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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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After all of this, it's clear to me that Joe Paterno was a complete moron and an asshole, and anyone who still deems it okay to take part in the little cult worshipping him is too. This man practically ran Penn State. He knew what was going on. Maybe not EVERY single incident, but he damn well knew that Sandusky was a hardcore pedo. He had the power to have him thrown out and charged without barely lifting a finger. Yet he did nothing, only to save face and keep his team's legacy from potentially being tarnished at the expensive of children getting sexually abused over many years. To me that says he didn't care much about them at the end of the day, and was only worried about his own power, fame, and precious organization.

If he were still alive he should have been charged and stripped of his pension, maybe even thrown in jail.

As a Pennsylvania Gaffer I could not be happier that perhaps finally Penn State sports yuppies will know their place and shut the fuck up. They are and always have been a bunch of blind sheep.

Sandusky's wife should be in jail, too. She knew exactly what was going on and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. She's no better than Sandusky really. She allowed him to continue abusing children. She could have stopped it, just like Joe Paterno. So many people knew. They all need to be charged to some extent. This is insanity. I'm fucking pissed, it's all just so awful.

The football program needs to end. Forever. And this whole ordeal should serve as a reminder that college athletics aren't everything when it gets to a certain level.

"They ask me what I'd like written about me when I'm gone. I hope they write I made Penn State a better place, not just that I was a good football coach."


Yeah, they better not remember you that way. Tear it down, Penn State. Replace it with something expressing sympathy for the victims.
This whole thing is so fucking disgusting. Penn State's program needs to be dismantled, JoePa's statue torn down, and some real justice shown towards everyone involved in the coverup -- a list that appears to be growing longer by the day.


Neo Member
JoePa was a scumbag, plain and simple. He allowed his good ole buddy to keep piddling lil boys for years and these new revelations support this. Pedo State indeed...

Takeda Kenshi

blew Staal
I'm still hoping that crazy motherfucker who showered with his 4 year old grand daughter in a public MEN'S SHOWER gets god damn investigated... Booker Brooks or whatever.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel

As a Pennsylvania Gaffer I could not be happier that perhaps finally Penn State sports yuppies will know their place and shut the fuck up. They are and always have been a bunch of blind sheep.

As a fellow PA resident, AND a graduate of PSU, let me just say this to you Diablos:


You can be mad at Paterno, I have no qualm with that. So am I. Livid is more like the word. What he did was stupid, unforgivable, and incredibly selfish. You can be mad at about a half dozen or so other big wigs at PSU who are also just as responsible for letting this monster get away with what he did for so long. But DO NOT get mad or insult the 30,000+ per year students who attend PSU with pride, honor, and dignity. It's no crime for us to be proud of our college, and this whole thing has stung us HARD. The students had no part in this tragedy, other than to believe that our school was as good a place as we wanted it to be.

Don't go misplacing your anger and blame on the innocent just because it makes you sound like an internet tough guy. Show a little compassion for Christ sake.


As a fellow PA resident, AND a graduate of PSU, let me just say this to you Diablos:


You can be mad at Paterno, I have no qualm with that. So am I. Livid is more like the word. What he did was stupid, unforgivable, and incredibly selfish. You can be mad at about a half dozen or so other big wigs at PSU who are also just as responsible for letting this monster get away with what he did for so long. But DO NOT get mad or insult the 30,000+ per year students who attend PSU with pride, honor, and dignity. It's no crime for us to be proud of our college, and this whole thing has stung us HARD. The students had no part in this tragedy, other than to believe that our school was as good a place as we wanted it to be.

Don't go misplacing your anger and blame on the innocent just because it makes you sound like an internet tough guy. Show a little compassion for Christ sake.

As a PSU alumnus what do you think about potential NCAA penalties against the football program, do you think the program should be punished at all, and if so how severe should the punishment be?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
As a PSU alumnus what do you think about potential NCAA penalties against the football program, do you think the program should be punished at all, and if so how severe should the punishment be?

Punished, most definitely. But it's not like the entire program was guilty of this conspiracy, it was really confined to a select few individuals who should be treated with no mercy. But the football program is a HUGE thing, and 99% of the program had absolutely zero to do with this. So to cancel the entire program due to the acts of a very few, honestly that just seems like using a sledgehammer to drive a finishing nail.

But yeah, an example does need to be made here. It's gonna be controversial no matter what the NCAA does.

They'll justify it somehow.

There is no way to justify it anymore. Paterno knew, and he not only turned a blind eye but helped cover it up. It's inexcusable.


As a fellow PA resident, AND a graduate of PSU, let me just say this to you Diablos:


You can be mad at Paterno, I have no qualm with that. So am I. Livid is more like the word. What he did was stupid, unforgivable, and incredibly selfish. You can be mad at about a half dozen or so other big wigs at PSU who are also just as responsible for letting this monster get away with what he did for so long. But DO NOT get mad or insult the 30,000+ per year students who attend PSU with pride, honor, and dignity. It's no crime for us to be proud of our college, and this whole thing has stung us HARD. The students had no part in this tragedy, other than to believe that our school was as good a place as we wanted it to be.

