Alright, everyone, I think it's time I post this. Since yesterday, I have been analyzing the Persona 5 trailer, and putting together possible theories. Here they are. Tell me what you think.
Theory 1: Official Website Update and Release Date
Shortly after the second teaser trailer was shown at SCEJA Press Conference 2014, the official website for Persona 5 ( was updated. The background visual was changed, showing the fifth chain broken. The image name is also "bg_visual02.jpg" which leads me to believe this is definitely not the final background visual we'll get. What am I saying, exactly? Well. I have a feeling that every month, we'll get a new teaser trailer, showing a character in the game, similar to the trailer we got at the SCEJA Press Conference. To further back this theory, take a look at the "MOVIE" button on the official site. The movie will be updated, as shown by "09.01 UP" and it having the title "btn_movie02_on.jpg" With each new trailer, a new chain will break, until each chain has broken, opening a non-teaser version of the site.
Chain 5: September 1, 2014
Chain 4: October 1, 2014
Chain 3: November 1, 2014
Chain 2: December 1, 2014
Chain 1: January 1, 2015
After that, I believe we'll get gameplay videos and a full PV for the game for the rest of the month leading up to the game. I believe the release date will be February 5, 2015, judging from this theory and how they may want to make the next teaser trailers for characters and plot themes in the game. February 5, 2015 also falls on a Thursday, and follows the "five" motif Persona 5 was announced with. Game director and producer Katsura Hashino himself, never said that the game won't be coming out in early 2015. He just said the game will be out in 2015.