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Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)

PK Gaming

So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.



Congrats Dantis!

So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet.

What I'm looking out for is the confirmation of playable characters, since there are some members of the P4 Investigation team that have not been 100% confirmed yet. (playable Naoto or riot!)

Following that, I'm also eager to find out the variety of costumes available etc (hoping for a substantial amount since it's a dancing game and all)


So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.
At this point I would just like confirmation that it is still coming out, Vita and all.
At this point I would just like confirmation that it is still coming out, Vita and all.

Well to be fair I believe 1 or 2 episodes ago in P4GA they put up a shot of an ad with Kanamin's design from P4D. I feel like that there was used as a little reminder that it is still coming. And plus P4AU is coming first in Japan. They are probably going to start putting out more info for it in the coming weeks.


Yeah, with Ultimax launching later next week, we will officially be in a period where for the first time in almost a year Atlus will have nothing new to tease us with(how many weeks have we had updates, first with Persona Q, then when that was almost out they started Ultimax). I would be shocked if we don't see anything about P4D the first week of September, honestly.

That they haven't started showing anything new at all this close to Ultimax coming out is interesting though, as it does break the pattern they did with PQ. Can only wonder if there's some story ramifications for why we haven't(Labrys being in P4D omg/P5 MC is Sho), or if they really just want to keep things separate. If it's the latter, I guess I wouldn't be too shocked if they have nothing new to show for a bit. We have, what, 7 more months before P5 was slated to be released?

Man I just did the accomplice ending and now I feel like an asshole.

It's why I can never do things like this in games. I tend to get too emotionally attached in stories I read, which is ok, but because of that I can never just turn it off and be the asshole. :p

Went through all of Mass Effect without once choosing a renegade option, even in all the playthroughs of the series I did.
Woah, that Mitsuru looks awesome.

Even though I haven't got a clue in drawing (and I tried it, but my hands (?) are too clumsy? Nah, it's just me) I plan on participating, too! Think I'll make some QUALITY ANIMATION versions of characters- that would be fun to do
until I grow tired of it

Welp, I'll try to finish Persona 2 IS in the meantime.


So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.
I wanna play the fuck out of it.


I was excited because my persona5.jp program finally notified me of a change to the website code itself....

But it was just a modification of the Google bits.:/ Still, something changed!

<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/viewthroughconversion/970011990/?value=0&amp;guid=ON&amp;script=0"/>
var google_conversion_id = 970011990;

Last modified date of today. Hmm.


Might as well post that this morning, I realized p-ch.jp/movie no longer works (as well as p-ch.jp/ad, which gave a 403 previously). Pretty sure they were working yesterday, or the day before.


So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.

It looks like it'll basically be like the Project Diva games except with Persona. If it'll be that, it's going to be awesome.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Enjoying my second run through of P3. Fuuka has joined SEES, and has told me to use Mudo skills, so it's all good.

Consider me well and truly aboard the P4D hype train. No concerns from me about canon-status and all that jazz. I like rhythm games, I like Persona, ergo, I'm confident I will like this game.


So I've started NG+ for P3P. I really do wish this game had the presentation that FES has, and I really do hope that the hypothetical definitive version is like that.

Our leading lad and lady this time are Joshua Bravo and Clara Tokiwa. Joshua being the significant but not blatant reference to the hero's ultimate role. Clara because shucks I love her. The operative role for Josh is literally "What Would Jesus Do? (If Jesus was a Harem Protagonist)" so basically I'm going for working in mysterious ways. Clara is Clara and she'll wreck your shit if you mess with her homegirls. Also, "inspired" by The Golden Anime, both protagonists are aware that this is New Game +. So far, all that has translated to is
an attempt to get Ikutsuki to fuck off.

Can't believe how broken my characters are already, though. Like, I didn't think that P3P would carry over any more into NG+ than P4G does. Yet here I am with 500+ HP at level 90. Josh doesn't have any weapons since his save data is also based upon the old Clara file (since the previous male file was a NG+ that had way too much cool stuff), but Clara has access to basically the most pimped out naginata in the game already. She did like, 700+ damage to those poor shadows on the first floor of Tartar sauce. And mind you that I'm still using the game-issued Persona. Once I get access to the Compendium I'll be summoning up my best Personas and that'll be that.
So what are everyone's thoughts on P4D? Haven't heard that many people talk about it yet. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I like rhythm games, and I love P4 music, so this seems like something I'd enjoy.

I want to see how stupid ever else looks in their dancer outfits and how stupid the main story is almost guaranteed to be. Should be fun.

PK Gaming

So I've started NG+ for P3P. I really do wish this game had the presentation that FES has, and I really do hope that the hypothetical definitive version is like that.

