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Persona Community Thread |OT5| Pull up a chair! [NO PQ OR P4U SPOILERS!]

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Either way, I don't think the fact that both Xrd and P4AU are anime fighting games should be reason enough for there to be only one of them. If both would have great turnout, which they very well could, I think they'd both deserve to be part of the main tournaments.
What confluence of events is it going to take for the American anime community to play more than one game seriously at a time?
I don't think I've seen this asked before, but I'm generally curious as to what you people think on this. How did y'all feel about the "Vox Populi" feature in Golden, and would you like to see something similar return in 5?


I don't think I've seen this asked before, but I'm generally curious as to what you people think on this. How did y'all feel about the "Vox Populi" feature in Golden, and would you like to see something similar return in 5?

really liked it for my first playthrough to see what other people did and help me choose. Didn't even touch for any further playthroughs. So yeah i would like it back.


I don't think I've seen this asked before, but I'm generally curious as to what you people think on this. How did y'all feel about the "Vox Populi" feature in Golden, and would you like to see something similar return in 5?

Harmless feature that may let others know when some events start up(helped knowing when some of the new links could be hung out with/started).
really liked it for my first playthrough to see what other people did and help me choose. Didn't even touch for any further playthroughs. So yeah i would like it back.
I agree I would like something similar back. Even if I didn't use it that much, it was interesting to see what people did on that day.


There's no chance that Injustice isn't getting represented in EVO, unfortunately. KI might show up, but Smash is definitely in EVO, no matter what. The only question is whether it'll be Melee or 4. I'm inclined to say Melee. I figure they'll sit on 4 until the metagame is reasonably fleshed out.

Keeping all that in mind, any space for both GG and P4A2 to coexist on the main stage is pretty unlikely as far as EVO 2015 goes, I think. Especially since I think EVO only ever really features a single 'anime fighter' per year.

Haha, just saw that. Starting to wish this was actually how Ken was in P4AU now.

As Moonlight mentions, you might be missing a few key games. I don't know about Injustice, but Smash will definitely be represented at EVO 2015 whether it's through Melee or SSB4. BBCP's definitely gonna get dropped though.

Either way, I don't think the fact that both Xrd and P4AU are anime fighting games should be reason enough for there to be only one of them. If both would have great turnout, which they very well could, I think they'd both deserve to be part of the main tournaments.

I really think Smash depends on how well the Invitational goes this year. Nintendo is weird. The community you can bank on, Nintendo much less so.

I don't see Injustice being there. MKX will probably be there as an exhibition thing.

I don't think I've seen this asked before, but I'm generally curious as to what you people think on this. How did y'all feel about the "Vox Populi" feature in Golden, and would you like to see something similar return in 5?

Great feature, should be in P5, no reason not to.


I don't think I've seen this asked before, but I'm generally curious as to what you people think on this. How did y'all feel about the "Vox Populi" feature in Golden, and would you like to see something similar return in 5?

I hope Persona 5 has a lot of features like this.


P Studio also tried the kind of community, data gathering thing with Catherine with the end-of-stage polls, so it seems to be something the development team will want to implement in their games going forward. At least, I'm totally expecting something like that in Persona 5.

Vox Populi was nice, though I'd probably try to avoid using it during my first P5 playthrough since I don't really want my decisions in the game to be influenced by outside factors. The SOS system, though, could use some fixing, if they'd want to try something like that out again.
I really think Smash depends on how well the Invitational goes this year. Nintendo is weird. The community you can bank on, Nintendo much less so.

I don't see Injustice being there. MKX will probably be there as an exhibition thing.

Smash is probably a guarantee from here on out, whether Melee or 4.

It sucks that Xrd coming out this Fall is going to annihilate whatever chance P4A2 would've had to get into Evo next year.


I hope Persona 5 has a lot of features like this.

P Studio also tried the kind of community, data gathering thing with Catherine with the end-of-stage polls, so it seems to be something the development team will want to implement in their games going forward. At least, I'm totally expecting something like that in Persona 5.

