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Persona 4 |OT|


Wilsongt said:
Well, I just beat it with the True Ending. I'm happy I beat it, but I also get all sad and stuff when I beat games. :lol

haha, don't be sad, new game+ awaits you! I believe it is the true P4 experience. More S.Links due to a lack of stat grinding, you can fight the Reaper and the optional boss, you can fuse a Persona you weren't able to first run. It's soooooo much better the second time through.


Narcosis said:
haha, don't be sad, new game+ awaits you! I believe it is the true P4 experience. More S.Links due to a lack of stat grinding, you can fight the Reaper and the optional boss, you can fuse a Persona you weren't able to first run. It's soooooo much better the second time through.

I would, except I don't have the time. The semester starts for me on Monday and it's going to be in-fucking-sane when it starts. Maybe this summer if I don't get swamped by other stuff. I'm glad I was able to beat it, though. Excellent game from start to finish. Every bit as good as I thought it would be. Also, the more I played, the more the soundtrack grew on me.

As for fusing Persona, I managed to fuse
and shit freaked me out. Six tits, man.

Plus, I'm not sure if I can sit through the three hour intro again. :lol


remember me
This is definitely a game worth replaying. But I think it's a good idea to wait a bit before doing so. It'll make the funny parts funnier when they're not fresh in your mind.


I have to ask, is there any of the later dungeons available at the start of P4 in a new game+? I'm guessing not, but it'd be nice to help alleviate having to start over from level 1.


Fourth dungeon is a trip both in design and music.

Quick question... Do traps start to spring up soon?

Those little tid bits at the beginning of each floor... hehe...
Some of them are lines from SMT 1 right?


remember me
There start to be a lot of traps in the in the last 2 dungeons when opening chests. There were probably some before then, but not they were still pretty rare.


Wilsongt said:
I would, except I don't have the time. The semester starts for me on Monday and it's going to be in-fucking-sane when it starts. Maybe this summer if I don't get swamped by other stuff. I'm glad I was able to beat it, though. Excellent game from start to finish. Every bit as good as I thought it would be. Also, the more I played, the more the soundtrack grew on me.

As for fusing Persona, I managed to fuse
and shit freaked me out. Six tits, man.

Plus, I'm not sure if I can sit through the three hour intro again. :lol

Psh. Hold down triangle, and you'll be done in less than 1!


Once again, another boss is giving me a very hard time

I am at the heaven's dungeon, the mid boss was a joke and I was doing okay with the final one despite being annoyed at what seems to be a very large health but then he did some sort of quad spell and my spells started missing and doing no more than 10 damage. That charming boss then proceeded to do a magarudyne, fair enough I though and was already weighting whether to use Yukiko or MC's mediarama, ROFL it actually instantly killed my MC by doing more than 500 dmg to him and another character. In other words, WTF !


I have searched the thread and it seems I need some sort of Makarm abilty, I saw it for one possible persona fusion I could do with my current personas (unfortunately that S link is like at level one or something :() but does that skill some sort of reflect magic for all the party members ?


Boulayman said:
Once again, another boss is giving me a very hard time

I am at the heaven's dungeon, the mid boss was a joke and I was doing okay with the final one despite being annoyed at what seems to be a very large health but then he did some sort of quad spell and my spells started missing and doing no more than 10 damage. That charming boss then proceeded to do a magarudyne, fair enough I though and was already weighting whether to use Yukiko or MC's mediarama, ROFL it actually instantly killed my MC by doing more than 500 dmg to him and another character. In other words, WTF !


I have searched the thread and it seems I need some sort of Makarm abilty, I saw it for one possible persona fusion I could do with my current personas (unfortunately that S link is like at level one or something :() but does that skill some sort of reflect magic for all the party members ?

When he casts Quad converge he makes it where only one element is effective and it's super effective. After casting the spell, have everyone guard immediately. Then you'll see what element is the effective one by whichever one he uses. Switch to a persona that nulls or reflects that element and go to town


Tamanon said:
When he casts Quad converge he makes it where only one element is effective and it's super effective. After casting the spell, have everyone guard immediately. Then you'll see what element is the effective one by whichever one he uses. Switch to a persona that nulls or reflects that element and go to town

Ok, guard it is then, I am pretty sure I have null/drain for zio/hama/mudoo/bufu and agi stuff but I don't think I have anyone for garu. That Makarm one, is it worth getting Alarune through fusion, does it protect everyone or just the MC ?


