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Penny Arcade on Fable

border said:
So we are agreed that reading the previews wouldn't have helped? ;)

Well, in the case of a game such as this, no amount of preview material could allow for someone to know just what to expect. It's far too open a design to crystalize in your mind before actually playing it. And that's what is really cool about the game, IMO...the fact that it's interesting and that you'll get loads of genuinely intriguing moments that make you really feel like you're adventuring and living in this fantasy world. I think, in its ideal form, the game cannot be done on current consoles without looking very simplistic...and that's a shame, really. What's there is great...not without flaws, but still great and you really have to put yourself in the game to enjoy it fully. Certainly, this is a game that suffers most if all you're doing is trying to finish it from point A to B.
GashPrex said:
based on gabe's impressions lol

go read the official thread - oh right, you only post when it comes to negative xbox news, I forgot

Uh no you jackass, I post when Pete opens his mouth, makes tons of promises and then fails to own up to them.

This guy owes me $49.00 I spent on Black & White. And if you played Black & White, with all the promises and "features" and advanced AI, which never materialized.

I mean the game shipped with a bug where everything you taught your creature would be forgotten when you went to the next stage. Not to mention that there was a bug at the end that completely stopped your from even winning.

The first patch didn't even fix those bugs. But let your creature play fucking soccer.

If you picked up B&W off the promises Pete amde, then you should have seen this coming a mile away.

It has nothing to do with Xbox, PC, PS2, GC, or whatever fanboy bias you are trying to pin on me. I don't give a damn what system you play a game on, as long as the game is good and does what the dev promised. Pete has FAILED on both accounts twice in a row. I loved Syndicate and Dungeon Keeper, but so far lately he hasn't done well at all.

Are all xbox owners THIS touchy?? And peodple thought Nintendo fas were bad.
My preconceptions of Fable were based on numerous previews and interviews I read in the past few months. What I was expecting was not far off, and the final product actually exceeded my expectations in many ways. I think it takes the best from many genres and puts it all into an RPG that even I'll play (I'm sick of the humdrum genre as of late).


Great Wasabi Man said:
Doesn't Gabe have some "I hate the X-box but bought one anyway cause I hate it so much" way of thinking?

Just because these guys make a sometimes funny comic, it means their opinions on games are more important than everyone else's?


I didn't have a problem with load times or controls, my single complaint is that the game isn't long enough. I beat it tonight, first run through, completed most the quests and i was at 12 hours or so, im still playing that game (you can continue playing in the world after you beat the game) and have maybe 3-4 hours left of things to do. Thats just way to short imo. Im not too upset about it because ill be playing through it again as an evil character but it really surprised me how fast the ending came. Also the game isn't very hard, but its far harder then Zelda was. Its more like a rpg in that way, if you have the top armor, buy tons of health potions and have a high heal spell you probably arn't going to die in any game.


"Are all xbox owners THIS touchy?? And peodple thought Nintendo fas were bad."

Actually you are the one getting mad. Reread your own posts lol.


Chili Con Carnage!
Duckhuntdog said:
Uh no you jackass, I post when Pete opens his mouth, makes tons of promises and then fails to own up to them.

This guy owes me $49.00 I spent on Black & White. And if you played Black & White, with all the promises and "features" and advanced AI, which never materialized.

I mean the game shipped with a bug where everything you taught your creature would be forgotten when you went to the next stage. Not to mention that there was a bug at the end that completely stopped your from even winning.

The first patch didn't even fix those bugs. But let your creature play fucking soccer.

If you picked up B&W off the promises Pete amde, then you should have seen this coming a mile away.

It has nothing to do with Xbox, PC, PS2, GC, or whatever fanboy bias you are trying to pin on me. I don't give a damn what system you play a game on, as long as the game is good and does what the dev promised. Pete has FAILED on both accounts twice in a row. I loved Syndicate and Dungeon Keeper, but so far lately he hasn't done well at all.

Are all xbox owners THIS touchy?? And peodple thought Nintendo fas were bad.

All the promises and features for Black and White did materialise, most were out of the box, the creature was there and he learnt whatever you taught him, the AI was incredible. The bugs were fixed by the patches, and you can thank EA for the rushed release of the game. The problem was the game around the AI wasnt fun.

