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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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Not gonna lie, I jumped into EP right after IS and ended up really sick of it around Mt. Iwato. I've been trying to make myself go back, but I can't quite work up the will. Watching a LP would be admitting defeat, but I guess it's better than never finishing the story. >.>

This is exactly what happened to me, except a little after the mountain. I find the gameplay more or less fine, it moves just as slow as IS, just uglier menus, but I think my problem was jumping in immediately after slogging along through IS.

The gameplay isn't totally bad it's just tedious as fuck and not always fun. If I'm not having fun playing a game why am I playing it?

PK Gaming

Yeah, I do. EP always gets knocked as an outdated game, but stuff like FF7 and Xenogears get put on a pedestal. It's silly. Their random encounter systems are no different.
Well for one, the random encounter rates for both games are much lower. Both games have better dungeons and less frustrating game mechanics, and better overall gameplay as a result. There's a reason why they're heralded as being fantastic RPGs; because they are.

I don't think Persona 2:EP is a good game.

It has a good story and a great cast of characters.

But it has garbage gameplay. Gameplay that prevents people from playing through it or finish int. This is an opinion, but it is an opinion held by plenty of people. I know you're a huge fan of old school RPGs, but it's the truth.

Not gonna lie, I jumped into EP right after IS and ended up really sick of it around Mt. Iwato. I've been trying to make myself go back, but I can't quite work up the will. Watching a LP would be admitting defeat, but I guess it's better than never finishing the story. >.>
Do it.


This is exactly what happened to me, except a little after the mountain. I find the gameplay more or less fine, it moves just as slow as IS, just uglier menus, but I think my problem was jumping in immediately after slogging along through IS.

The gameplay isn't totally bad it's just tedious as fuck and not always fun. If I'm not having fun playing a game why am I playing it?

Yeah. If I had been smart and waited till a while after finishing IS it probably would've been much less of an issue.

I will, I will! I'll do it today!


Junior Member
Does Xenogears (or Vagrant Story) still hold up? I didn't really like Xenosaga 1's gameplay btw.

Wanna get Chrono Cross and maybe those two games off PSN eventually.


Well for one, the random encounter rates for both games are much lower. Both games have better dungeons and less frustrating game mechanics, and better overall gameplay as a result. There's a reason why they're heralded as being fantastic RPGs; because they are.

I don't think Persona 2:EP is a good game.

It has a good story and a great cast of characters.

But it has garbage gameplay. Gameplay that prevents people from playing through it or finish int. This is an opinion, but it is an opinion held by plenty of people. I know you're a huge fan of old school RPGs, but it's the truth.

There's nothing 'frustrating' about P2's mechanics. You cast spells and attack things. How is that any different from any FF7 or Xenogears? Heck, EP arguably looks better than both of them, since it doesn't use ugly 3D models. I know I had a hard time getting through Xenogears on an attempted replay, because the combat draaags. You can end a lot of EP battles with a quickness, especially if you use negotiations.

We'll just have to agree to disagree, because EP having 'garbage gameplay' is an opinion held by the very vocal 'started with P3' community. People who played P2 at the time acknowledge how ahead of the curve it was, and still regard it as a classic.

PK Gaming

There's nothing 'frustrating' about P2's mechanics. You cast spells and attack things. How is that any different from any FF7 or Xenogears? Heck, EP arguably looks better than both of them, since it doesn't use ugly 3D models. I know I had a hard time getting through Xenogears on an attempted replay, because the combat draaags. You can end a lot of EP battles with a quickness, especially if you use negotiations.
Did you completely forget about Tarot cards, which pretty much forces grinding? The negotiations themselves require far too much trial and error, and basically necessitates the use of a guide, don't even try to argue otherwise. What about the jacked up encounter system? EP's isn't as bad as IS, but it's still pretty frequent. It doesn't help that some of the dungeons have the gall to add pits, which usually drop you to the very beginning of the dungeon. The battle system itself pretty much devolves into spamming Fusion Spells, which works to its favor since it's slow as fuck. There's no depth or challenge (outside of a few bosses). It's just fusion spell spam. Persona 2:EP is literally littered with bad game design.

Your attempts at discrediting FF7 by claiming its visuals are poor are pointless, because that's not in dispute.
We'll just have to agree to disagree, because EP having 'garbage gameplay' is an opinion held by the very vocal 'started with P3' community. People who played P2 at the time acknowledge how ahead of the curve it was, and still regard it as a classic.
So people who dislike EP are a part of P3 community.

Way to poison the well dude.


It's true. Just about everyone who dislikes EP tried to play it retroactively, which is the majority of players nowadays.

Yeah, but it's no different than saying that it's hard to go back and play an RPG who's systems haven't aged well.

I played through Beyond the Beyond to completion when the PSX first came out. That doesn't mean I have any desire at all to do so again, nor does it mean I don't understand why someone else wouldn't have the desire to. The RPGs that are freely recommended, your FFIV's or VI's or VII's, the gameplay of them never really had bad game design to them, so they're still playable... :p

IS PSP was fun to play through because battles were fast, EP PSX doesn't have that same battle functionality, so the battles are slower. For a game that already possibly had too many to begin with............

