Persona Community Thread |OT5| Pull up a chair! [NO PQ OR P4U SPOILERS!]

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It's a PS1 game?

Oh, no, sorry, I meant "I don't know why this disconcerts me" not "I don't know why there's no voice acting." Why there's so little voice acting is fairly clear. Just not sure why it bugs me, haha.

Will P2 have scenes like P1 where people do talk, though?
Hey, it just occurred to me, but doesn't Ekichi's theme share a motif with the tune he sings in his demon negotiation skit?

Edit: Just checked, and they do! He sings over the Keyboard/Synth (?) loop


For people who don't frequent IRC (and/or don't pay attention to things I say there): If you're interested in getting any of the PS3 games in this upcoming week's PSN sale, I'll be hosting gameshare groups. Drop me a line if you want to save 83% on anything.

As of now, I plan on getting copies of Armored Core, DMC HD, MGS HD, Soul Calibur 5, Symphonia HD, and ZoE HD. Slots will definitely be open for those games.
Glad I ended up being able to play now that it's 16 players. I'm curious how I ended up in SEES though, since you haven't played with me. Did you just ask around about me, or assume I'm good from my Ultimax icon?

Not complaining or anything, just legitimately curious.

I have to say though, I'm not looking forward to the Yukari/Aigis match up with Shmeeb. Maybe I'll whip out my pocket Yu. :p
Yukari? You mean Yukiko? Or Larry. But yeah, looks like it's time to go practice blocking Yu and Chie blenders.


Welp, I'm officially overpowered. I just annihilate everything in my path (Kanji/Naoto/Yukiko). Naoto is just ridiculous since I gave her an accessory with like +30% SP and she's immune to reflected light/dark spells. And now I recover 5% SP a fight which is almost worth an entire mahamaon/mamudoon. And then Kanji has his Vile Assault/Severe Physical Damage attack that just annihilates everything too. Just sheer insanity.

I'm honestly looking forward to the game ending though, the dungeon crawling has truly become boring and there's little motivation to do any S. Links other than Yosuke because he's at level 9. I really hope in P5 they give you enough time from the beginning without New Game+ nonsense to complete every S. Link without need of a super strict guide.

Also the (mega endgame spoilers)
fog is really obnoxious. I get that's the point but uh.... can't they just wear the glasses and make it go away? I thought it was funny how they wear them once and then never again for some reason. I also understand the lack of music at this point in the game but I kind wish there was at least something. P3's best music is arguably the "final month" themes.

You think it's a good idea for
teenagers who have probably never been to an eye doctor to be seen around town suddenly wearing glasses 24/7?

I personally hope P5 goes the opposite route, and makes it impossible to max link everyone. I'd rather have links that continue for a long while instead of brick walling at the end so you then move to the next down a little check-list. Make that another benefit of game + where link status carries over to a point, or just have it be having "max" link with everyone status is having everyone's items at once.

And yes, this is coming from someone who's only ever done max link runs, and would feel horrible if I missed out on any for any reason. :p

A PGAF P4 Arena Tournament. Dammit, I wish i checked this thread earlier. I take it all the places are full?

Oh well, I guess i'll enter the next one. Twlight, Crazytank, bruce, buddha, and the rest of the IRC crew, I'll be cheering for you. Represent :)


Neo Member
You think it's a good idea for
teenagers who have probably never been to an eye doctor to be seen around town suddenly wearing glasses 24/7?

I personally hope P5 goes the opposite route, and makes it impossible to max link everyone. I'd rather have links that continue for a long while instead of brick walling

Yea i agree it was pretty annoying brick walling with s.links especially when it was the girlfriend route. Going to your house and them telling you they "love you" was got pretty old.


Playing Marvel clearly.




Does anyone now if Vita save games will carry over from physical copy to digital? I am thinking about buying P4G during this golden week sale, so I can trade in my physical copy, but I don't want to lose my saves.
You think it's a good idea for
teenagers who have probably never been to an eye doctor to be seen around town suddenly wearing glasses 24/7?

I personally hope P5 goes the opposite route, and makes it impossible to max link everyone. I'd rather have links that continue for a long while instead of brick walling at the end so you then move to the next down a little check-list. Make that another benefit of game + where link status carries over to a point, or just have it be having "max" link with everyone status is having everyone's items at once.

And yes, this is coming from someone who's only ever done max link runs, and would feel horrible if I missed out on any for any reason. :p

The cutoff points suck balls too. I missed out on Yosuke's and Dojima's max link both by one day. Which means we're apparently not close enough for them to
yang out on the 2nd to last day
. Okay Atlus.



Does anyone now if Vita save games will carry over from physical copy to digital? I am thinking about buying P4G during this golden week sale, so I can trade in my physical copy, but I don't want to lose my saves.

Don't have the answer myself (I'm sure someone will), but I'd suggest to use content manager to backup those save/ the software on the system for the physical version of the game.


Don't have the answer myself (I'm sure someone will), but I'd suggest to use content manager to backup those save/ the software on the system for the physical version of the game.

Nearly 100% positive they do, but then again my saves are stored on the cloud due to PS+, so that may effect things.

Does anyone now if Vita save games will carry over from physical copy to digital? I am thinking about buying P4G during this golden week sale, so I can trade in my physical copy, but I don't want to lose my saves.
Just use the cloud saves and transfer it over, it's free for non plus members now too.

Does anyone now if Vita save games will carry over from physical copy to digital? I am thinking about buying P4G during this golden week sale, so I can trade in my physical copy, but I don't want to lose my saves.
I'm pretty sure they do, because when you remove the game, the icon remains and so does the save (From what I have experienced you can't have a save without the icon for Vita games).
Anyway, you should just copy it to a computer like LX_Theo suggested to be completely sure :D
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