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Persona 5 |Import OT| You Are Slave. Want Emancipation? Coming Winter 2014.

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I get where you're coming from, but I just can't agree. Bolt hit the head on when he said it felt too wish fulfillmentey, and I know that a huge part of Persona's appeal comes from wish fulfillment, but it feels it's gone too far this time. The girls just end up feeling like products to be consumed rather than actual people you can interact. Is the game seriously trying to imply that the protagonist can whoo all of these women? Is he that appealing? Dating should be more complicated than that. It shouldn't be reduced to a game of getting someone to like you because you gave them gifts and helped them overcome their issues. It should mutual; 2 people falling for each other. The "just don't romance them, then" line of reasoning doesn't work for me because the dark side of that is "I could date them if I wanted to." You should never think about another girl. Hell, it almost feels unfair to the P5 protagonist too. Didn't they try to actually make him more distinct this time around? I don't think "can whoo anyone" was what they were going for when they designed him.

Keep in mind I'm not inherently opposed to dating. I actually really like the concept, but being able to "date" nearly anyone absolutely devalues it. Like I'm pretty sure they put way more effort into P5MC's relationship with say... Makoto than that fortune telling girl. Why even bother letting the P5MC hook up with the fortune teller girl? Why bother stretching themselves thin with a bunch of romantic shorts when it would be much more preferable if they worked really hard on selling a handful of romance options and leaving a few platonic options behind. Also the "penalty" you're talking about is cartoon nonsense, haha. That doesn't actually work irl.

Idk. I hate to be a drag, but this is something I had to get off my chest. I'm still ridiculously excited for P5.

I mean P4 didn't let you date Eri, the Nurse or the old lady so it's really a matter of restraint. Or lack thereof.

You don't want to be a drag , but i think you're thinking way too much about it.
You know that there is an aspect of wish fullfillment , yet you don't want to accept it ?
I have almost no advice for you. You're bothered by the fact that it's possible , not by whenever it conflict with the way you play or not. This isn't the first game where this stuff happens and it won't be the last.

Also you're guessing a LOT , like a lot
Like this :
Like I'm pretty sure they put way more effort into P5MC's relationship with say... Makoto than that fortune telling girl.
That's a wild guess to improve your argument and i'll just say that i complely disagree.

Why bother stretching themselves thin with a bunch of romantic shorts when it would be much more preferable if they worked really hard on selling a handful of romance options and leaving a few platonic options behind.
Because they are not just romantic shorts.

I'm not even sure if you want to role play or not. Are you on the stance that it's your character and you want to be limited because that's life or are you on the stance that it's a game so you should be limited by the design. Clearly you don't want to have the choice or maybe you disagree on the choices. And to the latter i'll just say that you should see for yourself if they are such bad choices in term of design before you're so sure it doesn't work. Because , playing the game i think it works beautifully.

On that subject , well i'm done
I could go on each S-link on why they're great , why they fit the context and why having that choice is not a problem , but my post would be a confidential CIA document


Dating has always been a weird afterthought of this series, so them continuing to half-ass it doesn't surprise me, nor will it really bother me any more than it did in P4. I did hope that they'd show some more restraint with all the older characters around.


When you look at the content there though...

Most of the ones that involve a Mementos run aren't things that are easily solvable in real life. They can be solved but it could be its own massive story that takes a long time to deal with. In quite a few, they actually did as much as they could to deal with it but ended up at a dead end. At least 4 of them wouldn't have a clean and quick resolution that works in real life.

There are a few that didn't require it but it's definitely the minority.

Sure but
that's only because they were written that way. They could've made it just a couple co-ops, like say Kawakami's, but so many don't need to be that way. It just kind of feels like, if you happen to be in a situation where someone is causing you troubles in real life, then the message is that you can't really do anything about it. I feel like the reason they do this, is so that they can give every character a reason for figuring out your identity when you max them, rather than because they need to be that way.


Unconfirmed Member
Sure but
that's only because they were written that way. They could've made it just a couple co-ops, like say Kawakami's, but so many don't need to be that way. It just kind of feels like, if you happen to be in a situation where someone is causing you troubles in real life, then the message is that you can't really do anything about it. I feel like the reason they do this, is so that they can give every character a reason for figuring out your identity when you max them, rather than because they need to be that way.

