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Persona 4 |OT|


firex said:
Yosuke sucks. Chie/Kanji/Yukiko party all the way. Or Teddie instead of Yukiko because Teddie has the best battle/level up voice clips ever.
No...just no.
Yosuke is one of the members of the party who is relatively useful in all roles. He's got a decent magic stat and a decent strength stat, and also gets a nice selection of skills, including Brave Blade, Magarudyne, Masukukaja, Dekaja. Chie outclasses Kanji for the latter half of the game when it comes to physical skills, too. Sure, she doesn't get higher level magic, but Kanji's terrible magic stat means that his magic isn't much of a factor either.


Yosuke is for losers, sorry. Nobody likes Yosuke except people who are used to being left alone because nobody likes them, and that's just because they know how Yosuke feels. He's a pathetic whiner and his only valuable skill is Masukukaja at the end of the game because Chie and Kanji do more damage with higher HP, and Yukiko can easily be a mage in place of him. Yosuke is just stuck in between and if he didn't have that buff he'd be entirely useless.


viewtiful_dru said:
So I got into a debate with someone about who the best members of the investigation team are (in battle, natch).

I rank them thus (from best to worst):

I think the placement of Kanji/Yukiko could be swapped depending on how you play the game/personal preference.
For me it goes (assuming everyone's leveled up and has all their skills):

Chie (most damaging by far with Power Charge/God Hand combo)
Yuki (amp + agidyne gives great damage, plus she can heal/salvation)
Yosuke/Teddie (depends on if I want another damage dealer or another healer/buffer. Youske gets the nod over Kanji for me as I find Yosuke more flexible since he can do okay physical damage, decent magic damage with amp+garudyne, and has useful buff/debuffs)
Kanji (physical damage is fine, but limited SP minimizes overall usefulness)
Naoto (for boss battles, Naoto drops to the bottom. For dungeon clearing, bump up above Yosuke/Teddie due to all the light/dark/almighty spells. damage per SP isn't very good for boss battles though, and there's much better party member choices for that)

Outside of personality/story I don't get the Yosuke hate. Throughout the game (not counting level-up grind sessions) only Yuki spent more time in my party overall. At the end my main party was Yosuke/Yuki/Naoto for the dungeon runs then I'd swap in Chie for Naoto for boss fights.


So far I've mostly just used Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko and I'm about to start Naoto's dungeon. Not because they're the first people I got, but because they're the characters I enjoy the most. And they seem to have a nice complement of skills to each other. (Plus I have them all at max social link, which helps. Though obviously had I been using Kanji instead of one of them he'd be at max).

I'd consider using Teddie but then I'd probably drop Yukiko because she's also a healer and Chie because she's Ice, forcing me to use Kanji at least until I got Naoto. And the sound Teddie makes walking behind you in dungeons is quite irritating. His awesome quotes in battle make up for it though.


You could always keep Chie even with Teddie. It's not like you use her ice THAT much.

And Endurance run just got real. After the feel good Culture festival, was a bit of a shock. Especially since they were planning on ending today's run but weren't able to save.....then thirty minutes later....:lol


Ok, so I got home yesterday and last night I tried fighting Kanji again, without trying to level, using the tips some gaffers gave me.

I got it down to just Kanji and he had barley any health left....and then he killed me (boy was I pissed) but at least now I know I will for sure be able to beat him if I just level up and stuff with my week I still have left.

Thanks for the tips GAF!


I'm at 40 hours now and am into the Secret Lab dungeon. I don't think I'll be able to get to the boss floor in one day like I have the last few dungeons. I'll probably use Fox once since I have a bunch of money, and get as far as I can. Or I could use the giant pile of TaP sodas I have in my inventory.

I accidentally made the pre-dungeon investigation take way longer than it should have by talking to Saki's brother and not realizing it was going to take the whole afternoon. And then it became the weekend and a holiday so I couldn't talk to the girl at school to progress to the next part. Oh well, I guess I just got some S-Links up before the dungeon instead of in the downtime afterwards.

I can't even remember the last game I played for 40 hours, much less the 60+ this will probably end up taking.
HK-47 said:
Is there a place I can find good quality artwork for the persona?

The artbook should be on Amazon (get the Japanese one if you can, it has more content).

Edit: Unless you meant the entire compendium, I can't help you with that.
charlequin said:
Confusingly enough, only two boosts to any given element stack with each other, and it's skills > items rather than stacking whatever the best two are. So Boost and Amp do actually stack, but someone with just Amp and one of those +30%/+50% elemental damage weapons will actually do more damage than someone with Boost and Amp and the same weapon.


