At any rate, if this is the Machine's point of view, it's both beautiful and terrifying, just as Finch said. It seems to be placing itself in a kind of godlike role as protector of humanity, and enforcer of justice. The fact that it has chosen Root as its interface, however, suggests that the Machine might not be the best judge of character.
Still, the Machine is basically managing to do good, despite a few dead cops here and there. Contrast that with the fate that seems to await Samaritan, in the hands of Vupen, I mean Decima, Greer's cyberwar outfit. Will Samaritan become the Machine's nemesis? That seems too simplistic for this show, which has already made the Machine a fairly ambiguous creature. Yes, it wants to save humanity; but it also asks for humans not to question its judgement, which is always a bad sign in an omniscient entity.