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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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I will buy P4D just to see HOW this will dance

My mind couldnt imagin that.
I will buy P4D just to see HOW this will dance

My mind couldnt imagin that.

like most idol singers: it'll awkwardly shake its hips and sidle from side to side, while flailing its arms in a way that would make most junior varsity cheerleading squads cringe with empathetic embarrassment.
I had a dream last night that I played a Persona 5 demo.

I just woke up and realised that no such thing exists. And now I'm sad.


At the same time though, having to maintain friendships begins to edge into monotonous territory.

The thing about attaching numbers and stats to character relationships is that eventually you just begin to see them like robots. Which, you know, they are, but the whole point of a decent work of fiction is to put an illusion over the whole thing and make you give a damn. So while it's jarring to s-link 10 people and then ignore them forever, it's probably more annoying in my opinion for them to need constant maintenance or reassurance or whatever.

I hope they find a Megidolaon good way to integrate S link progression with your personas in P5.
Looks like I missed a good discussion. Everything that needed saying has been said, so I will only say that removed content from games is always interesting, such as the Junpei romance for the Female MC in P3P.
Given that Rise's Persona is a support style, I imagine it'll just be there to justify the button prompts in a hilarious in-game way.

Never mind that, I want to see Jiraiya do the Worm and Take-Mikazuchi do some awkward stepping about.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Yo guys I have a question it might sound silly but do you think it'll be cool if Atlus made a anime adaptation of the detective Naoto manga and bundled it with Persona 5?

You can never have enough of Naoto or Rise


Yo guys I have a question it might sound silly but do you think it'll be cool if Atlus made a anime adaptation of the detective Naoto manga and bundled it with Persona 5?

You can never have enough of Naoto or Rise

There are much more deserving things than Detective Naoto. Well, to clarify. Many things that are much more deserving.



I'm Italian. The good thing is that the Vita is region-free, so I won't have to wait a thousand years like for SMTIV

I think you'll actually see it sooner than you would for SMT4, since you won't need to worry about Nintendo shenanigans. Project Diva got published in Europe pretty quickly, so now that Sega's presumably handling publication, I'm sure there'll be a faster turn around time. It helps when you're not part of a company trying to maintain an image of being family friendly, while saddled with publishing a mature game.


I think you'll actually see it sooner than you would for SMT4, since you won't need to worry about Nintendo shenanigans. Project Diva got published in Europe pretty quickly, so now that Sega's presumably handling publication, I'm sure there'll be a faster turn around time. It helps when you're not part of a company trying to maintain an image of being family friendly, while saddled with publishing a mature game.

Sorry to burst the bubble of hope :(

Sega closed down a whole bunch of offices in Europe/Australia last year



Ah man, I hope I didn't get his hopes up just to dash them immediately. Still, according to Wikipedia, Sega did publish it pretty quickly, though I'm not sure if that was a special case.

Also, I can't say the idea of detective Naoto anything seems all that exciting. From what I've heard, she barely acts like Naoto in it anyway, so assuming part of the appeal to you is her personality, that'd get thrown under the bus. Granted, if forced to choose between that and Trinity Soul, I'd take that, but that's not necessarily saying all that much. That.


Yo guys I have a question it might sound silly but do you think it'll be cool if Atlus made a anime adaptation of the detective Naoto manga and bundled it with Persona 5?

You can never have enough of Naoto or Rise

Nope. It's awful.

The only good part is Soejima's new design for Naoto. Everything else about it is shiiiiiiiit.
Final boss name.

I have a feeling this isn't what you think it is. Was it the EX Final Battle, by any chance?
Nope. It's awful.

The only good part is Soejima's new design for Naoto. Everything else about it is shiiiiiiiit.

I have a feeling this isn't what you think it is. Was it the EX Final Battle, by any chance?

It bums me out that the Kyoji Kuzunoha tribute was wasted on that garbage.


I have a feeling this isn't what you think it is. Was it the EX Final Battle, by any chance?

Well I actually already know the name for awhile, but that frigging title have FINAL BOSS stamped on it, so..

I didn't click the video, just the title already spoil you.


How bad is it?

It's basically fan fiction. Some awful investigation plot strung together with various scenarios that are there to put Naoto in compromising situations where she acts completely differently from how she does in the games.

Hey guys! I'm new here. I registered after the Persona 5 announcement and just got my account unlocked.

Hello new person. Welcome to the thread!

It bums me out that the Kyoji Kuzunoha tribute was wasted on that garbage.


It's a great design either way. I think she looks great with long hair, too.

