Is it you I have a consistent 3 bars with or is it TWILT? Might be the latter.
I think it's TWILT. My connection with both of you are similar.
I'll deal with it during P4A2 since it'll be new and fun.
Is it you I have a consistent 3 bars with or is it TWILT? Might be the latter.
Well you see, there's this thing called scope...
You say that, but here the thing, PK it's a crossover game in the series between games, and really in my opinion they should of been included from the start, it should of been a crossover the whole series, celebrating it. Not just between P3 and P4. And oh don't give me that their not "popular" enough to be part of it. Or did you forget of another crossover game that is coming from ATLUS as well.
Speaking of Persona 5, I really wish that we could skip a whole cutscenes with Start button in addition to fast-forwarding them with triangle (like in Radiant Historia, gosh I love that game).
Replaying P3 and P4 could be a chore in some parts because you have to watch a series of cutscenes again.
Speaking of Persona 5, I really wish that we could skip a whole cutscenes with Start button in addition to fast-forwarding them with triangle (like in Radiant Historia, gosh I love that game).
Replaying P3 and P4 could be a chore in some parts because you have to watch a series of cutscenes again.
Expect P4G's fast forward to be the best you'll get.
Michael close your mouth when you chew jesus
How does fast-forward works in P4G? I only play the one on PS2, so I don't know how it works.
How does fast-forward works in P4G? I only play the one on PS2, so I don't know how it works.
Speeds up the scenes like a fast forwarding on a video tape.
Also does Persona GAF know how many episodes Persona 4 The Golden Animation is getting? 24 eps like the original or compressed even worse to 13?
pls be at least 26
Hit start or select or whatever it is and it goes into super uber fast mode, speeding through the cutscene like you're fast-forwarding a VHS tape and only stopping for choice selects.
Speeds up the scenes like a fast forwarding on a video tape.
So you only have to hit the button once instead of keep holding it until a choice selection appears? I'm fine with that.
So you only have to hit the button once instead of keep holding it until a choice selection appears? I'm fine with that.
And it even has a chat/back log so you can check what they just said a moment ago, or repeat voiced dialogues.Yeah. You don't have to unhit it either for choice selections. It lets you select stuff while speeded up.
Yikes, so many people commenting about not wanting to see anything and getting spoiled!
I'm the weird one here: I want to get spoiled, and can't wait for that. Can't remember which was the last game* I bought where I went in unspoiled... and those which where offered by PS+, TVTropes ahoy after spending some time with them and getting to the midgame:lol
*I kinda have to remember, since it was just this week and haven't started it yet: Atelier Escha & Logy. Miraculously, I don't know anything about it, a first for a game I buy, and isn't offered on PS+
You say that, but here the thing, PK it's a crossover game in the series between games, and really in my opinion they should of included from the start, it should of been a crossover the whole series, celebrating it. Not just between P3 and P4. And oh don't give me that their not "popular" enough to be part of it. Or did you forget of another crossover game that is coming from ATLUS as well.
Popularity has nothing to do with it. There are practical considerations that must be considered. The time spent working on the game is finite. The budget is finite. There's a scope. Are you seriously trying to argue that Atlus should have incorporated all of the Persona games into PQ? Do you honestly expect them to hash out 40+ character models, and get voice acting for all of them? And that's not even considering the story and dialogue; how do you expect them to juggle that many characters at once? The script would literally balloon up in size.
And are you seriously vilifying PQ because it's not like SMT x FE? They're completely different games. Deriding one game for not being like another is the height of entitlement. Hell, we don't know a damn thing about SMT x FE, and i'm positive it won't have has much voice acting as PQ.
SMT X FE literally exists as a trailer made in PowerPoint and a Wikipedia entry at this point.
Yeah we don't even know what games are going to be in it or what system it is going to be for.
I wonder who is to blame for that? Atlus or Nintendo.
Can I post another screenshot if its not displayed unless you click it?
Yeah we don't even know what games are going to be in it or what system it is going to be for.
I wonder who is to blame for that? Atlus or Nintendo.
Yeah we don't even know what games are going to be in it or what system it is going to be for.
Er, it was explicitly announced as a Wii U game. It's in the title of the announcement trailer.
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Is Co-Developed By Nintendo And AtlusAtlus isn't making it I thought, so I'd put the blame on Nintendo.
TBF it's more of a teaser. would hope for more info at E3 but betting development only started after Persona Q went gold.Haha, well, shows how much I remember from that trailer.
BelieveI really hope we hear something about SMTxFE on Tuesday.
I still remember that. What a low moment for me
Thankfully I'm normally aware that people rarely likes spoilers, so I try to avoid that as much as any normal person would. I like reading spoilers and somewhat dislike using them myself, but will use them as they should. That, and I rarely post here, sadly
Plus, totally real reason why I dislike seeing spoilers in the forums? Since my data plan is capped at 1 gb and whenever I'm not home I use my phone to access gaf, I use Opera Mini. Awful if you want to see everything at once![]()
Hint: if you want to see a spoiler, the page will reload, and sometimes will even fail to properly show the spoiler; you must use the quote button to be able to read everything. Having said that, is there a way to completely disable spoilers in the forum?
Heads up notice for those who visit the IRC channel. Effective immediately, the channel is no longer open to spoilers. Originally, the plan was to gag the channel for a month or so upon the release of the new games. Both me and Ven have pretty much agreed that's not really feasible however given the incredibly long wait for Persona Q in North America/Europe. Anyone caught discussing spoilers in there will be given a warning first, then will be temporary removed from the channel for a short period of time.
