P5 featuring dyslexic MC confirmed.
Perosna 5 : You are salve, want emasculation?
P5 featuring dyslexic MC confirmed.
PQ spoilers for a funny side thing
*some PQ pics*
I hope that's no spoilery, even if it's just a joke.
Spoiler rule in full effect, I see.
scene pictures
Stop posting pictures of in-game scenes. People will want to experience this in the game for themselves, and in context.
Good lord, it's been two bloody days.
I knew the policy wouldn't hold I just wondered how quickly it'd be breached.
I think I'm going to ask a mod to add "No PQ or P4U spoilers allowed!" or something in the title. Good idea?
Just to be sure: do you mean a fight pad or a fight stick? I don't have any experience with the former, but if you're talking about a fight stick, personally, I couldn't imagine going back to a controller for FG's. I find that a fight stick makes anything where you need to reliably hit the corner much easier, like instant airdashes and tiger knee motions. I also love how since I main Yukiko and sub SLab, I never have to change controls to use them on a fight stick, since Yukiko has combos that have you hold A and B, and SLab needs to be able to hold D to have Asterius block. On a pad, I would have to map those buttons to L1 and/or R1 to make it work, but on a fight stick one button config works for every character.
That's not to say you need a fight stick to do well though, since there's top players who play on a pad. Wolfkrone actually had a nasty pad C. Viper in SFIV, who is an extremely technical character who I believe is also pretty reliant on TK's (though Wolfkrone did finally switch to a stick).
BTW, are you on a better connection over the summer? I wouldn't mind playing you in P4A again if you're ever up for it.
So movie 2 ends withhuh. I guess one per season is actually feasible, especially given the naming conventions we have so far with a season in the title. I can't wait to actually get to see this one!Shinjiro's death
Did someone say Fightpad? This is my main area lol.
Basically a fightpad has the button layout of a fightstick in the form of a controller. If you ever played a game on the Sega Saturn you probably have a solid idea what a fightpad looks like already, since they're extremely similar. Like a fightstick you have 8 buttons, just that two of them are located on the shoulders rather than on the front. Dpad is the main input method, but most fightpads have a switch on them to choose if you're controlling Left Stick/Dpad/Right Stick, just like a fightstick.
Saturn controller
For comparison, a Madcatz pad vs a Madcatz stick
If you really want one, Madcatz and Hori are your best bets. Avoid PDP brand, I have little positive to say about those lol. Importing a PS2 Saturn Pad and getting a reliable PS2/USB converter works too, though is much more expensive. Those PS2 Saturn pads are in high demand for good reason though, things seem to be excellent controllers.
Of course like Hao Chi said, you can do perfectly fine on a normal controller. Top players in several games go with the standard remote. Heck, TWILT over here does Dante combos on dualshock in Marvel 3 (that shit isn't easy lol). It's really all a matter of what you feel more comfortable with. Depending on the game I use fightpad or Dualshock, but I'm trying to ease into making my Fightpad my go-to for all of my fighting games, just simply to have a proper standard.
I had half an essay written up, but I forgot to actually post my reply, and it's not needed anymore.
Whether or not buying a stick makes sense for you personally depends on your current level of comfort with stick and your long-term goals in the genre. Playing on stick is going to make more things easier than they would be on pad than the opposite (especially if you don't use a claw grip), but if you don't intend to make a serious commitment towards fighting games, you don't want an expensive piece of equipment taking up space in the house. Alternatively, if execution on your current pad is already not an obstacle, stick with what you know - learning stick back up to that level is going to take a lot of time away from working on other stuff.
I didn't think that was considered spoilers, but I will take that into consideration and not post any more PQ pictures in here, sorry guys.
Can you guys edit out the pics from your responses?
I think I'm going to ask a mod to add "No PQ or P4U spoilers allowed!" or something in the title. Good idea?
I think I'm going to ask a mod to add "No PQ or P4U spoilers allowed!" or something in the title. Good idea?
I think I'm going to ask a mod to add "No PQ or P4U spoilers allowed!" or something in the title. Good idea?
Also, let me know here if you plan on posting pictures from the games on Twitter, so I can temporarily unfollow you.
I was thinking this too. No hard feelings, like, I just want to go in fresh.
You know you can mute people on Twitter without unfollowing, right?
You know you can mute people on Twitter without unfollowing, right?
Will I still be able to see their tweets that they send to me if I do that?
Only direct messages, not @ replies.
Not even under Notifications?
Only direct messages, not @ replies.
They'll appear in notifications, but not your timeline.
More info here:
It was definitely a fight stick I was talking about, I didn't even know there was a difference to be honestAlso yeah I just moved back home like 2 days ago, so I have a much more stable connection. I'd be down for playing anytime.
Thanks, I was looking at a Madcatz one, but since I'm decent enough on a controller, I didn't know if would be a waste of time. I think I'm going to get a little more practice in with my friend's stick before I buy one though.
I guess I didn't think of how much use I would get out of it outside of Arena and Ultimax heh. I'm decent enough on the DS3, but sometimes I feel it restricts me quite a bit though. If I end up getting Xrd, I'll probably end up buying a Madcatz stick. Thanks for the reply though.
Pfft, I'm out of here the moment it's revealed. I don't want to see trailers, art, officially released screenshots, or even any speculation.I think I'm gonna have to take a break from PersonaGAF when P5 releases in Japan
On the other hand, I want to see and know everything about Persona 5 the moment information comes out. :V
You are slave
Excellent. I had fun fighting you, but the lag was pretty bad the one time we played.
Any chance you could borrow your friend's fight stick for a few days so you could get a good feel for it? Granted I got a fight stick shortly after I decided to really get into fighting games, so I didn't have as much pad experience, but after a few days I felt pretty competent on a fight stick. So maybe that'll be enough time for you to decide whether it's worth the investment for you.
I feel P4A is more pad-friendly that most other fighters, but it can still be done even for Xrd if you decide you prefer playing on a pad.
I shall spoil myself everything on Persona Q, Ultimax, Dancing All Night, and Persona 5. And then I shall lord over my throne knowing I know all the spoilersand can't discuss them at all.
I still never played you yet. I only entered your lobby and fought this really laggy match against some other guy.
Sadly I dunno if I even have a good connection with anyone here.
Uggh don't remind me, I still think it's dumb that they didn't include them in Persona Q for whatever reason.
I still never played you yet. I only entered your lobby and fought this really laggy match against some other guy.
Sadly I dunno if I even have a good connection with anyone here.
Oh yeah I remember that. Laggy people sometimes join my lobby, but I don't have the heart to kick them out lol. Like I told hao chi though, I'm home for the Summer now with a better connection, so I'm down to play anytime.