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Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)

yeah not first language so sometimes can be misunderstand, like i was not being sarcastic but i think may have implied wrong way

Don't worry too much about it, I was the same too when I moved from Portugal to Canada. After a bunch of years here I can safely say that I am fluent in both languages, all it takes is time. The more you write/speak, the better you will get. Your sentences are coherent enough for me to understand at least, so there's that :p


What if, and I'm making an educated guess, what if Male MC is the canon timeline and Marie was considered to potentially be P4G's FeMC before being relegated to a Velvet Room attendant.

What if Persona 3 Portable's FeMC is in Persona 5, but as a Velvet Room attendant because her time as a S.E.E.S. Member was in an alternate reality.

Does that partially explain why she's alive in P3? What if her family actually moved to Tokyo instead. Does that make her canon?

What if man.

FeMC confirmed for Persona 5 guys. I mean red color scheme, P5 has red as it's theme.

By extension P3 and P4 are connected to P5 and we will see another crossover in the near future.


Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
What if, and I'm making an educated guess, what if Male MC is the canon timeline and Marie was considered to potentially be P4G's FeMC before being relegated to a Velvet Room attendant.

What if Persona 3 Portable's FeMC is in Persona 5, but as a Velvet Room attendant because her time as a S.E.E.S. Member was in an alternate reality.

Does that partially explain why she's alive in P3? What if her family actually moved to Tokyo instead. Does that make her canon?

What if man.

FeMC confirmed for Persona 5 guys. I mean red color scheme, P5 has red as it's theme.

By extension P3 and P4 are connected to P5 and we will see another crossover in the near future.


DINGO updated their page for P4D (http://dingo.co.jp/blog_persona4d_00001.html)

Only thing different is that instead of Index Corporation's website URL being in the description, the new ATLUS corporate site is in the description. They probably forgot to update this after April 1, 2014, when ATLUS became a company again and the IPs became part of SEGA. They were late to update the banner copyright text, too. What I'm saying is: Why not delete the page if you're not working on the project anymore? Instead they updated corporate URLs.

I don't get what's going on, honestly.

Ok, now I'm confused.


One-sided relationship where Atlus has cut all of their Dingo pictures and erased their phone number, while Dingo is constantly calling Atlus, leaving messages like: "Please call back, baby. I know I can do better this time."
What if, and I'm making an educated guess, what if Male MC is the canon timeline and Marie was considered to potentially be P4G's FeMC before being relegated to a Velvet Room attendant.

What if Persona 3 Portable's FeMC is in Persona 5, but as a Velvet Room attendant because her time as a S.E.E.S. Member was in an alternate reality.

Does that partially explain why she's alive in P3? What if her family actually moved to Tokyo instead. Does that make her canon?

What if man.

FeMC confirmed for Persona 5 guys. I mean red color scheme, P5 has red as it's theme.

By extension P3 and P4 are connected to P5 and we will see another crossover in the near future.



PK Gaming

One-sided relationship where Atlus has cut all of their Dingo pictures and erased their phone number, while Dingo is constantly calling Atlus, leaving messages like: "Please call back, baby. I know I can do better this time."

"I know you've been sleeping with that bitch Arcys. How could you do this to me, I thought our relationship was Megidolaon rock solid."


I'm really questioning Atlus' decision on making bot PQ and DAN canon.

I love it. They totally just thought "screw it, make it all canon" knowing they were about to move on so they could screw up the P4 canon as much as they wanted.

In regards to the P4D changes: I'd much rather more detailed faces than clothing. I'm way more likely to pay attention to the former. I don't like the changes in the colours though, it looks a lot...duller than the first trailer.

I can't wait for the music in this game. It's the one thing I know will be amazing.

Edit: That Reach Out to the Truth remix is dope yo
No worries; I noticed a few hiccups here and there, but your English is good. What's your first language, though?

first language is korean but english is def improving, glad there are korean translations of the games atlus making

i want to ask a specific question about the ending of desu2 --> new content and how it fits together canon wise but i cannot find thread on neogaf, dont want to mess up this thread


What if, and I'm making an educated guess, what if Male MC is the canon timeline and Marie was considered to potentially be P4G's FeMC before being relegated to a Velvet Room attendant.

