By all means. If your financial situation is such that a few dollars isn't going to impose on you, definitely buy it on your own account. If you're perpetually broke, though, I think it's a net positive that you play it now and buy it at some point in the future once you're less broke.
If I can find a way to pay you (we already talked about how Paypal was not easy for me) then I'm in. Idk if there's anything you'd accept though, because I sure can't think of anything
So the other day someone put in the thread this funny photoshop:
So I decided to draw it in HD to see if it looked cool enough. Im also thinking of doing something similar with Seinfeld as the other day people were talking about it personafied.
So I decided to draw it in HD to see if it looked cool enough. Im also thinking of doing something similar with Seinfeld as the other day people were talking about it personafied..
So the other day someone put in the thread this funny photoshop:
So I decided to draw it in HD to see if it looked cool enough. Im also thinking of doing something similar with Seinfeld as the other day people were talking about it personafied.
That forever young waifu!
I want to try, apart of the battle scenes, some dialog scenes for the seinfeld parody. Maybe it takes more time than I think (it always happens to me lol).
I started trying to mimic the one from the original screen, but it was too difficult to discern the objects, so I decided to look multiple videos of the third block in Tartarus to get good shots of the background. Then I drew them as they were with basic color forms and added some gradient tools for the shadows here and there.
Not too difficult, but tedious.
Yeah, I remember Reggie playing Punch-out!! against Geoff Keighley, he could have a similar body build of a boxer and Im pretty sure Next Level Games used a little bit of him to make Mr. Sandman's new version, so it was clear to use Little Mac's boxing gloves.
That forever young waifu!
I want to try, apart of the battle scenes, some dialog scenes for the seinfeld parody. Maybe it takes more time than I think (it always happens to me lol).
Oh man, you are inmensily good doing soejima style art, im sure your parody would turn better than mine. Going to still try though, and I would love to also see yours!
Oh man, you are inmensily good doing soejima style art, im sure your parody would turn better than mine. Going to still try though, and I would love to also see yours!
So I decided to draw it in HD to see if it looked cool enough. Im also thinking of doing something similar with Seinfeld as the other day people were talking about it personafied.
There's still a chance it's multiple games right? I was always slightly more interested in DDS than Nocturne... though I'll play the hell out of either of them.
There's still a chance it's multiple games right? I was always slightly more interested in DDS than Nocturne... though I'll play the hell out of either of them.