Makoto Yuki to me, embodies the concept of "having a Persona." By that I mean that he's rarely, ever genuine with anyone; he wears a different mask for each of his friends. His "good" responses almost always involve him telling a person what they want to hear, rather than telling them what they "need" to hear. You hear this claim thrown around, because it's honestly true. Remember when Makoto encouraged the guy with torn ligaments to keep running? Or when Kenji makes a series of bad mistakes, you're not allowed to talk him out of his retarded ideas. Being that kind of guy is always the best way to progress the link. It's shockingly realistic (sometimes I don't tell my friends what they need to hear) but it's also pretty disheartening too.

That to me, is why I don't like him as much as the other protagonists. He's borderline sociopathic at times. (Though the movie makes him a way more compelling character)

Also, I don't know why you're calling P4 out on its romance links when P3s are arguably even worse. S.links with girls boil down to
A) You had a good time with X
B) But you are not intimate with X
*** (a couple of ranks later)
C) You are now intimate with X (repeat)

And there's pretty much no way to avoid. The emphasis on romance as inevitable endgame slightly hurts the experience for me, imo.

Though, P3P fixes the issue of having S.link characters inexplicably falling in love with you via flags, so we have nothing to worry about.

I think someone mentioned that Yu was the Fool played straight, and Makoto Yuki was the "Reversed Fool" (IE: Someone who acts in total disregard of the consequences of theiractions and in living in the moment’ rather than thinking ahead) and I completely agree with that assessment.

I was much too exhausted write a counterargument last night, but here goes:

Those are good points, but think of the implication of the main character being a jerk, that means that he, like everyone else on the cast, has problems that he needs to
resolve. Now, ignoring the movie for now just because I haven't watched it so i can't speak about it. Now, I can think of three normal reasons someone would go around telling people what they want to hear:
  1. Apathy
  2. Knowing that whatever you say they will continue doing whatever they want
  3. Fear of their response
I think we can rule out apathy because if he really didn't care that much, why would he hang around them so much? Especially the old people (they are so boring!!)

The second one is actually true, but its still not a legitimate reason.

The third one however, makes the most sense given the game's theme is facing fear and stuff. Imagine you being in Makoto's shoes, you're an orphan, you've been bouncing around for sometime and somehow you end up in Iwatodai (I haven't played P3 in a while so I don't remember exactly why you moved there. Did Ikutsuki recruit you into SEES?) whatever the reason you moved, the fact is that there is nobody from his old life present at all, no family members, no friends, not even an orphanage worker to check in on you. The fact that you can just move in to a new city without anybody much caring means that he probably didn't have legal guardians (which he continues not having unless Ikutsuki adopts you sometime offscreen.) Somebody that's been that alone in life would very much be scared to lose friends by saying the wrong thing. By the end of the game he is very much fearless, which means he's probably gotten over his hangups and grown as a person.

I know I'm probably over-analyzing and his jerkiness was probably due to slightly sloppy writing, but let me dream dammit.

You are completely right about the romance. P4's romances are infinitely better written, what I was mostly referring to though was the fact that there is (kind of) some actual consequences for cheating, in that if you do two female SLinks at the same time one of them will reverse. Not a perfect system, as you can easily get around it, but its better than the consequence-free harem building that's present in P4.

Yes, absolutely.

One of the things i liked most about Golden is the additional scenes of members hanging out without you that you can get when going to the supermarket and stuff. One with Kanji and Yukiko, who normally don't get a lot of on-screen time together, and they're basically just talking about hair products, which I find hilarious.

I had actually forgotten about this because I barely ever went to the mall with the Dojimas, but you're right its one of the best things in the game.


I had actually forgotten about this because I barely ever went to the mall with the Dojimas, but you're right its one of the best things in the game.

I've said it before, but one of my favourite things about these games is the sense of place that they manage to convey though instances like this. Ms. Toriumi is a great example of this, as her a lot of her characterization is done through pieces of dialogue you can stumble upon - all of which comes from the assembled students/teachers throughout the year. It's through this
as well as her S-link
that you discover that she probably has the biggest identity crisis of anyone.

Her professionalism is anything but, as it becomes clear that she's lazy, (somewhat) incompetent, a habitual liar, and is feeling the strain of the rampant gender equality in the workplace. I'm not even lying when I say she's among my favourite Persona 3 characters.


It's basically fan fiction. Some awful investigation plot strung together with various scenarios that are there to put Naoto in compromising situations where she acts completely differently from how she does in the games.