PK Gaming

So you're not going to refute any of my points, and instead propagate this absurd notion that the people who think that P2 is a poor game must have jumped into the series via Persona 3? Do you realize how silly you're sounding right now? It's mutually exclusive. Try selling P2EP to a non-Persona fan, they're still going to lambast it because of its sub par gameplay mechanics.


That's not going to fly.


So you're not going to refute any of my points, and instead propagate this absurd notion that people who think P2 is a poor game jumped into the series via Persona 3? Do you realize how silly you're sounding right now? It's mutually exclusive.Try selling P2EP to a non-Persona fan, they're still going to lambast it because of its subpar gameplay mechanics.


That's not going to fly.

I don't need to refute them because they're your opinions.

I don't think EP requires grinding for tarot, I don't think negotiation necessitates a guide, and the dungeons don't bother me.

That kind of thing makes EP's dungeons interesting, and not just randomly generated tunnels. You actually have to map them out and strategize where you go.

As for the encounter rate, welcome to every SMT game ever.

Well, except ones where they're not random. It's just how Atlus games are, and that hasn't changed from SMT1 to Strange Journey.


Who's one the roster this time?

Originally we were going to do a off-topic GOTY episode, but if we're going to do a Christmas episode we might as well combine the two.

So Armada, Inorigo, keats, Jello, you, and myself. That's 6 people so still gotta figure out who can/can't come on the 20th since that's 1 too many.


Yep, encounter system hasn't changed all that much, just the battle systems got a hell of a lot more fun. I don't think planning around not being hit by a weakness while hitting something else's for a great effect never gets old. Hell, Pokemon taught us that. :p

Plus modern Persona had the good sense to have two different games practically. Can you imagine a Persona 3 that was ONLY Tartarus? :(

That.....is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. @_@


Wait, there's a GOTY episode? If we're going to GOTY I'd maybe prefer that. Got more to talk about GOTY than about Christmas...


I don't even understand this argument. You're plugging your ears and shouting SMT SMT SMT SMT SMT while enforcing the usual garbage about how new Persona fans literally cannot understand what makes P2 enjoyable to actually play because you can't actually find an argument in favour of P2 without putting down people who like games that aren't chores to play, especially at the lengths of time that a game like P2 expects you to put into it. Your argument has essentially boiled down to, like, four things:

1) People started on P3 can't understand the beauty of P2's game mechanics.
2) Other PSX RPGs that people love were similarly dated and they did stuff like 'attack' and 'spells', how is that any different from P2? So, let's throw them under the bus even though the question was never about them in the first place.

To the first, that's just common sense. People playing better games (and I will clarify game, before you jump down my throat) in the same franchise can feel disappointed when another game in the same franchise does not meet those expectations.

To the second, this is a strawman at its' finest (or worst, really). You're propping up something that was never being discussed in the first place and trying to argue something that was never in question. Putting aside the insane reduction going on in your head when you say 'you attack and cast spells, therefore it's completely the same', nobody cares about what FF7 did or didn't do, nobody was even thinking about FF7 with regards to the argument and P2 until you complained about the people putting that game on the pedestal while P2 unfairly languishes at a lower rung. It is a dead end and a non-argument.

Three, just get that SMT elitist garbage out of here. It does not matter when P2 released, we have played P2 thus I think we can say from some amount of authority on what it was like to play. You don't have to have played P2 when it first released or whatever (because you're so much cooler than those new fans) to recognize (or fail to recognize) that there are some fundamental issues to the game, and how desensitized you are to those issues does not matter. P2 is not some magical masterpiece of a game that somehow got worse to people as time left it behind.

Four is just dumb. Why even bother starting shit if you're just going to retreat to the ivory tower of OPINIONS when someone actually retaliates? Commit, or don't.

It's not even that people can't play games that have archaic game mechanics either. Soul Hackers is a big example of a game that has dated as fuck mechanics, but remains enjoyable despite that. It still has interesting ideas and a core hook that makes actually playing it feel less like a chore and more like an actual video game. Even by the standards of SMT, P2 isn't just dull, it's elementary. It is, fundamentally, the closest ever that SMT has ever gotten to a run of the mill JRPG with run of the mill mechanics. Central ideas like Press Turn or any of its' variations are nowhere to be seen in the game, there are tons of different elements that you probably never actually need, and the most depth to be found is deciding who goes first in what order and a system that constantly encourages nothing but mindless trial and error. That is what the fusion spell system is, trial and error. There's no rhyme or reason to how spells cooperate with each other to fuse, the game just expects you to keep throwing shit at a wall and wait till it makes sense. That's what P2EP's negotiation and tarot card system is, ultimately. Trial and error is a core tenet of P2's experience as a game and that's not fun. Fine, it doesn't bother you? Alright. But clearly it bothers a lot of people and insisting that there is nothing wrong is just being childishly, willfully ignorant.