Our leading lad and lady this time are Joshua Bravo and Clara Tokiwa. Joshua being the significant but not blatant reference to the hero's ultimate role. Clara because shucks I love her. The operative role for Josh is literally "What Would Jesus Do? (If Jesus was a Harem Protagonist)" so basically I'm going for working in mysterious ways. Clara is Clara and she'll wreck your shit if you mess with her homegirls. Also, "inspired" by The Golden Anime, both protagonists are aware that this is New Game +. So far, all that has translated to is
an attempt to get Ikutsuki to fuck off.

Can't believe how broken my characters are already, though. Like, I didn't think that P3P would carry over any more into NG+ than P4G does. Yet here I am with 500+ HP at level 90. Josh doesn't have any weapons since his save data is also based upon the old Clara file (since the previous male file was a NG+ that had way too much cool stuff), but Clara has access to basically the most pimped out naginata in the game already. She did like, 700+ damage to those poor shadows on the first floor of Tartar sauce. And mind you that I'm still using the game-issued Persona. Once I get access to the Compendium I'll be summoning up my best Personas and that'll be that.

Are you gonna be recounting their stories again? Because those were hella entertaining.

And yeah, P3 totally botches the NG+ concept. The main allure of NG+ for Persona is playing through the same game with maxed out personality traits, your Persona compendium, and your slink items.

What's funny is that P3FES does it right, but only if you have the original Persona 3 save file.


Are you an army of idiots?

Alrighty, lets get the show on the road:

^By Goodstyle

^By Setsu00 1

^By Setsu00 2

^By Arue

^By names2hard4you

^By Chet Rippo

^By Reanimatoin

^By ludwig van

^By Dantis 1

^By Dantis 2

^By Dantis 3

^Why did I do this

If I missed anyone, please tell me cuz I may have missed some in almost 50 pages of history :p

OK, I haven't decided on this weeks mode, what do you think guys?

BTW, to keep track of art next time, if you complete a piece, please PM it to me so I have it in an easy to find place! Dunno why it took me till just now to think of that.


Buddha, someone suggested that you just have everyone tag their post with something for the week. I don't know how that works, but for example the tag could just be NaotoWeek in the post, if I'm getting that right. Seems like it'd be easiest.


I dunno that I really like that idea so much, but if enough people are up for it, then I'd do it ASAP before we get info on the game and an actual protag.


Are you gonna be recounting their stories again? Because those were hella entertaining.

And yeah, P3 totally botches the NG+ concept. The main allure of NG+ for Persona is playing through the same game with maxed out personality traits, your Persona compendium, and your slink items.

What's funny is that P3FES does it right, but only if you have the original Persona 3 save file.

I might, if I can find a way to make it different and entertaining.

I don't really mind roflstomping my way through this playthrough, though. I mean, I think P4G has a great means of balancing it, but I don't mind doing it this way. Saves me from ever needing to grind ever.


I thought the new episode for P4GA was pretty good, if only for Adachi. Adachi is the only good thing in the anime so far actually.

And seriously, this anime takes the metaphysical thing so far that it's kind of embarrassing. The POWER OF FRIENDSHIP mumbo-jumbo...


Great job to those who participated! Of course Dantis would have the most contribution :p

I nominate Mitsuru week because I'm bad at making up my own character.


I'm against P5 simply because it's hard to come up with something that fits a game that you haven't seen yet. We should at least wait until we have some material to actually work with and then do a P5 OC week.


I'll participate in either, but a P5 protagonist week would surely just be a "Post your original character" week.

Sort of... I'd imagine they'd need to make a reasonable attempt at something they think could work effectively with the current information. A design that has some inspiration from the themes we know about so far.


I'm against P5 simply because it's hard to come up with something that fits a game that you haven't seen yet. We should at least wait until we have some material to actually work with and then do a P5 OC week.

I'll participate in either, but a P5 protagonist week would surely just be a "Post your original character" week.

I'm disappointed artists this talented could be so unimiginative.
We have the color red and black, we have the whole freeing yourself theme going on. I could work with that. Each one has a different interpretation of what the game is going to be based on what little we got, I think that on it's own would make for a pretty awesome "let's draw" week. Also because I'm not so good at drawing stuff out of my own head, it would take me out of my comfort zone.
I sound like a broken record at this point, but screw it. If OC week comes before Junpei week then I am going to have some very stern words for the lot of you.


I sound like a broken record at this point, but screw it. If OC week comes before Junpei week then I am going to have some very stern words for the lot of you.

If P5MC week is happening, I'll try to draw Junpei and P5MC. I noticed that you have been nominating Junpei week for a number of times.
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