What if Persona 3 Portable's FeMC is in Persona 5, but as a Velvet Room attendant because her time as a S.E.E.S. Member was in an alternate reality.

Does that partially explain why she's alive in P3? What if her family actually moved to Tokyo instead. Does that make her canon?

What if man.

FeMC confirmed for Persona 5 guys. I mean red color scheme, P5 has red as it's theme.

By extension P3 and P4 are connected to P5 and we will see another crossover in the near future.


Lay off the alcohol.


I changed my mind. Let's talk about why this is shit.


Persona 4 The Golden Animation 11

First off, the episode begins by blatantly ripping off Evangelion. Let's look at that.

Persona is a series I feel tends to actually do a good job handling its own symbols just fine, and P4 manages to keep a pretty tight grip on its symbols, but this train scene is absurd. Nevermind that its ripping something else off, let's ask why is this happening at all? We ended last episode on a segue to a boss fight and this one begins with some weird metaphysical, metaphorical train ride. Except that trains aren't particularly important to Persona 4. They appear when Yu rides in and out of Inaba and that's about it. So why are we on this train at all? We're barely even into the episode and this is already just really, really obtuse.


That moment you realize Marie's entire arc is about a girl who is so afraid of farting in front of her HS crush she tries to commit suicide.

I'm not as certain on this particular sin, so someone else can correct me if they'd like, but I feel like this scene misses the point that the game brings up. In the game, it felt like the idea was that you killing Ameno Sagiri was what was causing Marie's spiral, but here its more like Marie entered this spiral to save the team. It sort of transitions her from being the unfortunate victim of your team's quest to save the world to a tragic heroine, and the former is undoubtedly the more engaging shade of moral grey for the plot.

In this scene we see again the show completely mishandling its metaphors. Who even has this stupid comb? Does Margaret have it? Does Yu? How did Yu get it into his pocket? Are we to believe in an actual inventory existing inside his pocket? If that's the case, how does Margaret have it in the Velvet Room? And then Yu has it moments later. Is this glowing comb meant to symbolize the items people give you when you reach rank 10 allowing you to summon new Personae? If that's the case, then why isn't Yu summoning the ultimate Aeon Persona in this scene?

It's just a weird, sloppy scene.



So I'm not going to rehash the Whale Feathers complaint. Instead, let's look at it pretending that Trinity Soul never happened (which you would all like very much to do). Ask yourselves, when did feathers enter into the symbolic equation? This is like when FFVII decided that Sephiroth could have a feather motif even though that was an FFVIII thing. Are these feathers supposed to be symbolic of something? What? Are the Heavens opening and angels are just moulting down on the team? Is Marie an angel? Where were these feathers in P4G, P4AU or PQ? At first I thought they might be a reference to the show's ED, except that no, those are flower petals. Probably Cherry Blossoms.

Jesus Christ, is there any contrived, generic, used up, hackneyed, cliche symbol Marie doesn't get?


Veni Veni Venias, Ne Me Mori Facias MARIEPHEROTH

I know I already made a fart joke but come on. Say it with me, people:


Let's talk about this scene. And by talk I mean let me just pose two questions to you:

1. Is Marie physically present?
2. How the fuck do Personae work?

Because if Marie isn't present, the fact that her face is shown during the argument against the arena background is strange as fuck, and if she is present, why isn't she visible in this shot? And why isn't Yu reacting to his Persona getting strangled? Earlier in this episode Marie was strangling him aboard a train which, by the way, isn't in this area at all, but now his Persona is getting choked and Yu is standing around like he doesn't feel jack.

Except that in P4tA, when Izanagi socks Shadow Yosuke, he reacts like Yu is punching him, and I swear earlier in this show when Personae got hit, the IT seemed to share that pain. Its basically what I assumed happened since your mind is being hurt so you share that pain. But here there seems to be a complete abandonment of that entire concept. So the fuck do Personae do?



The fuck did you just say?
Okay I know that the show added the element of everybody suffering Memory loss over Marie last time and I know that to some extent that -was- in the game but they seriously just awarded Marie a power that makes no fucking sense at all. Maybe I'm just uneducated on the whole story of Japanese legend, but Izanami's power set within Persona 4 is exclusively the realm of Weather. Like, that's why Izanagi is Zio. That's why the villains work through fog. That's why it rains when you meet her. That's why the game has an entire fucking weather system in it. That's why Marie goes on to be a weather girl.