I'm on the
dungeon and this is probably the toughest thus far. The enemies have been consistently difficult and I've died at a much greater frequency here compared to the previous. Oddly enough the mid-boss was by far the easiest in the game however (and the final of this is very difficult).


Kevtones said:
I'm on the
dungeon and this is probably the toughest thus far. The enemies have been consistently difficult and I've died at a much greater frequency here compared to the previous. Oddly enough the mid-boss was by far the easiest in the game however (and the final of this is very difficult).

I definitely agree with you man, for the floors 8,9 I kept running away from the ennemies. For the 7th floor, I was bracing myself for that midlevel boss but it was very easy. As for the final one, well I have explained it in the above spoiler ^^ But I am now gonna try Tamanon's strategy, I might be able to survive then ^^
I maxed out Naoto's social link and
I went the serious route. The days she is available, she stands in the usual spot with an exclamation over her head. When I talk to her, it leads to the same scene. Does it ever change, or it always the MC and her sitting in his room?


I just finished the game. I'll give my more more long winded report on Monday but I'll settle it briefly.

Persona4 is the best game of 2008 and if you do not play it you are doing yourself a massive disservice.


ninj4junpei said:
I maxed out Naoto's social link and
I went the serious route. The days she is available, she stands in the usual spot with an exclamation over her head. When I talk to her, it leads to the same scene. Does it ever change, or it always the MC and her sitting in his room?
It's always the same.
I put thirty hours into this in five days, even after working a full time job. Crack on a disc.

Now, I'm in
August, near the beginning of summer vacation
and I'm getting scared that I'm not going to have enough time to max most Social Links by the end of the game.
Fool/Team link is up to 7 already, personality stats are more than 3/5 complete and based on P3, that was about 7/10 through the game
. Should I be worried?


Quick question regarding the last Persona:

I finished the game with the normal Ending, but can I get the World Persona on a new game+ even though I didn't see the True Ending yet? I read somewhere that you need to see it beforehand...


Lateraleye said:
and I'm getting scared that I'm not going to have enough time to max most Social Links by the end of the game.
You probably won't. Most people don't on their first playthrough.

Just focus on the useful links. Party members and stat boosters.


Well, I finally finished it late last night. Completed on Expert, and got all the endings.

Time: 108 hours; more like 115 considering deaths, re-loading, etc.
S-Links: 17/21; with two of the unfinished ones at 8 :(
Compendium: 87%

Fantastic game, probably the best RPG I played in 2008. Can't wait to see what Atlus does this year.


Boulayman said:
Once again, another boss is giving me a very hard time

I am at the heaven's dungeon, the mid boss was a joke and I was doing okay with the final one despite being annoyed at what seems to be a very large health but then he did some sort of quad spell and my spells started missing and doing no more than 10 damage. That charming boss then proceeded to do a magarudyne, fair enough I though and was already weighting whether to use Yukiko or MC's mediarama, ROFL it actually instantly killed my MC by doing more than 500 dmg to him and another character. In other words, WTF !


I have searched the thread and it seems I need some sort of Makarm abilty, I saw it for one possible persona fusion I could do with my current personas (unfortunately that S link is like at level one or something :() but does that skill some sort of reflect magic for all the party members ?

I made an Anubis that has Makarakarn. I kept casting it on my characters, and the the boss has to waste a turn casting its "cancel Makarakarn" magic. Also used any Magic mirrors I had
Wilsongt said:
Well, I just beat it with the True Ending. I'm happy I beat it, but I also get all sad and stuff when I beat games. :lol

Me too pal. It's a sign of a good game when you feel sad after finishing it.


evanylee said:
I made an Anubis that has Makarakarn. I kept casting it on my characters, and the the boss has to waste a turn casting its "cancel Makarakarn" magic. Also used any Magic mirrors I had

Agreed, I used all my magic mirrors during that boss fight to deal some serious damage back to him, and I didn't regret it... I think if you have any, you might as well use 'em then, it helped take the boss down very quickly.


Christ, Normal and Triangle fusions were hard enough to understand, now I have Cross, Pentagon and Hexagon :lol


Kweh said:
Christ, Normal and Triangle fusions were hard enough to understand, now I have Cross, Pentagon and Hexagon :lol

Cross/Penta/Hexa give you the requirements as opposed to Straight and Triangle.


