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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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Anyone want to play a game of prediction making?

We make, say, five predictions (Nothing too obvious like "This will have Personas and a Velvet Room in it). Preferably things that we might see in the near future like, themes, music, art, character designs. As specific as you want. Most predictions correct wins. So maybe mroe than five would be better. Ten? I dunno.

This is the last chance to prove our psychic abilities for a somewhat long while.


Anyone want to play a game of prediction making?

We make, say, five predictions (Nothing too obvious like "This will have Personas and a Velvet Room in it). Preferably things that we might see in the near future like, themes, music, art, character designs. As specific as you want. Most predictions correct wins. So maybe mroe than five would be better. Ten? I dunno.

This is the last chance to prove our psychic abilities for a somewhat long while.


1. Female protagonist, I'm guessing long hair and glasses this time
2. Heavy focus on cell phones or cell phone-like devices
3. High school again
4. Teddie returns in some way
5. I really want more customization to characters. Not just clothing, but maybe some sort of perks or ability system too.


Anyone want to play a game of prediction making?

We make, say, five predictions (Nothing too obvious like "This will have Personas and a Velvet Room in it). Preferably things that we might see in the near future like, themes, music, art, character designs. As specific as you want. Most predictions correct wins. So maybe mroe than five would be better. Ten? I dunno.

This is the last chance to prove our psychic abilities for a somewhat long while.

I'm game:
1. It'll return to a more metropolitan setting.
2. It won't use the same Orpheus/Eurydice (P4)
dynamic, instead going for some other mythological theme.
3. Social media is heavily involved somehow.
4. Female protagonist! Yeah!
5. Semi-open free roaming city map instead of the location-based maps of the past games.


Cool. Here we go:

1) I think the setting will be halfway between P3 and P4. Bright and colourful like P4, but a modern city like P3. I'm thinking lots of tall, brightly lit buildings and blue skies.

2) I think the soundtrack will be electronica.

3) I think the Velvet Room will take the form of a train. Maybe you'll go down to the subway to enter it or something.

4) Ten party members, including the navigator.

5) I think one of the female characters will have a pony tail. Probably blonde.


I can't think of too many, but I think that the dungeons will be real world locations that change under certain circumstances.

Despite being set in high school, I think you'll get at least one party member who is older. Probably college age, but maybe older than that.

There will definitely not be a singular female protagonist. They might give an option, but there's no way it'd be the only one, unfortunately. I'd be completely down for just having one female MC, since the game could really do great stuff with that rather than just tailoring some s.links. But there's no way they'd do that, given that they'd probably upset a good portion of the fanbase who just wants to play as a guy. Majority rules, unfortunately.

The OST will be really jazzy.

If the map is open and explorable, then I think the game will revolve around some kind of midnight hour type deal striking the whole city at night which transforms the map into a place with shadows.


1)Male protagonist, one possibility for same sex love interest and rest per the usual but actual consequences if you flag more than one.

2)Multiple dugeon approach again a la P4 but there will be storyline reasons to revisit old dungeons.

3)Social links interact with each other and (example) leveling moon to rank 8 would require that sun and star are already at rank 5 and 6 respectively.

4)Magician won't be your awkward best guy friend!?!

5)Game will take place over two years instead of one. First year will be MC's senior year of high school. Second year will be the MC working for the police force as a detective of some sort for some naoto-like reasons. Some of the arcanas will "reset" in some way from year one to year two as they will need to replace some of the school friends with co-workers.

5 is obviously my long shot gamble but I would love that game


1. The game's central theme revolves around social media and the internet.
2. There will be a male and female MC, the one you don't choose becomes your first party member.
3. Philemon is coming back to replace Igor, but he's going to look much, much different.
4. The Lovers Arcana is going to be the best character again. Let's go three for three on this.
5. The time schedule works on different, more flexible rules now.
Like Pokemon!

I would be so down for this. Would be really cool, because then both sides of the story could be largely canonical.

Probably wouldn't have a SilentMC then, either, or, like Pokemon just rewrite the rival/friend as opposite gender. Would be a lot different.


1. Older teenager if not young adult protagonist, shoulder length hair. (Also could work for both genders.)
2. School will have a minimal role, if at all. It will be balanced with other things like more involved jobs and side quests.
3. More interactive locations, you'll be able to go into buildings and explore them, not just talking heads. Shops will be explorable for instance.
4. Theme will be technology and the internet's impact on society.
5. The Velvet Room will be accessed through a virtual reality interface.
1. Option for both Fe and MaMC, customization options for both other than outfits

2. Modern, large city setting with lots of smaller insular locations, going to continue to use day/night dichotomy but will play with the "City is alive at night" theme.

3. Social links become more fluid and organic, one will feed into one another and they'll interact independently of MC (whether this is pre-determined scenario's or random).

4. Soundtrack will be Metal/Visual Kei based.

5. The internet will be a huge part of social links, with online interaction with your S-links forming a backbone of the relationships.

There ya go.


Like Pokemon!

I would be so down for this. Would be really cool, because then both sides of the story could be largely canonical.

If they did this then I would expect some type of 4th wall break near the end where our selection of main character at the beginning is addressed to be some type of selection by a god/diety/power of some sort that gave the character we chose the wild card or whatever power they will have that will make them better.


4. Soundtrack will be Metal/Visual Kei based.

Going to laugh my ass off if this actually happens, lol.

1. Older teenager if not young adult protagonist, shoulder length hair. (Also could work for both genders.)
2. School will have a minimal role, if at all. It will be balanced with other things like more involved jobs and side quests.
3. More interactive locations, you'll be able to go into buildings and explore them, not just talking heads. Shops will be explorable for instance.
4. Theme will be technology and the internet's impact on society.
5. The Velvet Room will be accessed through a virtual reality interface.

...So you want Soul Hackers? :p
1 - Set a few years after the ending of four, City setting.

2 - Set in high school.

3 - You go inside computers.

4 - MC will talk.

5 - No returning characters from previous games.
Going to laugh my ass off if this actually happens, lol.

They already played with Hip-Hop/Jazz, and J-Pop/Pop/Synth (the dungeon themes were very synth heavy)

So I think Meguro might go this way. :p

Especially if they go back to "Dark" persona a bit during the night parts. Because lets face it, a well timed guttural growl would be a killer battle theme.


Junior Member
Soundtrack will be Lady Gaga + screamo.

Also with how many people saying the theme will be based around the internet I get the feeling like they won't use it at all :p


Yosuke and Chie both have modern ones. I thought Yu's was modern when I made that post but thinking about it more I might be wrong. I think Rise's might have been a flip phone too, as well as the one Yosuke buys for Teddie. I don't think we ever see Kanji's or Yukiko's.

Kanji just yells across Inaba

I'm not good with predictions so here's some balls-obvious ones.

1.) I do think there will be male and female protags this time, considering the lengths they went to in order to get a girl into P3.

2.) They're LIVIN' IN THE CITY

3.) One More and Dungeon crawling to be heavily modified.


5.) Homoerotic subtext 'errywhere
Fixed. Don't matter if it is homo or heteroerotic subtext, just gotta get it in there in all forms!



Lesbian MC

Character customization (picking out clothing and hair styles/etc)

*wakes up from dream*

Noooo :(

It would be nice for party members to have a "perk tree" or something like from the XCom where every time you advance in a Social Link level you can select one.


Kinda hope that add an extra skill element or two, Persona 4 is a bit too streamlined in that regard.

Bring back Tera and Zan pls.
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