In Fable most of the things they cut just werent fun...like growing trees, multiplayer that didnt really work, living the whole life of the hero (ie having to play all the way through his childhood before becoming a hero). The big promises, by which i mean Real time ageing, an apperance that alters depending on your actions, a real world economy, and villagers that remember your actions and can react to your appearence and reputation. Those promises were all met (and its great, not that you would know) and aswell as all that Fable is actually great fun to play, so id say its a great success.

And yes i am touchy when it comes to idiots claiming a game is a "failure" when they havent even played it.
Gabe is off his fucking rocker. I just completed the main quest last night and its one of the best games of the year IMO. If Splinter Cell PT and Halo 2 didn't come out this year I'd say Fable would have been a lock for Xbox GOTY.

I really didn't notice load times being bad. Or shoveling times. I remember it switching to a cutscene for digging up stuff, but I don't remember loading before that. Whatever I guess.

And I can't believe how he bitched about the game being linear. I ended up straying all over the place while I was playing. I often had to check my map just to get myself headed in the right direction again when I was on quests.

And I also don't understand why he was bitching about teleporters being available. The world in Fable is HUGE. I would have hated running 20 miles between towns so those teleporters are a lifesaver.

Fuck Gabe. I really like Penny Arcade but he's blowing everything way out of proportion like a little bitch.
Hournda said:
Just because these guys make a sometimes funny comic, it means their opinions on games are more important than everyone else's?

!? I didn't say that. I'm impling that his opinion should be taken with a grain os salt, seeing how the guy has a predetermined hate for X-box stuff....like a reverse fan boy.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Are all xbox owners THIS touchy?? And peodple thought Nintendo fas were bad.

You consider that touchy? Nintendo fans tend to be MUCH worse than this...and it seems that you are much worse as well.

This thread is actually quite calm.
I'm having fun with the game.

His taste in RPGs and mine are polar opposites. I couldn't play something like Phantom Brave for more than 5 minutes.
dark10x must've missed the dozen other Fable threads this month where Xbox fans were frothing at the mouth.

I'm getting Fable via Gamefly next week. After reading various impressions, I'm expecting a good, fun game that's different from your typical RPG and has some flaws. Anything more will be a pleasant surprise.


Catchpenny said:
dark10x must've missed the dozen other Fable threads this month where Xbox fans were frothing at the mouth.

Haha, that's far from the truth!


force push the doodoo rock
CrimsonSkies said:
I'm having fun with the game.

His taste in RPGs and mine are polar opposites. I couldn't play something like Phantom Brave for more than 5 minutes.



Junior Member
dark10x said:
You consider that touchy? Nintendo fans tend to be MUCH worse than this...and it seems that you are much worse as well.

This thread is actually quite calm.

Well, there does seem to be a lot of damage control for an opinion.


I personally had more fun with morrowind, a real shame, and i will think twice before buying one of Pete's games again(B&W really got me pissed when half way though the game my creature disappeared, but his uncontrollable shadow remained).


Gas Guzzler
I enjoyed Fable a lot.

I think it helped that I never really cared about this game before and never followed the hype. If you come into it expecting an epic long RPG, you'll probably be disappointed, but it's a fantastic adventure/action RPG. Kinda like a Zelda/KoTOR/Harvest Moon hybrid and I find it works very well.

It's definately worth renting to try before you buy but I think it's a great game.


Dialogue a friend sent me:
[15:50:05] Hmm.. Fable has given me a choice: cast the Sword of Smth away, or kill my sister with it
[15:50:08] Hmm
[15:51:29] ...both?
[15:51:52] bah, I let her live, and she runs away
[15:51:55] bitch
[15:52:48] uh, wtf, I beat the game?
[15:52:51] this shit just came out
LAMBO said:
I personally had more fun with morrowind, a real shame, and i will think twice before buying one of Pete's games again(B&W really got me pissed when half way though the game my creature disappeared, but his uncontrollable shadow remained).

lol, you played fable? thats a shocker.

i find it funny how everyone is bringing up Black and White....cause you know...the people who made this game didnt make that but HEY!.....
The PA guys used to speak out against the Xbox pretty frequently. That's not the case anymore. Particularly now that there are so many enjoyable Live titles out, both Gabe and Tycho have been quite supportive of the system. In fact, I'd say I've read more praise for the Xbox and its library from those two than for either of the competing consoles in recent months. The argument that Gabe's opinion of Fable is affected by an anti-Xbox sentiment simply isn't valid.
Fixed2BeBroken said:
lol, you played fable? thats a shocker.

i find it funny how everyone is bringing up Black and White....cause you know...the people who made this game didnt make that but HEY!.....
It's also quite sad because that's the only game that Molyneux really ever messed up. People like to live in a world where every game he's created has been complete shit; sadly that world doesn't exist. He's one of the great designers of our time.


