I go for the full-waifu party of Mitsuru, Yukari, and Aigisas if you would expect anything different from me.
You know what's going on.
By the away, awesome pictures everyone. Dat Junpei and Makoto are looking great.
I go for the full-waifu party of Mitsuru, Yukari, and Aigisas if you would expect anything different from me.
You're the man. (☞゚ヮ゚☞
Please do take pictures. You good "man", would be a gentleman and a scholar.
Wait did I miss something that would make people think Sho is the P5 protag? Haven't been around this thread in awhile.
Wait did I miss something that would make people think Sho is the P5 protag? Haven't been around this thread in awhile.
Wait did I miss something that would make people think Sho is the P5 protag? Haven't been around this thread in awhile.
Yeah, there are a bunch of assets for Shadow Marie
Something about a file about Sho named "P5HERO" or something like that.Wait did I miss something that would make people think Sho is the P5 protag? Haven't been around this thread in awhile.
Kanji would hug.
The Ultimax online lobby is incredible. Really had alot of fun with some of you this evening. We need to make this a regular thing.
I will see to it personally that you all fear this man.
I beat p4au. Sho? Not bad.
I beat p4au. Sho? Not bad.
The main thing is that in the game's eboot data, each character is indexed to be called when necessary. All of them have their expected names as labels, except for the data listing Sho as "P5 Hero."Wait did I miss something that would make people think Sho is the P5 protag? Haven't been around this thread in awhile.
Here's a link to an album of the character assets. There aren't any spoilers in there, but it is surprising that they drew art of Shadow Marie, did nothing with it, but left it on the disk.
The Ultimax online lobby is incredible. Really had alot of fun with some of you this evening. We need to make this a regular thing.
I will see to it personally that you all fear this man.
Wait, this many people are really playing the import version? @_@
Wait, this many people are really playing the import version? @_@
Here's a link to an album of the character assets. There aren't any spoilers in there, but it is surprising that they drew art of Shadow Marie, did nothing with it, but left it on the disk.
I beat p4au. Sho? Not bad.
The Ultimax online lobby is incredible. Really had alot of fun with some of you this evening. We need to make this a regular thing.
I will see to it personally that you all fear this man.
Wait, this many people are really playing the import version? @_@
Persona 5: If you thought Marie was our Lightning you haven't seen anything yet
Kind of surprised that nobody has mentioned Pan's Tweets about P4D.
A basic summary is that we should be hearing something very, very soon.
Three Teddies, two Narukamis, two Aigises, and one Yukari made it through. No Yosukes or Minazukis.
Wait, this many people are really playing the import version? @_@
Kind of surprised that nobody has mentioned Pan's Tweets about P4D.
A basic summary is that we should be hearing something very, very soon.
what's a yukari
never heard of that character
You got that right. I've been watching this video of the top PSR Yukari player trying to learn... something :/I seriously respect anyone that can use Yukari. Her combo's are super precise and require great timing. I'll be keeping a close eye on mdesilva, as it looks like he'll be maining her.
Please let the p5hero thing be a joke. Please!
You got that right. I've been watching this video of the top PSR Yukari player trying to learn... something :/
I always suspected Sho would have some kind of tie. It fits Atlus' MO, and he even matches the color scheme of 5. Even P3P teased Catherine.
I hope you're not serious.
I'm dead serious.
All of you guys imported the JAP version? Or am I living in some alternate dimension?
Cool. Here's my prediction:
Sho will have no major role in Persona 5. On the incredibly small chance that he does, he will be a drastically different character both in terms of writing and design.
I wouldn't take anything in Ultimax to mean anything outside of Ultimax. Just consider for a second how much impact the Arena duology has had over Persona 4, let alone 5.
Well 4 was already out by that point. Atlus always likes to tease upcoming projects in new ones. The red theme of P4U2 can't be a coincidence.
I mean the Persona 4 crowd post-Persona 4.
And yes it can. Innocent Sin also had a red theme, and vaguely similar visuals too.
Well 4 was already out by that point. Atlus always likes to tease upcoming projects in new ones. The red theme of P4U2 can't be a coincidence.