Look familiar, anyone?
Maybe, though I would add that it maybe also the voice direction for the game. A voice actor is just one part of the equation, the other is the voice director among other things. Even if an voice actor has amazing range, they're only as good as the person who's directing them.
Out of curiosity- who here is planning on playing Persona 4 Arena: Ultimax seriously who didn't try hard to get good or play much of the first P4A?
Like, if you actively tried to practice in P4A for an extended period of time (consistently over several months or something), then I'm not really talking about you.
I've been thinking about giving it a shot. And just to clarify - it'd be my first fighting game since Tekken 3 (I kid you not!)
It's going to be a Rise couple of months at work.
I bet you ten bucks that PersonaGAF could write a better Persona anime than Trinity Soul.
Awesome. Is this the one from the Persona Magazine?
I forgot to mention, I wonder if the reason we haven't seen any P4D is because of P5's delay, so they're spreading it all out thinner than they had planned.
I mentioned this the day we got the new trailer but I personally think it's just a coincidence.
I still have hopes for a fall release!
Persona 3 Portable
And in the Fourth-to-Fifth Month, The Lord went about, initiating Social Links. Harem Jesus Bravo exudes a mystical aura of infinite CHARM, enabling him to begin getting to know Yukari extremely early in the game. The Lord of Harems saith unto her, "Yeah, Apathy Syndrome cases going down are definitely Our doing!" but in that day Yukari bar-Eiichiro did not yet understand the words of our Harem Lord. In the mean time, time was spent calling upon leprous, sinful, adulterous, deviant, vile, repulsive, miserable, evil sinner Kenji, who promptly rejected the teachings of our Lord. "What manner of woman seek ye to love?" he asked, hoping to ensnare the Lord with his words and categories and thereby garner support for his Pharisaic belief in dating only older women, but Harem Jesus answered and said unto him, "Verily, Verily, I say unto thee: I like all kinds of girls." And the sinner's mouth was shut. Afterward, The Lord went unto the elderly, and to the Gaijentile, and to that really, really creepy stalker kid who carved his name into his knee. Unto these was the GoSLinkpel of lookin' rad declared.
[Save Game]
[Title Screen](So we don't fuck up and overwrite data)
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Clara spent most of her time desperately trying to get Junpei to realize she wants his baseball bat, and other sports-related euphemisms to no avail. In a moment of extreme weakness she Rank 1'd with Bebe, but felt pretty dirty about the whole thing the next morning. She helped out at Maw and Paw's Used Books and Sad Memories store, and had a little heart to heart with Yukari at the coffee shop. That heart to heart went like this, I like to think:
Clara: Bitch if you touch Junpei, I swear to YHWH I will cut you.
Yukari: I guess I was being selfish when I said we were alike. I mean, both your parents are dead.
Clara: Bitch did you just bring up my dead parents I will shove this cute spoon up your nose and extract your brain Egyptian style, do you hear me?
Yukari: I'm so glad we could chat!
Okay so maybe not. Maybe there was fixed dialogue and I just pretended those words were said. Maybe what actually happened is the two of them bonded. Or, in keeping with our terrible rom-com operation, things went down thus:
Like I have any idea how girls talk in real life or rom-coms
Clara: He just doesn't listen!
Yukari: Why would you want to hook up with Stupei anyway?
Clara: You don't know him like I do. He's really a sensitive guy.
Yukari: Who can't tell you're into him.
Trounced by Yukari's incredible wordplay, Clara left the cafe to rethink her life decisions and that's when the boss man called her up and said he wanted her to meet his secretary. Clara figured it'd probably be some wacky girl, since she'd over heard Bravo-kun mention someone like that, but low-and-behold:
God Bless Mother Nature, She's a Single Woman.
And then we went up 80 floors of Tartarus in a single night. Technically 40, but since we did it twice, it was 80. It felt like this. The operative goal for Bravo's side is to get Gurr up to level 18 to get the Growth 1 skill card so we can build up Orpheus M without having to use it. We don't have a goal for Clara's side, other than maxing the stats of Orpheus Telos and I guess getting the Victory Cry card and putting it on like, everything.
That's the only thing I don't like about his drawings. And it's a shame because they're really well done.That picture is really, really good. But man, his characters all look really similar.
I think it's because the way he draws his mouth and eyes. I do the same too actually :xThat picture is really, really good. But man, his characters all look really similar.
That picture is really, really good. But man, his characters all look really similar.
yeah, it's visually impressive but at the sometime I can't help but feel...bored.
Look familiar, anyone?
Persona 4 possibly inspired by Sailor Moon?!?
Quite a stretch but most likely a homage if anything.
Personally I think it's coincidence. A pile of TV's with someone's face on the screen isn't exactly an uncommon concept.
If I'm missing a joke here, please slap
Quite a stretch but most likely a homage if anything.
Personally I think it's coincidence. A pile of TV's with someone's face on the screen isn't exactly an uncommon concept.
If I'm missing a joke here, please slap
We still haven't actually seen Soejima's own rendition of the guy. Usually his are a bit more distinct than the anime cutscene versions.
That's actually exactly the level I want to be at, more or less. My ultimate goal (for now) is to be able to be able to put up a fight in major tournament. Not necessarily to place, but to at least be able to possibly take a game on my opponent.
Though, with only being able to netplay, I'm not sure what the point/possibility of that is![]()
I am unbelievably garbage at P4A (and fighters in general) but I'm definitely gonna pick up P4AU and maybe honestly starting trying to get alright at it.
Uuugh. You've just reminded me that now that they've shown something, the wait is going to be unbearable for new news.
Love P3 and P4, but let's start fresh again with P5. PQ and P4D are already going to fill that void with the characters from the previous games.
Dont worry when persona 5 ultra tombstone piledriver comes out you can see older yu and friends.
and his relationship with naoto because best girl
Believe it or not, the puns were added in after the fact. I didn't have them in originally when I typed it....
I guess you could say I wasn't sho about the puns?![]()
I wonder if a hypothetical Arena 3 would be a fresh start as well and ditch most of the characters from the P-1 Grandprix arc.