I don't think I've ever met anyone who disliked Kanji before either.
I feel like Yukiko and Yosuke are the only characters I really see people debating over.
There are no characters actively worth hating in Persona 4's cast. They're all awesome in some way. Except Yosuke.Junpei is better.
Teddy is definitely worth hating. I always skip through his dialogue even though I listen to the VAs for most characters.
There are no characters actively worth hating in Persona 4's cast. They're all awesome in some way. Except maybe Yosuke. But only because Junpei is better.
Teddy is definitely worth hating. I always skip through his dialogue even though I listen to the VAs for most characters.
Teddy is definitely worth hating. I always skip through his dialogue even though I listen to the VAs for most characters.
Junpei had better plot device, I'd give you that.
Welcome to self insert characters; people who are the best at everything because you control them.MC is honestly the best male character. He's at the top of the class, he's an athlete, he's a musician, and every girl wants him. Oh, and he's the fearless Leader of the team that saved the world, yet has time to spend with his little cousin, unlike her uncle. What a stud.
I don't like Rise because I've never been a fan of the idol characters in any form of media. They always annoy me and Rise is no exceptions. Her constant "SENNNPAAAIIII"s are annoying as fuck, especially in Japanese. Mellowed out Rise in her social link and before her shadow is great. I guess I don't like Risette, but I'm okay with Rise.I've seen people hate on Rise, but they just don't know what they're talking about. Maybe it's just Lauren Baliey's performance, but I thought they just knocked it out of the park with her character. All of the expected saccharine glam of a pop star but with tons of unexpected warmth, depth, and likeability.
It's very much like Kanji where I expected a very stereotypical character, but I was consistently surprised with how they handled it.
.....what? I'm about to go bearzerk over here.Teddy is definitely worth hating. I always skip through his dialogue even though I listen to the VAs for most characters.
He is just going to have to bear it.
Dunno, seems like a pointless joke character to me once you get through his main story arc.
Welcome to self insert characters; people who are the best at everything because you control them.
He plays tough even though he has a soft side and some sexual questions? That's all I took from it. I'm only at social rank 6 though.If that's your take away you weren't paying attention. Kanji has one of the most profound arcs in the game.
Same for me actually. Flawed characters are fun to watch and play ass. Perfect characters are okay to play as, but horrible to watch.Im a much bigger fan of flawed, believable characters.
He plays tough even though he has a soft side and some sexual questions? That's all I took from it. I'm only at social rank 6 though.
Same for me actually. Flawed characters are fun to watch and play ass. Perfect characters are okay to play as, but horrible to watch.
A boy who is into things that most people consider feminine. People make fun of him for it for so long, he starts forcing himself to be something he's not. His insecurities get so big that he starts getting sexually confused. Kanji is a surprisingly complex character, which makes him great.
Same for me actually. Flawed characters are fun to watch and play ass. Perfect characters are okay to play as, but horrible to watch.
A boy who is into things that most people consider feminine. People make fun of him for it for so long, he starts forcing himself to be something he's not. His insecurities get so big that he starts getting sexually confused. Kanji is a surprisingly complex character, which makes him great.
I wonder if he would have actually been sexually confused if it wasn't for Naoto entering the picture
He plays tough even though he has a soft side and some sexual questions? That's all I took from it. I'm only at social rank 6 though.
This is pretty true. It's great that 3 tied the character growth into the plot more, but 4's way of separating the two is equally valid. Just a shame that because of that the first two team mates are shallower because in comparison to 3's because of it.
Playa. Yukiko is everyone's first :x
Perfect characters are okay to play as but fun to watch as they break down eventually.
Yukiko was the first girl I romanced in P4 on the PS2. Her design is the best of the girls imo. Her personality leaves much to be desired though.False.
But some perfect characters never break down, which makes them terrible characters. They start perfect and only get more perfect as time goes on. Kirito from the anime "Sword Art Online" is a perfect example of this.
Chie started off as my favorite P4 girl, because I like spunky types, but I think as time went on I started to prefer Rise because I felt like she had a bit more to her personality. Honestly, I have a hard time rating the P4 cast, they're all pretty even for me.
Kirito is actually pretty well developed in the original story arc for Sword Art Online. Especially after the inclusion of several side stories (The Red Nose Reindeer, The Day After, etc) and during the fight with The Gleam Eyes.
The only time he goes into perfect character/Mary Sue mode is the Fairy Dance story arc. Which is widely regarded as the worst story arc. Especially compared to some of the stuff that comes after it, like Mother's Rosario.
I tend to discount protagonists who are generally meant to be an avatar for the player themselves. Adding them into the conversation just isn't far unless they have extensive characterization; Narukami as he existed in the anime for example.
Yeah, I loved the first half of SWO, then it gets derpy. Meh.
So, who's getting the SMT spinoff POKEMON tomorrow?!![]()
Yeah, I loved the first half of SWO, then it gets derpy. Meh.
Narukami in the anime was pretty fantastic. Hopefully Makoto gets similar treatment.
I'm still not fond of Kirito considering the shit he pulled at the end of the SAO arc. The side stories did flesh him out a bit, especially the Christmas one. The side stories aslo introduced even more girls that fell for him for little to no reason though. :/ You read the novels?
I'd also like to point out that the anime adaptation of Sword Art Online kinda sucks too. Episode 2 and Episode 3 were adaptations from short stories in the novel and were both badly butchered in the anime adaptation. Virtually every subplot from Episode 2 was missing, which ruined a lot of Kirito's development, and the only redeeming quality Episode 3 has is Saori Hayami's voice acting.
I've actually been thinking about picking it up and giving it another go. I really enjoyed the first one until I got stuck.
There are no characters actively worth hating in Persona 4's cast. They're all awesome in some way. Except maybe Yosuke. But only because Junpei is better.
So X > Y therefore Y = poor?
And here I thought anime butchering an already existing story was a thing of the past, sigh.
Already they're showing elements of character for Makoto (note how he reacts to his parents death in the trailer), so I have high hopes in this regard. It's the same scriptwriter but with a competent director this time.
...Is there a new trailer out that shows him reacting to his parents death? I don't remember that in the trailer I watched (the one shown at the concert).
It's a very short scene at the start of that trailer.
I wonder if they'd do a P5 teaser trailer at the end of the P3 movie, and that's why the website has a countdown to the following day.
I wonder if they'd do a P5 teaser trailer at the end of the P3 movie, and that's why the website has a countdown to the following day.
As an aside, I could have sworn Naoto was your favorite P4 character! I'm legitimately surprised that you like Yosuke the most.
People are going to hate me for this, but Kaneko's Maya looks like Marilyn Manson.
What's a Yasuda?
People are going to hate me for this, but Kaneko's Maya looks like Marilyn Manson.