Where the fuck do memories enter into this picture?! I mean, if Marie is an aspect of the big I, whose powers are derived presumably from Human belief in Izanami, then how does she acquire powers beyond that setting?

Just absolutely absurd.

So here's the thing. I actually think that, hideous derp faces aside (and I likely won't be posting those because you ALL know they're there anyway), I really feel that these shots were cool. The transition to Level 3 Personae looked nice. I know the designs are dumb but who cares? It was a cool shot.

HOWEVER, let's not overlook the stupid shit going on here, shall we? The party just hit their Level 3 Personae, bypassing their Level 2s. In game those are achieved by maxing out Social Links, coming to personal epiphanies about onesself, and realizing that there is still a lot of growing and changing and maturing to go on in one's life. Your party received their maxed Personae by growing up, and as your relationship strengthened you in return received more powerful Personae, until at the end of both P3 and P4 you acquired the Ultimate Persona.


Nobody gets their Persona from a valuable personal revelation. No, instead, they all get theirs when Marie finally admits she doesn't want to die. Although on the surface there is an operative similarity of the Power of Friendship conquering all horrible scenarios, the difference is as vast and deep as the salted abyss. Ask yourselves: What did Rise realize in this scene that gave her a greater Persona? What is Kanji's relationship with Marie, that it grew so strong here? What did anybody learn about themselves? Because that's how you get a Persona. You don't get a Persona by saying you had a lot of fun singing a duet. I guess if you want to say that Marie is the protagonist and this is her maxing her social links, but even then it falls apart when you ask when Naoto ever interacted personally with Marie to the point of getting a strong Persona.

This is the difference between Marie in this anime and Labrys. Labrys gets a Persona in Arena, but its her own and its a starter. The climax of her tale is a new beginning with the cast of both P3 and P4, but Marie, instead, has triggered a vast number of Personae to evolve for -no- reason. I mean, this isn't even the conclusion of this mess! The episode hints right at that shit! Which brings us all to the next big offense.

Christ I'm not even 9 minutes through this episode, yet.

Are you fucking kidding me?! Hey let's give Yu his level 2 Persona! What could be wrong about that? I mean its not like this just happened without him having that epiphany where he realizes the strength and importance of his social links. You know, THE CENTRAL THEME OF MODERN PERSONA. It's not like this scene wasn't the centerpiece of the final battle. Nah. Let's let his [what does he have? Newfound determination to save Marie? Nothing changes inside him to trigger this evolution AT ALL.] be the catalyst for this pivotal moment in his life and entrance into the world of Men. I mean its not like we're completely fucking over the narrative of the entire story for the sake of fellating our perfect waifu or something! No sir!

God this shot of the hero with the sword looking at the coffin containing the princess is really familiar. Where have I seen a scene like this?

Man, I mean, its really familiar but I can't quite place it.

This is really, really bugging me, guys. I know I've seen this struggle of a hero with a sword in a school uniform to save a girl from a coffin surrounded by plantlife somewhere before.

But I just can't quite place it!

Surely a quality production like Persona 4: Golden: The Animation, which has had nothing but tender love and care poured into it, would never consider ripping off one of the most iconic anime of all time, right? A series with so much rich imagery and with such successful accolades of its own would never need to blatantly rip off some of the most memorable scenes from one of the most well known anime ever made, right? Right. Must just be me.

But you know what is off about this scene? That katana! Where did Yu get that? Since when has a Persona 4 anime had the IT using weapons? Where does that katana go seconds later for the hug? Where was that Katana when we entered this dungeon? If this dungeon stripped away all of our snow gear, it should've stripped away all of Yu's inventory, including, among other things, the comb and the katana. So where the fuck did he get it?

Where did all this bamboo come from? Is this taking place inside of Marie? Is Yu metaphorically inside her right now? Freud'd love that. Though that isn't usually the kind of psychology that Persona covers. Is this where the train took place? Was that inside Yu or Marie?

How much of this episode is a metaphor for Yu and Marie having angry sex in front of the Investigation Team?