Don't go misplacing your anger and blame on the innocent just because it makes you sound like an internet tough guy. Show a little compassion for Christ sake.


Preach it brother.
Mengy, you clearly are one of the Penn State student with their head on straight, so what do you think of those that still support Paterno?

P.S. If I lived in the area I'd tie a blindfold around the statue's eyes.

Edit: The idea behind finishing the program is to set an extreme example to others in similar positions of power and authority around the country.

"If you do something so fucked up in the name of your sports program, we will not only arrest and jail you, we will destroy your legacy and the program you fought so hard to protect. Doing the right thing will save you and the program, doing the wrong thing will destroy both."
There is no way to justify it anymore. Paterno knew, and he not only turned a blind eye but helped cover it up. It's inexcusable.

There are still tons of OSU people who still try to justify Tressel's actions, so I certainly know how you're feeling. (Though obviously the stuff at Penn State is much more serious than what happened here.)
"One small mistake does not overturn a lifetime of good work done by a a Great Man."

What about several huge mistakes?

What about the constant mistakes he made, every day, by doing his part to cover up Sandusky's efforts, by not going to the authorities?

Mengy said:
But it's not like the entire program was guilty of this conspiracy, it was really confined to a select few individuals who should be treated with no mercy. But the football program is a HUGE thing, and 99% of the program had absolutely zero to do with this.

That would be the case with pretty much every situation ever. It was just Reggie Bush and nobody else at USC. It was just Tressel and a dozen or so students and administrators. Etc.
But these programs still got hammered, and for victimless crimes.

In contrast, this was the athletic department working together to enable a child rapist. It's a lot worse, and the harshest example needs to be made.


Neo Member
I know some ppl like hate on this guy but he's been digging into the coverups at Penn State and the rabbit hole goes DEEP, all the way up to the Governor of Pennsylvania. Here's some articles detailing people involved. Ridiculous how many people knew that were involved in PSU & Second Mile and did nothing while filling their pockets...

Gov. Funded Sandusky Pet Project, Hid His Abuse

Incestuous Penn State Still Endangering Children

Gov. Buries Paterno to Distract from Own Inaction

Has Proof Of Sandusky Case Coverup Emerged?

1998: ‘Mommy, Didn’t Jerry Know It Was Wrong?’

Ex-Penn State official saw Paterno's 'dark side'

Lawmaker Wants Feds to Investigate State AG's Handling of Sandusky Case

And investigative sports reporter Charles Robinson ‏says it best on the coverup by Spanier:

"What Spanier did in 2007, lobbying to exempt Penn State from open records laws, was assure Sandusky emails could only surface via subpoena."

"Obscuring Sandusky's name in those emails means if someone had asked for emails containing "Sandusky", the PSU emails wouldn't have shown up"


As a fellow PA resident, AND a graduate of PSU, let me just say this to you Diablos:


You can be mad at Paterno, I have no qualm with that. So am I. Livid is more like the word. What he did was stupid, unforgivable, and incredibly selfish. You can be mad at about a half dozen or so other big wigs at PSU who are also just as responsible for letting this monster get away with what he did for so long. But DO NOT get mad or insult the 30,000+ per year students who attend PSU with pride, honor, and dignity. It's no crime for us to be proud of our college, and this whole thing has stung us HARD. The students had no part in this tragedy, other than to believe that our school was as good a place as we wanted it to be.

Don't go misplacing your anger and blame on the innocent just because it makes you sound like an internet tough guy. Show a little compassion for Christ sake.

You sound exactly how I expected you to.


I know some ppl like hate on this guy but he's been digging into the coverups at Penn State and the rabbit hole goes DEEP, all the way up to the Governor of Pennsylvania. Here's some articles detailing people involved. Ridiculous how many people knew that were involved in PSU & Second Mile and did nothing while filling their pockets...

Gov. Funded Sandusky Pet Project, Hid His Abuse

Incestuous Penn State Still Endangering Children

Gov. Buries Paterno to Distract from Own Inaction

Has Proof Of Sandusky Case Coverup Emerged?

1998: ‘Mommy, Didn’t Jerry Know It Was Wrong?’

Ex-Penn State official saw Paterno's 'dark side'

Lawmaker Wants Feds to Investigate State AG's Handling of Sandusky Case

And investigative sports reporter Charles Robinson ‏says it best on the coverup by Spanier:

"What Spanier did in 2007, lobbying to exempt Penn State from open records laws, was assure Sandusky emails could only surface via subpoena."

"Obscuring Sandusky's name in those emails means if someone had asked for emails containing "Sandusky", the PSU emails wouldn't have shown up"
And that's why you'll never see total justice. Too many of these fuckers will prevent the total truth from coming out. That's also why I believe the DA that was investigating it that disappeared was murdered to cover it up. I have no doubt in my mind he was.