I think it says a lot more in this argument that people who dislike P2IS and EP's game mechanics actually have things to say and explain about why they dislike it and what, exactly, is wrong with it when the principal party trying to defend it in its' entirety is doing anything but. To every issue and point, it's just "well, it didn't bother me" and "it's SMT!" rather than any point of actual substance or, indeed, an adequate defense of P2 from a mechanical standpoint.

And to be clear, I have nothing but praise for P2's narrative and characters, bar some of the issues I held, mostly near the end of IS, but it is not a fun experience to actually go through. And I wish it were. Really, that's why people tend to be so critical of the mechanics. Because there is a much better game lurking in P2 that could have been attractive from so much more than a simple narrative standpoint.

I don't need to refute them because they're your opinions.
Oh, so argument conceded?

no seriously what the hell is this


Attention to all P2:IS players

If you have completed Persona 2:IS but haven't beaten P2:EP, I strongly recommend that you take a look at this interactive Let's Play. It's a look into Persona 2:EP's fantastic story, but without the crappy gameplay. It documents all of the games text, and has a ton of pictures to accompany it. All in all, it's a solid Let's Play, and a great substitute for the actual game.

Please consider reading through it.

Has anyone done this for IS?


So, uh, Persona-GAF, ummm, how's life? Everyone having a happy Sunday?

Uh... just cooked some food. My first time cooking rice, also! It was kinda decent, if I say so myself (Normally the kitchen becomes a battlefield with me inside)

I kinda don't want to jump into the P2 debate (again), but a part of me is nagging me to say so: P2 has an awesome story, but technical details kills the game and the fun. Too many random encounters, slow battle system and tarot grinding, this is where other jRPGs of the era get a pass, they aren't as bad in that sense (less random encounters, you can decide how fast you want to play with the ATB in case of FF and the dungeons don't have that many random dead ends). Also, mixing the core series is bad here. Okay, maybe the SNES versions of I and II have an abnormal encounter rate and labyrinthine dungeons , but Strange Journey? Nowhere as bad, and the very little I managed to play of Nocturne wasn't so bad either.


Someone at Penny Arcade started an Innocent Sin LP.

He didn't finish, though.

I don't mind LPs, but them as a notion of being a substitute for playing the game kind of irks me. You don't get the same experience, especially in terms of audio/visual impact.

(I'll admit I haven't played either P2 but I did download both to my vita this week!) That being said, these games aren't 999. I'm sure there isn't much lost in translation.


While I love Persona 2's story, I have pretty much joined Buddha in the "P1 is better than P2 gameplay wise" camp. Actual fusion, better negotiations, and a stronger battle system based off SMT2.


(I'll admit I haven't played either P2 but I did download both to my vita this week!) That being said, these games aren't 999. I'm sure there isn't much lost in translation.

P2's music is really great.

And while I am enjoying my replay of Revelations, especially the god-tier OST, the formation system can be pretty annoying.

Negotiating isn't much different than P2's. In fact it can be worse, due to inconsistent enemy reactions. Contacts that inflict Joy in EP will ALWAYS inflict Joy. P1, not so much.
(Interest is random as heck in both.)


It's true. Just about everyone who dislikes EP tried to play it retroactively, which is the majority of players nowadays.

Ah, the "Metallica sold out" argument, always a winner.

Also I think more people despise FF VII than they do enjoy it these days. Even saw someone on twitter recently refer to it as "a cancerous poison fanbase just like Persona 4."

It's like--whoa dude's, it's just videogames. We can like different things, I love Fallout 1 and 2, and I completely understand if people that started with Fallout 3 have a hard time playing them. Some games age better than others, Goldeneye was the shit in 1997 but now it's horrid.

And no I'm not equating P2 to Goldeneye, I've not played it. Though I'm really turned off by hearing that a guide is like--strongly suggested.
Ah, the "Metallica sold out" argument, always a winner.

Also these days I think more people despise FF VII than they do enjoy it these days. Even saw someone on twitter recently refer to it as "a cancerous poison fanbase just like Persona 4."

It's like--whoa dude's, it's just videogames. We can like different things, I love Fallout 1 and 2, and I completely understand if people that started with Fallout 3 have a hard time playing them. Some games age better than others, Goldeneye was the shit in 1997 but now it's horrid.

And no I'm not equating P2 to Goldeneye, I've not played it. Though I'm really turned off by hearing that a guide is like--strongly suggested.



Ah, the "Metallica sold out" argument, always a winner.

Also I think more people despise FF VII than they do enjoy it these days. Even saw someone on twitter recently refer to it as "a cancerous poison fanbase just like Persona 4."

It's like--whoa dude's, it's just videogames. We can like different things, I love Fallout 1 and 2, and I completely understand if people that started with Fallout 3 have a hard time playing them. Some games age better than others, Goldeneye was the shit in 1997 but now it's horrid.

It's fine to feel that way, but it was specifically him telling people not to play it because he thinks it's crappy.


I think Final Fantasy VII is infinitely more replayable than a lot of other RPGs from that era. Mind you, that era was home to a lot of stuff that hasn't aged well. Especially if it was trying to be on the cutting edge of 3D.
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