And then we follow that emotional climax of everybody's personal realizations with a tasteful shot of Naoto's asscrack! Anime is art guys.

Please do, Rise. This whole anime being a terrible Chinese knock off/ American fanfiction would explain a lot, and you might try to sue for defamation of character.

From there the episode returns to the actual events of the game, and so its not much worth commenting on. Even the stupid bath scene, which was unnecessary in the game and includes everybody's favorite conversation that no human being would ever have "oh your skin let me feel you up in case boys are looking!" happens.

But there is one final sin we need to levy against this show.

Valentine's Day got reduced to the last like, three minutes. I mean, look at the structure of this episode. There are random scene changes for the first 10 minutes and somehow the boss fight is only good enough to last about 11 minutes top. So they had to fill in the rest of the space. I'll give them the bath scene, but that only brings us about 15 minutes. The last 5 they decide to not give a fuck and just do Valentine's Day, cutting all kinds of stuff from that even for no damn reason. To its credit, Nanako's scene is legitimately funny, but its still ridiculous that they did this shit.

On rare occasion this anime has some cool shots, but they're so mired in a swamp of pure awful and terrible animation that I don't really recommend that anybody ever wade through it to see them. I can't imagine what it is like for people who have never played P4 in any incarnation to experience it for the first time this way. This whole thing has to be an elaborate farce. Its just too horrible to be anything else.


SHE better not take igors place.

You are going to have your Marie..and LIKE it.

So...about that P4D message on the Persona Channel website...

Google translate isn't helping much, so it would be appreciated if someone with sound understanding of the Japanese language could help us out...

Does it confirm that Dingo is still very much involved, just maybe in a smaller capacity or something like that?


Is Revolutionary Girl Utena worth watching? If it is I'll skip reading Corvo's post

Revolutionary Girl Utena is to shoujo what Neon Genesis Evangelion is to mecha anime. If this didn't immediately turn you off, then you should totally watch it.

Atlus actually put out a message about the Dingo situation.

If I understand it correctly, Dingo is still involved but the Persona team has increased their involvement? Something like that anyhow.

It's along the lines (paraphrased) "For those of you who are looking forward to P4D, we are sorry to have kept you waiting. In order to increase the quality more, we have shifted development to the main Persona staff with the cooperation of Dingo, to show the best efforts of everyone on the staff. We're working hard towards launch with the aim of early next year, so please anticipate it. With the new trailer we were only able to show off a few arranged songs and characters, so we plan to deliver darker/more serious stuff next time. Thank you very much."

.... Pepsiman can probably give a much better translation as I'm not sure about a lot of that. But the basic gist of it is easy to understand.


So today is September 20, 18 years ago this little title on the PlayStation released today....

Boy how the series has changed.

Who would ever thought that there would be Social Link in the third installment?

But it's amazing how far the series have grown. I hope it continue to do so.

PK Gaming

Corvo's post gets [Redacted]'s seal of approval. P4GA is hot garbage, and that episode is super hot garbage. Just trash all around.

Is Revolutionary Girl Utena worth watching? If it is I'll skip reading Corvo's post

It is, but his post doesn't include any major spoilers. Just some shots from the final episode(?)


Corvo's post gets [Redacted]'s seal of approval. P4GA is hot garbage, and that episode is super hot garbage. Just trash all around.

It is, but his post doesn't include any major spoilers. Just some shots from the final episode(?)

Technically there is one final shot from the final episode, but even that isn't much of a spoiler. Most of those shots are from episode 9, actually.

PK Gaming

So today is September 20, 18 years ago this little title on the PlayStation released today....

Boy how the series has changed.

In some ways it has, and it some ways it hasn't.

Persona will always be about a bunch of highschool friends tackling personal problems, fighting with supernatural forces to destroy supernatural forces and ultimately saving the world.

Where the fuck is my Persona 1 anime


Corvo, your post is, once again, godlike, but there is one slight problem with it.

Marie does indeed enter herself into the TV world to remove the fog from the equation once and for all. It is very much a sacrificial gesture to save everyone else that she thinks she MUST do to save everyone. While Sagiri's death does indeed trigger the fog going haywire, she does take it upon herself to basically end herself in a way that will also force everyone else to completely forget her existence. I mean, you can look at it as Marie being a "victim", but in reality this was her purpose, her reason to exist in the first place, as the being that releases the fog into the town, and then removes it when the time is right.