Nelo Ice

And that's why you'll never see total justice. Too many of these fuckers will prevent the total truth from coming out. That's also why I believe the DA that was investigating it that disappeared was murdered to cover it up. I have no doubt in my mind he was.

I'm surprised this hasn't received more coverage. Just looked it up and he was definitely murdered. Penn state or whoever did a hell of a job of covering it up. The whole situation looks shady as hell damn.
Guys, I even used quotes.

Well you would use quotes if you were quoting somebody in a literal sense, too.

but okay, I can accept that it was sarcastic. This story just makes me so upset.

I'm going to be rooting against Penn State in every game, personally. The program should really be shut down for a bit.
99 Comp Sci here. Should just permanently disband the entire program. Was always a pointless distraction anyway, although watching the alums that flooded into town puking on game nights was always entertaining.
I have no fucking earthly idea how anyone can defend Paterno now. If it was your kid that Sandusky fiddled, Paterno knew about, and didn't do anything, would you feel the same way?

Tear his fucking statue down and throw it in a landfill to go with the rest of the garbage.


Eh, I feel for the players and new coaches, so I won't go that far.
I guess I feel a little sorry--just a little--for the old players, who had no idea and no way of knowing what was going on, and will be taking flack for something that wasn't their fault.

Why would I feel sorry for the new coaches? They knew exactly what they were getting into.
Fucked up story really. We had a similar situation at my old high school a couple of years ago. A popular teacher was accused of having an affair with an underage student. A bunch of students rallied behind the teacher and even started to bully the underage student in question. Then the teacher plead guilty and went to jail, and all of the people defending him went away. I expect the same to happen to people defending Paterno and Penn State really after this verdict
I have no fucking earthly idea how anyone can defend Paterno now. If it was your kid that Sandusky fiddled, Paterno knew about, and didn't do anything, would you feel the same way?

Tear his fucking statue down and throw it in a landfill to go with the rest of the garbage.

What worries me is how many sports programs might be shielding this kind of thing. Penn State is not the only popular and extremely insular sports program in existence and child molestation is not as rare as people would like to believe. Get enough power and money involved and really shady shit just gets swept under the rug.


I expect the same to happen to people defending Paterno and Penn State really after this verdict

I doubt it. People have too much of their identity wrapped up in Penn St, Paterno, and the football team.

What worries me is how many sports programs are shielding this kind of thing. Penn State is not the only popular and extremely insular sports program in existence.

Usually it's relatively harmless stuff, like academic cheating or paying players. I don't think this is likely to be widespread.

But then, I wouldn't have thought something like this could happen at Penn St, so what do I know?
Usually it's relatively harmless stuff, like academic cheating or paying players. I don't think this is likely to be widespread.

But then, I wouldn't have thought something like this could happen at Penn St, so what do I know?

I think if anything there should be more transparency after an event like this. Anyone unwilling to do so should have the lens tightly over their program.
What worries me is how many sports programs might be shielding this kind of thing. Penn State is not the only popular and extremely insular sports program in existence and child molestation is not as rare as people would like to believe. Get enough power and money involved and really shady shit just gets swept under the rug.

Yeah, it's sad the bar for concern is set at this level. The entire for-pay collegiate athletic system is a cesspool of--unethical at best, criminal at worst--behavior, but until alumni stop supporting these programs I'm not sure administrators will have the courage to reform them.

It's a pity because Penn State is a great school in so many ways. Would love to head back some day and hang out in front of Willard and debate Gary again.


until alumni stop supporting these programa

And that's really the problem, isn't it? Look at the reaction from Penn Staters. Sure, nobody's defending Sandusky, but they're all absolutely defending the football team. In a more reasonable world, there'd be a boycott by Penn St fans.

And it's certainly not unique to Penn St. I remember a few years back, when it came out that a star UW player had raped a girl and it got swept under the rug by the DA, the most common reaction from fans was outrage at the media for hating UW or whatever. Not sure how CU fans reacted to the multiple rapes that happened there under Barnett, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were similar.

It all stems from tying up your identity with an outside entity, then sticking with it no matter what.

I suppose we're only human.


This just gets worse every day. I never thought Paterno would be directly implicated in the cover up, and while this isn't definitive evidence its enough that it's over in the court of public opinion. And at this point any possibility of the former administration not going to jail seems to be becoming remote.

Calling it now, congrats University of Pittsburgh alumni and students - you are now the flagship university of the state of Pennsylvania. The gap is only 13 spots right now and I have no doubt Penn State will drop.
It all stems from tying up your identity with an outside entity, then sticking with it no matter what.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with PSU or collegiate athletics, this is the entire psychology of brand identity. "AAPL is up, I'm an Apple fanboy, therefore I am better than you." "Miami Heat won the overpaid-assholes-putting-balls-through-hoops championship, I love the Miami Heat, therefore I have won the overpaid-assholes-putting-balls-through-hoops championship."

Even the Olympics, which should be a celebration of excellence in non-commercial/amateur athletics, is wrapped up in nationalism and of course the corruption of the IOC, etc.

Uh, I seem to have strayed off topic...
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