Vox Populi was nice, though I'd probably try to avoid using it during my first P5 playthrough since I don't really want my decisions in the game to be influenced by outside factors. The SOS system, though, could use some fixing, if they'd want to try something like that out again.

Yeah, I love the analytic/asymmetrical MP stuff in anything.

Smash is probably a guarantee from here on out, whether Melee or 4.

It sucks that Xrd coming out this Fall is going to annihilate whatever chance P4A2 would've had to get into Evo next year.

Why? Not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely asking. Last I checked, Nintendo had yet to even commit to EVO 2K14, but I know you guys are much further entrenched in this stuff than me.


Why? Not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely asking. Last I checked, Nintendo had yet to even commit to EVO 2K14, but I know you guys are much further entrenched in this stuff than me.
Smash was huge last year and it'll be huge this year. Unless Nintendo decides to be dicks about it, Smash has more than justified a place based solely on attendance.


Why? Not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely asking. Last I checked, Nintendo had yet to even commit to EVO 2K14, but I know you guys are much further entrenched in this stuff than me.
They cleared MLG and EVO a while ago. I'll pull the thread archive up later, but essentially Nintendo's already given their okay, and I think there's some kind of dialogue going on between MLG/Smash community reps and whoever is in charge of letting these things ride on Nintendo's side. Smash itself is a huge draw and I don't see any reason for EVO's organizers to turn it down in favour or something else.

Nintendo's weird sometimes (a lot of the time), but I think it's fair to say they've wizened up with regards to the Smash competitive community. I don't think they'll pull support. The worst thing I can see them doing at this point is forcing them not to run Melee on the main stage, but Smash 4.


Smash has already been confirmed for Evo 2014 with Nintendo's approval, so I can't see why it wouldn't return to 2015.

Alright. That's what I didn't know.

They cleared MLG and EVO a while ago. I'll pull the thread archive up later, but essentially Nintendo's already given their okay, and I think there's some kind of dialogue going on between MLG/Smash community reps and whoever is in charge of letting these things ride on Nintendo's side. Smash itself is a huge draw and I don't see any reason for EVO's organizers to turn it down in favour or something else.

Nintendo's weird sometimes (a lot of the time), but I think it's fair to say they've wizened up with regards to the Smash competitive community. I don't think they'll pull support. The worst thing I can see them doing at this point is forcing them not to run Melee on the main stage, but Smash 4.

Yeah, sure. The last I read was the night they announced the EVO lineup and Mr. Wizard was all, "We're talking to them, we'll see", but they seemed to have layed quite a few plans in addition to the invitational.



What follows are my impressions of Persona 2: Innocent Sin. They will be arranged into the negative and positive halves of each aspect of the game, so divided because I have distinct thoughts in both respects and because I choose to do so in order to end on a more positive note. Because these are my thoughts on the entire game, spoilers will follow. The majority of the post will just be enveloped in spoiler tags, really.

I'm aiming to be fair here, I really am, so bear with me as we go.