Outside of that, yeah, everything else is spot on. Marie in the game wasn't a bad character, just horribly underused. And the anime decided to go in the complete opposite extreme, making that bad as well.


Corvo, your post is, once again, godlike, but there is one slight problem with it.

Marie does indeed enter herself into the TV world to remove the fog from the equation once and for all. It is very much a sacrificial gesture to save everyone else that she thinks she MUST do to save everyone. While Sagiri's death does indeed trigger the fog going haywire, she does take it upon herself to basically end herself in a way that will also force everyone else to completely forget her existence.

Outside of that, yeah, everything else is spot on. Marie in the game wasn't a bad character, just horribly underused. And the anime decided to go in the complete opposite extreme, making that bad as well.

Yeah, like I said, I wasn't very certain on that point.
I changed my mind. Let's talk about why this is shit.

This was an awesome post. All of the posts you made before about each episode were also really great too, and I thank you for that.

I didn't watch the episode yet (though I'm still tempted to so I can see for myself how bad it was). Not surprised about Persona changes because it was the only thing I can think of as a comeback factor, though I was surprised that they added Yu's evolution and skipped the second one for party members (should have been with the previous episodes against Redacted. Of course, they didn't actually do anything important in that episode, like how in the original they actually
fought Ameno Sagiri).
If everything is true, then the thing I'm most disappointed about is probably Valentine's Day, which was treated like the getting lost event during the ski trip (badly).

I think the general consensus is that Redacted episodes were the best, with Christmas, Beach, and Babe Hunt events relatively high up? And everything else ranging from mediocre to garbage.


@iiotenki on Twitter!
Sal over on Gematsu is running a translation of that message soon that I helped out on, but the gist of it is that primary development of Dancing has shifted to Persona team and that they're aiming to get the game out as early into 2015 as possible. Dingo is mostly operating in a "cooperative" capacity, which I take to mean technical support, since they obviously designed the engine and presumably any custom made development tools required to generate content.
Wait, what?! Today is also my birthday! Crazy!
Happy Birthday!
Sal over on Gematsu is running a translation of that message soon that I helped out on, but the gist of it is that primary development of Dancing has shifted to Persona team and that they're aiming to get the game out as early into 2015 as possible. Dingo is mostly operating in a "cooperative" capacity, which I take to mean technical support, since they obviously designed the engine and presumably any custom made development tools required to generate content.
I figured that Dingo was still part of the project but yeah. Along with Early 2015 does make sense and I'm gonna assume this is gonna be how in terms of release dates.......
Persona 4: Dancing All Night February-May 2015
Persona 5 June-August 2015
But that's me speculating at this point.


Sal over on Gematsu is running a translation of that message soon that I helped out on, but the gist of it is that primary development of Dancing has shifted to Persona team and that they're aiming to get the game out as early into 2015 as possible. Dingo is mostly operating in a "cooperative" capacity, which I take to mean technical support, since they obviously designed the engine and presumably any custom made development tools required to generate content.
Wow, interesting. Seems like DINGO weren't developing up to Atlus' standards.
Sal over on Gematsu is running a translation of that message soon that I helped out on, but the gist of it is that primary development of Dancing has shifted to Persona team and that they're aiming to get the game out as early into 2015 as possible. Dingo is mostly operating in a "cooperative" capacity, which I take to mean technical support, since they obviously designed the engine and presumably any custom made development tools required to generate content.

I feel like Love Live is involved in some way


Seems like Atlus dropping Dingo is actually a good sign to me, I think. It says a lot about P-Studio's ethics that they're basically taking a hit on whatever money they'd paid out to Dingo and spending additional time and money developing themselves, rather than release a bad game. It also shows that hey, Hashino actually knows how to do his job as a producer, and that they won't just stamp their studio name on anything.

Also, it makes sense about the difference in animation and whatnot. If it's being developed internally within P Studio, they'll be much more familiar with Soejima's style, not to mention having Soejima right across the room to advise them.

It's going to be another case of "I wonder what the game would have been like if this hadn't happened?" though.
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