Sho still looks weird to me. And then there's his story mode portrait...
I've just run my translation of the Nikkei article on Gematsu here. Business Japanese can be a tricky minefield to navigate, but hopefully this clears up some things for ya'll~
Thanks! However, it seems you might have left the translation a bit unfinished?
I'm...i'm not sure I agree with any of that.
-Why he's scared
-Something's bothering me
-He can still repent
-I actually don't know
You can rule out options 3 and 4, but 1 and 2 basically lead to the similar conclusions. It's completely ridiculous to get punished here. I'd rather wonder "why he's scared" than say something as nebulous as "something's bothering me."
Edit 2: Okay, I think I fixed it. Unless I'm going absolutely crazy, that should be all of it! Sorry! Normally I have an editor around to look this over, but he's out for the night, so sometimes mistakes get made. ;____;
Maybe it takes a bit to get updated, but I still see:
The animation quality itself gets mentioned a lot, but it seems fine to me, better than some.
What's people's issue with the Persona 4 Animation? From what I've seen it obviously compresses things, but seems alright. The animation quality itself gets mentioned a lot, but it seems fine to me, better than some.
Peoples' other main issues are that as a substitute for the game and as a stand-alone anime it's not great. Another issue I've seen people have is Narukami's personality, and thought that it didn't fit him. I personally like it though, and I think fans of the game should watch it because it's a nice companion to the game.What's people's issue with the Persona 4 Animation? From what I've seen it obviously compresses things, but seems alright. The animation quality itself gets mentioned a lot, but it seems fine to me, better than some.
The animation quality itself gets mentioned a lot, but it seems fine to me, better than some.
Ok, well... Hopefully Persona 4 Golden the Animation displays less "QUALITY"? In my defense I've only seen 4 episodes of the anime I think.
About the Persona 3 movies, is there any word at all on when they'll show up in the US?
Don't do it man, you'll get banned.I don't know the policy here, but I could send you links to download it or watch it online if it's permitted.
It's not. Don't do it.
Don't do it man, you'll get banned.
No problem. If you every have any questions on what's appropriate to post refer to NeoGaf's rules or just ask someone.Thanks, man. That would be a meteoric participation in GAF. lol
No problem. If you every have any questions on what's appropriate to post refer to NeoGaf's rules or just ask someone.
None really since Q is made with the EO engine, and EO is only on 3ds.I need Persona Q so badly. Unfortunately I don't own a 3DS yet.
What do you guys think about the possibility of Persona Q arriving on Vita? Is there a chance?
None really since Q is made with the EO engine, and EO is only on 3ds.
If you guys are having problems with the Namatame case and getting the bad ending, wait until you figure out what you'll have to do to unlock the epilogue in P4G. lol
Isn't it justfinish Marie's S. Link so you do her dungeon then get the true ending same as you would in vanilla P4?
I'm almost positive that's it, but it can't hurt to double check since Nanako is about to get kidnapped, so I'm pretty far along in the game.
Isn't it justfinish Marie's S. Link so you do her dungeon then get the true ending same as you would in vanilla P4?
I'm almost positive that's it, but it can't hurt to double check since Nanako is about to get kidnapped, so I'm pretty far along in the game.
No it isn't. There's something you should do in in your last day in Inaba.When you get near to the end of the game the easiest mistake you can make is to go home once you have spoken to everyone (which will get you the regular ending). This happens on the 20th of March, when you go into town and have to speak to everyone whos social links you have maxed out. Once you have done this the game will ask you if you want to return to your house and get ready for tomorrow, and you need to say NO. Then you have to make some other things to unlock the fight against Izanami.
That's in the original P4, too, and it's actually much more obtuse there (which I preferred, personally).
Oh, I see. I didn't mean it was exclusively on P4G. Thought you guys were talking about the regular ending.
Persona Q site updated. Two new videos were added to the Labyrinth section. (Map drawing and F.O.E.)
And like I said before, the movie section is really known as school. I saw it on the Shop Guide page, and guessed it a week ago. It seems this section will have videos about what you can do at the school.
Make sure you have plenty of items to cure exhaustion, as it's annoyance on that fight. At this point, you may start having access to things like Matarukaja/Marakukaja/Masukaja, so you should be making use of those. Failing that, you REALLY should be making use of single target Rakundas or Tarundas. Both the buffs and debuffs play off each other really well.
Raising your offense and lowering his defense could mean you're doing a good 100-150 more a shot than you are if you're not doing it. At the very least, buff up the MC with a Mind Charged Agidyne to do a truckload of damage(Chie does learn Tarukaja, and it's not a bad idea to keep it on her for this reason if you're still running her).
Well, I've had Teddie on healing Duty while Kanji Medium Zio's. But Kanji's Medium Zio is 56-70 damage a pop. His Light Physical 3x skill does 40 a hit. Yosuke still doesn't seem to have a good medium wind skill yet. :/
The problem is doing damage. I've done this fight before but it seems like actually doing enough damage while my SP drain is insane for the level seems off.
I use a 3 or a 4 pixel brush for proper line art (which I very rarely do nowadays) and between 4 and 15 for sketch lines. I usually work on a 6k square, unless I want a taller or longer picture. It's always a really big canvas though.
Sorry, missed these earlier.
Funny you should mention clipping masks. Im actually learning about it right now
Thanks man, and welcome to Pgaf.
I use 5 and 9 for line art, and usually do 3k at most of big. Maybe I try 6k.
Oh yeah, they are really amzing. I learned about them during my work on the scribblenaut games. I can't stop using them now.