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Person of Interest – The Fifth and Final Season |OT| "Thank you for creating me."

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Wait, did episode 4 air already?

Its hard to keep track with the scheduling at the moment since they are sometimes showing 2 a week and 1 another week.


Wait, did episode 4 air already?

Its hard to keep track with the scheduling at the moment since they are sometimes showing 2 a week and 1 another week.
It aired earlier in Canada for some reason. It will air normally today for the US and the next one tomorrow.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
"You were my safe space"

If you didn't get massive feels from that scene, YOU HAVE NO SOUL.

It's so cruel that
it's all a simulation she's lived through almost 7 thousand times.

Man, Shaw was essentially declaring to Root, and it was all a fucking simulation!

EDIT: Also after everything John went through, imagine him being shot in the back by Shaw.


I thought she was still being brainwashed and trying to lure team Machine up until she shot greer, that was a bit predictable but I never saw ending coming. Holy shit.

Right up there with The Crossing & If then Else

PK Gaming

It's so cruel that
it's all a simulation she's lived through almost 7 thousand times.

Man, Shaw was essentially declaring to Root, and it was all a fucking simulation!

EDIT: Also after everything John went through, imagine him being shot in the back by Shaw.

Shaw would rather shoot herself 6000+ times than kill Root. That's too much man.
This episode was definitely a weird one. Loved it after the first 10 minutes, hated it in the middle up until I figured out the twist and loved it again at the end.

It was really not that hard to figure out, which was probably intentional. The ending hit hard though.

I also may or may have not squealed like a little girl upon seeing Sameen again


Thanks for the spoiler bars everyone. Remember, two episodes this week as usual.


After Shaw escapes captivity, she begins acting paranoid and reckless, making the team question her mental state.
There was a part in episode 3 that makes no sense. The machine gives Finch 1s and 0s and Finch doesn't know what they mean....

Uh are you serious? The programmer couldn't/didn't recognize binary. Ugh.


There was a part in episode 3 that makes no sense. The machine gives Finch 1s and 0s and Finch doesn't know what they mean....

Uh are you serious? The programmer couldn't/didn't recognize binary. Ugh.

You think the machine outputs UTF-8? Knowing something is binary doesn't mean you know what it translates to.

Also, holy shit at that last episode.


The pace in Ep4 is so weird. All of the sudden.... That happend?

I got what I wanted from this series anyway. Now it can end

Shaw X Root


There was a part in episode 3 that makes no sense. The machine gives Finch 1s and 0s and Finch doesn't know what they mean....

Uh are you serious? The programmer couldn't/didn't recognize binary. Ugh.

Bits and bytes mean nothing without context.

It COULD have been ascii or UTF encoded strings(s) but that is doubtful and not something you figure out off the cuff with no prompting.

And the most likely scenario is that it is just a dump of some section of memory. Which is less than useless without a shitton of context and even less likely to be any use to anyone.


I have seen enough of these kind of stuff to see the plot twist coming right at the beginning but holy crap it was an amazing episode.
Even in that state, Shaw keeps on resisting, even if she doesn't know she is doing it, with Root as her anchor.


This was a good day for feels. First in Game of Thrones,
watching Jon and Sansa reuniting
. Now watching
Shaw and Root
meet again.

I don't think we're going to get her back. Those guys are seriously screwing with her.


20 minutes in, I'm guessing that this whole thing is a simulation by Samaritan all in Shaw's head.

I don't know if it's a simulation, but it does seem really strange that the others are acting secretive and out of the loop about not knowing what state she's in, and that's upsetting her, even though she herself admittedly doesn't know what's going on in her head. They're right to be cautious with her and it feels out of character for Shaw that she wouldn't understand that. I guess her impatience is winning out over her sense of practicality?


...I feel like it's still part of some sort of plan though.
Greer, master of the smirk.
Poor Finch :(


Yup. Simulation.

Edit: "Good news, she waited an extra hour before she shot you". LOL

Damn, Shaw is one tough SOB as expected. That's a lot of attempts.


Booooooooo extreme cop-outs!

