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Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)


Yeah, I really like that shot too. I'm still dissapointed that they didn't show any cutscenes in Yosuke's or Yukiko's trailers.

Maybe they'll get awesome entrances in the console opening, which we should be getting on Wednesday. We should also be getting the standard Atlus spoiler warning for the game on Monday or Tuesday.

PK Gaming


Man... Theo is so butthurt in the newest trailer.

Dude needs to learn how to hold his salt.


Man... Theo is so butthurt in the newest trailer.

Dude needs to learn how to hold his salt.

Apparently, Margaret's telling him to get her 100 drinks. As the youngest sibling, I imagine he's had to suffer quite a bit at the hands of his older sisters.

Or his whole part in the game's story will be about how he wants to become a playable character.


Is it me or does Theo's shadows and overall art look worse than Margaret's? Like it wasn't fully finished.

It could be the lighting. But I think it's because Theo doesn't have long hair covering his face, therefore there is less shadow on his face.
Is it me or does Theo's shadows and overall art look worse than Margaret's? Like it wasn't fully finished.

now that you mentioned it, I cannot unsee it. I wouldn't say worse, but his lines seem to be thicker and darker, the skin color is whiter, yet the shadows are darker... Maybe different artists?
Maybe they'll get awesome entrances in the console opening, which we should be getting on Wednesday. We should also be getting the standard Atlus spoiler warning for the game on Monday or Tuesday.
Oh yeah, forgot about that. Really excited to see the full opening.
Is it me or does Theo's shadows and overall art look worse than Margaret's? Like it wasn't fully finished.
Aren't Theo's portraits imported from P3P? Elizabeth also looks kinda weird compared to Margaret to me.
Apparently, Margaret's telling him to get her 100 drinks. As the youngest sibling, I imagine he's had to suffer quite a bit at the hands of his older sisters.

Or his whole part in the game's story will be about how he wants to become a playable character.

"Hey guys, I'm canon. Can I be a playable character now? ...No? :("


Ohhh burnnn. At least he's not alone, Igor is together with Theo as the only Velvet Room residents (in P3 and P4) who will never be playable.

Igor's dead (Marie cut his head off). That's why everyone else is hanging around in the outside world now.
Ohhh burnnn. At least he's not alone, Igor is together with Theo as the only Velvet Room residents (in P3 and P4) who will never be playable.

I can almost imagine them hanging out in the Velvet Room with nothing to do.

Theo: Well... Do you want me to get some drinks or something?
Igor: Very well. However, I will need a drinking straw. Do you know how hard it is to drink something having this nose?

I should probably go to bed.


And Fuuka is the only P3/P4 member who has a Persona and yet isn't playable.
Fuuka gets no love :(
Igor's dead (Marie cut his head off). That's why everyone else is hanging around in the outside world now.

Marie confirmed to replace Igor in P5.
I can almost imagine them hanging out in the Velvet Room with nothing to do.

Theo: Well... Do you want me to get some drinks or something?
Igor: Very well. However, I will need a drinking straw. Do you know how hard it is to drink something having this nose?

I should probably go to bed.
I could imagine that already.

Me too.


Namatame (technically)?
:p ...

Not canon.
Presumably dead.
Either dead or alive without a Persona.
A politician now.
You know, of the ones that are canon, alive or at least have a Persona. :p

Edit: lol You didn't mention Metis.
Nobody likes Metis.

I don't think
Namatame awakened to a Persona. He was too much of a loser to get one.
Still less of a loser than
Mitsuo, who's presumably in a padded cell stewing in his own madness, misery, and feces.

A politician now.
"What happened to you,
? They got you pushing too many pencils?"


Cut him some slack. Everyone but him got in the game and his protagonist isn't even canon. He's probably thinking "what am I even doing here".

Theo's putting on a front of being a miserable, beat upon kid brother so that nobody suspects what he is really up to.

Earlier today I tried to convince Buddha and Sophia that we were living in the wrong universe. Here is a picture:

Not canon.
Presumably dead.
Either dead or alive without a Persona.
A politician now.

he ain't dead he just doesn't have his body since it's separated from his soul, which is the seal. Then again I guess you could say he's partially dead.


Persona: Trinity Soul Final Review


Clockwise from Top-left: Orange Coke, Aika, Kenneth and Jun.

It is with the utmost sobriety I come before the assembled Persona-GAF community tonight to issue a warning. This warning is one given to me, which I ignored, but which I will pass to all here assembled in the hopes that future generations might not follow down my misguided path. Do not watch Persona: Trinity Soul. You may find that such words condemn the chances of any impartiality in this review. And you would be right to think that. This anime sucks and I'm not going to cut it any slack out of pity, let alone in the name of 'fair-play.'

