After escaping their run in with The Law, our heroes settled on discussing the events of last night the next day at school.
In front of the school gates, MC-kun runs into his next party member: Yosuke Hana- Leo Asahina (CV: Yuri Yosukethall). Whatever, I've given up on being surprised at this point.
(Just pretend this is an AU where Yosuke is actually friends with Makoto). It's funny cause Erin at least tried to act like Chie wasn't actually Chie even if her voice gives it away at times, but Yuri is pretty much Yosuke with no attempt at hiding it.
Labrys quickly joins the group and they exchange pleasantries. Yosuke tells them about the rumor going around that the Axe guy from before was spotted at the park and almost got caught by the police, but vanished without a trace which spooks Labrys. As it turns out though, Yosuke is the curious type and is way too into stuff like that.
Yosuke also happens to be a compulsive TV shopping network watcher.
Yosuke: Take a look at this! It's a spirit detector! When there's something nearby, it starts moving!
MC-kun: Why on Earth would you buy something like that?
Labrys: Oh, I remember seeing that on a late-night infomercial. They had a two-for-6500 yen deal!
Yosuke: Then you know why I had to get one!
Right, right.
Yosuke proceeds to show off his new Ghost detector (which is just an app he got for his phone). MC-kun is unamused. It was 105 yen. Labrys is amazed at what a good deal it was. Laughs are had. MC-kun is still not amused, so Yosuke uses the app there to show how good it works and detects a "ghost" standing right near them. MC-kun tells him to cut it off cause he's scaring poor Labrys, but Yosuke soon has to run off and tells them not to make plans for that evening so they can go on a ghost hunt. Labrys comments on how she's jealous that Yosuke and MC-kun are long time friends, to which he replies:
Ice-cold, bruddah. The two head off into school, but not before they have a tender exchange about him walking too fast and her walking too slow.
Once inside, Chie grills them about their little ghost hunt with Yosuke later, which MC-kun emphasizes that he never agreed on going. He quickly changes the subject back to yesterday, and asks Chie to explain what was going on. She starts her story with her going for her morning job before she ran into a creepy salaryman (those guys have it rough).
The hell Chie, he hadn't even done anything!
Oh, that justifies it then.
That's quite the style.
So anyway, the gist of her story is that she was about to die and ended up at the Weapon Shop, where Sexygor gave her the same ultimatum as MC-kun. This all happened two days ago. Two prove this, she brandishes her weapons and shows us her Persona in the middle of the classroom.
However, she realizes too late that this was a bad idea, and everyone in the classroom starts screaming. A random student calls the police, which get there in no time and put our heroes under custody. In hindsight, Chie probably should have thought that showing off a demon was not something she should do in a room full of people, but oh well. Not everyone has a happy ending.
Ah c'mon, I'm allowed to have
some creative freedom, right?
After Chie got her Mind, the store vanished and the creep was on the ground. She'd been saved by some old guy, 30 years old or so. C'mon Chie, 30 isn't THAT old. He told her that if the cops find out about their Minds, they'll get arrested for some reason. She ran into MC-kun and Labrys the next day while looking for the old man.
Yosuke rejoins the group at the worst time and overhears part of the conversation.
Smooth, real smooth.
Not one to let things go, he coerces the others to join him on his ghost hunt after school in exchange for not blabbing about anything. Labrys can't go because some scientist honcho is gonna give a lecture to her class. Damn.
Next time on MIND≒0, to the park.
And our first dungeon!