Kweh said:
Is Rise not a normal party member then? Does she just do analysis :(

But its not really the same as P3. It's more of...remembering weaknesses rather than finding them out for you..most of the time


lucablight said:
Me too pal. It's a sign of a good game when you feel sad after finishing it.
Agreed, but usually it's simply due to you growing attached to the characters and you enjoying spending time with them. I agree that the game is awesome (goty if it weren't for Fallout 3), but it's the characters that makes you feel bad about finishing the game. I know I had that feeling when I finished FFVII and IX for the first time and this is gonna be the first time since those games that I've felt like that. I'm pretty close to the end now
beginning of december and about to investigate who the real killer is. The cutscenes that just happened were great and quite emotional (except maybe for one cop-out, you know the one)
. Normally I hate it when a game throws like an hour's worth of cutscenes your way (I still don't see how people can praise MGS4 so much, when 50% of the game is watching lame cutscenes), but in Persona 4 I welcome them.


If they decide to keep the current part structure for the next game they must have these three things!

1. Turn off analyst voice

2. Option to make the MC the analyst. I hate how dungeon crawling is essentially over when the MC is out of SP and he runs out very fast in both P3/P4 (more so in P4 since his max SP seems seriously gimped). This way you can have a four man group and still over all your bases.

3. No more fricken game overs when the MC fall in battle. It makes no sense.
Varna said:
2. Option to make the MC the analyst. I hate how dungeon crawling is essentially over when the MC is out of SP and he runs out very fast in both P3/P4 (more so in P4 since his max SP seems seriously gimped). This way you can have a four man group and still over all your bases.

There are several ways to restore the MC's SP without spending money on the Fox. The easiest and cheesiest way is to use a Persona with Invigorate and go back to the first dungeon and just stand there while the enemy hits you for 1 damage while your SP comes back. You can also get the upright Death arcana shuffle which instantly restores the party's SP. Also if you do max the Fox S.Link the SP restore is insanely cheap compared to the money you are earning at that point so effectively it might as well be free.


I rather not resort to tedious cheap tactics.

Fox social link is starting to be good to me, but I would still like the ability to fight without the MC on the frontline.

Oh yeah, number four on my list is fix all these little exploits.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Varna said:
If they decide to keep the current part structure for the next game they must have these three things!

1. Turn off analyst voice

2. Option to make the MC the analyst. I hate how dungeon crawling is essentially over when the MC is out of SP and he runs out very fast in both P3/P4 (more so in P4 since his max SP seems seriously gimped). This way you can have a four man group and still over all your bases.

3. No more fricken game overs when the MC fall in battle. It makes no sense.

Funny, all three things you mentioned is what I like about this game.

1. You CAN turn off the voice, go to settings and turn character voices to off. They don't speak during dialog, but they Analyst character doesn't speak during battle either.

2. Fighting without the MC should be an option, I agree that would be nice. But he's by far the best character because you can "morph" him from being a mage, healer, knight, tank etc. with changing Persona.

2. There are ways to regain SP, just gotta play a big smarter with how you use Skills and how you conserve SP. Of course you can also refill SP and once you level up Fox S.Link to Lv 8-10, the money required to heal is chump change. I'm at the point in the game where I no longer even worry about conserving SP, I use spells all the damn time and every fight then go back to Fox Heal whenever I need to.

3. I like it, makes the game challenging and different from other RPGs.


Yeah. I found it. But sometimes I turn away from the screen during cutscenes and it would be nice if I could only turn off the analyst voice.

I agree that the main character is way overpowered (even with shit SP), but that just leads up into another question. Why? Why not go back to the way things use to be? Maybe then we would get DDS/Nocturne style battles and relied on more then just getting the first strike.

OK. Maybe don't remove the game over... but how about a couple of turns before it ends? There is no way to avoid the enemy simply 1-hit killing the MC sometimes.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Varna said:
OK. Maybe don't remove the game over... but how about a couple of turns before it ends? There is no way to avoid the enemy simply 1-hit killing the MC sometimes.

Yeah that sucks sometimes. But it keeps you on your heels I think. I know if I am going into a new area, and scan and see that an enemy has Hama or Mudo, I know that after the battle to go into the Persona screen and equip one that is going to be Immune to one of those two attacks. Or if I know I run into an enemy that casts one of my elemental weakness, I know to equip the according Persona before going into battle. Just another element to gameplay that I like, it keeps you on your toes.