Let's jump right into it then.

The Plot, or lack thereof. To be honest I cannot tell you exactly what the plot of the show is. If I had to wager a guess, it'd be that ten years after Persona 3, two boys move in with their big brother, do a bunch of nonsense bullshit, and then maybe or maybe not get eaten by a whale. Okay wait let me try that again. Trinity Soul is actually a show about rival gangs of Persona users in which one gang doesn't obtain its Personas until late in the show and rarely uses them to fight, let alone interact with their enemy, and the other gang of users may or may not exist. No let me try again. Trinity Soul is about a robot who isn't a robot who is a robot who isn't a robot who spreads rumors about metaphysical sex so she can get off. No, I'm sorry. Trinity Soul is about the dangers of brain transplants. No wait it's actually a police drama in which the red tape of Japanese society prevents well meaning investigators from exposing the corruption within and without the police force and protecting the innocent. Oh I'm sorry I meant it's actually a show about a group of teenagers dealing with parental angst. Or was it about brothers who date their brothers while their brothers are possessed by their sisters?

The fact of the matter is that Persona Trinity Soul is a show about nothing. It's full of myriad subplots but there's just two tiny problems with them. There is no overarching plot connecting the subplots and rarely, if ever are the subplots relevant once they've concluded. By which I mean events which ought to be major to the characters (like suddenly floating and kissing after an emotionally traumatic experience) are never again brought up. The series begins with an investigation of a submarine whose crew mysteriously vanished. Although this kicks off the entire investigation in the show, it is never once explained where the crew went. Likewise, at one point a character's humanity is called into question and an entire type of technology introduced for no other reason than to conveniently have said character die. At another point, the show has someone mention a baby Persona being born. This baby Persona is never born, which is for the best because how the shit is a Persona going to have a baby?

And that's just one of an endless list of conflicts this product has with Persona. The most outstanding of these would be the fact that in Trinity Soul, Akihiko grew up to be a fucking loser. Oh, er, I'm sorry, what I meant there was "Adults can't use Personas!" Which of course conflicts with every single Persona game since every single Persona game ever made has had an adult who could use a Persona. I believe Buddha put it best when he said "It's like this show was never actually meant to be Persona and they just stuck the name on there!" At first, I wanted to say it was like they'd never played Persona, but the show kept dropping references to things from Persona, like the Sea of Souls.

At the same time, though, it's clear that Trinity Soul has no idea what that Sea of Souls is, since it later depicted it as the actual, literal, physical, normal ocean. Such subtlety escaping them is made all the more infuriating since they at least seem to understand the concept of symbolism, with that whale feather shit they kept throwing out.

The Theme, Such as there is, is poisonous. Every Persona game has a theme going on. At least one. And I suppose you could say that the same is true of Trinity Soul. It's just that, where the themes of other games were uplifting, like Persona 1's "Be Your True Mind," in Trinity Soul the theme is overwhelmingly negative.

The theme being "Personas are the root of all evil." Which itself is a nonsensical contradiction to the rest of the series, where Personas are simply a tool people use to face the world around them, a natural extension of themselves. Instead Personas are "a distortion" and the key to world peace is to kill them all by combining them all into one and then killing it. Or something. It's better to not expect that much from this show in the way of straightforward plans.

The theme reflects nothing upon the show's flaccid cast, though. The characters themselves undergo no growth in relation to it (they don't really have growth anyway), and none of the show's events really relate to it at all. The best I can tell is that some anime team with some other idea got stuck with Atlus' not-so-subtle beta run of Persona 4's plot and decided to do their best to make it clear they hated it.

Because it's just so much bullshit. At one point, somebody turns into a Persona. Not "Oh I have a Persona patterned after someone." They just become a Persona. And I don't mean their shadow runs rampant. They become a Persona. Pretty much at random.

The Characters, whose names I do not remember.

There are no good characters in this show. For there to be good characters, there'd have to be actual characters and not just lumps of paint rolling around for 25 minutes 26 times. But I'll indulge those of you who insist on labeling such pretenses "characters" all the same.