Basically, take everything that Naoto's maid outfit represents, particularly the fact that they went to the trouble of rendering the butt crack for a character barely ever sexualized , and distill that into a story. They might as well have made her a brand new character, but I agree, she looks nice with long hair.


Unfortunately, I guess I'm too late for all the talk about Sho and his Persona... Anyway, there are two things I wanted to say about that that MAYBE haven't been discussed yet. The spoilers concern a certain character from Persona 2.

1. PerShona's title is "The Defaced Dark Messiah". I can't help but feel reminded of
Nyarlathotep's "God of 1000 Faces" title

2. Tsukiyomi is the Shinto moon god.
One of Nyarlathotep's more famous forms is his Moon Howler guise.

Oh, and one thing about Persona Q's canon status: I wouldn't worry about that until the game is released and we know more about the story. So far they could fit everything into the current story by simply pulling the almighty "EVERYONE WILL LOSE THEIR MEMORIES" plot device. Yes, even
Makoto and Shinjiro, since Q takes place during the typhoon that hits Tatsumi Port Island when everyone is still alive


Basically, take everything that Naoto's maid outfit represents, particularly the fact that they went to the trouble of rendering the butt crack for a character barely ever sexualized , and distill that into a story. They might as well have made her a brand new character, but I agree, she looks nice with long hair.

Funnily enough, the maid outfit didn't bother me.

The Coronet armor was awful though.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Basically, take everything that Naoto's maid outfit represents, particularly the fact that they went to the trouble of rendering the butt crack for a character barely ever sexualized , and distill that into a story. They might as well have made her a brand new character, but I agree, she looks nice with long hair.

That doesn't sound like something worth my time.

Edit: Reading anyway. :p


I agree that the novel is subpar, but I don't think it's as bad as it is often said to be. I guess one of the main problems of the novel is that most people don't speak Japanese and thus have to rely on others who read the thing and the illustrations.


Oh god, I need to social link with how many people again?

But yeah, even though I haven't been here long myself, it's always nice to see new faces.

Yeah, it's the reason why I couldn't give everybody in PersonaGAF their own tag a few pages back. We're too damn big, and getting a tag was like a strike of shame from me. You're so eccentric that you stick out, even in the PersonaGAF crowd :p

I've thought of a few more, but reposting this would just be beating the dead horse.


I agree that the novel is subpar, but I don't think it's as bad as it is often said to be. I guess one of the main problems of the novel is that most people don't speak Japanese and thus have to rely on others who read the thing and the illustrations.

More than half of the book has been translated. It genuinely is that bad.


Funnily enough, the maid outfit didn't bother me.

The Coronet armor was awful though.

I didn't know what was worse, the misguided and tasteless fanservice, the bad design or the atrocious ingame model.

More than half of the book has been translated. It genuinely is that bad.

I can't wait to read the second half. Even more than the plot synopsis for Lightning Returns!

We're too damn big, and getting a tag was like a strike of shame from me. You're so eccentric that you stick out, even in the PersonaGAF crowd :p
I've thought of a few more, but reposting this would just be beating the dead horse.

I for one, take it as a mark of pride for being distinctive.

Of course I am the sort to parade around wearing avatars with ribbons and butterfly suits and weird facial expressions.

Hey guys! I'm new here. I registered after the Persona 5 announcement and just got my account unlocked.

Hello everyone! I have managed to get an account.
I have been lurking here since July/August (someone may remember me from the concert or the P5 announcement stream).
Talking about Persona, I played P4G right after it came out here in Europe (I'm Italian) and loved it. After finishing it (in like two weeks or less) I started P3P and finished it pretty fast (I actually got tired of Tartarus pretty fast and decided to cheat through it D:). Then in July I played P4G a second time and loved it even more, as I discovered things that I completely missed in the first one. I played Persona 4 Arena, which I bought in England.
And I'm currently playing it for the third time, hoping to get the platinum (I'm following the guide on Gamefaqs for max SL and books).
Apart from Persona I like rpg, action and fighting games. I like anime and manga too (Sorry Dantis); I 'm currently watching Bakemonogatari.

I think I wrote a bit too much, but whatever. I hope someone will read. I'm rreally happy to join you all :D

Welcome, to the velvet roo- PersonaGAF!


I for one, take it as a mark of pride for being distinctive.

Of course I am the sort to parade around wearing avatars with ribbons and butterfly suits and weird facial expressions.

It's a careful balancing point between being distinctive, being batshit, and being Dantis.

It's not really a mark of shame lol
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