What no, the message is obviously that when you're in a situation that you can't handle yourself it's ok to get help. It's still Persona a game about the power of animu bonds at the end of the day. Or maybe it's just me that thinks that this is a very weird message to take away from a game that doesn't really go out of its way to veil that aspect of it. It's pretty blatant about it with Igor basically saying hey bonds are power so go build them.


man i'm so glad the two hyper-effeminate middle-aged gay dudes who hit on ryuuji because hahaha isn't that icky is a recurring gag, was just super thrilled to see them crop up in a story cutscene again, i almost thought they might have only been in one mandatory cutscene
man i'm so glad the two hyper-effeminate middle-aged gay dudes who hit on ryuuji because hahaha isn't that icky is a recurring gag, was just super thrilled to see them crop up in a story cutscene again, i almost thought they might have only been in one mandatory cutscene

Well, at least Lala is really cool
Regarding romances, I have to say that for the ones I have seen, I liked how it didn't really look like I was rejecting them for saying something "as a friend". In P4 you literally had every girl fall for you and you could either go with it or reject them. In this one it seems, from what I have seen to be a bit different in that regard, and I appreciated it.

Also, a little something to whoever was complaining (for lack of a better term) about all the female Coop being dateable. I don't really think it's a problem because they're just dating. I mean, they have spent a lot of time together and the MC helped the other character, so it kind of makes sense. But it's not like if they start dating that means they'll end up together forever. Like, they might try going out and see they aren't really for one another. I didn't see them as being "final", which would have indeed been weird.
Not spoilers
I have to work on expressing my points in English.


What no, the message is obviously that when you're in a situation that you can't handle yourself it's ok to get help. It's still Persona a game about the power of animu bonds at the end of the day. Or maybe it's just me that thinks that this is a very weird message to take away from a game that doesn't really go out of its way to veil that aspect of it. It's pretty blatant about it with Igor basically saying hey bonds are power so go build them.

Yep. That should be the take away. I mean, that's part of the reason why
they go really asshole with some of these Co-Op villains. Most of them are on the extreme end of things which push your collaborators into a corner. These are situations you wouldn't be able to deal with alone in most cases. It also jives with the core concepts of the game, desire and thoughts that run amok which cause suffering to others. They could change them to resolve in a different manner but I think that takes away from how it reflects the message and themes the game is trying to portray.


Yep. That should be the take away. I mean, that's part of the reason why
they go really asshole with some of these Co-Op villains. Most of them are on the extreme end of things which push your collaborators into a corner. These are situations you wouldn't be able to deal with alone in most cases. It also jives with the core concepts of the game, desire and thoughts that run amok which cause suffering to others. They could change them to resolve in a different manner but I think that takes away from how it reflects the message and themes the game is trying to portray.

My problem is that they can come up with whatever bad situation they want. The solution is always the same. It just feels cheap. Sometimes it doesn't even seem necessary. Hifumi for example, you never actually try confronting the mother and talking about the issues. You never really try to get Hifumi herself to do something about it. It's just, "Hey what's your mom's name? OK I got this."
It just comes off like a cheap way to A) solve the problem and B) have them know you are a phantom thief.
In the co-ops where the character already knows your identity, they don't always resort to mementos problem solving. For example Makoto's has you actually talk to people to try to gather info. It has you confront her friend and try to convince her. But if this was a non PT-member co-op, I feel like the solution would be to just mementos the dude.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Just beat (late game spoiler)
Shidou's palace. I guess I'm near the end of the game. That dungeon was nuuuuts. Assloads of minibosses (though most were easy), a pretty damn long dungeon, three bosses in a row, and then Shidou himself has five fucking phases! I actually ran out of SP and SP restoring items the first time I tried Shidou. Died on the final phase.

The second time I bought everyone the SP restore accessories from the Pharmacy and didn't run out of SP at all. It's amazing what 7 SP restore per turn can do.

How much do I have left? I assume I have one more dungeon.


hi guys, just started playing the import version recently.

Got a couple of questions to check with you guys...

I finished off the first boss but
is there somewhere I'm supposed to go to report it or something...or wait until the "days until expulsion" draws to the end

Also when it comes to the co-operation so right now I got a couple of them unlocked but while my schedule would say that both Ryuji and Tae are available, when I tried talking to her she only allows me to buy medicine. Am I lacking in some sort of social stat? Got a feeling it might be courage or something along those lines...if that's the case, anywhere that I can go to level that stat up?



hi guys, just started playing the import version recently.

Got a couple of questions to check with you guys...

I finished off the first boss but
is there somewhere I'm supposed to go to report it or something...or wait until the "days until expulsion" draws to the end

Also when it comes to the co-operation so right now I got a couple of them unlocked but while my schedule would say that both Ryuji and Tae are available, when I tried talking to her she only allows me to buy medicine. Am I lacking in some sort of social stat? Got a feeling it might be courage or something along those lines...if that's the case, anywhere that I can go to level that stat up?