M°°nblade said:
Are counter (10%) and counterstrike (15%) stackable skills?

I was wondering the same thing. Why does boost+amp work with spells but not with counter/strike/highcounter skills? 10% + 15% + 20% = 45% counter rate, which is not broken.... so why not stack? Boost is 25% and Amp is 50% so that's 75% increase. And if you do substitute an accessory that boosts an element power by 50% with a matching Amp skill, then you're doing 100% extra damage with spells...


firex said:
Yosuke is for losers, sorry. Nobody likes Yosuke except people who are used to being left alone because nobody likes them, and that's just because they know how Yosuke feels. He's a pathetic whiner and his only valuable skill is Masukukaja at the end of the game because Chie and Kanji do more damage with higher HP, and Yukiko can easily be a mage in place of him. Yosuke is just stuck in between and if he didn't have that buff he'd be entirely useless.

Brosuke is pretty useful in the last couple fights specifically because of Masukukaja and the fact that his max'd Social Link eliminates his weaknesses. He's not very great for the standard fights (I used Naoto more there) but he's awesome for the big boss confrontations. Especially with Yukiko in your party you can't really afford to have more than one person who has a weakness...so, Yosuke makes it in ahead of Kanji (who is truly useless once a smart player casts away Chie's feeble Bufu skills for Power Charge), Naoto (just plain worthless in boss fights), and Teddie (who either fills Yukiko's role or is a ice mage...and I don't need two Yukikos). Of your options here the only one I even really consider viable would be Teddie.

So no, far from it.


Yosuke is especially great in boss fights if he has one of those wind boosting accessories.

Also, Dekaja is pretty useful all throughout the game. Dude hits hard at least, plus he doesn't miss nearly as much as Kanji does.
daegan said:
Brosuke is pretty useful in the last couple fights specifically because of Masukukaja and the fact that his max'd Social Link eliminates his weaknesses. He's not very great for the standard fights (I used Naoto more there) but he's awesome for the big boss confrontations. Especially with Yukiko in your party you can't really afford to have more than one person who has a weakness...so, Yosuke makes it in ahead of Kanji (who is truly useless once a smart player casts away Chie's feeble Bufu skills for Power Charge), Naoto (just plain worthless in boss fights), and Teddie (who either fills Yukiko's role or is a ice mage...and I don't need two Yukikos). Of your options here the only one I even really consider viable would be Teddie.

So no, far from it.

There is no reason to get rid of her bufu skills for Powercharge when she has so many other mediocre skills you can rid her of at that point. Keeping her mabufu and bufula saves your characters' SP, but should only be used for targeting weaknesses. Also Yosuke ends up losing his weakness and gaining a mini-affinity to fire, unfortunately his status as the all around guy doesn't pay of til he has both Masakukaja and Brave Blade(because every other physical attack up til then is light damage).

Eccocid said:
OH NOES! i can't resist shouldi read it? Does it spoil the game? I have started to P4 few days ago and played for 6 hours only! oh too late i had read first few frames already damn...:(

How far have you gotten? It doesn't spoil the entire story yet(not even up to Shadow Chie in fact).
Edit: Oh wait, I forgot about the in-direct spoilers.


Eccocid said:
OH NOES! i can't resist shouldi read it? Does it spoil the game? I have started to P4 few days ago and played for 6 hours only! oh too late i had read first few frames already damn...:(

I'd probably avoid it, spoils a few things, albeit not directly.





Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Fimbulvetr said:
The artbook should be on Amazon (get the Japanese one if you can, it has more content).

Edit: Unless you meant the entire compendium, I can't help you with that.

So there is no place that has the complete compendium? Bummer.


just beat the game and i must say i loved it so much. only problem is the last boss (true ending) didnt feel like a challenge. Nyx was harder for me.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I've been thinking about picking up either Persona 3 FES or Persona 4. I'm leaning towards Persona 4 but is there some really awesome mechanic in P3 that was excluded/changed in P4? I'm pretty sure the stories in both games are equally good i.e better than anything this gen.

Red Scarlet

Well, it was easier to get money in P3, but that's about all that comes to mind. Aren't both games pretty cheap though? Play one, then play the other next summer or something.


toasty_T said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I've been thinking about picking up either Persona 3 FES or Persona 4. I'm leaning towards Persona 4 but is there some really awesome mechanic in P3 that was excluded/changed in P4? I'm pretty sure the stories in both games are equally good i.e better than anything this gen.

