of course she does, she's one of the main 'fund raisers' of the party. can't piss off those donors, or atleast not yet. a lot of the senate dems are cowards who think the insurance lobby will crush any attempts just like in vermont and California.
(and yes, read up on the guy who killed the california bill's chances going back to the insurance lobby a few days later and laughing it off if you don't believe)
its something that becomes politically possible as you explain what actually is in a single payer system, how it is paid for, and how that relates to the consumer.
We already knew how sanders would pay for his bill during the campaign(6.2% payroll tax increase, 2.2% income surtax for those making over 28k, (those making above 250k will be raised in increments of 4 up to 10 million dollars ect), and he also outlined a long time ago what that would mean for the consumer (no more insurance premiums, no more being dependent on an employer to have healthcare, aka if you lose your job you don't lose your insurance, money taken out of paycheck to cover for employer based insurance goes back into employees pocket, no more being dependent on whether or not your insurance even covers certain procedures ect ect)
None of the actual boogeymen arguments are real boogeymen,they are just old right wing talking points that the democrats adopted when they got too cozy with big money and the lobbies that like the status quo.