GAMEPLAY: To be honest, I can't think of a positive thing to say about this game's gameplay, and that alone is the greatest scorn possible, I think. Movement is no longer on a grid like in Persona 1, but the upgrade to 8 directions really still comes across feeling as stilted. The game is easier than Persona 1 in the sense that enemies do less damage and die more quickly, however at the game's end this is complicated by the sheer number of foes who are willing to repeatedly spam OHKO moves. Xibalba is a huge offender in this regard, with the Nazi sharp shooter ability appearing frequently and never failing to off at least one of your party members. To further compensate, dungeons are also obscenely long. They're not as twisted or convoluted as the ones in Persona 1, so instead they just go on for no less than 10 floors each, and on occasion the player is forced into a second dungeon of similar length without any chance of leaving, and until the final dungeon the developers seem to have simply forgotten that the previous game had included numerous Velvet Rooms along the way. While this could, in theory, be used to allow for a survival sort of scenario, forcing a player to ration and work their way through things with better tactics, the practice comes across differently as there can be no tactical rationing of anything in a game that punishes the player for checking the map by attacking them before they can move. This game's encounter rate is beyond excuse. To call it atrocious is an insult to atrocity. Without exaggeration, I've played old NES games where the player could walk further than this without being constantly harassed. The game's greatest failing is of course upon the truest test of all RPGS: combat is a nightmare. Though an option exists for skipping combat animations (an option contemporary RPGs sorely lacked) without the use of such battles last an unholy time watching numerous attack animations, and even once enabled combat lags beyond necessity and the limitations of tolerance. Battle itself is a chore of sifting through the menus that all PSX era JRPGs fetishized, elevated to the point of almost religious reverence for the menu. At times I was forced to question if steps were not taken to ensure that the player could not end battles without frustration. Forcing the player to choose the "confirm" tab instead of their own character and pushing the designated confirm button was one such annoyance, but also forced demon negotiations. Negotiations are an unwelcome nuisance at any given time, but not allowing the player the option of opting out of a negotiation is far, far worse. Beyond this, basing character growth upon the acquisition of hundreds of cards from demons is a tedious, poorly conceived variation upon the theme, and I can only be thankful it would die a silent death later on in the series.

THE MUSIC the game's score leaves much to be desired when compared to the stellar soundtracks of quite literally every other game in the series. There were some stand out tracks, which I will comment on in the positive half of the review, but far too much, especially dungeons, was forgettable white noise or grating cacophony, like the battle theme.

THE STORY frustrates me to no end, really. I will confine the negatives here and hopefully illustrate why in the positives. To wit, my chief complaint is that the game does not ever take the time to develop things properly, or does so in unusual, almost rushed feeling ways. I have already pointed to how this comes into play in Lisa and Tatsuya's shadow self encounters, and I would also like to direct it toward the character of Jun. I took an almost instant dislike toward the character, and while I feel that cramming most of his own backstory into Xibalba was an unwise move on the game's part, Jun's true sin is that the game insists upon a closeness between him and Tatsuya that it does not properly construct. Jun's friendship with Tatsuya in particular is only shown to extend beyond the boundaries of the rest of the Masked Circle in one or two very brief flashbacks, in which Tatsuya remains as wordless as ever, and while one could argue that Tatsuya's habit of checking his lighter is meant to illustrate this or imply it, Tatsuya continues this habit well after their reunion, often when Jun is present, making the lighter as a reminder or surrogate feel sort of unusual, redundant and ultimately distancing Tatsuya from Jun if this is meant to be its purpose. This leads into my second real complaint with the game: Persona 2: Innocent Sin should not have had a silent protagonist. In every other game in the SMT series I've played, the player's silence felt natural. Beyond shouting a few phrases in battle, the hero's voice was mine, or mine to give them, and characters were never so quick to state how I was meant to be feeling. Frequent dialogue options likewise allowed me to express the character and get a feeling for their implicit personalities without feeling that that personality was more alleged than actual. In Persona 2, however, Tatsuya's lack of voice feels much more like a forced constraint of the game, like he's silent because he has to be silent, rather than any sort of stylistic choice made. Constantly Maya is reporting to the player how Tatsuya must be feeling, or things about how Tatsuya must be that simply aren't reflective of the dialogue options or the character's actions. The game would have been much better off simply giving Tatsuya a voice of his own, so that he himself could talk about how close he was with Jun, or Lisa, or how he was trying to flee from his own responsibilities, rather than just telling me that that was how it was. There was no permission of insertion or immersion with the character of Tatsuya because frankly I really do not think anybody wanted the character to be so. As a third point of complaint with the game's narrative, I absolutely loathed the sheer amount of references it did. It felt almost like watching the first Shrek movie years down the road and cringing at the outdated pop culture references. It didn't help that the references to Persona 1 were all to characters in Persona 1 I did not know, but to add to this references to SMT IF and Raidou Kuzunoha in big ways and then nudge me in the gut with them repeatedly like I was supposed to care was frustrating. There was also a feeling at times like the game was distracting me with its over the top side in order to keep me from noticing the incomplete feeling of the character development, and there were times where I was left pondering the final importance of some characters, like Ixquic. I was not a fan of the way Yukino completely vanishes at the end of the game, as if she no longer matters to the party at all, her replacement with Jun, and finally, I really, really did not like that it was not until the very end of the game that the game's story really started to become about its cast. Backloading is a problem with Persona 1 and 3, but I feel it's taken to some new extreme with Persona 2:IS, to the point where I feel that the ending is perhaps one of the only actually good parts of the game.