Re: your first question:
once you beat the boss of a dungeon (e.g. you sent out the warning notice and stole the treasure, etc. etc.), you just have to wait for the time limit to expire.

Re: your second one: you need Courage 2 to start Takemi's co-op.


What the fuck! I just got fucking wiped by three shithouse trash-tier mobs because their stupid fucking horse dodged everything I fucking threw at it while steadily wiping my entire party. It was down to me and him on like 14 hp each, I attacked, missed, and he critted MC. Just lost like a good hour of progress on a work night.

Fuck you RNG


What the fuck! I just got fucking wiped by three shithouse trash-tier mobs because their stupid fucking horse dodged everything I fucking threw at it while steadily wiping my entire party. It was down to me and him on like 14 hp each, I attacked, missed, and he critted MC. Just lost like a good hour of progress on a work night.

Fuck you RNG

this is why i save at every safe room i come across lol


I didn't even MAKE IT to the first fucking safe room.

(It was an hour of progress because my reading is slow, so I'm sure it was like 15 minutes of real progress. but still)


only up to early May at the moment, but does anyone have a handy spoiler-free link/guide or whatsoever to social stats and the normal daily activities that can boost them?

What the fuck! I just got fucking wiped by three shithouse trash-tier mobs because their stupid fucking horse dodged everything I fucking threw at it while steadily wiping my entire party. It was down to me and him on like 14 hp each, I attacked, missed, and he critted MC. Just lost like a good hour of progress on a work night.

Fuck you RNG

i know exactly what you're feelign , last night i got 3 "1 more" because criticals that appeared out of nowhere.
I was saved by an immunity on physical attacks on my MC otherwise i'm sure i would have gone the same path as my teammates.
What the fuck! I just got fucking wiped by three shithouse trash-tier mobs because their stupid fucking horse dodged everything I fucking threw at it while steadily wiping my entire party. It was down to me and him on like 14 hp each, I attacked, missed, and he critted MC. Just lost like a good hour of progress on a work night.

Fuck you RNG

Yep there is definitely some SMT blood left in this Persona game. It's happened to me a bunch of times as well, and it's the reason I save at literally every single save room, or at any opportunity I get.

Also Futaba's confession scene is cute as fuck


to be clear half of that was on me because i didn't take them seriously and thought 'oh yeah MC will hit a weakness and then i'm home and clear' but he... didn't.
There is this dude on the train playing a Vita , but it's on an extreme crowded train ram.

Do people really manage to play the vita while not sitting ?
There is this dude on the train playing a Vita , but it's on an extreme crowded train ram.

Do people really manage to play the vita while not sitting ?

From my time living in Tokyo I can tell you that it's actually possible to do that: I used to play at the side of the door and I'm pretty sure I got that idea from the
locals. But I don't remember seeing someone playing games like the dude with the Vita.
One of the questions on today's episode of Jeopardy was one of the same questions asked in class in Persona 5.

Yes, I watch Jeopardy and get giddy when I'm reminded of video games. Yes I'm a sad man what about it


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So, I guess I'm in the final dungeon. Got to the first safe room last night. Hopefully I can finish off this dungeon tonight.
One of the questions on today's episode of Jeopardy was one of the same questions asked in class in Persona 5.

Yes, I watch Jeopardy and get giddy when I'm reminded of video games. Yes I'm a sad man what about it
I was somewhat proud of myself that I already knew about some of the lessons discussed in class, like
television causing humans to start dreaming in colour, and soccer balls having that design for broadcasting.

I was quite surprised about the etymology of
やばい, my first guess was that it was coined by firefighters.


Man the (Sep spoilers)
trip to Hawaii is such a nice treat after moving here to Hawaii lol. Also the loading screen gag had me rolling


First i thought i was hallucinating but a pair of enemies in challenge mode made use of technical damage and a level 9 enemy did 800 damage and over 500 consistently using those tactics. Jeez this guy can one-shot people on its own already why go the extra mile lol. And that's just regular ass enemies in the first palace.


Didn't they remove it from the store because Japanese fans got mad that it was P1P's battle theme and not the PSX version?
Maybe? I know they accidentally advertised it as having the PS1 battle theme when it has PSP version's. Not sure if there was any outrage.


Didn't they remove it from the store because Japanese fans got mad that it was P1P's battle theme and not the PSX version?

The name used when advertising the costume/music I believe was the one used for the PS1 version, but not the PSP version implying it was music from the original PS1 game.
Man the (Sep spoilers)
trip to Hawaii is such a nice treat after moving here to Hawaii lol. Also the loading screen gag had me rolling

My favorite part of the trip is when haru said "
oh is this the one who was screaming in the plane ?

I was laughing.