Subplot 1, the So-Called Plot features the following characters:
1. The hero, who never does anything heroic. He's this sort of wet noodle who just limps his way from one episode to another. I mean you know you suck when you speak constantly and have less to be said about you than any other silent protagonist in the franchise. The most notable thing he does in the entire series is slap his soon-to-be girlfriend in the face moments after she narrowly avoids being gang-raped.
2. The sidekick, this be-fro'd fan of Brazil's national football team is rightly called the best character in the show. That's not saying much, really. It's just that he actually has a token amount of chemistry with his cast mates. In a way, he was undeserving of the name Yoskpei Markichi because he tended to be more heroic than the hero himself. It's just that that was the group dynamic he filled. He also had a weird tendency to bitch out of fights. Most notably he flew away on his Persona at the start of a "major" confrontation and disappeared for most of the episode. To do what? Don't ask questions.
3. The donut haired perky girl. There was nothing all that notable to her, beyond some brief lesbian teasing and a sudden, strange fixation with making sure her best friend did not get laid. Oh, and some shit about oranges.
4. The quiet, reserved girl. Actually the only notable member of the cast but only because a preponderance of bullshit happened to her.
5. Jun, who did nothing but slide into scenes to stare eerily.
6. The shitty older brother, who was a drug abusing cop.

I'd love to tell you more but the template above never changes. Those characters never, ever grow in any way. There is literally nothing else to tell you about them.

I've had better clarity while on drugs than this show has. Scene transitions can be so jarringly sudden that one could sue for whiplash. At times vehicles emerge from the ether to transport characters to places with no explanations at all. An entire episode is spent on trying to save children from kidnappers only to reveal that the whole plan to save the children would have failed if not for random chance, yet everyone celebrates it as if it were a resounding success. People offer lengthy explanations that make less sense with every word. People and plot points go missing for episodes on end without explanation. The exact allegiances and affiliations of numerous key players are never touched upon.

Visually it's shit. None of these are good character designs. I'm pretty sure if you broke every finger in both of my hands and gave me only a lump of rotting fruit to draw with I could still come up with things better than the abominations that are in this. And the animation is every bit as fucking awful as you'd expect from a Persona anime. Then there are the Persona designs (mind you the Personas are NEVER named) which are impossible to look at because they're translucent and the camera bugs the fuck out whenever they appear.

But it's not like the rest of the presentation is any better. The music never fits the scenes it appears in. It's either annoying generic, overly dramatic or just some lifted Lotus Juice you could hear anywhere else. The fight choreography would be more exciting if you watched a three year old play with models of the Personas. I could go on about shitty CGI cars and weird as fuck body movement but the point is it's all around hideous and bad to listen to.

And that leaves just one final point:


Is constantly mentioned, never once seen, and never explained. Which is pretty much the way this show treats everything that happens in it. Lots of Tell. No see. And never an explanation.


Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!

Margret suplexs Lizzy......

Theo's putting on a front of being a miserable, beat upon kid brother so that nobody suspects what he is really up to.

Earlier today I tried to convince Buddha and Sophia that we were living in the wrong universe. Here is a picture:

Persona 4: Ultimax Commercial


All of the Persona protags kinda are....but Tobia would wipe the floor with all of them. Dude doesn't even need a persona, just hand him a fuckin' rifle.

Tobia doesn't even obey the laws of physics, okay? He's insane. At one point a monkey learns to pilot a mech to buy him time. At another point he cuts his own goddamn arm open to fling blood on a chick who was being a possessive biotch.

You don't fuck with Tobia.


Corvo, you're one of the best writers I've seen only post to forums. That review is fan-fucking-tastic.

personally I'd love to see a magazine publish that kind of filth. Hunter S or my friend Toby McCasker level (Toby is in my opinion at least a little insane, which is why he writes so good. You probably have never heard of him, Aussie magazine writer)


I think you need a new system for people to submit this stuff :p

Pictures submitted without a limerick will no longer be counted.

Words inside of pictures that do not phrases in iambic pentameter will result in a penalty banning you from posting in the next picture week.


Guys, I am gonna be honest, I am gonna need help gathering all the Naoto pics :s

Is it okay to repost my pics?

Is it me or does Theo's shadows and overall art look worse than Margaret's? Like it wasn't fully finished.

now that you mentioned it, I cannot unsee it. I wouldn't say worse, but his lines seem to be thicker and darker, the skin color is whiter, yet the shadows are darker... Maybe different artists?

The problem is that Theo's portrait was made for P3P. The portraits in P3, P3F and P3P are noticeable different from the ones used in Persona 4, mainly due to a less saturated color palette and less pronounced shadows. Things like this are one of the reasons why I think that the art direction for Arena is a mess.


Corvo, you're one of the best writers I've seen only post to forums. That review is fan-fucking-tastic.

Aw, shucks.

personally I'd love to see a magazine publish that kind of filth. Hunter S or my friend Toby McCasker level (Toby is in my opinion at least a little insane, which is why he writes so good. You probably have never heard of him, Aussie magazine writer)

I think the moment I said "fuck it I'm not even going to bother pretending to be fair" was the moment that post was disqualified from ever being magazine material, haha.
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