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Person of Interest – The Fifth and Final Season |OT| "Thank you for creating me."

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I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
1st time we've heard one of the AI's speak in awhile. Samaritan even has better synth voices, though I prefer the piecemeal male/female machine version.
Heh, Reese and Root pulling off the "you could have waited" moment heh

Shoulda told Lionel before man...

They did a good job misleading you with her for a second...yeah, he knowingly took that chance.


I am in agreement with Root.

Doomsday events feel imminent.



Poor Max.

Like Root said, they got him out of his imminent threat when he didn't know the situation, he was made very aware of the situation, and made the choice that he should have known would have that result.

Allowing people to pursue their own choices as long as it's not providing some sort of direct threat to another person is the fundamental difference between the way the Machine operates and the way Samaritan operates. Shaw killed a scientist who had no direct intention of killing or hurting anybody, but Samaritan foresaw her actions as having consequences down the road. Finch's reaction at the end there strikes me as curious, as his "save everyone even from themselves" mentality is exactly the direction that Samaritan uses.


Lionel's arc in the last few episodes has been so much more interesting to me than most of the actual features numbers.
Please don't die Lionel.

Machine doing the work.

Really should let Lionel in on the secret guys. He's gonna get himself killed otherwise.

They also have an ASI on hand too


Probably one of the first pieces of tech Root procured after they were up and running given how much she's used something like that with the Machine.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Great, the ASI is now collecting DNA. I'm sure it won't use that to plan anything horrifying.

Another great filter mention


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Sounds like Shaw's storyline was taking place just after the hospital event ended, going off the radio's mention of yesterday.

Ugh.. 5 episodes.....


National database of DNA. Sounds legit and not at all an excuse for Samaritan to eventually cultivate its own master race and gradually cull the rest.

But really, the best part of the end of that episode was the meeting between Finch and Elias. "You're the darkest one of us all," goddamn. Really curious to see what he's forced to finally pull out by the time it's all over.


Almost at the final stretch.

I really liked this episode for the words spoken by

I fear what Finch is capable of if he targeted an individual...or even worse, coded the manifestation of his anger.

Darkness is pervasive.

Only the strong will survive...

Also, after next week, last three episodes are every Tuesday.

We almost at the end fam. :(

PK Gaming


Both of those episodes were incredibly good

The first episode nicely showcased the results of Root's character development. She went from barely caring about the numbers (or pretty much anyone who isn't Shaw or Finch) to being genuinely concerned about this week's number. Hell, she even got Reese food because she found out he was at the hospital all day.

The second episode was just masterful. Both the Shaw and main plot line were compelling; Virus pandemics are always fun when executed right, and the episode was incredibly tense. The most notable thing about the episode was that they couldn't save everyone. A lot of innocent people died and it legitimately hit hard. It runs counter to how episodes typically ended in previous seasons (and cut to uplifting music with Finch and Reese talking about how well things went). I love, love, love how Samaritan is directly responsible for causing these numbers.

Fusco's arc in this season is going great. I hope he pulls a Carter and gets some serious shit done™
I'm really not fond of the whole "Finch doesn't want to give the machine more power for reasons" plot. It feels like it is just meant to delay the story and keep it progressing longer. In reality if you were in the same situation as them I feel like it would be pretty obvious that is the only right option instead of continuously arguing with yourself about why it can't happen.

I mean, I get that the machine could potentially be the next Samaritan if left unchecked, but they're facing an AI that wants to wipe out and reshape humanity to its own will and he's still having a moral crisis with utilizing the only thing that could possibly stop it.


Wow, so the team just has a handy fake ID-printer that chills on the desk? How unbelievably convenient.

Uh, yeah?

I mean, they print out fake ids like candy. Not that crazy that they would have a printer in house. Personally think it is one of better low key 'oh, duh' moments.


I feel for Fusco, he has been left in the dark for so long and he's no idiot, he knows his friends are hiding stuff from him. I hope he discovers the existence of the Machine/Samaritan all on his own with his detective skills.


Dammit, Root killed
, and Shaw killed
. Poor Team Samaritan, I actually kinda liked those folks. Why did the writers have to give them such embarrassing deaths?
I'm getting more and more confident about my earlier theory being true: Finch is waiting to find something to abuse in Samaritan's code, and is going to use the Machine as a weapon to destroy it. After the mess in QSD, maybe Finch finally realizes that ASIs are more of a detriment than a saviour to people. Get rid of two ASIs, maybe sacrifice himself to protect his allies to ensure the program executes, and the world will never know what happened.

The Samaritan/Machine fusion is starting to sound more lofty than an actual end result. Samaritan may have the power and technology, but Finch has never wanted his ASI to be more intrusive than simply reading NSA feeds (which is why he abused the Amendment loophole: built the Machine so tightly that no one can know what it's doing except for Admin. You can't charge him for invasion of privacy at a massive level if no one knows what the Machine is doing).
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