Everyone knows that Narukami x Fridge is the only one true pairing in Persona. >_>;
>You open the fridge
>You spent a long time with the fridge
Everyone knows that Narukami x Fridge is the only one true pairing in Persona. >_>;
One year in Inaba is all it takes for a total swag makeover.
Edit: P3MC'S blue hair is also a plus. That's why Naoto is my favorite character in P4.
Oh SNAP! It's Shin Megami Etrian Tensei Persona Odyssey: Legends of the Titan 4
Source: ???
Wasn't there a theory about Makoto and Naoto being related?
No problem. Maybe people don't really relate to him, but you don't see protagonists with that kind of attitude as often as happy-go-luck ones so he's kinda memorable. You should really see the movie, it will help you understand his character, and there's more of him to come. You can also look out to see his characterization in PQ. I think another reason that people like him is because those people have started with P3 so they're more attached to him because of their first Persona experience. I'm sure other people here can give better explanations than me if you're still wondering.
I played as Minato/Makoto the first time j played P3. I saw him as a blank slate throughout the whole game, butthat he becomes my favorite character.the end struck me so hard
The same could be saif for FeMC. But since I played the male side first, the ending with FeMC doesn't feel as strong as the one with Makoto because I already know the ending.
For Yu, he's just well-loved by his friends that he doesn't really need more love from me (haven't finished P4 yet, but this is what I feel after seeing P4G's epilogue.)
Basically, P3MC is my favorite character not because of his personality, but his actionsespecially at the end of the game.
Edit: P3MC'S blue hair is also a plus. That's why Naoto is my favorite character in P4.
Actually, my first Persona game was Persona 3: FES! Even so, he's not my fav protagonist, so I can at least say I'm not being too biased.
In reality, after meeting the others (counting Tatsuya and Maya from P2 too), I think I became to like him a little less...
Still, I am looking forward to how he interacts in PQ!
I see where you are coming from,that's the biggest reason I like him, but it didn't struck me as hard because I didn't really care much for him during the most part of the game. Yu is truly loved by a lot of people, Minato, I think, is loved too, but that isn't as explicit as in P4, and only better conveyed in P3 endgame.
PS:Go team Naoto!
Thanks for the answers you guys!
Actually, my first Persona game was Persona 3: FES! Even so, he's not my fav protagonist, so I can at least say I'm not being too biased.
In reality, after meeting the others (counting Tatsuya and Maya from P2 too), I think I became to like him a little less...
Still, I am looking forward to how he interacts in PQ!
I see where you are coming from,that's the biggest reason I like him, but it didn't struck me as hard because I didn't really care much for him during the most part of the game. Yu is truly loved by a lot of people, Minato, I think, is loved too, but that isn't as explicit as in P4, and only better conveyed in P3 endgame.
>You open the fridge
>You spent a long time with the fridge
P3Fes Spoiler
Makoto is pretty well loved by his friends. The entire events of The Answer only happened because they couldn't accept that he was gone.
Oh really? Too bad. To be fair my first impression of Persona was the reveal video of PQ and the ones that stood out for me were Makoto, Yosuke, Mitsuru, Koromaru and Teddie. After playing both P3 and P4, I actually liked Makoto more since Yu became Mr. Perfect and pretty much everyone had to like him and was the most popular in school so I didn't feel inserting myself into his ''blank slate'' character, compared to Makoto who made good friends and was just a normal student. but that's just me. And yeah! I'm pretty excited about PQ.
Actually, this is prob my only concern with Makoto. Having only played the FES version, I disliked that Makoto almost had zero 'true' connections or shared some good moments with SEES outside of Yukari, Aigis, Koromaru and Junpei. Maybe Fuuka or Mitsuru due to their Social Links.So the ending of P3 didn't affected me that much since it only had Aigis compared to the whole farewell of the group in P4's ending.
Oh that's different! I met Persona when P3:FES was about to be released. Well, I feel like both of them are Mr. Perfect, really. They're good at everything they do, everyone admires them, everyone wants to be them. The difference is that Yu seems more... how to put it? Only looking at the official persona art he overflows personality to me hahaha, I sound kinda tacky but that's how I feel.
And it's true, not only him, but people in SEES, for me, seem so distant from each other, regardless living in the same place. I know the theme of the game is different from 4, but I think that was a good change.
