SimplyGames have both editions instock for delivery tomorrow.
Might just pay the extra £3 over Amazon to get it a few days early.
'sakes. They didn't even have it in stock yesterday when i checked so i got stuck with shopto :K
SimplyGames have both editions instock for delivery tomorrow.
Might just pay the extra £3 over Amazon to get it a few days early.
hard not to take notice of these reviews, i have no idea about this game or it's previous games in the series, the trailer i saw was weird, just a guy talking to some prison guards? is there any actual gameplay?
IIRC it was Production I.G.Random question but does anyone know what studio do the anime cutscenes for Persona?
hard not to take notice of these reviews, i have no idea about this game or it's previous games in the series, the trailer i saw was weird, just a guy talking to some prison guards? is there any actual gameplay?
Random question but does anyone know what studio do the anime cutscenes for Persona?
IIRC it was Production I.G.
Yeah, that's a really weird choice of trailer for the Metacritic page to have on it, it really doesn't sell the game well at all. It's half turn based RPG, half social life sim. You spend your days either socializing with people, or in dungeons; it's up to you how you spend your allotted time for the most part.
Here's a trailer showcasing the dungeon aspect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMSXMS6LnfE
And here's one showing the day-to-day life stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hOHAveOdec
Production I.G.
Is there a reason Igor has such a deep voice in P5? If so, I don't want to know the reason (although I do like to know if there is a reason for it, but after playing P3 and P4 his low voice just really freaks me out. I'm not sure it fits him.
'sakes. They didn't even have it in stock yesterday when i checked so i got stuck with shopto :K
Nothing yet from ShopTo.
SG are fantastic at getting games out before release day.
Annoyingly I can't actually play until Monday morning even if it comes tomorrow as I'm starting 3 night shifts tonight. FML!
I know, but they haven't had the game available for pre-order all week for some reason so some of us are slumming it (sad face again).
Thanks! So there's no story related reason then? I guess I'll get used to itThe Japanese VA for Igor died following Persona 4, and they recast him for P5, but gave him a deeper sounding voice more befitting of the oppressive nature that the P5 Velvet Room is like. The English version followed suit and cast a similar sounding voice for consistency's sake.
-The Final Word-
Persona 5 may not pull up many trees in terms of innovation, but it refines and refreshes the things that make a great RPG work. The real star of the show however, is the world this RPG inhabits, and the people in it that you come to adore. Persona 5 is something to sink your entire self into, and end up feeling utterly despondent about when you finally have to leave its stylish embrace. 10/10
It's a turn based RPG, do we even need R2/L2?Any news if it works well with Remote Play? I have my R2 L2 Grip ready for this...
PlayStation Universe review by Neil Bolt
PlayStation Universe review by Neil Bolt
It's Akira Kurusa (in the manga).Does the main character have a default name?
Cause I named the MC his canon name, Yu Narukami.
Was hoping to do the same here.
Thanks! So there's no story related reason then? I guess I'll get used to it. It just freaked me out when I first heard it haha.
Edit: Didn't know the manga has started; that was fast.Does the main character have a default name?
Cause I named the MC his canon name, Yu Narukami.
Was hoping to do the same here.
Does the main character have a default name?
Cause I named the MC his canon name, Yu Narukami.
Was hoping to do the same here.
I wonder if Square Enix is looking at the response to Persona 5 right now and thinking "Hmmm, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go turn-based again for XVI."
Hey, a man can dream.
The comic names are not canon.Someone mentioned Akira Kurusu, which I'm not really fond of.
I wonder if Square Enix is looking at the response to Persona 5 right now and thinking "Hmmm, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go turn-based again for XVI."
Hey, a man can dream.
MC 94 (41 reviews)
I still don't see Edge's 8 there, but even still when it's all said and done I expect this to be above 90.
I don't really care if it ends being a 92 a 93 or a 94... I just don't wanna surf the net and get spoiled... So I don't go near other place P5 related than this thread and MCI still don't see Edge's 8 there, but even still when it's all said and done I expect this to be above 90.
Good old Simply Games. Order dispatched.
Same (angry face).
Hoping Shopto put theirs in the post today...
I wonder if Square Enix is looking at the response to Persona 5 right now and thinking "Hmmm, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go turn-based again for XVI."
Hey, a man can dream.
I wonder if Square Enix is looking at the response to Persona 5 right now and thinking "Hmmm, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go turn-based again for XVI."
Hey, a man can dream.
The comic names are not canon.
Yay, congrats.
But £44.85 for a game. NOPE. <=£40.
Although SimplyGames is OOS anyway. Pretty dodgy that a game goes out of stock before it's even out :/ lol
I wonder if Square Enix is looking at the response to Persona 5 right now and thinking "Hmmm, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go turn-based again for XVI."
Hey, a man can dream.
That Link drawing is horrible.We all know who will be the main GOTYs of 2017
unfortunately SE are after the $ and the casual market with their mainline FF games, they will not go back to turned based system because it won't sell as much as they want, if Persona 5 sells like 4 million maybe then they'll change their minds.
So excited for this. Persona 3 is one of my favorite games. Need to take this slow, I think rushing through 4 ruined some of my enjoyment.