In one final word of negativity, I am certain that Persona 2:IS is the weakest Persona game I have played.


THE GAMEPLAY Creatively there are a few things worth applauding the game's actual play over, I suppose. Though I am not a fan of demon negotiation, I feel that this time around it was implemented better than it was in Persona 1 for two reasons: first, because options and the reactions they elicit was much clearer than before, and second because it felt much more reflective of the character's personality than before. In a sense, this is the great loss that Persona 3 and 4 suffer by disposing of demon negotiation entirely: there is a significant decrease in the chances to really let the characters tell us about themselves in battle. The emotion matrix continues to be the best part of demon negotiation in Persona and a thing I wish SMT4 had, since it allows you to monitor your relative success in negotiations, but I still feel that there simply is too much punishment for too little reward and too much tedium with the process. The game's environs are extensive, and the amount of dialogue party members have certainly makes visiting areas much more rewarding than normal. I suppose I should also take a moment here to compliment the amount of effort that surely went into making every area unique, right down to the majority of the shop keepers, which leads me into

THE MUSIC For as deplorable as dungeon music is in the game, one does have to admire the way the different franchise shops have variations of their own songs playing in the background. A personal favorite of mine was Rengedai's Satomi Tadashi. The very best song in the game is of course Maya's Theme in all its permutations. I also was very fond of Knights of the Holy Lance. But as I've said before, much of the music in the game does nothing for me.

A BRIEF ASIDE is that I did rather like the game's artwork. I can't say I liked all the character designs (Eikichi and Jun? No thanks.) but the ones that I did I loved (LIIIIIIIISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA).

THE PLOT deserves its praise as much as its scorn. The game is a clear progression from Persona 1 toward Persona 3, and it is unfair to fault it overly if it falls short of either for the one is a compact package more capable to be tightly knit because of its size and the other the benefit of lessons learned during Persona 2's writing. There is a definite light hearted air about the game that really makes Persona 2 the very most, dare I say, innocent of the games? The cast is more often than not seen goofing off, and moments which could be entirely serious are instead made extremely silly, and the game cannot be faulted for having fun. This comedic air is perhaps the plot's strongest suit, for whether it be Lisa's constant bagging on Eikichi, Maya's absolute inability to pilot anything (but I have a driver's license!) or the stupid hijinks the party gets up to during negotiations (*imitates a jet airplane*) Persona 2 Innocent Sin has a very healthy sense of humor, and for that I overlook no small number of sins. It also indulges itself in a wackiness that is perhaps the root of my frustrations. For on the one hand, it is really, really hard to hate on a story where Sunglasses Hitler is an immortal space wizard wielding the lance that pierced the Son of God in a bid to use Crystal Skulls to pilot an ancient Mayan Spaceship to gain Godhood as he leads an army of steampunk mech warriors in fighting psychic teenagers for control of a Japanese city with angels and demons created by rumors running amok. I mean that is the plot of at least three Indiana Jones movies in there. On the other hand, at times the zaniness sort of eclipses or overshadows moments that ought to be more serious, and feels like a distraction from character development. The Shadow Self Arc is a brilliant concept which takes the game's already stellar central premise: that rumors can shape reality, and really builds on it by forcing the cast to confront the worst in themselves when they could easily brush that off and leads into the game's finale as well. Indeed, I cannot heap enough praise onto the game's final moments. Nyarlothotep's plan to use the Lance of Longinus to build a legend over two thousand years for the sake of inflicting an incurable wound is made all the better by the fact that, after facing numerous horrible rumors in pursuit of the truth, the cast must then choose to build a new world atop a new rumor at a terrible cost. It poses a question I find even deeper than the very SMT theme of "mankind has the power to change the world": If it would keep someone alive, would you lie? Would you change the very world with lies to save someone you loved? To save someone you loved could you successfully lie to yourself when you yourself did not want to believe the lie? I don't feel that Innocent Sin lives up to the hilariously misguided "OMG SO MACHOOR" image people have attached to it. I feel it's really quite the opposite. This is a game where we laugh at toilets and messy bedrooms and tough guys who live in fear of their dads, and I think that should be embraced, not hidden. This isn't to say the game isn't without heart, though. Eikichi's Shadow Self confrontation is most certainly an excellent, serious moment that really shows the full extent of his character. Lisa's final kiss to Tatsuya is an endearing farewell in an already emotionally charged moment. Yukino being too hurt to spend more time with the team or with Personas in general is a similarly powerful moment in the game.

