Since it hasn't been answered(I don't think), I believe he's referring toa cross around Junpei's neck that looks an awful lot like Chidori's...
Ah, I didn't notice that! Thanks.
Since it hasn't been answered(I don't think), I believe he's referring toa cross around Junpei's neck that looks an awful lot like Chidori's...
Persona 4 Arena at $19.99
Should I do it? ._.
I would love to see a game using Catherine's engine! My flatmate was playing it on the 360 the otherday and I was reminded by how pretty it looks!
Think its a safe bet to assume that whatever engine they're using is building off what they learned on Catherine.
One of my favourite pieces of P1 fan art is Maki in the same kinda pose/shadow things.
Despite the bad weather, how is everyone doing?
Will we be able to see the moon tonight?
Well then, today we have 2 notices in relation to the Persona 3 movie: (cont)
Notice 1: Everyone living in the Kansai area, sorry to keep you waiting!
To mark the occasion of the movie release we are confirming a collaboration
with Hanshin Electric Railway (train company that connects Osaka and Kobe),
Port Liner and Rokko Liner (Kobe rail lines) to offer a special passenger
ticket for sale.
This one day ticket can be purchased by mail too.
Furthermore, in addition to this collaboration, please look forward to hear
about our plans on photography spots and display spaces.
For more information head to the Kobe New Transit official website ->
Notice 2: We are announcing that we will have a special "Dark Hour premium
screening" on the night of the 16th of November (Saturday) at Shinjuku's Wald
9 cinemas. We will start selling these tickets via a lottery tomorrow the
24th of October starting from 11AM.
(Today, 08:22 PM)
First time I'm playing this, lovely.
Seiko is crazy.
I should pick up BoS during the sale. I want something else new on Vita.
Really need to get back to Corpse Party, with headphones it's actually pretty spooky.
A lot of people want Persona 5 to be a "darker" game in terms of it's art direction and overall, but what if it was like a straight up horror game? Atmospheric horror though, not haunted house jump scares horror.
With all the dealings of malevolent entities and demons, you should pull something together with the SMT lore.
Really need to get back to Corpse Party, with headphones it's actually pretty spooky.
A lot of people want Persona 5 to be a "darker" game in terms of it's art direction and overall, but what if it was like a straight up horror game? Atmospheric horror though, not haunted house jump scares horror.
With all the dealings of malevolent entities and demons, you should pull something together with the SMT lore.
I'm not a big fan of horror because I'm a giant coward, but I'd give it a go.
In unrelated news, the Best Buy near my job has a few Shin Megami Tenshi IV Limited Editions still on the shelves. I might go back and get one. How are the Limited Edition contents? Is the CD any good or a waste of time that only has like 6 songs on it? Is the strategy guide of any use? Any other goodies I'm missing? I'm asking because I was going to get it from the eShop due to convenience, but if the Limited Edition actually has useful stuff, I'll go ahead and get that instead.
I'm not a big fan of horror because I'm a giant coward, but I'd give it a go.
In unrelated news, the Best Buy near my job has a few Shin Megami Tenshi IV Limited Editions still on the shelves. I might go back and get one. How are the Limited Edition contents? Is the CD any good or a waste of time that only has like 6 songs on it? Is the strategy guide of any use? Any other goodies I'm missing? I'm asking because I was going to get it from the eShop due to convenience, but if the Limited Edition actually has useful stuff, I'll go ahead and get that instead.
Really need to get back to Corpse Party, with headphones it's actually pretty spooky.
A lot of people want Persona 5 to be a "darker" game in terms of it's art direction and overall, but what if it was like a straight up horror game? Atmospheric horror though, not haunted house jump scares horror.
With all the dealings of malevolent entities and demons, you should pull something together with the SMT lore.
CD is short and not that great unless you're a giant SMT nerd. The guide is awesome though, even if it don't cover all the game. I got a lot of use out of it.
It's a really nice set, I recommend it over the eShop version.
Is it on for $39? I believe the game got a mark down or a sale recently, you might be able to get them to price match it.
It's $40 on Amazon at the moment and was on sale on the eShop for $40 last week, but everywhere else it's still $50. Does Best Buy pricematch Amazon?
Catherine is as dark as I'd like to see Persona go, I think.
Apparently in MURRICA, Best Buy doesn't allow price match from internet only retailers. I r sads. Oh well, it's only $10 more for pretty cool swag..They do in Canada, so I would assume they do elsewhere if you're not here. Check their website, they should say there.
SNES like graphics with visual novel character interactions. Even with SNES graphics, the game is pretty damn scary with the audio cues from what I've played.Hey, what is Corpse Party like? I recall hearing they're sort of clunky to control or something.
Hey, what is Corpse Party like? I recall hearing they're sort of clunky to control or something.
Hey, what is Corpse Party like? I recall hearing they're sort of clunky to control or something.
2D horror game, super creepy(sometimes for the wrong reasons lol).
First game is pretty darn good from what I've played.
Best Buy changed their policy around March this year. Online retailers are eligible now at the cost of post-purchase price matching being eliminated.Apparently in MURRICA, Best Buy doesn't allow price match from internet only retailers. I r sads. Oh well, it's only $10 more for pretty cool swag.
It's $40 on Amazon at the moment and was on sale on the eShop for $40 last week, but everywhere else it's still $50. Does Best Buy pricematch Amazon?
Best Buy changed their policy around March this year. Online retailers are eligible now at the cost of post-purchase price matching being eliminated.
If a dumb cashier tries to shoot you down, throw the rulebook at him/her.
Edit: with that being said, officially, they only price match prices offered by Amazon proper, not third-party sellers (even those fulfilled by Amazon). Current price from Amazon is $41.40.
Hey, what is Corpse Party like? I recall hearing they're sort of clunky to control or something.
It is... very tasteless. But that's kind of what makes it interesting. The story is pretty different from anything else in games, and a lot of the characters are well written. The opening to Book of Shadows is astoundingly good too.
It also has a weirdly fantastic soundtrack
Some of the sexualised stuff in it is really, really off though. I've always seen it as kind of the developers emphasizing how tasteless the game is, but man, it is really fucking gross.
The scariest things in Corpse Party are fridge horror; stuff that's worse the more you think about it, namely what those who die in Heavenly Host are subjected to.
"Tasteless" is putting it mildly when it comes to Corpse Party. That game is full of disturbing stuff, and none of it scary. >_>;
butterin up your pooper confirmed for per5ona
...What? Is this the first game or second game?
...What? Is this the first game or second game?
butterin up your pooper confirmed for per5ona
One Month~
till your phone bill arrives?