If you wish to discuss spoilers in the chatroom, we've opened up a new channel called #pspoilers to facilitate this. There will be no rules here for spoilers, future or present, and anything goes as long as you're not being a jerk. For those of you already in the channel who wish to join it, type /join #pspoilers to enter in. A mibbit URL can be found here. if you wish to connect just to the spoilers channel.
I don't think its about popularity alone, Tatsuya is probably more popular than Junpei and Ken in Japan (assuming those character polls mean anything). P1 and P2 simply don't bring in the money and don't fit the direction that the series has went in. Marketing also plays a role, all of those P3 and P4 products market each other(someone who plays P4A but hasn't played P4G migt buy it. A 3DS owner who enjoys PQ may go see one of the P3 movies ect.) P1/P2 have no merchandise coming out this year. Maybe they could have made it if PQ was a thing around the same time they were remaking the games and shoehorning JPOP in them in a attempt to appeal to the modern persona fan.You say that, but here the thing, PK it's a crossover game in the series between games, and really in my opinion they should of been included from the start, it should of been a crossover the whole series, celebrating it. Not just between P3 and P4. And oh don't give me that their not "popular" enough to be part of it. Or did you forget of another crossover game that is coming from ATLUS as well.
That has characters from games over 2 decades old I might add. So really I think the "popularity" thing is pretty moot point if you ask me.
Popularity has nothing to do with it. There are practical considerations that must be considered. The time spent working on the game is finite. The budget is finite. There's a scope. Are you seriously trying to argue that Atlus should have incorporated all of the Persona games into PQ? Do you honestly expect them to hash out 40+ character models, and get voice acting for all of them? And that's not even considering the story and dialogue; how do you expect them to juggle that many characters at once? The script would literally balloon up in size.
And are you seriously vilifying PQ because it's not like SMT x FE? They're completely different games. Deriding one game for not being like another is the height of entitlement. Hell, we don't know a damn thing about SMT x FE, and i'm positive it won't have has much voice acting as PQ.
P3/4 spoilers still allowed in the chat, or is everything banned?
I'm not saying they should of thrown all the characters from the earlier games in there(that would be like you said, impractical) , but I don't think a few would of been hurtful to the final product.. And let's not forget that there have been other crossover games (Both inside series franchises and with other games) that have had a decently sized casts with character from all over the various eras of game series (like Final Fantasy Dissdia)
And no I'm not vilifying PQ because it's not like SMT X FE, the point I'm making is that there could of easily made it a crossover of the whole series instead of just P3 and P4, Why I used SMT X FE as an example was from the looks of it does include characters from the various eras of each of the two game series proper.
And really they could of made the game where they cherry picked characters from the whole series, to be in the game as playable party members. Instead of it just being a P3 X P4 crossover game. PQ to be quite frank is a fanservice game that isn't to be taken seriously, it has characters from two different games in the franchise joining forces, and they could of easily added P1/P2 characters into the mix as well.
I'm not saying they should of thrown all the characters from the earlier games in there(that would be like you said, impractical) , but I don't think a few would of been hurtful to the final product.. And let's not forget that there have been other crossover games (Both inside series franchises and with other games) that have had a decently sized casts with character from all over the various eras of game series (like Final Fantasy Dissdia)
And no I'm not vilifying PQ because it's not like SMT X FE, the point I'm making is that there could of easily made it a crossover of the whole series instead of just P3 and P4, Why I used SMT X FE as an example was from the looks of it does include characters from the various eras of each of the two game series proper.
And really they could of made the game where they cherry picked characters from the whole series, to be in the game as playable party members. Instead of it just being a P3 X P4 crossover game. PQ to be quite frank is a fanservice game that isn't to be taken seriously, it has characters from two different games in the franchise joining forces, and they could of easily added P1/P2 characters into the mix as well.
Thanks for the heads up. I trust there's a notice in the channel's banner, yes?
Do not think about it. I am just poking fun at you! I have still not completed the game.
Thanks for the heads up. I trust there's a notice in the channel's banner, yes?
The day DR2 gets released, I'm just going to try and avoid the web until I beat it. lol
Side note, but Dissidia isn't even really a fair comparison since that's not even Atlus. Square Enix and Atlus do things differently. Not to mention the games represented have 1-3 characters per game in 012 (4 if you count Aerith being the DLC assist character in VII's case), rather than just about the game's entire respective parties.
I'm not saying they should of thrown all the characters from the earlier games in there(that would be like you said, impractical) , but I don't think a few would of been hurtful to the final product.. And let's not forget that there have been other crossover games (Both inside series franchises and with other games) that have had a decently sized casts with character from all over the various eras of game series (like Final Fantasy Dissdia)
And no I'm not vilifying PQ because it's not like SMT X FE, the point I'm making is that there could of easily made it a crossover of the whole series instead of just P3 and P4, Why I used SMT X FE as an example was from the looks of it does include characters from the various eras of each of the two game series proper.
And really they could of made the game where they cherry picked characters from the whole series, to be in the game as playable party members. Instead of it just being a P3 X P4 crossover game. PQ to be quite frank is a fanservice game that isn't to be taken seriously, it has characters from two different games in the franchise joining forces, and they could of easily added P1/P2 characters into the mix as well.