Ultimately, for all I feel that Persona 2: Innocent Sin lacks, or falls short of the measure of the series, it isn't a bad story. I understand what draws people to it. The game has a charisma, an energy and once it abandons its reliance on other SMT games and finds its footing, it really does come into its own. I will likely never be a big fan of Jun, and the cast is not my favorite in the series by a long shot, but it does remember the golden rule of writing a good story: if your cast can be endearing, all other sins can be forgiven. Eikichi, Lisa, Maya and Yukino succeed at exactly that, and I can subsequently understand why players feel sad that such characters are altogether missing from Persona afterward.

Considering that I came to like the game slowly as it went on, and how absolutely in love with the game's ending I am, I have high--if tempered--hopes for the sequel's storyline.
After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

HD Wallpaper Complete Set (1920 x 1080)

Vita Wallpaper Complete Set

Twitter Banner Complete Set (New User Pages)

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D

Thank you! And my Vita appreciates you! :D
After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

HD Wallpaper Complete Set (1920 x 1080)

Vita Wallpaper Complete Set

Twitter Banner Complete Set (New User Pages)

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D

Oh, hell yes!
After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

HD Wallpaper Complete Set (1920 x 1080)

Vita Wallpaper Complete Set

Twitter Banner Complete Set (New User Pages)

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D

Trueself, I love you. x


After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

HD Wallpaper Complete Set (1920 x 1080)

Vita Wallpaper Complete Set

Twitter Banner Complete Set (New User Pages)

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D
Sweet! I'm just mad that mobile Twitter doesn't support these new banners well at all :(
After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

HD Wallpaper Complete Set (1920 x 1080)

Vita Wallpaper Complete Set

Twitter Banner Complete Set (New User Pages)

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D

Oh man I didn't know about the Vita ones, this is all so good. Thanks a bunch TS!


Someone uploaded these fake Ken Amada trailer subs; dunno what that's about.

After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D

Nice job with these; they look nice.


After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

HD Wallpaper Complete Set (1920 x 1080)

Vita Wallpaper Complete Set

Twitter Banner Complete Set (New User Pages)

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D
Nice stuff dude!


Finally saw the Ken and Koromaru vid since I've been busy. Kinda feels seeing his portrait for now, haha.

I wonder what the fangirls think of P4U2 Ken.
After a very long evening of work, I've completed my latest series of art-- Ultra Suplex Hold Arcade! There are three types of graphics available based on requests on Twitter:

HD Wallpaper Complete Set (1920 x 1080)

Vita Wallpaper Complete Set

Twitter Banner Complete Set (New User Pages)

This series is now complete for all of the announced characters on the P4U2 website (and I threw in a couple of surprise extras from P4A!). I hope you all enjoy them! :D

Aw man, these look great. Nice work.