I felt bad after doing that just to take some screenshots.
If I had one of those I'd probably do something silly with it. Probably having either my Raidou, Killer Queen, or a Gundam try to sit down and play it lol
Hmm, you're right, but I always felt Yu was more a show off compared to Makoto, haha.
And I agree with that, I mean, I think the only member of SEES who actually interacted with everyone was Koromaru. Koromaru should have been the protagonist of P3. Joking aside, even Yukari in one of the PQ videos said something along the lines of ''Despite living in the same place, we actually feel like coworkers to each other, unlike you [P4 gang]''.
I'll betcha Killer Queen's a cheap scrub who uses Yu, while Raidou mains Naoto all the way.
My Crazy Diamond would probably play Junpei, because he's cool enough to know who Da Man is.
Oh SNAP! It's Shin Megami Etrian Tensei Persona Odyssey: Legends of the Titan 4
Source: ???
Hey folks, so Erin is coming back on the podcast this Friday.If you have any questions be sure to post'em here!
Panelists for this one: Trueself, Pan, Keats, and that pleeb Libido of course.
I'll betcha Killer Queen's a gentleman who uses Yu, while Raidou mains Naoto all the way.
My Crazy Diamond would probably play Junpei, because he's cool enough to know who Da Man is.
Left my question there! Is it okay if it's 2 questions? I left 2 but if you can't, just pick any of them please![]()
Teddie's face looks mildly terrifying.Brilliant
Oh SNAP! It's Shin Megami Etrian Tensei Persona Odyssey: Legends of the Titan 4
Source: ???
P4AU website update showing screens from Episodeas well as the character's glasses and some alt colors.Adachi
P4AU website update showing screens from Episodeas well as the character's glasses and some alt colors.Adachi
P4AU website update showing screens from Episodeas well as the character's glasses and some alt colors.Adachi
Those glasses are dorky as hell.
As Dai brought to my attention in IRC, the middle colour is the Protag [Kyouji Kuzunoha?] from Devil Summoner
Knew I recognised it from somewhere. Buddha should be super happy now.
So much cuteness and awesomeness in one piece of artBrilliant
Oh SNAP! It's Shin Megami Etrian Tensei Persona Odyssey: Legends of the Titan 4
Source: ???
Hey guys i've just heard fromm another forum that apparently in the second film they make Makoto/Yukari the canon couple..
Again it's just what someone said but they apparently kiss on the beach in the film.
Also Makoto has new moments/interactions with aigis as well
Hey guys i've just heard fromm another forum that apparently in the second film they make Makoto/Yukari the canon couple..
Again it's just what someone said but they apparently kiss on the beach in the film.
Also Makoto has new moments/interactions with aigis as well
If you really want to know:The next trailer wasShinjis FuneralRouji standing at the bridge and the title for the next movie is Falling Down
It was really really good! The fights were really well animated and the fleshed more out of certain events while changing a few things. LikeAlso in regarding to your spoiler:the night beach scene at night during the trip and the summer festival.Beach scene has a nice cameo and sorta cameos there they also give Makoto a water gun to make him the leader.
Aigis was 5ballin8me,Especially her orgia mode and in her fighting debut
Hey folks, so Erin is coming back on the podcast this Friday.If you have any questions be sure to post'em here!
Panelists for this one: Trueself, Pan, Keats, and that pleeb Libido of course.
Hey guys i've just heard fromm another forum that apparently in the second film they make Makoto/Yukari the canon couple..
Again it's just what someone said but they apparently kiss on the beach in the film.
Also Makoto has new moments/interactions with aigis as well
That sounds like complete bullshit, to be honest.
Yeah i'm kinda hoping it is too. Here's where i found it, he said he has been to japan to see it himself
WARNING: This forum has spoilers!!
Post #116 by Enoshima_Junko
will beAdachiif you dont get the first print copies, for the japanese at DLC
will beAdachiif you dont get the first print copies, for the japanese at DLC
Also LOL gamefaqs.I wouldn't mind it at all, I'd actually kinda like it, but considering it seems like a pretty drastic change from what we've seen of their interactions in the P3 movie 1. If it said that it was a hug, then I would have believed it. A kiss is pretty damn hard to believe.