A shocker? I love these types of games, i was just shocked when i beat it in under a week, and there's not really too much left to explore.

yes Peter is good but i will hesitate to buy the next one that's all i'm saying. B&W was really garbage with the bugs, and fable is a good game but just not what i was expecting from all the articles, and interviews with PETER.

I don't follow the VG insudtry as close as you guys so i don't know which dev is doing what and how much a ceratin person has to do with a certain game, i just know his name is in most articles about FABLE.

So i associate his name with the game, his name got me intersted in fable, which is what the devs wanted, and now that it didn't reach my expectations, his name gets my negativity.
LAMBO said:
A shocker? I love these types of games, i was just shocked when i beat it in under a week, and there's not really too much left to explore.

yes Peter is good but i will hesitate to buy the next one that's all i'm saying. B&W was really garbage with the bugs, and fable is a good game but just not what i was expecting from all the articles, and interviews with PETER.

I don't follow the VG insudtry as close as you guys so i don't know which dev is doing what and how much a ceratin person has to do with a certain game, i just know his name is in most articles about FABLE.

So i associate his name with the game, his name got me intersted in fable, which is what the devs wanted, and now that it didn't reach my expectations, his name gets my negativity.

LAMBO said:
A shocker? I love these types of games, i was just shocked when i beat it in under a week, and there's not really too much left to explore.


no, im just shocked you own an xbox and fable....i thought you were one of those console fanboys who hates xbox.

anyways, yea...you seem to be either very upset with peter or black and white...but not fable since you think its a "good game" so....why does it seem your upset that fable is a good game?

Fixed2BeBroken said:
no, im just shocked you own an xbox and fable....i thought you were one of those console fanboys who hates xbox.

anyways, yea...you seem to be either very upset with peter or black and white...but not fable since you think its a "good game" so....why does it seem your upset that fable is a good game?


SMS was a good game, yet people are still screaming bloody murder over it.
Duckhuntdog said:
SMS was a good game, yet people are still screaming bloody murder over it.

the ones who seemed to be screaming bloody murder over it were the ones who "didnt like it cause they didnt think it was a good game" or the console fanboys who dont own a gamecube.

at least thats how it was from what I remember...



Duckhuntdog said:
SMS was a good game, yet people are still screaming bloody murder over it.

I wouldn't say I, myself, screamed bloody murder over it, but it was a bigger collect-a-thon than Mario games I've played in the past.

(Yes, I'm talking about the coin hunts, not the shines.)
xsarien said:
I wouldn't say I, myself, screamed bloody murder over it, but it was a bigger collect-a-thon than Mario games I've played in the past.

(Yes, I'm talking about the coin hunts, not the shines.)

yea but the game was great tho....it was like a big ass playground......that you had to clean up here and there.
Fixed2BeBroken said:
the ones who seemed to be screaming bloody murder over it were the ones who "didnt like it cause they didnt think it was a good game" or the console fanboys who dont own a gamecube.

at least thats how it was from what I remember...


I'm not saying it was the best in the series, but you know Miyamoto didn't make too many promises for the game other than a more mature Mario, which didn't happen and I don't see how it can happen.

But what Pete promised with B&W and Fable...


Fixed2BeBroken said:
no, im just shocked you own an xbox and fable....i thought you were one of those console fanboys who hates xbox.

anyways, yea...you seem to be either very upset with peter or black and white...but not fable since you think its a "good game" so....why does it seem your upset that fable is a good game?


Well i dont' post much and i don't annouce everytime i buy a game or console, i bought an xbox for fable, otogi2, and to mod it and play Last Blade 2 and Samurai showdown on my TV, somethng i haven't been able to do in years.

I don't know how i can be seen as a fanboy, i hardly ever post, how could anyone here even have an opionion of me?