I dunno. This wound up feeling like a really weird episode overall. Like it wasn't as...cleanly-written as I would expect, or something. Still nice to have Shaw back though.
Nice to see Shaw's fate but felt like mostly a waste. The way the characters interacted didn't seem like it would normally be handled which is what made me feel it was all a simulation, 20 minutes into the show. So I wasn't feeling it as much since we learned nothing of substance other than the program Samaritan is running Shaw through.


Lab guy: "Mr. Greer, I'm afraid we didn't get the answers we were looking for. There must be a clue somewhere in Ms. Groves' apartment...I'll keep running simulations until I find it. I'll be here all night if I have to. You guys can take off, I got this. Just the turn the lights off on your way out."


Nice to see Shaw's fate but felt like mostly a waste. The way the characters interacted didn't seem like it would normally be handled which is what made me feel it was all a simulation, 20 minutes into the show. So I wasn't feeling it as much since we learned nothing of substance other than the program Samaritan is running Shaw through.
Yeah, same here, they already kind of gave it away when Shaw first met Reese and Finch again and it was just *shrug*, no big moment, nothing, and it became entirely clear 5 minutes later, so half the episode felt a bit like a waste. Still, good to see Shaw again.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
It all could be explained due to the fact that Samaritan has not seen all of their interactions, therefore it can't correctly predict how they would react to having Shaw back again (except perhaps for Root which was obvious to them, since Root pretty much wanted Martine dead because of them thinking she killer Shaw.

I can also imagine that it's making slight variations to the simulation, in order to make her go into the right path, to get the Machine's location.

Also, it seems like they're not only trying to get her to give up the location, but brain wash her enough so that she turns on the team. She killed John. The way she took Finch's arms look like she was about to rip them off. Thank goodness for Root though.

I also don't think that this episode is that useless in the storyline. With this episode they've set up the USB trojan horse and that Root is the key in order to break Shaw. Who know if it'll amount to anything.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Not my favorite episode, mixture of "no forward movement of the plot" and I never cared for Shoot, mostly because I don't believe Shaw, with her personality disorder, would fully commit down the sappy path of "your memory is the only thing saving me."

I first started guessing something was wrong, when the boat appears when she escaped, but once she basically hit the easy button and found Greer inside 30 seconds, I knew something was completely off, to the point it had to either be a fakeout (like what we got) or some disastrous result from having a shorted season.

I don't think the USB stick means anything. Just a part of a simulation that it feels Shaw "understands." It flat out implied it was Shaw's idea to Greer to implant that stick. The episode almost seems like it was written by Shaw, where her Hammer approach was completely successful.


Big plot hole regarding Shaw: Team Machine knows Shaw is alive and captured by Samaritan. To be safe Team Machine would have moved out of the subway just in case Shaw breaks and tells Samaritan about it.


Big plot hole regarding Shaw: Team Machine knows Shaw is alive and captured by Samaritan. To be safe Team Machine would have moved out of the subway just in case Shaw breaks and tells Samaritan about it.

They have no idea if Shaw is alive or not though. They had the machine look for her earlier in the season and it came back with no results.

PK Gaming

Big plot hole regarding Shaw: Team Machine knows Shaw is alive and captured by Samaritan. To be safe Team Machine would have moved out of the subway just in case Shaw breaks and tells Samaritan about it.

Calling it a big plot hole is definitely a stretch.

First off, you're assuming that they think that Shaw would ever blab (presumably they're unaware of Samaritan's magic simulation technology) and second, even if they wanted to move, they can't now that the Machine is basically stuck in the subway.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Calling it a big plot hole is definitely a stretch.

First off, you're assuming that they think that Shaw would ever blab (presumably they're unaware of Samaritan's magic simulation technology) and second, even if they wanted to move, they can't now that the Machine is basically stuck in the subway.

Well, it's now mostly on the subway train itself, and they've already broached the subject of moving it.

Though any move would need them to get more computer components, as the Subway cart is just the "brain" of it.
Was almost positive
it was a simulation about a minute in. Nothing about the episode felt right, and the easy escape sealed the deal. Of course, it didn't help that for some reason they played the commercial for tomorrow's episode during the break before Reese was shot, lol.

Overall, I thought it was a pretty great episode.
Will be interesting to see how this all plays out.


Big plot hole regarding Shaw: Team Machine knows Shaw is alive and captured by Samaritan. To be safe Team Machine would have moved out of the subway just in case Shaw breaks and tells Samaritan about it.

