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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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That it will be. The director's cut version of the two best KH games in HD? Take ALL of my money, Squeenix. You are forgiven for Lightning Returns.

Nothing excuses Lightning Returns.

The Kingdom Hearts Final Mixes in English are a stellar try though. Played 'em already, plebs.


Tales of the Abyss has one of my favourite twists in gaming and I friggin' love Duke in Tales of Vesperia, but outside of those two and Phantasia (which didn't really have a meaty story), my Tales experience is admittedly limited. I'd say their stories are a heck of a lot more enjoyable than DOA5's at the least.

Best non-Persona JRPG is Kingdom Hearts II, by the way. Hate on me or it all you want; that opinion will likely never change.


Only Kingdom Hearts game I've played was II and I really enjoyed it. A lot of mashing though, but I might have needed to play it on a harder difficulty.

I'll buy 1.5 and 2.5 when KH3 is closer.



Only Kingdom Hearts game I've played was II and I really enjoyed it. A lot of mashing though, but I might have needed to play it on a harder difficulty.

II is the only game that's really heavy on Button mashing, Other games require a bit more finesse. Birth By Sleep is probably the toughest on button mashing. The Final Mix version of II ameliorates that with a harder difficulty and Superbosses and sidequests that will tear you a new asshole if you're reckless. (This is from experience.)

Kingdom Hearts is on about the same tier as Persona for me. They're very different games, so it's impossible to say one is better than the other, but they're both extremely enjoyable to me for very different reasons.


I wasn't a fan of some of KH2's story. I think KH2's battle system really shines on a level 1 playthrough.
Otherwise, you can easily brute force method everything.
I wouldn't really say that. I just consider all the previous villains to be a build up to what happens in the final conflict. Edit: Several Tales villains in the same game tend to have their own goals so they're not always dependent too.
I feel somewhat mixed on them. Depends on how well they handle the transition.



Also, Kurushii's twitter has a bunch of alt colors and icons for P4A2 posted.

It'll be nice to have those to choose from in addition to P4A's custom titles.





Also, Kurushii's twitter has a bunch of alt colors and icons for P4A2 posted.

It'll be nice to have those to choose from in addition to P4A's custom titles.

Dammit, I was hoping Yukari's helmet would be her "glasses". Oh well. Sho looks too cool for school in those sunglasses.


Junpei's sunglasses make him look like a villain. Sho's and Yukari's just look out of place.

... why are the random girls from Operation Babe Hunt selectable? o_O;


Best non-Persona JRPG is FFVI. Well, personally. Admittedly, part of this is just because it was one of my first games period, but Celes is still one of my favourite JRPG protagonists ever.

I could never really get into KH. I liked Birth by Sleep, but I was so out of tune with the plot by that point everything was incomprehensible. Lilo and Stitch world was pretty great, though.

EDIT: If those are real, I am tremendously disappointed that Yukari's glasses alt is not her wearing the Featherman helmet. That would be such a missed opportunity. I actually thought that'd be perfect. :(


Those glasses all look really weird. They don't look like they're meant to be there.

I kinda like Junpei's actually. They seem like the type of shades he'd wear. You're right about Yukari and Sho tho. Yukari's in particular make her look very weird.


I could never really get into KH. I liked Birth by Sleep, but I was so out of tune with the plot by that point everything was incomprehensible. Lilo and Stitch world was pretty great, though

I've never heard any one say that about BBS. What order did you play the characters in?

I kinda like Junpei's actually. They seem like the type of shades he'd wear. You're right about Yukari and Sho tho. Yukari's in particular make her look very weird.

It is pretty realistic for a sentai to apply windshields to their face.


Uh, Terra, Aqua, then Ventus?

Aqua is supposed to be done last. (Which is a pity. Aqua is slightly better than Ventus who's a bit of a dork, but he's adorable. And he's 20 times better than Dipsh-...Terra.)

I made the "mistake" of playing as her first too. It made a bit more sense when I replayed it in the recommended order. (Terra, Ventus then Aqua)


Anyone have some general tips for persona 1 on PSP/vita? Started it this weekend and played about five hours and apart from the encounter rate and battle theme I'm loving it.


I kinda like Junpei's actually. They seem like the type of shades he'd wear. You're right about Yukari and Sho tho. Yukari's in particular make her look very weird.

I guess? They still look weird to me though.

Anyone have some general tips for persona 1 on PSP/vita? Started it this weekend and played about five hours and apart from the encounter rate and battle theme I'm loving it.

Save often. If you get bored because the dungeon layouts are dumb, don't stress out, just use a guide. Also check a spoiler free guide for how to get the good ending, otherwise the game just stops at a certain point.


Can anyone tell me where to find good P4 wallpapers for my ipad mini? I own the one without the retina display.
I'll take a look later, I should look into one for when I get mine anyways. Pretty much any art that will fit is fine though. You can crop it in how you like it. I like to leave my home screen with a row in top and nothing else so you can put the focal point of the image in the middle, not covered by icons.


Chrono Trigger is the best non-Persona JRPG, then followed by Xenoblade or TWEWY. Birth By Sleep is pretty ace though.

Also those glasses look dumb.


Detective Naoto on the case! That outfit looks good on her.

I'm gettin' Taisho period vibes off of this. I like it.

Also they should totally add a character that wears shutter shades.

Nice, man! Color scheme will be for Christmas, I assume?

Thanks! Hadn't even planned to colour it. I might just use Santa Serph for my avatar again.
Naoto is toes Dantis's waifu :3

Fuck you both.

And you.

BTW Dantis-- I credited your Margaret illustration on the S.Link About Page and linked to your twitter, want me to link to your tumblr as well?

If you don't mind, that would be terrific.Ta!


I liked pretty much everyone except Asbel and Cheria. Asbel just ruins the game for me. I might be overreacting but I really couldn't stand him. He was better in the future arc though. The comedy in Graces was great though.

I just couldn't bring myself to hate asbel. Sure he made some bad decisions but he meant well. I thought cheria was super cute.
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