So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.

So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.
Have we decided this week's character yet? If not, I'll nominate Mitsuru.
So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet.
At this point I would just like confirmation that it is still coming out, Vita and all.So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.
At this point I would just like confirmation that it is still coming out, Vita and all.
Man I just did the accomplice ending and now I feel like an asshole.
I wanna play the fuck out of it.So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.
Have we decided this week's character yet? If not, I'll nominate Mitsuru.
Have we decided this week's character yet? If not, I'll nominate Mitsuru.
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In about a month, guaranteed.
So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.
Was JoJo inspired by Persona?!?
So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.
So I've started NG+ for P3P. I really do wish this game had the presentation that FES has, and I really do hope that the hypothetical definitive version is like that.
Our leading lad and lady this time are Joshua Bravo and Clara Tokiwa. Joshua being the significant but not blatant reference to the hero's ultimate role. Clara because shucks I love her. The operative role for Josh is literally "What Would Jesus Do? (If Jesus was a Harem Protagonist)" so basically I'm going for working in mysterious ways. Clara is Clara and she'll wreck your shit if you mess with her homegirls. Also, "inspired" by The Golden Anime, both protagonists are aware that this is New Game +. So far, all that has translated to isan attempt to get Ikutsuki to fuck off.
Can't believe how broken my characters are already, though. Like, I didn't think that P3P would carry over any more into NG+ than P4G does. Yet here I am with 500+ HP at level 90. Josh doesn't have any weapons since his save data is also based upon the old Clara file (since the previous male file was a NG+ that had way too much cool stuff), but Clara has access to basically the most pimped out naginata in the game already. She did like, 700+ damage to those poor shadows on the first floor of Tartar sauce. And mind you that I'm still using the game-issued Persona. Once I get access to the Compendium I'll be summoning up my best Personas and that'll be that.
^By Goodstyle
^By Setsu00 1
^By Setsu00 2
^By Arue
^By names2hard4you
^By Chet Rippo
^By Reanimatoin
^By ludwig van
^By Dantis 1
^By Dantis 2
^By Dantis 3
^Why did I do this
Are you gonna be recounting their stories again? Because those were hella entertaining.
And yeah, P3 totally botches the NG+ concept. The main allure of NG+ for Persona is playing through the same game with maxed out personality traits, your Persona compendium, and your slink items.
What's funny is that P3FES does it right, but only if you have the original Persona 3 save file.
I'd give it a shot if we were going for P5 protag week.
I'll participate in either, but a P5 protagonist week would surely just be a "Post your original character" week.
I'm against P5 simply because it's hard to come up with something that fits a game that you haven't seen yet. We should at least wait until we have some material to actually work with and then do a P5 OC week.
I'll participate in either, but a P5 protagonist week would surely just be a "Post your original character" week.
I'm disappointed artists this talented could be so unimiginative.
I sound like a broken record at this point, but screw it. If OC week comes before Junpei week then I am going to have some very stern words for the lot of you.
I sound like a broken record at this point, but screw it. If OC week comes before Junpei week then I am going to have some very stern words for the lot of you.
If P5MC week is happening, I'll try to draw Junpei and P5MC. I noticed that you have been nominating Junpei week for a number of times.
I second the request for Da Man week