They can't move.

It was hard before, but now, it is nearly impossible.


They can move. They even set up the subway car to let them be mobile. The brain is in the car. The servers in the subway station are the rest of the nervous system that lets it get into the surveillance feeds. Even if you disconnect from that the Machine is still alive in the car, but just probably blind.


They didn't get invaded for 9 months while Samaritan is desperately hunting for them. They didn't have the means to set up properly somewhere else. Hell, even now it would hurt a lot to move and leave most their infrastructure behind.


They can move. They even set up the subway car to let them be mobile. The brain is in the car. The servers in the subway station are the rest of the nervous system that lets it get into the surveillance feeds. Even if you disconnect from that the Machine is still alive in the car, but just probably blind.

No that is not what I mean.

Trying to wing it and moving their operation has a much higher chance of getting them discovered than staying put: something that has undisputed worked for them thus far.

And that does not even address the fact that if Samaritan's agents discover this hideout, it would be trivial to find the train thereafter.

Not my favorite episode, mixture of "no forward movement of the plot" and I never cared for Shoot, mostly because I don't believe Shaw, with her personality disorder, would fully commit down the sappy path of "your memory is the only thing saving me."

I first started guessing something was wrong, when the boat appears when she escaped, but once she basically hit the easy button and found Greer inside 30 seconds, I knew something was completely off, to the point it had to either be a fakeout (like what we got) or some disastrous result from having a shorted season.

I don't think the USB stick means anything. Just a part of a simulation that it feels Shaw "understands." It flat out implied it was Shaw's idea to Greer to implant that stick. The episode almost seems like it was written by Shaw, where her Hammer approach was completely successful.

Dunno, I never really bought Shaw's entire deal. Always seemed to me that the writers liked the novelty of having a sociopath on the team, but not so much the reality when it came to growing the character.

'Razgovor' both reaffirms, and then promptly rejects what she is. As does 'Devil's Share'. And after those, both 'Allegiance' and 'Death Benefit' are both on the 'fuck it, Shaw is sappy as fuck' train.

As Gen says in 'Razgovor', her emotions are muffled, but they are clearly there. And the longer she is around the other members of the team the more obvious it is that they thrive.

Either she is so good at faking them that they may as well be real to us, or she has normalized as she has become older.

Another option is that she just lacks empathy for those that do not provide some level of utility to her but is otherwise normal. Explains both 'Razgovor' and 'Allegiance', but not the disparity in reactions when it comes to Carter's and her father's deaths.


Neo Member
I'm glad I'm dumb, I had no idea at all that it was a simulation. I felt it was really off and the pacing was all over the place, but I thought it was because of the shortened season and they just fluffed it up. My mind was blown by the ending.


I have mixed feelings about this episode.
It was great and all but I saw the twist coming from a mile away. But what really felt odd for me was seeing that the simulation is really life like on the monitor at the end. I feel like the show just moved from scifi to Fantasy there. Look at those graphics, it doesn't make any sense that they would be able to see exactly what Shaw was seeing the entire time.
I think the episode was great. Yes the "twist" was obvious. What makes it great is it provides insight into shaw more than the show could ever do. Given how she's walled off emotionally you don't get very many peaks behind the wall. But here you get a more unfiltered look of how she thinks of characters, most importantly the Shaw/Root relationship. It also goes deeper into her resolve and the fact the execution of the episode was superb.


The more I watch this episode, I more I respect what the writers executed.

In M.I.A. team machine was devastated when they did not find Shaw. No one is remembering what they also found in that factory...neural implants.

This was planned in some ways long ago.

I am also expecting a shift to major events to complete the series...we're running out of time. :(

EDIT: I forgot, we need a new OP title:

Person of Interest – The Fifth and Final Season |OT| Nobody Likes Milhouse


Subete no aware
I have mixed feelings about this episode.
It was great and all but I saw the twist coming from a mile away. But what really felt odd for me was seeing that the simulation is really life like on the monitor at the end. I feel like the show just moved from scifi to Fantasy there. Look at those graphics, it doesn't make any sense that they would be able to see exactly what Shaw was seeing the entire time.
It's the power of the Cell processor at work!
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