I ordered them for her. She finished P4 the other day, Teddie was her favourite. She loves cheesy wannabe ladies man characters like that.
Well, obviously.
Interesting choice of voice actor. :O
Oh, really?
I ordered them for her. She finished P4 the other day, Teddie was her favourite. She loves cheesy wannabe ladies man characters like that.
Interesting choice of voice actor. :O
Caught up on this. Man what a bummer of a story. Song is pretty sad too. LJ is a really cool dude. Lets hope we see a lot more of him in the future. Carpe Diem is a really great album too.
Oh, really?
I was freaking out about this the other day and everyone ignored me -____-
She's a fantastic singer. I hope she get's a song. Oh do I ever.
Caught up on this. Man what a bummer of a story. Song is pretty sad too. LJ is a really cool dude. Lets hope we see a lot more of him in the future. Carpe Diem is a really great album too.
You mother fucker.Well, obviously.
Yeah, good to hear he's hanging in there. I don't know much about him, but he seems like a good guy. This actually inspired me to look up some his songs. I'm honestly not a huge fan of most of his rapping on P3 (Burn My Dread is awesome, but that goes without saying), but I liked the solo stuff I heard more. Not sure why, honestly.
I actually bought Xillia the other day. I tried getting into Abyss but I simply couldn't bring myself to care for it for some reason. Maybe I'll try that one again eventually. I hope this goes better.
I was freaking out about this the other day and everyone ignored me -____-
She's a fantastic singer. I hope she get's a song. Oh do I ever.
Abyss is slow, but same can be said for most of the modern Tales games. Hell, the first 7 hours of Graces is playing as super weak 8 year olds.Abyss is very slow for a while. It's a game that builds up over time, so I'm not surprised to hear about people dropping it not too far in. Xillia is more engaging throughout IMO.
k-on is poop tho
Would you say Xillia has a mediocre story?Abyss is very slow for a while. It's a game that builds up over time, so I'm not surprised to hear about people dropping it not too far in. Xillia is more engaging throughout IMO.
Would you say Xillia has a mediocre story?
Smed....I think we just S-Linked.
Sounds suspiciously Freudian.
I think I overall like Mother 3 the most, but Giygas in Earthbound is one of my favorite boss battles in any game.
I really need to take a stab at getting into some more JRPGs. Love Persona, love Mother, not much of a Final Fantasy person though. Maybe Shadow Hearts? I wish there were more RPGs set in the present, or at least the 20th century.
Relatedly (and on topic!) it'd be interesting to someday see a Persona game that was a period piece. Seriously doubt it'd ever happen, but I think it'd be pretty cool to see one that took place in the 20s or something. Guess that's what Raidou is for.
I got about a quarter of the way through Mother 3 before the internet spoiled it for me. Motivation then petered out![]()
Also in the same boat as you as far RPGs. I'm willing to give just about anything a shot, but my interest tends to burn out. I've gotten to the last area of FF7 three times now but never actually beaten the game. Chrono Trigger? Gave out two-thirds through. TWEWY? Halfway through. 'Tis sad
That's a shame, it's pretty great. Also REALLY sad at points.
It is, but the singers involved with it are talented. If the show actually revolved around singing and not mediocre SoL, I would like it.
The Tales games have like, the worst stories ever.
You like BlazBlue dude.
I admit, they're all super generic except for maybe Abyss, but I wouldn't call them the worst stories ever (except for Graces).
You like BlazBlue dude.
I admit, they're all super generic except for maybe Abyss, but I wouldn't call them the worst stories ever (except for Graces).
I'm not a fan. I feel as if the SoL could be better/funnier. But then again, I compare all SoL to Azumanga Daioh and Cromartie High School, which is pretty much cheating.
Somebody didn't read the Blazblue thread, clearly.
Would you say Xillia has a mediocre story?
No I thought it was really good. Better than I expected actually. Xillia 2 is supposed to be way darker and better too.
Don't listen to Dantis.
No I thought it was really good. Better than I expected actually. Xillia 2 is supposed to be way darker and better too.
Don't listen to Dantis.
He thinks DOA5 has a good story mode.
Likewise, I enjoy the Tales games, but man, they are not good stories.
Tales games tend to vary in story. Vesperia has a pretty good character driven cast, and Symphonia's second half is a great deconstruction of its first half. The spinoff games like Dawn of the New World just flat out suck however.
Vesperia's cast makes up for the fact that the game shit's the bed during the third act. Or so I've heard. Haven't gotten that far yet.
Apparently, we're now TalesGAF as well.![]()
I'm not a fan. I feel as if the SoL could be better/funnier. But then again, I compare all SoL to Azumanga Daioh and Cromartie High School, which is pretty much cheating.
The plot's in P3/4 are pretty straight forward for the most part. Though the actual stories in both elevates them a lot, damn those are some memorable games.
You're in the wrong thread. This is TalesGAF.
I thought it was MotherGAF.
And whoever thought Negaposi*Continues should be made a rhythm game level needs to be pooped on.
One of my favorites though :[
Just love those 8 bit sounds
Nah it's Tales of Mother K-On GAF.
I'm glad I picked Xilia over Graces.
And whoever thought Negaposi*Continues should be made a rhythm game level needs to be pooped on.
Laura is one of my favourite VA. Her singing in SRIV is absolutely brilliant.
Aww yeah. Bailey is the best.I take
Two steps forward
I take two steps back
We come together
'Cause opp-o-sites attract
Her performance as The Boss is my favourite so far this year.
The main plot in Graces is bleh. Same in the Future arc. Not terrible but yeah it's nothing special.
I liked the subplots in the Future arc though, the whole marriage thing and Sophie's future worries. Those were good.
Thought the cast overall was good. Asbel gets shat on but he has his moments. Cheria is kinda annoying (I'll say she has her moments too though). I liked the rest though.
Tales games don't know how to end. There are like three good stopping points in Vesperia, but nope, the ride never ends! And each subsequent villain is even more nonsensical and less credible than the next.
So I definitely think of we don't hear anything before Christmas, Atlus will have a localization announcement in January. Probably Ultimax. Maybe PQ.
We'll probably get a P5 confirmation and a PQ date first since everyone's been waiting for P5 and PQ is the only game that has a release date confirmed in Japan.
True. Most annoying one for me is the cat one. Still never got back to it on the hardest difficulty.The song is great.
The note chart is evil.
The comedy in Graces was great though.
I feel like the villain switch happens in most of JRPGs though. It's hard to think up a ton that don't, so I've kind of built an immunity to it.I don't have anything against multiple plot threads or villains (hell, P4 pulls the bait and switch, like, thrice), but Tales has a habit of pulling them entirely out of their ass and damaging the credibility and presence of the villain immediately prior. It's like a weird game of whack-an-antagonist. At least, Vesperia. I think the only other Tales game I ever beat was Symphonia, and I can't remember a thing about that game.
Edit: But I do agree that it makes the previous villain feel meaningless in Tales.
Tales of the Abyss has one of my favourite twists in gaming and I friggin' love Duke in Tales of Vesperia, but outside of those two and Phantasia (which didn't really have a meaty story), my Tales experience is admittedly limited. I'd say their stories are a heck of a lot more enjoyable than DOA5's at the least.
Best non-Persona JRPG is Kingdom Hearts II, by the way. Hate on me or it all you want; that opinion will likely never change.