It was next to
the "Yes yes i am japanese " line that ryuji told during customs


Unconfirmed Member
On Challenge mode, so far I'm only noticing them nerfing exp and money. Maybe dmg is higher than in hard but not sure actually. Hope that's not everything and that enemies utilize guard kill etc to force more frequent Persona switches or else this might be pretty disappointing. Not that far in though I just got free rein to make it through the castle. So plenty of time for the game to really get going on that front.
Seems like the first Archangel midboss would be an easy way to tell since I remember that boss basically doing exactly the same amount of damage as your max HP if you defended without Tarunda on hard.


Unconfirmed Member
Seems like the first Archangel midboss would be an easy way to tell since I remember that boss basically doing exactly the same amount of damage as your max HP if you defended without Tarunda on hard.

Didn't happen to me so I'm not sure but then I wear equipment from my past playthrough. Already holding back on only using Persona that are at my level and that's not something I typically do cause I'm generally not a fan of self gimping myself.
On a different note with all this time passing I have formed a small wish list for the very possible golden/fes like rerelease:
- Disable Tutorial option

- Item that unlocks all systems(community fusion, electric chair, etc) from at least the start of May

- Fem MC, so in my honest opinion the game is pretty filled so it doesn't feel like there's a lot of room for content additions ala golden but I might be wrong, that said to me it seems like a Fem MC is a far more organic addition to P5

- Rank 10 Party costume upgrades, so I love the standard thief outfits so much I wore them throughout most of the game only changing them out for different music really. I think it would be neat to have their customes change a little(color, small attachments, etc) after rank 10 to kind or reflect the evolution of their "spirit of rebellion."

- More fleshed out weapon system. Iwai's customizing option is a very small first step to something that's possibly way better. Extend the system to weapons and armor and give more control over the way you customize. Persona is just the most fun when you have more control over how to build out your party.
The dream would be to somehow combine Persona itemification into the idea of customizing where different Persona/Persona skills could add different weapon effects. Like the amp freeze raises the chance to freeze on hit.

- Additional ways to manipulate attribute points of your Persona something like P4G stat cards

- Have the option to gift skill cards to Yusuke so he can reproduce them even if you don't have the card anymore right now he can only duplicate cards you hold. It's a small thing really but it helps for NG+ replayability

- I want to say a difficulty that's exclusively tuned to NG+ but maybe that's unfair given that I'm not far into challenge yet, that said the start of challenge is definitely tuned in a way where you can still succeed on a fresh playthrough.

- Improve Akechi's Slink give option to reform him? <- Feels kind of bad story wise but really I want this for gameplay reasons because the guy learns debilitate would smoothen out party skill rotations a lot.

- Not necessary but 3rd Persona forms for your party? I just like evolving Persona.

- Definitely more Persona as well and hopefully with new type of skills.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally finished the game, clocked in just over 100 hrs with all coops maxed. Felt like the first true AAA JRPG I've played since last gen.

Definitely wouldn't mind waiting like 5+ years for a P6 though, the length of the game was pretty draining.


Pretty sure you can change the difficulty mid-game! Try it out.

You can as long as it's not safety (and the new difficulty being added?).

Late to seeing this but it didn't occur to me to check if you could change it mid-game. Nice!

I think I'll go ahead and change it then. Luckily I've already been invested in collecting/fusing Personae (which is probably why the game started to get a little easy to begin with lol), so I shouldn't have too much catching up to do.


Unconfirmed Member
Ok so from what I've seen from streams that are doing challenge in the later parts it seems pretty disappointing if you're on an NG+ run.
Was really hoping for tuning similar to SMT4 dlc but I guess that's not what Persona is about too bad. All the more reason we need a console SMT.


Mild second dungeon roadblock question:

I'm at the part were I just came across the blue doors that fan outwards as I run towards them (the part that we saw in one of the trailers). Rectangular security laser barriers completely blocked any form of progression. Is this the furthest I can reach for my first run?

My current objectives are:
"get rid of security features"
-"something something return"
Mild second dungeon roadblock question:

I'm at the part were I just came across the blue doors that fan outwards as I run towards them (the part that we saw in one of the trailers). Rectangular security lazer barriers completely blocked any form of progression. Is this the furthest I can reach for my first run?

My current objectives are:
"get rid of security features"
-"something something return"
Yep, I'm pretty sure you're done for the day. The other dungeons don't kick you out as much as the first couple it seems.

Deleted member 518609

Unconfirmed Member
so what is the consensus for this game for the people that have played

is it better than persona 3 and 4?

Gameplay-wise, indisputably yes. Story-wise, for me (so far) definitely, but I'm sure there'll be camps that disagree.
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