I am still new in P4 but somehow i enjoyed P3 a lot more at the beginning part actually. I loved modern city setting more than rural town. and staying in a dorm with friends was more exciting than staying with your uncle and your addicted cousin lol.


Eccocid said:
I am still new in P4 but somehow i enjoyed P3 a lot more at the beginning part actually. I loved modern city setting more than rural town. and staying in a dorm with friends was more exciting than staying with your uncle and your addicted cousin lol.

I can't wait until you get near the end of the game and completely reverse your opinion on staying with Nanako and Dojima:p

And yeah, P3 is better at the beginning, IMO, for story, although P4's characters are much more interesting, at least their interplay is.

And to the original question, P3 doesn't have too much in the way of mechanics that are lost. Weaknesses are a bigger deal in that game since you actually lose a turn getting up if your weakness is hit, also FES has some more options when fusing, since you can turn the personas into weapons. On the other hand, it also takes much more XP to level a persona up in the game, so it's tougher to get all the spells for them. They both have their high points. I'd say if you're looking for a more serious take, then P3 would be a good start, if you want a less dark one, then P4. P4 gets dark, but it's not as thematically dark. Kinda hard to explain, but just the atmosphere is different in the two games and they're both excellent.
First off I want to say, when it comes to the JRPG genre, I'm completely out of the loop. My limited experience consists of FF VII, VIII and IX. So keep that in mind if this post comes off uninformed.

I've been watching the Giant Bomb Endurance Run and it really has me interested in playing Persona 4, except, since I've been watching the videos, I've seen too much. I was wondering if their are any other games that are very similar to Persona 4, already released or soon to be released.

What I like about the Persona 4 is the focus on interacting with other characters, instead of exploring every nook and cranny of some vast game world. I also like the contemporary setting. I like that there are 2 distinct modes in the game, the television dungeons vs outside world and I like the battle system and Persona collecting and fusing.

I've considered Persona 3 but from my limited research, I hear it's a downgrade from Person 4 in a lot of ways, which is to be expected. I have a feeling my best bet is to wait for the next game in the series or just play Persona 4 despite the fact that I've already watched someone play most of the game. I own an Xbox 360, a PS3 with full PS2 BC, a DS and a Wii. I'd love suggestions but remember I'm very specifically interested in something very similar. The genre typically isn't my cup of tea but something about Persona 4's story and gameplay has me interested.
Just play Persona 4. It's good enough, that people who have already beat it play through it a second time. So it's certainly good enough for you, who may know the story, but has yet to experience the stellar gameplay.

Where did you watch up to, out of curiosity? To be honest, there aren't really many twists in the story until the last 20% of the game. It's not really the story that's amazing so much as the character development.


I think Persona 3:FES is worth trying if you have enough time to play it. It's a downgrade from P4 is a few areas, but plenty of people actually prefer the story and some even prefer the characters.

"What I like about the Persona 4 is the focus on interacting with other characters, instead of exploring every nook and cranny of some vast game world. I also like the contemporary setting. I like that there are 2 distinct modes in the game, the television dungeons vs outside world and I like the battle system and Persona collecting and fusing."

All this stuff is in Persona 3, too, and Persona 5 must be a long way away.
Ben2749 said:
Just play Persona 4. It's good enough, that people who have already beat it play through it a second time, so it's certainly good enough to play through a first time despite knowing the story.

Where did you watch up to, out of curiosity? To be honest, there aren't really many twists in the story until the last 20% of the game. It's not really the story that's amazing so much as the character development.

I watched most of them including the most recent. They are currently working their way through
Nanako's dungeon.
Playing Persona 4 is a definite possibility. Also, you're right, Persona 4's story isn't as compelling as the characters in it.

Curufinwe said:
I think Persona 3:FES is worth trying if you have enough time to play it. It's a downgrade from P4 is a few areas, but plenty of people actually prefer the story and some even prefer the characters.

"What I like about the Persona 4 is the focus on interacting with other characters, instead of exploring every nook and cranny of some vast game world. I also like the contemporary setting. I like that there are 2 distinct modes in the game, the television dungeons vs outside world and I like the battle system and Persona collecting and fusing."

All this stuff is in Persona 3, too, and Persona 5 must be a long way away.

The thing is I see a handful of little frustrating gameplay elements in Persona 4, that I'm aware of and I'm sure I can deal with. If Persona 3 has more of these gameplay issues, it may be too much for me to actually finish one of these extremely long games.


