I hear the port is certainly terrifying!
its perfect for Deadly Premonition
I hear the port is certainly terrifying!
What game is everyone playing on Halloween? I am finally going to play Saya no Uta.
What game is everyone playing on Halloween? I am finally going to play Saya no Uta.
Also how is Fatal Frame IV on the PC (Dolphin)?
I'll be playing the game of "Having nowhere to go outside of my house because all of my friends now have real lives and real jobs".
I played it last year too. It's pretty overrated.
For the love of god, don't play Saya no Uta with the risk of others walking in. I couldn't imagine explaining to others what's happening during some of the more fucked up scenes.
A Persona game with 999's setting would be pretty interesting. Dark as hell, but super interesting. Atlus wouldn't go for it though, a modern Persona game where half the cast can be killed off. I guess DanganRonpa will have to suffice.
For the love of god, don't play Saya no Uta with the risk of others walking in. I couldn't imagine explaining to others what's happening during some of the more fucked up scenes.
I had a friend stream me this game under the pretense of "Hey watch me play this fucked up horror text game." Didn't see that one coming.
Now I'm morbidly curious.
It's a Gen Urobuchi work. You know, the same guy who had an antagonist in Fate/Zero turning children's insides into furniture?![]()
Gen Urobutcher you mean?
Hey! I'm playing that game too. Delayed Halloween party is on a Saturday now. Hooray for being a pseudo-adult. /cries
I thought you loved FFIV; I'm quite surprised by your statement.
It's a Gen Urobuchi work. You know, the same guy who had an antagonist in Fate/Zero turning children's insides into furniture?![]()
Eh? I DO love FF4. What did I say?
Now I'm morbidly curious.
I'm dressing up as Scott Pilgrim to go to a Halloween party tomorrow night. I'll post pics if I can get 'em.
Y'all should totally post pictures of any costumes you may be wearing as well!
I'm dressing up as Scott Pilgrim to go to a Halloween party tomorrow night. I'll post pics if I can get 'em.
Y'all should totally post pictures of any costumes you may be wearing as well!
I'm dressing up as Scott Pilgrim to go to a Halloween party tomorrow night. I'll post pics if I can get 'em.
Y'all should totally post pictures of any costumes you may be wearing as well!
I'll be going to a masquerade party tomorrow if I'm fully recovered, but sadly I'll just be wearing a mask as I was too sick to prepare a costume ahead of time.
Is posting a selfie of myself enough? That's a pretty scary costume!
File photo of jello44:
File photo of jello44:
File photo of jello44:
Eh? I DO love FF4. What did I say?
What kind of mask? One of my friends is going as a plague doctor, so I've heard a lot about mask shopping this year.
My sexual orientation just changed from hetero to jello.
The setting and general concept are cool, but I couldn't care less about the characters. It doesn't help that as tormented and insane the main character is, he's just thoroughly unlikable, making you stop caring about his plight. Oh, and underage sex prevents me from talking about it with anyone in real life.
I see where I misinterpret your writing. When you started on a new line, I thought you were addressing my Fatal Frame IV question. I realize you mean Saya no Uta now.
I've just caught up with what you meant. You're still misinterpreting me, haha! (I have no idea what Saya is)
I meant that the game of staying in and doing nothing on Halloween is overrated. It was a bad joke, I guess.
Fatal Frame 4 is wonderful.
this describes basically 100% of all visual novels
I've just caught up with what you meant. You're still misinterpreting me, haha! (I have no idea what Saya is)
I meant that the game of staying in and doing nothing on Halloween is overrated. It was a bad joke, I guess.
Fatal Frame 4 is wonderful.
So you have played every visual novel then?
Steins;Gate and the Zero Escape franchise have awesome main leads.
I only really read Eroge
Would Corpse Party be a good game to get for Halloween? I'm really sick and will probably be stuck in the house tomorrow, so I'd like to do something. I remember someone here saying that the ending was disappointing, but I don't mind if the rest is good.
Also, I mostly have to agree with Dantis. I wouldn't call Saya no Uta overrated, but I was disappointed with it. The setting and general concept are cool, but I couldn't care less about the characters. It doesn't help that as tormented and insane the main character is, he's just thoroughly unlikable, making you stop caring about his plight. Oh, and underage sex prevents me from talking about it with anyone in real life.
Somehow I'm not surprised. jk jk
If you include console VNs, then a good number of them are all ages.
Man, I am trying to nail my Toad voice down but I sound like a super creep when I do it. I might be doomed to talk like a normal human being now. :-(
I've held it in my headcanon that Toad is secretly an uber-creeper who never does anything to help the princess escape because he wants to be with her forever. If it's creepy you'll be fine.
Well, he does hide in her dress in Melee and Brawl...
All this room for speculation makes me think we need a Mario-Persona crossover.
I think Yosuke would make the best Toad, but it has to be Teddie really..
Yoshi would be a better match with Teddie I'd think, being a non-human mascot-type critter.
You might be right there.
Yu as Mario, Chie as Luigi, Yukiko as Peach and...Kanji as Daisy.
Dojima as Toadsworth. Nanako as Toadette. Birdo as Naoto, Rosalina as Rise, Wario can be Adachi, Bowser Jr. as Mitsuo, Waluigi can be Namatame and BowserMarie can be a koopa.in drag as Izanami.