade where someone stays in your hideout that lets them mess with files to convince the game they are the hideout owner.


fr I'm getting random whispers about trades I've not participated in, getting me to check my currencies and items just in case, and I'm only sitting on a few hundred exalts.
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Am i missing something with the Guild's unique tab in that you can only slot one of each unique in it? tried to dump a few I've had sitting about and couldn't place them because the slots were already occupied ;_;
I’ve decided not to trade with people until GGG gets off its ass and fix the hacking. Friend of mine was going to hook me up and found out most of his stuff was gone. He claims various divine orbs and exalted orbs are gone with his gear mostly untouched.


Rodent Whores
Am i missing something with the Guild's unique tab in that you can only slot one of each unique in it? tried to dump a few I've had sitting about and couldn't place them because the slots were already occupied ;_;

Yeah, there's only one slot open per unique. If you have extra, you can place them in one of the other storage tabs manually.


Rodent Whores
I decided to follow a guide to level alts fast and easy:

I used the pillar of the caged god to level my pathfinder. Shit was easy mode. I also wore the +100 spirit body armor so I could use Herald of Ice, Thunder, and Ash all at the same time for some nice full screen explosions.


Moon Studios
I’d have to look but every piece of gear that could have it had a minimum of 27%+.

Plus tablets off towers, plus t15-t17 maps juiced with item quantity and rarity. Plus the Atlus everyone recommends.

Plenty of other stuff dropping but no divs.

Also, if the end game is this current loop but with your fixes it would be terrible. I’m speaking from the perspective of poe1.

The original promise was poe2 would have every league mechanic from poe1 in poe2 if I recall from a dev interview. The issue is a lot of these mechanics were designed for a game that just fundamentally functions differently. If the end game is this but improved it’s still always a shittier version of poe1. Ideally they need to create activities and encounters that are like act 1-3 in tempo and difficulty.

We have enough ARPGs that go zoom 300mph blasting. The more I played act 1-3 in new characters I realized this is what the genre needs and is missing. I forget the name of the game but the Ori developer new arpg is also attempting the same thing with their game, and the gaming audience wants THAT game realized. If it’s GGG or Ori dev it doesn’t matter, but another blaster isn’t what I want.
That's why we made No Rest for the Wicked in the first place :messenger_beaming:

And this year is gonna be bananas! (y)


I know i startet to get random loggin atempts on my mail shortly after starting to use poe trading. It got so many attempts that i wasnt allowed to loggin myself due to to many attempts. So now i have changed alias and the attempts has stopped and i wont touch poe for a long long while


That's why we made No Rest for the Wicked in the first place :messenger_beaming:

And this year is gonna be bananas! (y)
Yes please.
Game looks cool, just been waiting for the new content patch to pick if up.

As for POE2, got a second character to endgame. Did have some decent gear drop, probably as I have magic find, so less reliance on trade, but I know if I spend like 5 exalts I can go from t5 maps to t10+ maps easily, which is not great game design in my books. I really hope they make SSF and trade not have such a huge chasm. Probably my #1 issue with the game right now.

I also don't know if I like the Atlas map. It feels very messy and tiring to navigate. I much prefer the monolith system in LE.
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