@iiotenki on Twitter!
Flux, you did a marvelous job. I should have taken this week off and just watched the world burn with you!

Maybe next time. (゚▽゚*)♪

My Ken subs are up, by the way. Sorry for the wait! Golden Arena mode will be done after I get a nap in~


@iiotenki on Twitter!
Interesting what you did with Ken and Koromaru's title. Hadn't seen that interpretation of it before.

It's almost certainly too wordy to be used in an official localization, but since I don't have to be concerned about that fun stuff, I just went a little nuts with it. Some people on Tumblr were actually curious what I would end up doing when the title came out ahead of time through Famitsu, so I actually wrote up a post detailing the literal meaning in Japanese and how I arrived to my personal translation of it. It's one of the more obtusely fun titles in the series Atlus has thrown out and it was a good mental exercise to try and come up with what I did.


Flux, you did a marvelous job. I should have taken this week off and just watched the world burn with you!

Maybe next time. (゚▽゚*)♪

My Ken subs are up, by the way. Sorry for the wait! Golden Arena mode will be done after I get a nap in~

It's almost certainly too wordy to be used in an official localization, but since I don't have to be concerned about that fun stuff, I just went a little nuts with it. Some people on Tumblr were actually curious what I would end up doing when the title came out ahead of time through Famitsu, so I actually wrote up a post detailing the literal meaning in Japanese and how I arrived to my personal translation of it. It's one of the more obtusely fun titles in the series Atlus has thrown out and it was a good mental exercise to try and come up with what I did.

Awesome sauce! Your work is really appreciated.


It's almost certainly too wordy to be used in an official localization, but since I don't have to be concerned about that fun stuff, I just went a little nuts with it. Some people on Tumblr were actually curious what I would end up doing when the title came out ahead of time through Famitsu, so I actually wrote up a post detailing the literal meaning in Japanese and how I arrived to my personal translation of it. It's one of the more obtusely fun titles in the series Atlus has thrown out and it was a good mental exercise to try and come up with what I did.

It's interesting in regards to the word "中二病" that you didn't make a reference to "Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai", which basically revolves around a slightly exaggerated take on the concept and had two anime adaptations pretty recently.


Flux, you did a marvelous job. I should have taken this week off and just watched the world burn with you!

Maybe next time. (゚▽゚*)♪

My Ken subs are up, by the way. Sorry for the wait! Golden Arena mode will be done after I get a nap in~

ooh that Shadow Ken comment hurts.

Also love the your translation of the title, fits Ken and Koro perfectly.


@iiotenki on Twitter!
It's interesting in regards to the word "中二病" that you didn't make a reference to "Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai", which basically revolves around a slightly exaggerated take on the concept and had two anime adaptations pretty recently.

I'm aware of the show, but like I wrote in the post, generally prefer to keep referential humor away from my translation output, if mainly to keep my work somewhat timeless and not beholden to period-specific knowledge just general dialect stuff and whatnot. Not that I could have anyway because I haven't seen it and it doesn't really look like my cup of tea anyway! :D!

But yeah, it's a neat term. Japanese slang is really fun in ways that are a nightmare to translate well and sometimes the best solution in cases like that is to just not tackle it head on at all. Anybody with a little studying under the belt and a dictionary can handle it literally, but I think it takes a little more experience and instinct as a writer in general to give it the right sort of polish. Not that I'm perfect by any stretch, of course, but yeah.


I'm aware of the show, but like I wrote in the post, generally prefer to keep referential humor away from my translation output, if mainly to keep my work somewhat timeless and not beholden to period-specific knowledge just general dialect stuff and whatnot. Not that I could have anyway because I haven't seen it and it doesn't really look like my cup of tea anyway! :D!