I really do hate the MC death = game over in Persona because your other party members are humans, and your friends. In other SMT games it makes sense because your party members are basically demons who only work with you because of your power, so if you're dead they're just like "fuck it, we're going back to terrorizing people." It's just frustrating, but there are enough ways to deal with it in P3/P4.
firex said:
I really do hate the MC death = game over in Persona because your other party members are humans, and your friends. In other SMT games it makes sense because your party members are basically demons who only work with you because of your power, so if you're dead they're just like "fuck it, we're going back to terrorizing people." It's just frustrating, but there are enough ways to deal with it in P3/P4.

i agree, i almost always use a persona that is nul mudo and/or hama when i explore a new area cuz i had so many cheap deaths in p3
wangman31888 said:
i agree, i almost always use a persona that is nul mudo and/or hama when i explore a new area cuz i had so many cheap deaths in p3
Really? In 3 I had Homunculi popping out of every orifice to sacrifice themselves for me.


RocketDarkness said:
Really? In 3 I had Homunculi popping out of every orifice to sacrifice themselves for me.

It's one of those luck things. One game I had quiet a bit of them and on the next I don't even recall getting one outside of the quest that gives you a few.

Just finished the fourth dungeon. Really nice battle. Took quiet a while though.

Question: If you enter a relationship... What are the consequences to doing another female social link? Kinda odd that they would tell you unless there was something to it.


Varna said:
Question: If you enter a relationship... What are the consequences to doing another female social link? Kinda odd that they would tell you unless there was something to it.
Only your everlasting guilt. And, if you go the romantic route with Ayane, I hear Chris Hansen tracks you down.


The most annoying thing about the MC death to me is he gets none of the abilities that your teammates get from the later social link levels. If he got the surviving an instant kill ability it'd make things so much simpler and less cheap. No instant fucking over by Mudoon when the enemies get the jump on you.


Kusagari said:
The most annoying thing about the MC death to me is he gets none of the abilities that your teammates get from the later social link levels. If he got the surviving an instant kill ability it'd make things so much simpler and less cheap. No instant fucking over by Mudoon when the enemies get the jump on you.
There are persona that give such abilities, though...

I mean, later in the game, I had almost no problems with instant death moves. I never really had that much of a problem in the beginning. I mean, if you're worried, just equip a persona that blocks them while you dungeon crawl, and change to another persona if the enemies don't have instant death moves.


zoku88 said:
There are persona that give such abilities, though...

I mean, later in the game, I had almost no problems with instant death moves. I never really had that much of a problem in the beginning. I mean, if you're worried, just equip a persona that blocks them while you dungeon crawl, and change to another persona if the enemies don't have instant death moves.
I think I only ever ran into like, three or four things that ever used instant death moves. And even then it was just single target so even if it did a) Target me and b) connect, one of my party members would jump in the way.


Dammit, I knew Adachi was Johnny Yong Bosch. The last thing I heard him in was Eureka 7 and he played a whiny little bitch in that show, so I wasn't 100% sure at first.

Oh, and how do the S Links transfer over to New Game +? Do the ones you get maxed out count as being completed, maxed out? Or do you have to actually max out every single one in a single playthrough to get something special? I'm gonna end this game and not get Death, Hanged Man, Tower, Moon, Hermit, Emperor, Empress, and a couple others.
AniHawk said:
Dammit, I knew Adachi was Johnny Yong Bosch. The last thing I heard him in was Eureka 7 and he played a whiny little bitch in that show, so I wasn't 100% sure at first.

Oh, and how do the S Links transfer over to New Game +? Do the ones you get maxed out count as being completed, maxed out? Or do you have to actually max out every single one in a single playthrough to get something special? I'm gonna end this game and not get Death, Hanged Man, Tower, Moon, Hermit, Emperor, Empress, and a couple others.
You keep the key item that allows you to fuse the ultimate form of the _______ Arcana, but you lose the S. Link itself, as well as the bonus fusion points. That being said, as long as you plan smartly, maxing all the S. Links a second time around should be a snap. Just make sure you take advantage of the S. Link boosts finals give.


RocketDarkness said:
You keep the key item that allows you to fuse the ultimate form of the _______ Arcana, but you lose the S. Link itself, as well as the bonus fusion points. That being said, as long as you plan smartly, maxing all the S. Links a second time around should be a snap. Just make sure you take advantage of the S. Link boosts finals give.

Thanks for the advice. A second playthrough is a long ways away since all the understanding/knowledge/etc stuff is maxed out now and about 65-70 hours are gonna be sunk into this thing on the first playthrough.
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