What seems frustrating to you? Getting one-shot killed by a trash mob after playing for 2 hours without saving is the only annoying thing I can think of right now. The game isn't THAT long either. I took it slow & it took me 82:46 hours to complete it with perfect ending. I wasn't close to 100% all the characters though. Heck, I even missed 3-4 characters completely xD Hmm, I guess it is pretty long huh? :lol
Minamu said:
What seems frustrating to you? Getting one-shot killed by a trash mob after playing for 2 hours without saving is the only annoying thing I can think of right now. The game isn't THAT long either. I took it slow & it took me 82:46 hours to complete it with perfect ending. I wasn't close to 100% all the characters though. Heck, I even missed 3-4 characters completely xD Hmm, I guess it is pretty long huh? :lol

Off the top of my head, trying to inherit the spells you want when fusing persona's seems pointlessly time consuming. The interface looks super slick but it doesn't seem as user friendly as it could have been.

83 hours is pretty long in my book for a single player game but not unheard of. I've put that much time into Fallout 3.


yeah I want to start Persona 3 really bad but that whole not being able to control your party thing would probably drive me up a goddamn wall.


Tamanon said:
I can't wait until you get near the end of the game and completely reverse your opinion on staying with Nanako and Dojima:p
Oh god yes.

By the way, since I'm already posting, I beat P4 a while ago and I loved it. It's my favorite game of all time. Now I'm thinking of revisiting P3:FES, but I have a ton on my backlog I want to finish before school in a month or so. Is P3 as epic later on as P4 was? Will I be as blown away?


hampig said:
Oh god yes.

By the way, since I'm already posting, I beat P4 a while ago and I loved it. It's my favorite game of all time. Now I'm thinking of revisiting P3:FES, but I have a ton on my backlog I want to finish before school in a month or so. Is P3 as epic later on as P4 was? Will I be as blown away?
I think the last 2-3 hours of P3 (the journey in Fes) are amazing and probably the best final boss rush setup thing in any recent JRPG I've played.

For the guy asking about P3 vs P4, I think P3 is a million times easier to play but tougher to "complete" (max all social links in a single playthrough), because the game isn't built on direct command of your allies, so your main character is ridiculously overpowered compared to P4. I mean the hero can still be very overpowered in P4, too, but in P3 just by default he gets an absurd amount of HP/SP compared to most other characters, can equip nearly all weapons, and of course, he can change his persona so he has no weaknesses.

Red Scarlet

Felix Lighter said:
Off the top of my head, trying to inherit the spells you want when fusing persona's seems pointlessly time consuming. The interface looks super slick but it doesn't seem as user friendly as it could have been.

In a way, it's to help balance the game. People don't seem to realize that if you could pick and choose what to put on every Persona instantly, you'd rip everything a new butthole from about 25% into the game until the end. That's the tradeoff with the inheritance; sometimes if you want a really good Persona with awesome abilities that can tear things up, you have to earn it in one way or another. It's like going from a +20 attack weapon immediately to a +90 one that costs 5 gold at the next town.


Subete no aware
Felix Lighter said:
Off the top of my head, trying to inherit the spells you want when fusing persona's seems pointlessly time consuming. The interface looks super slick but it doesn't seem as user friendly as it could have been.

83 hours is pretty long in my book for a single player game but not unheard of. I've put that much time into Fallout 3.

Spell inheritances would be something I would fix for a Persona 5.

I understand why it works the way it does - I really do - but I'd like them to add a "baby" option for people like me who just want to select which skills to bring over.

Hell, add some penalty - make it take twice as long to level up the character. Whatever. To me, that's worth the time I lose in the Velvet room going back and forth in the fuse menu.
firehawk12 said:
Spell inheritances would be something I would fix for a Persona 5.

I understand why it works the way it does - I really do - but I'd like them to add a "baby" option for people like me who just want to select which skills to bring over.

Hell, add some penalty - make it take twice as long to level up the character. Whatever. To me, that's worth the time I lose in the Velvet room going back and forth in the fuse menu.
Or, alternatively, balance the game based on the new assumption that players can do such a thing. I actually like the 3 active/3 passive skill restriction Devil Survivor imposed. It meant you couldn't get all four elements on a single demon. It meant you had to build a more well-rounded team, and it forced you to put value on passive skills. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it appear again in Strange Journey, or the next Persona game.


Subete no aware
Yeah, that could work too - limit the ability to make the godly Persona so that being able to choose inheritances isn't such a BIG advantage.


bernardobri said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

That one was great, but when Izanagi is summoned and he drops that "I am thou, Thou art me" and then goes into goddamn Barney, that had me rolling. :lol

Red Scarlet

^ Rise thing at the start was :lol .

I've yet to play Devil Summoner 2 (about a week away), but that system sounds pretty interesting.
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