But yeah, it's a neat term. Japanese slang is really fun in ways that are a nightmare to translate well and sometimes the best solution in cases like that is to just not tackle it head on at all. Anybody with a little studying under the belt and a dictionary can handle it literally, but I think it takes a little more experience and instinct as a writer in general to give it the right sort of polish. Not that I'm perfect by any stretch, of course, but yeah.

I meant referencing it in your notes, not the translation itself. It provides a good idea of the concept to those who are aware of recent anime, at least. :p
So my friend already went away and we saw the P3 movie, played some P4A and watched some of the P4AU trailers.

Man, the movie was AMAZING! This movie made me like Makoto way more than before. All of the other characters kinda seem more likeable here than in the game for some reason.
I'm really glad Jack Frost appeared.
They managed to find a balance between weapons and Personas (even though I think Akihiko didn't use his fists). I really enjoyed all of the Social Link cameos, although Kenji seemed more different than his game counterpart. The Fuuka and Natsuki relationship was handled better. And I love
the Aigis bit in the end.

Three questions:
Which person was the one that made Makoto able to summon Jack Frost from the Magician arcana: Kenji or Junpei?
2-During the train sequence,
Junpei seemed out of SP to summon his Persona, but after Makoto starts absorbing the ice attacks with Jack Frost, Junpei somehow is able to summon his Persona one more time. How was he able to do that?
3- At the beginning of the movie,
Makoto threw himself at the moving train, what the hell was that?

And about the P4AU trailer of Ken, I can't believe he is popular enough that he has his own fanclub at school lol His IK looks so amazing. Can't wait to play as him.


Three questions:
Which person was the one that made Makoto able to summon Jack Frost from the Magician arcana: Kenji or Junpei?
2-During the train sequence,
Junpei seemed out of SP to summon his Persona, but after Makoto starts absorbing the ice attacks with Jack Frost, Junpei somehow is able to summon his Persona one more time. How was he able to do that?
3- At the beginning of the movie,
Makoto threw himself at the moving train, what the hell was that?


1. Pretty sure Kenji wasn't in P3M #1.
2. Strength of will. One last attempt out of desperation.
3. That never happened. An Apathy Syndrome victim did.


@iiotenki on Twitter!
I meant referencing it in your notes, not the translation itself. It provides a good idea of the concept to those who are aware of recent anime, at least. :p

Ah, true true. Yeah, that one just slipped my mind. My brain was kind of dead after writing up all of that because I don't usually proactively think that much about my translation process step by step that as soon as I was done writing I was like, "I don't wanna see this again!" and just posted it without going through the usual editing. Actually kind of a miracle that it came out coherent since I'm notoriously bad about making little grammar mistakes when I have to keep juggling languages like that, but I digress~


He was during the scene early on in the arcade with Junpei

That's what I had thought at first, but then I looked back and that looked nothing like Kenji. Let me pop it in to check right now...

Edit: Yeah, I was wrong, that was Kenji. Though, I only know that because Junpei calls him "Tomochika"; I don't think they really did justice to how he actually looks.


That's what I had thought at first, but then I looked back and that looked nothing like Kenji. Let me pop it in to check right now...

It's Kenji. He's even referenced by name.

I'm pretty sure that was Kenji as well. I just think they redesigned him a bit.

His eye/hair color are wrong. He has grey eyes and lighter brown hair instead of the dark brown hair and eyes he should have. That's probably why nobody recognizes him.

Ah, true true. Yeah, that one just slipped my mind. My brain was kind of dead after writing up all of that because I don't usually proactively think that much about my translation process step by step that as soon as I was done writing I was like, "I don't wanna see this again!" and just posted it without going through the usual editing. Actually kind of a miracle that it came out coherent since I'm notoriously bad about making little grammar mistakes when I have to keep juggling languages like that, but I digress~

Yeeeeah I can see grammar being a total bitch when your head is probably screaming at you to stop. >_>;
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