Do you know why? I'm not making fun of you, but I'm just genuinely curious. I can see how it would be easier to collect the consoles than it would be to collect the games, but I guess for me a system is useless if it can't do the thing it was primarily built to do. As in, it's the games that make the console, not the other way around. Unless I just misunderstood you, and you do get some games, but aren't pursuing them with a Pokémon mentality.
Either way, what's in your collection?
I just love the hardware and all the diferent ways they work. All the differnet controllers, especially during the Gen 1 and 2 consoles. The only games I have for them either came with the purchase, or friends and family have bought them for me from carboots etc. Mega Drive is the only console I've actively gone out and bought CIB games for.
I have some pong machines and handhelds too, but these are the main ones.
Atari 2600 and 5200
Coleco Vision
Intellivision and Voice module unit
Master System
Mega Drive I and II, 32x and CD
Neo Geo
Playstation 1, 2 and 3
Xbox and 360
Commodore64, if you count it.
and the most recent purchase, my Fairchild Channel F
For people who only bought Vita for P4G, have you played any other game on it yet? Or did you beat P4G and haven't touched the Vita since.
I have Soul Sacrifice, DJ Max and Muramasa Rebirth now. Played the latter two. Haven't really touched SS.
I bought FF tactics on the PS store and got NLKS from PS+ too.