Played it, beat it, starting an evil character now. It's a fun game, one of the best on Xbox.

I just wish it didn't have all the "go anywhere do anything OMG" hype surrounding it, because what we ended up with was a pretty nifty mix of some of the best elements of Zelda, Morrowind, and KotOR. Divorce that from all the hype, and it sounds pretty good.


So how long does the game take to load a area on average from the DVD drive? (It takes my modded xbox about 3 or 4 seconds or so and the Thompson DVD Drive doesnt work so I cant test it myself which means I have to FTP games across and cant play Live currently :( )

Either way its not KotoR bad which I was just about tolerable, so I dont really see whats the fuss is about.


I know you can re-map the "R-trigger" activated version of the d-pad menu, but does anyone know how to disable/alter the "context-sensitive" d-pad menu? I've accidentally given away 2 valuable gems because they popped up in my menu right as I was trying to perform a different action.


i have the same thoughts about the game that duckhuntdog,i was a fan of molineux work since populous,but for me black and white was a total failure full of bugs ,i really foll on the molineux hype trap,this second time i was more suspicious on all of the promises that peter do on fable ( the greates rpg of all time) now the game its a decent game but not a superb game or the "greatest rpg of all time) kotor its a much better game,and molineux in his last interview said that the problem its the ppl believe its claims... lol..thats funny

this opinion ( and sorry for my english) dont have anything to do with the machine ( xbox,pc,everything else) just the games,and the molineux promises


I really enjoyed the game. Gabe is right though, the game is far too segmented and its really irritating. The world is also very small, and while I tried to find lots of stuff to do besides the main quest, I couldn't and just ended up finishing the game. The controls were also a bit akward. It's not that they are difficult more than they are just a bit counter-intuitive. By the end of the game, I had it figured out though. There were some awesome sequences where I was just one-shotting my way down a hallway with an insane combat modifier.

I dunno what Gabe was talking about with regards to dressing up. There isn't a whole lot of gear to wear at all. I saw dark, neutral and bright versions of maybe 5 generic suits and then a couple plot based suites. I also didn't understand his complaints about the extra detail in the game.. buying houses, marriage, ect. I didn't really get into that stuff, but it was cool to me that it was there.

However. I really enjoyed the character development in Fable. That is, character development that actually happens outside of emotional storytelling in a cutscene or fmv. Perhaps I'm just a sucker for actual role playing, but the character development in Fable is top notch. Developers should be paying attention to everything from the skill system to the moral implications of how you solve different problems. That these things had an effect on your appearance was also a big plus.

The plot was a bit thin, but I'm not big on story. The cinematic effect of the sequences at the end of the game were really neat, and I've always loved games that let you keep playing after you've finished the main quest. I'll be playing through at least one more time with a different character path. Definately worth $50 for anyone interested in a real RPG.
Zer0 said:
i have the same thoughts about the game that duckhuntdog,i was a fan of molineux work since populous,but for me black and white was a total failure full of bugs ,i really foll on the molineux hype trap,this second time i was more suspicious on all of the promises that peter do on fable ( the greates rpg of all time) now the game its a decent game but not a superb game or the "greatest rpg of all time) kotor its a much better game,and molineux in his last interview said that the problem its the ppl believe its claims... lol..thats funny

this opinion ( and sorry for my english) dont have anything to do with the machine ( xbox,pc,everything else) just the games,and the molineux promises

exactly, it isn't about the machine, it's about the hot-air developers totally blowing features out of proportion so they can sell games. I thought this shit died with Romero and Ion Storm.

Molinuex doesn't need hype to sell his games? Well atleast before he didn't. I mean even I tried to convince myself that Black & White wasn't crap. But no matter which why I tried to justify my purchase, even after patches, I couldn't.
You cannot interact with the environments very well aside from walking up to things and presing a button to place an item in inventory. And the environments consist of a lot of paths which you'd like to leave but cannot.
This is a shame because the ways you interact with enemies in combat and with NPCs is truly impressive; it's entertaining and fun. It's like they nailed that aspect but cut corners everywhere else.
If they could have taken the NPCs and enemies and combat and the systems around that and put it into a world like Morrowind's where you can jump and pick anything up and go anywhere it'd have been much better.
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